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What is your and MU's gender in your first playthrough?



127 members have voted

  1. 1. Your and MU's gender in your first playthrough

    • Male playing as Male MU
    • Male playing as Female MU
    • Female playing as Male MU
    • Female playing as Female MU

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My reason for Female MU

- I'm female

- I want to marry Chrom

for Male MU

- I want to marry Chrom's child/Manakete/Olivia

I really can't make decision because I may not have a chance to play the 2nd+ playthrough.

but I make this poll because I'm just curious about everyone's choice in your first playthrough and why.

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I really can't make decision because I may not have a chance to play the 2nd+ playthrough.

Absurd. There's always a chance for another playthrough, especially here.

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Because of what I decided, I'll be playing Male Avatars on my FE 3DS and Female on my local copy, then swap when I complete their support galleries for each gender..

I'll be female playing a Male Avatar for 2 months or so, and marrying, (So far) in this order: Lucina, Sully, Cordelia, Sumia, Say'ri, Maribelle, (unknown until end) -> Tharja

Say'ri's position might change, depends on what she's like in English. Certainly I'll have a better idea of marriage order after Cordelia after I play the game.

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I don't know if I'll finish or just create and put in box to grab on a run, but my first MU I create will be "Thalia" (See the "Theme Builds" topic), so since I'm a guy, Male playing Female...? (If that's my first PT. not sure if finish)

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I was originally going to go Male to marry Lucina, since I've liked her ever since she was revealed before the Japanese release. But I'm also considering going Female to marry Chrom, and thus make Morgan a total badass. Plus, that way I could use Miyuki Sawashiro's voice and make a Milla Maxwell themed Avatar.

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Male playing as male.

I'm planning a second early playthrough with a female MU, using a specific theme, but I'm not going to pair her up due to that same "theme", and so won't get Morgan. Due to that problem, I'll leave her for a second playthrough.

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Female, since, well, I'm female. And FEMALEPRIESTANDKINGNUNWITHAXE! Oh, and Libra/Gerome, whichever will be less awkward of a pairing for me.

My other playthrough will be a male because of a friend of mine -refusing- to get a 3DS and the game, but wants his waifu to be Sumia.

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I'll primarily be playing first as a female MU because:

a. I'm female

b. My character wants Chrom (and frankly so do I) xD

c. This will be my normal playthrough so I can get a feel for the game

However, I will most likely be playing my male MU simultaneously, at least far enough to get him in the My Unit Compendium so that I can use him in my female playthrough (so I can have Micah be with his sister). :D

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Male first, then female. Just following my usual default for games like this, FE7, Dragon Age, Elder Scrolls, etc. Character won't be me, though, but an archetype I keep rehashing for all games of this nature.

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I am a female playing as the Female!MU because:

1 - My sister hates 'self inserts' so I'm going to piss her off by naming my MU after myself. /troll face.

2 - I want to marry Krom & his fabulous butt in those swimming trunks.

3 - I want to marry every other male character because they're all so beautiful. Especially Azure♥.

& then on my second playthrough I'll be Male!MU because, oh dear lawd.

LUCINA. I have the biggest girl crush on her & I regret nothing.

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My reason for Female MU

- I'm female

- I want to marry Chrom


If it weren't for the marriage factor, I'd be repeating what I did with FE12: make a male MU for eye candy.

BUT MARRIAAAAAGE! D8 apparently I do have feminine traits. lol

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