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DLC Conversation/Script Thread


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AH I love that Henry/Ricken conversation. Now I know why I saw a couple of drawings on Pixiv of them holding hands. And that is so informing, now we know why Ricken can't reclass into a Dark Mage. Shoot, school, why do you have to get in the way. "OTL I can't wait to transcribe my claimed conversations, these are all so cool.

I have a feeling that your going to enjoy the Ricken/Gregor conversation.

Anyway Chrom/Freddy was my favourite convo of the dlc.

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[spoiler=Harvest Scramble]

Laurent & Gerome



Laurent. A moment, please?


Hmm? Is something wrong, Gerome? You look unwell.


I've had a lot on my mind lately, and it's been giving me nasty headaches.


My condolences. But might I ask what it is that has you so distressed?


It's us. Our generation, come back from the future. I fear we're...losing focus.




We've become...not 'tourists,' perhaps, but we've lost a sense of urgency. I keep thinking we need to recall our purpose here. You, me, all of us... Hence the headaches.


I suspected you were feeling this way. Honestly, I'm in the same boat...


So you see it too.


I do. Especially of late, our forces have been prone to...idle distraction.


Yes. Just look how eager everyone is to indulge in this frivolous festival. It's good of us to protect these people, true, but still...it's worrisome. But I'm glad to know I'm not alone in my concerns, Laurent.


As am I. It seems we share good sense.


I've always considered you a kindred spirit among our peers, Laurent. And I'm certain I'll continue to depend on you in the coming fight.


Thank you, Gerome. That's high praise indeed, coming from you! I'm honored.


It falls upon us to keep ourselves focused and to carry on the fight in earnest.


Indeed. We have a realm and a generation to save, after all. All right. I'm ready to dive back into combat- risk and ruination be damned!


Er...right. That wasn't quite what I had in mind, but...



Ah, Gerome!


Hm? What is it?


Here. Have some of this fruit. I'm told it's a specialty of the region.


it certainly looks good.


It is. One of the locals gave it to me earlier. Go on, give it a try!


Hm... Yes, perhaps I shall.


Have as much as you like. I've got plenty.


I was about to say that's quite the haul you've got there. It's nice of you to make the rounds and share your windfall with the rest of us.


Oh, it's just you, actually.


...Just me?


Yes. To be honest...I was inspired by our previous conversation. I realized you are precisely the type of person I should fraternize with more often.


I...I see.


You're dilligent and focused. You know your priorities and don't shy from ugly truths. You're also fiercely dedicated to your allies but don't indulge in idle social prattling. we're alike in that. I feel certain ours will be an edifying partnership.


Hmm. That's...very kind of you. Still, I'm a little surprised.


Oh? Is this gesture so out of character for me? I hope I haven't offended...


Not at all. But you would do well to spend time with the others too. The bonds that link allies are of critical importance in combat. Any effort you make to grow closer to the others can only make you stronger.






No, your point is compelling. I just hadn't expected you of all people to make it. You're not exactly known for being a team player among the troops...


I...suppose you're right. I didn't even know I was acting strange until now. Though you've been the same way lately. Apparently it's contagious.


Hah. Perhaps so. Still, I cannot deny the truth of your words. Fostering bonds is important. Perhaps I'll go share this fruit with the others after all.


A prudent plan. Though I'm glad you came to me first, Laurent. It's nice to have someone to speak freely with, and I'm glad that someone is you.


The pleasure is all mine.

Inigo & Brady



Oh. Hey, Inigo.




Hello? Anybody home?




HEY! Quit ignorin' me, pretty boy!


Gah! ...Yeesh, Brady. Don't sneak up on me like that. And why the shouting out of the blue? Is something wrong?


It ain't out of the blue, and I didn't sneak up on nobody! I called your name, but you were starin' off into space.


You did? Er, I was? Ha ha, sorry...

Good grief... What's got you so preoccupied?


Oh, just... It's nothing.


Lemme guess. You were thinkin' about how it'd feel to get up and dance at a festival like this?


Wha-?! N-no way! I'd never want to-


Nailed it, huh? You're lookin' everywhere but my eyes. Heh, you're a terrible liar.


B-but I'm not lying! Why would I think something like that? We're in the middle of a battle here. The only thing on my mind is the Risen! They're all I can think about! Promise!


Well, that ain't healthy neither.


I'm just really eager to fight them. You know me: Mr Serious Fighter! I mean, it'd be a crime to see them wreck that AMAZING stage... Or to let them hurt any of these people who would LOVE my newest routine... Or to tear down that garland that just gave me the PERFECT idea for a new move... But I mean, really, who has time to think about dancing at a time like this?


...If you were any more transparent, you'd be invisible. I dunno whether to be insulted or impressed that you thought I'd buy it.




How many years do you think I've heard you go on about your dreams, Inigo? If you're starin' off into space, it's obvious what's kickin' around your head.


Ha ha... Yes... I suppose...you're...right... ......


Aaaaand there he goes again.





Imagining yourself dancin' again?


Huh? Oh, Brady. You caught me again. How embarrassing...


What's there to be embarrassed about? It's your dream, ain't it?


W-wait, why are you being so serious all of a sudden? ...Ohh, I get it. You've been picturing yourself playing violin here, haven't you?


Heh. Look at you, tryin' to turn the tables... Yeah. You're half right.


Only half?


You remember our promise, Inigo?


A promise? What, between us?


Yeah. Talkin' about you dancing for the people here made me remember. We were just kids. I don't blame you for forgettin' it.


What was it?


To do what our mothers swore to, but never got the chance.




I'd play violin while you danced.


Oh...right! We'd go from town to town performing at festivals and feasts... We wanted to make as many people forget the war and smile as we could.

So you do remember!


Yeah! We wanted to use whatever talent we had to make people's lives easier. I remember our mothers always talking like that and getting all excited...


But they both died before they got the chance to see it through... The two of us promised to take up where they left off.


I wonder how I could have forgotten something like that until now...


We had other things to worry about. Our world didn't leave kids a whole lotta time for dreamin'.


Still, knowing I lost sight of something so important... I just... *Sniff* I'm sorry... Mother...and Maribelle...please forgive me...


*Sniffle* S-stop that... Wh-what kinda ladies' man cries like that?


*Sob* Well, why do you always have to look so scary when you cry?


I can't...*sniff*...I can't help what my stinkin' face looks like! And why are we standing in the middle of a battle sobbin' like a couple'a fools?


I don't know! ...Goodness, we must look terrible. ...... So about that promise... Do you still plan to keep it?


Course I do! I ain't about to remember it, then turn around and forget it again. ...I wouldn't have brought it up if I didn't want us to go through with it. True. I guess this means I'll have to start practicing twice as hard.


We got a battle to finish before we get too far ahead of ourselves here. That's about enough cryin' for today. Let's go, partner.


I'm right beside you.

[spoiler=Smash Brethren 1]


>Vs Gerome


A mask? Hiding a weighty past, are we?


You should be less concerned with my appearance than the battle before you.


A fighter like you...could have saved us so much hardship...

Will work on SB3 probably after the weekend, bit busy now XD

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Are Priam's conversations from LB2 (Deen), SB2 (Marisa), and R&R3 (Ike) still unclaimed? 'Cause I can do those.

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[spoiler=Harvest Scramble]

[spoiler=before battle]

Frederick: Well, milord, here we are. This must be the place. Hmm? Look at all the people in the streets. And these decorations...

It seems we've arrived amidst a festival of some sort.

Chrom: Looks that way, doesn't it? At least the town seems secure. Perhaps we might forget our troubles for a day and join the festivities?

Lissa: You mean it? I love festivals! Come on! What are we waiting for?

Chrom: Um, Lissa? Where did you get that hat?

Lissa: The nice man with funny sideburns gave it to me! Pretty cool, huh?

Chrom:...Funny sideburns?

Vincent: Well, hiya there! Welcome to our humble little village, okay? It's not every day we get guests from another world, don'tcha know.

Chrom: Huh?! I know you! You're--

Vincent: The captain of the village cheer brigade, yessiree!

Chrom: Hmm...You do seem quite...cheerful...

Vincent: Well, of COURSE I do, Silly Billy! Our annual harvest fair just started! Singing, dancing--we're all just havin' a gay ol' time here, don'tcha know! ...What? Why are you staring like that? ...Is my wee little party hat crooked?

Chrom: N-no, it's just...uh... *Ahem* So! A harvest festival, you say?

Vincent: Oh yeah, you betcha! We got all kinds of fresh produce, plus games and prizes and fun at every stall! Take a gander for yourself-- Oh, and don't forget to bring a friend! They say the fair has a special magic that brings folks closer together, ya know.

There's so much to do and see and talk about! Oh, sooo much to talk about! You start chatting, and it's just blah-blah-blah this, and blah-blah-blah that... Blah-blah-blah the other one and blah-blah-blah don'tcha know and... Blah-blah-blah-blah! It's THAT much fun! People just won't shut up!

Frederick: *Ahem* Yes, I believe I see your point... Nevertheless, it seems a worthy endeavor to strengthen the ties between our troops. I shall inform the others.

Lissa: Ooh, I wonder who I should invite! Maybe Maribelle? Hey, mister, who are you taking?

Vincent: Me? Why, I'm so glad you asked! He should be here any second... Oh! There he is. ...Victor!

Victor: Vincent! Oh, Vincent! It's just terrible! Horrible! Awful, don'tcha know!

Vincent: What's wrong, Victor? Where's your party hat?! And your face--you look like you've seen a ghost!

Victor: I think I have, Vincent! Or a zombie at least. Monsters have invaded the village! They're shambling all over the square and being all moany and just spoiling everything!

Chrom: What?! Monsters?

Frederick: So much for forgetting our troubles...

Chrom: It can't be helped. If the village is in trouble, we have to lend a hand. Vincent, Victor--lead the way. We'll do all we can to help defend--

Vincent: Oh, Victor, you poor thing! Are you sure you're all right?

Victor: Just peachy, Vincent--not a scratch! But awww, that's just so sweet of ya to worry about me!

Chrom: Er, hello? Did you hear me? We're soldiers. My army can protect you from--

Vincent: Well, of course I was worried, Silly Billy! And I still am--let's getcha outta here! I say we run home, lock the doors and bar the windows, and wait for this to blow over.

Victor: Good idea, Vincent! You're just as sharp as a tack, ain'tcha? But don't worry--whatever happens, I'll protect ya, okay?

Chrom: ...Uh, guys?

Vincent: Aw, thanks, Victor! And I'll protect you too!

Victor: Aw, Vincent, you're a peach! We make sure a great team, don'tcha know!

Vincent: Yessiree! We faced that crisis head on, and together we made it though!

Chrom: No, you did not! The crisis is just starting, and you're planning to run!

Vincent: Huh? ...Oh! You're still there? You'd best be running too, don'tcha know! This is no place for a bunch of scrawny tourists, nosiree! Ta-ta now! *Vincent leaves*

Chrom: ...T-tourists?! Rrgh... Well, I guess it's up to us "tourists" to save their cheery backsides... Lissa, Frederick--rally the others!

Lissa: Does this mean we can still go to the fair? Yay!

Frederick: ......

Chrom: Frederick? What is it?

Frederick: Those two men...

Chrom: Oh, that? Heh, I know they came off as rude, but I'm certain it wasn't intention--

Frederick: N-no. It's just... Their concern for one another... Such dedication... It's...so inspiring...

Chrom: Excuse me?!

Frederick: Would that we all could demonstrate such compassion for our fellow man...

Chrom: Well, er, yes... I suppose that's one way of looking at it... But you do realize that--

Frederick: Milord, wait! *sniff* I have something to say!

Chrom: Oh, gods...

Frederick: From this day forward, let us,too, share such a relationship! I will be as your Vincent, milord, and you, my Victor!

Chrom: Would you just grab a lance and start killing things? That's an order!

Chrom > Frederick

Frederick: *Huff*, *huff* Milord! Over here!

Chrom: What in the world, Frederick? You're panting like an asthmatic dog.

Frederick: Sir, something of grave importance has come to my attention. Something connected with a certain famous feature of the town.

Chrom: Grave importance? Do tell.

Frederick: There is a renowned legend associated with the fountain in the plaza. Have you perchance heard of it?

Chrom: Er, no.

Frederick: No matter. I shall explain to you. Please come with me, sir.

Chrom: H-hey, stop yanking on my arm. What legend are you talking about?

Frederick: If two people toss a coin into the fountain at the same time... they'll be bound by powerful affection that will last until death do them part.

Chrom: Till death do them part?! Now, w-wait a second!

Frederick: Come, sir! We cannot let this opportunity pass us by. The fountain is this way. And don't worry--I've a purse full of coins!

Chrom: Frederick, will you slow down?! This legend--surely it's meant for lovers? You know, young men and women hoping for a long and happy marriage?

Frederick: Heavens forbid! Marriage is a union of equals! A couple on the same footing! You and I are not equals! How could it possibly be the same thing?!

Chrom: Er, that's not what I meant...

Frederick: Milord, this fountain will strengthen the bonds of servitude! Liege and vassal, lord and servant, king and subject... To serve you for life is my dream! ...And I want us to be closer than anyone--including that pair we just met!

Chrom: Ahh, now I see... So this is about those two, isn't it? Look, I know you can't stand losing, but sometimes you take things a bit too far. Besides, we have more pressing matters to attend to at the moment... You know, like the pack of monsters that are threatening this town? *Chrom leaves*

Frederick: But, wait! My liege! Please, just one little toss of a coin! I assure you it won't take that long! Milord, where are you going?!

Frederick > Chrom

Frederick: *Sigh* How disappointing... Milord and I missed our chance to toss coins into the fountain. He thinks I only wanted to do it to not lose out to those other two... But no! For truth, my only desire is to cement my place as vassal! Of course, I have only myself to blame for not not explaining myse-- ...Hm? What's that? An archer drawing his bow? And his target is...CHROM?! This I cannot allow! No matter how much milord doubts my sincere intentions... I shall always be ready to protect him-- with my very life if nescessary! *Rushes to Chrom*

Milord, look out! *gets hit by arrow* Ungh...!

Chrom: F-Frederick? What the--?!

Frederick: Milord, are you unharmed?

Chrom: I-I'm fine, yes, thank you. But what about you? You're wounded!

Frederick: A mere flesh wound. The joy of saving you from harm is smothering the pain most effectively.

Chrom: Frederick, are you sure you're all right? That looks VERY painful...

Frederick: If you wish to help me...perhaps...you will do me...a great favor?

Chrom: Of course! What do you want? Shall I bring a healer? Carry you to a medic's tent? Name it!

Frederick: ...I would like...I would like to toss a coin into the fountain with you.

Chrom: ...This again? Frederick, you truly are far too competitive for your own good...

Frederick: No, milord. You misjudge me. I care not whether our friendship is stronger than theirs. I merely desire to protect and serve you-- nothing more, nothing less. Even after peace has returned, I wish to remain by your side. Indomitable, faithful...inseparable unto death.

Chrom: Ah, Frederick... *Sigh* You just will not be dissuaded, will you? Very well. Get your purse, and take me to this fountain of yours.

Frederick: Thank you, milord! I shall remain your vassal for all time!

Cynthia > Lucina

Cynthia: Mmm, everything smells so delicious! Hello? Anyone here? I'll take three of... ...Oh. Right. They've all evacuated. Well, in that case... *Munch, munch, slurp* Hee! Soooo good!

Lucina: CYNTHIA! You can't just take those!

Cynthia: Eep.

Lucina: Don't you "eep" me! What did you think you were doing? The people here worked all year to grow and bring that fruit to market. I can't believe you would think to just take some without paying.

Cynthia: I know, and I'm sorry... I promise I'll come back and pay for them later.

Lucina: Honestly, you can be such a handful sometimes... And look. You've dribbled juice all over your armor.

Cynthia: What? ...Oops.

Lucina: Hold still a moment. I'll wipe it off.

Cynthia: Heh, thanks.

Lucina: *Sigh* Really, I wonder where your head is sometimes. You're not a child anymore. You can't just keep acting without thinking.

Cynthia: All right, enough already! You're right. I'm NOT a child, so stop treating me like one, would you? I may be a little careless sometimes, but you've always been so patronizing!

Lucina: I'm just saying that we all need you to act like an adult and start--

Cynthia: Stop trying to play the big sister! You're not so much older than me! I'm not a kid! I'm...I'm a hero! And that's what really matters!

Lucina: Ugh, Cynthia, that isn't... Look, I never meant to--

Cynthia: Just forget it. Good-bye, you big bully! *Cynthia leaves*

Lucina: *Sigh* Seems I've gone and sparked a tantrum...

Lucina > Cynthia

Cynthia: Eww, I'm completely covered!

Lucina: Cynthia, what happened? You're a muddy mess!

Cynthia: I fell in that puddle... Ugh, I'm all soaked now. It feels icky! Make it go away, Lucina!

Lucina: Unbelieveable... What happened to you being an adult? We just spoke about this!

Cynthia: I'm sorry...I'll try harder. I promise.

Lucina: All right, that's enough. Don't start crying on me. I'll go find you a change of clothes and something to dry off with.

Cynthia: Thanks, Lucina! You're the best!

Lucina: Gah! Stop! Don't hug me. You're still-- Argh, now I'm all covered in mud too!

Cynthia: Wow, you really are. Um...Sorry? Ooh, but!

Lucina: But what? Why are you so happy?

Cynthia: But this way we're like twins! Muddy twins, but still, twinsies!

Lucina: Twinsies? ...Really, Cynthia. I give up.

Cynthia: Ha ha ha! Cynthia conquers all! Even the ill humors of her evil twinsie!

Lucina: ...Heh. I never could stay mad at that smile for long. All right, let's get cleaned up and back to work. We've got to look our best for the festival, after all.

Cynthia: Right! I'm right behind you, Lucy!

Tiki > Nah

Tiki: So this is how the denizens of the Outrealms celebrate. People are scarcely different, whatever realm they inhabit. They pray for bounty, then despair when those prayers go unanswered. At times that despair gives way to war... Alas, festivals are but man placating his gods only to selfishly curse them later.

Nah: Wow, this square is huge! And I bet it'll be brimming with people once the party starts! I can't wait to beat these stupid Risen and have a good time with everyone! Oof, but if I'm there alone, I bet people will think I'm just a lost kid...again. Hmmmm... Ah, perfect! Tiki!

Tiki: ......

Nah: Hey, once we're done fighting, will you walk around the festival with me? This is my first time at one, so I'm really excited to see what it's like!

Tiki: ...Very well. If you wish.

Nah: Thank you so much! I can't wait to taste all the amazing food and play all these games and...and... Ooh, maybe I'll even take a dip in that fountain!

Tiki: ...Come again?

Nah: Yeah! You and me can turn into dragons and flap around in it! It'll feel great!

Tiki: Public fountains aren't for bathing, child. Especially not as dragons. We'd crush it.

Nah: Really? We can't go swimming? Aww, that's no fun at all.

Tiki: ...Hee hee.

Nah: Hmm? What are you giggling at, Tiki?

Tiki: Forgive me, dear. You just seem to be so very excited. Knowing how you usually are, it's quite a sight. I couldn't help but chuckle.

Nah: You're not excited too?

Tiki: Oh, I would say I'm starting to get into the mood.

Nah: Great! Then let's take care of these Risen and spend the rest of the day having fun!

Nah > Tiki

Nah: Hey, Tiki?

Tiki: Yes, child?

Nah: Are you sure you weren't fibbing when you said you were excited for the festival?

Tiki: Goodness, no. I'm looking forward to it. Whatever makes you ask that?

Nah: Well, I know you said so, but you just don't SEEM like you're looking forward to it.

Tiki: Is that how I appeared to you? Well, worry not, my dear. Everyone had their own way of expressing how they feel inside, Nah. There are those who show no outward signs, even when they're having fun. Especially old people like me.

Nah: Will I stop smiling when I grow up too?

Tiki: I couldn't say, child. Some do. I'm afraid I've lived far too long for little things to move me much... But today I'm in a rare mood to cut loose and enjoy myself.

Nah: Oh, good! We're going to have so much fun together!

Tiki: ......

Nah: Um, Tiki? Is something wrong? You're staring at me now...

Tiki: Ah, forgive me.

Nah: ...I'm getting too excited again, aren't I?

Tiki: Not at all, dear. Seeing you, I just... It reminded me of my own childhood. I'd thought those memories long lost...

Nah: Memories from when you were my age?

Tiki: Yes. Or thereabouts. I'm sure that I once felt as you do at the prospect of a festival. Heart racing with joy and excitement. Everything fresh and beautiful and new. I must have grinned from ear to ear and ran around talking to everyone I knew. Just like you today.

Nah: Really? It's hard to imagine you were ever like me...

Tiki: Hmm. Time changes everything, child... But it isn't time that's stripped me of my sense of joy. That's naught but an excuse. I've shut myself off from new discoveries... Though realizing it may well count as one.

Nah: Tiki...?

Tiki: But I've only time ahead of me to continue searching for more. I suspect I'll have no trouble finding them as long as I'm traveling with you, Nah. What do you say? Will you continue to be my guide along the way? Teach me to see the world though your eyes, Nah.

Nah: Huh? I...I'm not sure if I really understand, but... if there's anything I know, I'd be honored to share it with you!

Panne > Olivia

Olivia: Panne! I can't believe you did that just now! You're so mean!

Panne: ...Hm? Ah, you mean the incident at dinner? But you eat so slowly. It is almost bovine. Must you really chew every single bite so laboriously?

Olivia: Hmph! Must YOU wolf down every morsel like it's trying to run away?! That piece of goat meat was the best part of the whole meal--I was saving it for last! It looked SO delicious... I was SO looking forward to it... But when I looked down, it was gone!

Panne: I can confirm that it WAS delicious.

Olivia: Ugh! You're horrible!

Panne: But I thought you were finished. The fat was starting to congeal. And besides, you have only yourself to blame. I merely obeyed the laws of nature. The animal that cannot safeguard its food must go hungry.

Olivia: That might be relevant if we were wolves or wild pigs living in the forest!

Panne: ...On reflection, I suppose I could have asked your leave beforehand.Very well. Next time I take something from your plate, I will ask first. Acceptable?

Olivia: Well, I guess that would be better than just snatching it...

Panne: Heh...Good. Then it is settled. Now let us dwell on this no more.

Olivia:...! *Panne leaves* ...Wait a minute. Did Panne just let out a little chuckle? Wow! That might be the first time I've ever seen her smile!

Olivia > Panne

Olivia: Panne! Not again! Why do you keep doing such horrible things to me?

Panne: Whatever do you mean? I did you a kindness in combing your hair. You told me it was an unruly mop, and you wished you could do something with it.

Olivia: Yes, something GOOD! I didn't mean I wanted it to stick straight up in the air! It looks like there's a tree growing out of my head--I'll be a laughingstock!

Panne: Hm. You must forgive me. I find I cannot help but tease you.

Olivia: Ugh! Why? At least tell me that?!

Panne: Because I despise all man-spawn and have long sought my revenge. In you, I have found the perfect victim!

Olivia: What?! B-b-but that's horrid! Why me? What did I ever do to--?!

Panne: I jest.

Olivia: Gah! Well, don't, okay? It doesn't suit you...

Panne: ...If you must know the truth, I tease you because you remind me of someone. A young taguel. We were like sisters. She was a terrible crybaby, and timid, but with a good heart. She looked up to me. And I often teased her mercilessly, just as I do you. It sometimes pains me that I was not gentler with her...

Olivia: Why? What happened to-- Oh...

Panne: Yes, she is dead. Killed by humans.

Olivia: I'm so sorry, Panne...

Panne: Don't be. It was a long time ago.

Olivia: ...Hey, I have a great idea-- why don't I take her place?

Panne: Hm?

Olivia: From now on, I want you to treat me just like a little sister.

Panne: Olivia, I appreciate your concern, but that won't be nescessary...

Olivia: It will be if I ever want to see you smile again! I don't think I can bear for you to be all glum now that I've seen you happy... It's such a terrible waste! I want you to laugh and smile all the time! So let's, let's--

Panne: ...Thank you, Olivia. You truly are just like her. Very well. We will do as you suggest.

Olivia: Oh, I'm so happy to hear that!

Panne: As am I. I will enjoy the free rein you have given me to torment you.

Olivia: What? No! That's not what I meant! I just--!

Panne: Heh...Another jest, Olivia. Do not worry. From now on, I will try to be as kind as kind can be. As kind as I should have been to her...

Sumia > Sully

Sully: Hey there, Sumia. What a waste of a perfectly good fair, eh? Let's clear these shambling corpses out so we can get back to the party!

Sumia: I know! I bet everyone's dying for the festivities to start again!

Sully: Say, check out that banner over there. "Something, something...best looking villager...something...beauty pageant." Huh. This fair's got everything.

Sumia: "Looking for attractive contestants...male and female...and...and..." ...OH!

Sully: What's it say? I can't read that bit. The writing's too damn small.

Sumia: It says there's a beauty contest for women...dressed in men's clothes!

Sully: Ha! Sure it does. Now you're just yankin' my chain.

Sumia; No, I'm serious! It's quite clear. "Women dressed as men," it says.

Sully: What the hell kinda contest is that?

Sumia: I don't know, but I totally think you should enter!

Sully: M-me? In a beauty contest?! Har! You been hittin' the mead or what?

Sumia: But you look so good in men's clothing! Nearly everyone says so. And, I mean, you already kind of talk like a man, right? I bet you'd do really well!

Sully: Look, maybe I swear too much for polite society, but dammit, I--

Sumia: Okay, well never mind about your potty mouth. But still...you should consider it. Women dressing up like men is a long-standing and noble tradition, you know. It's from an elegant, seductive world that transcends the boundaries of gender itself!

Sully: You sure as hell seem to know a lot about it.

Sumia: ...Which is why the more I think about it, the more I know you just HAVE to enter!

Sully: Forget it!

Sumia: Don't worry. I can handle the details. I'll be your manager, hee hee! Okay, first things first: we need to find you the perfect outfit... *Sumia leaves*

Sully: H-hey! Wait up, Sumia! I didn't agree to this, damn you!

Sully > Sumia

Sumia: Okay, Sully, I'm back. Sorry it took so long!

Sully: Don't tell me you went and borrowed some poor sap's clothes?

Sumia: Well, not just ANY poor sap! When I told Chrom what it was for, he was more than happy to help!

Sully: What? You borrowed togs from the prince himself?!

Sumia: Sure! He said these didn't fit him anymore, so he let me borrow them. Here you go. Slip your arm through here, and I'll just check it for size.

Sully: Right now? We're in the middle of a damn battle, for crying out loud!

Sumia: Huh...? Oh, right! Battle! S-sorry, I forgot... I just got so excited about the contest, I couldn't wait to start...

Sully: Heh, I don't think I've ever seen you this determined before.

Sumia: I know it's silly...but this whole thing is just SO alluring! I mean, men have their own unique appeal, and women do too, right? But combine them both, and you get the best of both worlds! The beauty of the female form, with the magnetic appeal of a handsome man... If we can pull this off, you'll be like a dashing prince from a fairy tale!

Sully: Uhhh, yeah, sure. Different strokes, I suppose.

Sumia: Anyway, of everyone in this army, you're the best one suited for this. You're going to enter this contest and totally CRUSH the competition! And as your manager, I'll be right there, front and center, cheering you on!

Sully: Oh, for the love of the gods... You do realize I haven't actually said yes yet?!

Kjelle > Lucina

Lucina: What a splendid little town this is! Even if all of it's citizens are in hiding... I wager they'll throw quite the festival once we take care of this interruption.

Kjelle: Indeed. Back in our time, the interruptions never ended. We never had anything like this.

Lucina: Hey, what do you suppose they sell at that stand over there? Shall we take a quick look?


Lucina: Kjelle?

Kjelle: Lucina, we have our pride as warriors to maintain.

Lucina: Yes, and...?

Kjelle: And we'd do well to maintain decorum during combat. Battle is our purpose. This is our stage to shine on. ...Everything else is a distraction.

Lucina: But surely even a warrior needs rest now and again? Or do you have something against festivals?

Kjelle: Wh-what? No, it's not that...

Lucina: All right, then how about this. Once the fighting is done, let's get everyone together to enjoy the fair. It'll be lots of fun--I'm sure of it!

Kjelle: Hmm...All right. If it's you and me, I...don't suppose I'd mind.

Lucina: Wonderful! But wait, just the two of us?

Kjelle: I only have time for the strong, Lucina. And in that, you certainly qualify.

Lucina: I...see. Very well then, it's a date.

Kjelle: ...... ...Enough. There's fighting to be done. *Kjelle leaves*

Lucina: As you like.

Lucina > Kjelle

Kjelle: Lucina.

Lucina: Mm? Is something the matter, Kjelle?

Kjelle: You're just going to ignore what I said before? How could you, of all people?

Lucina: Before...?

Kjelle: I said I only had time for the strong! You always pounce on lines like that, lecturing me about valuing the weak.

Lucina: Ahh, that. Hah, yes, of course.

Kjelle: What's so funny?!

Lucina: The fact that it bothered you if proof enough that the weak are on your mind. Besides, you care more than you let on. We see the defenseless the same, you and I. As something we must protect.

Kjelle: What? But I--

Lucina: That was why I didn't say anything. The reason you and I are so eager to be strong is in order to be their shield.

Kjelle: D-don't you think I know that?! Besides...

Lucina: Yes?

Kjelle: I don't...I don't really think the others are weak. They've saved me from too many close calls to count. Which isn't to say I don't think SOME could bear to train a little harder...But there's more to strength than being able to fight. They...they're all right.

Lucina: Oh, Kjelle...

Kjelle: Ugh, enough of this prattle! All I was trying to say is that I need to get stronger still. Now, let's go crush these Risen and be done with it! *Kjelle leaves*

Lucina: Heh...Well, that's a sight. Who knew tough girl Kjelle could grow a heart underneath all that armor? She sure has grown lately. I'd best be careful I don't get left behind.

[spoiler=after battle]

Chrom:...There. I think we got them all.

Frederick: Well done, milord. Now the townsfolk can get back to their festival.

Lissa: Did you see the smiles on their faces?

Chrom: I did. There's no better reward for doing a good deed.

Vincent: Wow, Victor! You weren't kidding! The monsters have all disappeared!

Chrom: ...Well, look who's returned.

Vincent: Hmm? Oh, the tourists. You're still here? Are you all right? You're lucky those monsters didn't getcha!

Chrom: Actually, it was WE who got THEM. And it wasn't luck--it was courage and skilled fighting that won the day.

Vincent: Good griffons! You mean you're SOLDIERS? Well, why didn'tcha say so, for Pete's sake?!

Chrom: Just...Never mind...

Vincent: You're staring again... Is my party hat off kilter? Well, anyway--you saved our little village here, didn'tcha! That deserves a reward. Help yourselves to our produce--all you can carry! The least Victor and I can do is share the "fruits" of our labor. *wink*

Lissa: Really? Well, all right! In that case, I'll take all the fruit from HERE...to here.

Chrom: Lissa, that's half the cart. How would you even carry it all?

Lissa: I won't have it for long. Watch this: HEY, EVERYONE! Free fruit! Come help me eat it!

Chrom: Lissa, slow down! If you trip carrying all that--

Frederick: Fear not, milord. I took the liberty of clearing the path of all pebble and other debris.

Chrom: Oh? ...Then for once I'm grateful for your fastidious nature, Frederick.

Frederick: Thank you, milord.

Chrom: ......

Frederick: Milord? ...Is something else troubling you?

Chrom: No, it's just... It's so peaceful here. Look at all these happy villagers.

Frederick: Indeed... Once again the streets are filled with the sounds of laughter and celebration.

Chrom: We saved this town. We kept the peace...

Frederick: It was a good day for the Shepherds.

Chrom: ...No. Not yet.

Frederick: Beg pardon, milord?

Chrom: Once we bring peace to Ylisse-- THEN we can call it a good day.

Frederick: We will. Don't you doubt it for even a moment. And once Ylisse IS safe, we'll throw our own harvest fair! We'll invite Lissa, Robin...everyone! The entire kingdom! And you and I will co-captain the cheer brigade, just like Victor and Vincent! Perhaps they might teach us a few of their tandem harvest-dance routines if we--

Chrom: *Ahem* WELL, would you look at the time! The festival fireworks start in just five or six hours--we'd best hurry to secure seats!

The rest will be in a new post.

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Gods, Fred is totally screwed up on this DLC. And I might ship him with Chrom one sided...

Classic Lucina, always making the wrong decisions...

I want to get this game then get the DLC pack as soon as possible...

You're telling me... Comparing himself and Chrom to Vincent and Victor, I mean WTF?!

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Vaike: Hey Morgan, wanna hear a secret? The reason Lon'qu is so bad with women is because he's into other... oh wait.

Morgan: ... /is Lon'qu's son

Vaike: Heh, maybe you're adopted?

Morgan: Nah, I think inherited his love of stabbing people.

Vaike: OH GODS.

These conversations get into awkward when most of the units are married.

Edited by Perlia
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Vaike: Hey Morgan, wanna hear a secret? The reason Lon'qu is so bad with women is because he's into other... oh wait.

Morgan: ... /is Lon'qu's son

Vaike: Heh, maybe you're adopted?

Morgan: Nah, I think inherited his love of stabbing people.

Vaike: OH GODS.

These conversations get into awkward when most of the units are married.

Oh gods, THAT is priceless.

This DLC is nothing but fanfiction material. The yaoi/yuri fangirl in me is very, very happy. XD

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Oh gods, THAT is priceless.

This DLC is nothing but fanfiction material. The yaoi/yuri fangirl in me is very, very happy. XD

Meanwhile Fred!Owain is kinda distracting himself from his dad's "affection" for Uncle Chrom through playing ADVENTURE TIME with his buddy Morgan.

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Oh gods, THAT is priceless.

This DLC is nothing but fanfiction material. The yaoi/yuri fangirl in me is very, very happy. XD

Haha... I always thought Lissa and Maribelle were more than just friends... and I guess I was right. XD

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While I don't have it on hand, I've seen Gregor and Ricken's conversation in Harvest of Bonds. It involves Gregor convincing Ricken to dress up as a girl and pretend to be Gregor's girlfriend. I kid you not.

I know Faye might find this interesting. Wish I had the convo on hand.

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OK, I got Priam's conversations from LB2, SB2, and R&R3.

[spoiler=LB2]Deen (Priam)
We could toss around motives, but the point is that you and me are enemies.
I like a man who doesn’t mince words. Do I look like a man about to mince you?

[spoiler=SB2]Marisa (Priam)
Leave. Or else.
Sorry, but I can’t get stronger if I don’t crack some bones.
How about yours, then?

[spoiler=R&R3]Ike (Priam)
Doubts or no doubts, if you stand against me, I will show no mercy.
Fine by me. The way you look, the way you move–it’s all perfect.
You’re just the kind of legend I’m fighting to become!

If someone already posted these, I apologize. I didn't see them crossed out on the claims list, though, nor did I see anyone since claim them.

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Omigod, I just got home after working at the museum all day, I CAN FINALLY START PLAYING THE HARVEST SCRAMBLE!

It sounds so good from what everyone's saying! ^_^

Is it really like fanfiction???

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Alright, here are the last of my claims for Harvest Scramble.

[spoiler=Cherche > Nowi]

Cherche: *Sigh*

Nowi: Cherche, are you okay? Are you sick or something?

Cherche: No, I'm fine. It's Minerva. She's not feeling well at all. I think she may have caught a cold. Perhaps the air of the Outrealms doesn't suit her.

Nowi: Awww. There, there... Poor Minerva-werva. I hope you get better soon, girl. When you do, you and me are gonna go out and play, okay?

Cherche: What a nice idea. The two of you can go flying together. You probably have a lot in common, huh? Why didn't I think of this sooner? A manakete is a lot like a wyvern, right? You're practically sisters!

Nowi: Umm...I guess...

Cherche: So tell me, Nowi--when you get a cold, what do you find is the best way to treat it? I'll wager there are cures for dragonkin that we humans would never think of!

Nowi: Lemme see...Um, I'd get plenty of rest, curl up in a blanket, and drink plenty of fluids.

Cherche: ...Oh.

Nowi: Oh! Yeah, yeah, yeah! There's one more thing! I once knew an old manakete... A super-old, super-wise manakete... And he taught me that if I caught a cold, I should eat lots and lots of fruit!

Cherche: Fruit, huh? Heh heh. I suppose we're not all that different after all. Still, it's good advice. And lucky for us this town's got plenty of fruit on sale! I'll pick some up for her as soon as we're done with this battle.

Nowi: Great! Hope it all works out for ya!

[spoiler=Nowi > Cherche]

Nowi: Hey, Cherche! How's Minerva holding up?

Cherche: A little better since I followed your suggestion and fed her some fruit. Thanks very much for the advice, Nowi.

Nowi: Anytime! Always glad to lend a hand. Hey, speaking of which, I was thinking... If Minerva doesn't get better soon, I could turn into a dragon and carry you instead!

Cherche: That's very kind of you. But have you ever put on a brindle and carried a knight into battle before?

Nowi: Nope!

Cherche: Hmm. Then it might not be a good idea. Not without a little practice, at least...

Nowi: Oh, it'll be fine, silly! All you have to do is hang on tight and not fall off! Why, I took Robin to market on my back just the other day! She/He was quiet as a mouse the whole trip!

Cherche: Is that so?

Nowi: Yep! I guess she/he was so excited, she/he completely forgot to speak! You should've seen us--we did a loop-the-loop and everything! And then I did this super-fast dive and pulled up juuust in time! Heh! That was her/his favorite part for sure! She/He was so excited, she/he lost her/his lunch! C'mon, I'll show you! It's fun, fun, fun!

Cherche: Um, perhaps not. I think I heard about this shopping trip of yours...Didn't Robin have to have her/his fingers pried off your neck one by one?

Nowi: Yeah, that was kinda weird... It took AGES to loosen her/his grip...

Cherche: Gods, Minerva. Hurry up and recover soon!

[spoiler=Vaike > Chrom]

Vaike: Well, if it isn't Chrom. Just the prince I was hopin' to walk up and talk to!

Chrom: Er...right. What's up, Vaike? Usually when you look this excited, it means you want to spar. But really, I don't think this is the time or the place for--

Vaike: Rebuffed again? Aw, I even spit-shined my breast-plate and everything! ...Wait, what am I talkin' about? Teach ain't lookin' to spar! No, sir. Actually, Teach is here to file a complaint!

Chrom: Is that...so.

Vaike: Look, you're a good ally. I'll concede that. Handy with a sword, everyone trusts ya... Granted, when it comes to rugged good looks, ol' Vaike has ya beat, but...

Chrom: Rugged good looks...?

Vaike: But with everything else, you always come out on top. And that's my problem! I'm tired of standin' in your shadow! What gives? It didn't used to be like this. We used to be like equals, you and me!

Chrom: ...Honestly, Vaike, I don't think anything has changed at all. Are you sure this isn't just all in your head?

Vaike: In my head?! Oh, I see--so now not only am I second fiddle, I'm crazy too! W-well, if we're gonna start hurlin' insults, Teach can give as good as he gets!

Chrom: ...... Look. We're in the middle of a battle. Can we discuss this later? *Chrom leaves*

Vaike: Hey! Where ya goin'?! Come back here! The Vaike's not done talkin'! *Sigh* One of these days, that man will show me the proper respect...

[spoiler=Chrom > Vaike]

Vaike: HI-YAAAH! *Swing*

Chrom: Buh?! *Block*

Heh. The classic Vaike surprise attack. Swing first, ask questions later...

Vaike: I thought about tryin' a new approach, but I always come back to the tried and tested.

Chrom: Fair enough. Come on then. You've started it--now let's finish it.

Vaike: Gah, there you go again, bein' all irritatingly calm and smug! GWAAAAAAAAAR!

Chrom: Hrrgh!

Vaike: *Pant, pant*

Chrom: *Huff, huff* Well? Feel better now?

Vaike: Bah! Always lookin' down your nose at me... Patronizin', that's the word.

Chrom: That's not my intent, Vaike. ...But while I have your attention, let me tell you something. Because of the duels we fight, I've grown to trust you a great deal. I know your strength, your skills, your prowess better than anyone. So no matter what you think of me, I know I can rely on your strength.

Vaike: Urgh...

Chrom: Think about it. How many times have we sparred like this now? I've lost count.

Vaike: Hmph. So yer sayin' the Vaike is a reliable guy? Well, har! I've always known THAT! Knew it from the very start!

Chrom: Then you should also know that I'm not trying to patronize you. So keep challenging me all you want, and I'll do my best to return the favor.

Vaike: Oh no, you don't! We're gonna switch things around, my little prince! You want to fight the Vaike? Then next time, YOU have to challenge ME!

Chrom: Heh...If that'll make you happy, then sure. Let's spar again once this battle is over.

Vaike: Ha ha! That's the spirit! We'll give this little fair its very own main event! But first, we'd better get back to cleanin' up these pesky little rats.

Chrom: Right!

[spoiler=Gaius > Chrom]

Chrom: What a delicious-looking cake. Soft, spongy layers smothered in icing... And what's that? Is it an amulet of of some kind? Perhaps a protective charm?

Gaius: Hey, Blue. What are you up to?

Chrom: Aren't these stalls fascinating? Such a weird and wonderful array of food and trinkets!

Gaius: You think? Looks like regular old festival fare to me. If I've seen this stuff once, I've seen it a thousand times. ...Ah, but you don't visit village fairs, do you? Being a royal and all?

Chrom: Not all that often, I'm embarrassed to admit...Frankly, many of the customs are something of a mystery to me.

Gaius: Hey, it's never too late to learn. I'll teach you anything you want to know. You know, like what's good to eat, which games are fun, which are a scam... I'd wager I've seen more fairs than you've had hot custard pies.

Chrom: Well, it would be nice to have a guide. I mean, of course we have our own events at the capital from time to time. But I haven't had many opportunities to see festivals in other parts of th--

...Hm? What's going on? There appears to be a commotion in the plaza...

Soldier: Thief! Me money pouch, it's been nicked!

Soldier: Curses! Mine's missin' too!

Chrom: Uh-oh. This sounds like the work of a cutpurse... First he creates a distraction, then he relives his marks of their coins...

Gaius: ......

Chrom: Hm? What is it, Gaius?

Gaius: Er, what? Oh, n-nothin'. I just...I've got an errand to run! If you'll excuse me... *Gaius leaves*

Chrom: What came over him?

[spoiler=Chrom > Gaius]

Chrom: Er, Gaius? Can I have a word? About before...

Gaius: ...... *Gaius leaves*

Chrom: W-wait, Gaius! Don't run away!

Now where'd he go? I chould've sworn he ducked down this way...

Wait...Surely he's not the cutpurse? Could he be hiding from me in shame? Or to count his ill-gotten gains? ...No, what am I saying! It would be wrong of me to suspect a fellow Shepherd!

Gaius: Hey, Blue. What's with the furrowed brow? Troubles got you down?

Chrom: Ah-HAH! Gaius! Where did you run off to?!

Gaius: I was chasing down that pickpocket and then returning the purses to the soldiers.

Chrom: You were?

Gaius: Set a thief to catch a thief, right? It was easy enough for me to suss out where the scoundrel would run.

Chrom: I...I see...

Gaius: What's the problem? You're acting like you don't believe me or something.

Chrom: Wh-what?! No, don't be silly! You're a Shepherd--I'd never doubt you! ...Although you WERE acting incredibly suspicious...

Gaius: Hah! Sorry to make you worry. To tell the truth, I did act a bit like I had something to hide. But I wasn't trying to deceive you or anything. I promise.

Chrom: Then what was it?

Gaius: Honestly? I was just having a little fun. I wanted to see if you really trusted me. Believe me, I was thrilled when you didn't immediately accuse me of being the thief! I apologize for messing with you like that on account of my own silly insecurities.

Chrom: Heh...Well, the joke is on me, I guess. You had me worried there, Gaius. Between that and all this running around after you, I'm completely exhausted.

Gaius: Aw, now you're making me feel bad. Here, let me make it up to you. For the rest of the day, I'll treat you to whatever you want from the fair!

Chrom: Well, if you feel that guilty...why not? But are you sure you can afford it? This is my first proper fair, and I'll have to make up for all that I've missed. Which means sampling every cake and bonbon that's on offer!

Gaius: Come on, Blue. You DO realize who you're talking to here? Anyway, once we're done sampling sweets, I'll take you on a tour of the nightlife. The after-hours shows here are somethin' else, and they run until dawn!

Chrom: Er, m-maybe you missed the part where I said I was exhausted...

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Updated the list at the top of the previous page.

OK, I got Priam's conversations from LB2, SB2, and R&R3.

[spoiler=LB2]Deen (Priam)


We could toss around motives, but the point is that you and me are enemies.


I like a man who doesnt mince words. Do I look like a man about to mince you?

[spoiler=SB2]Marisa (Priam)


Leave. Or else.


Sorry, but I cant get stronger if I dont crack some bones.


How about yours, then?

[spoiler=R&R3]Ike (Priam)


Doubts or no doubts, if you stand against me, I will show no mercy.


Fine by me. The way you look, the way you moveits all perfect.

Youre just the kind of legend Im fighting to become!

If someone already posted these, I apologize. I didn't see them crossed out on the claims list, though, nor did I see anyone since claim them.

Thank you for these. ^^
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While I don't have it on hand, I've seen Gregor and Ricken's conversation in Harvest of Bonds. It involves Gregor convincing Ricken to dress up as a girl and pretend to be Gregor's girlfriend. I kid you not.

I know Faye might find this interesting. Wish I had the convo on hand.

Oh god what? 8D; Even if one or both of them are married? Oh wow, I really must see this too. In fact I claimed their conversation it seems! I can't wait to transcribe it, it sounds hilarious!

I just downloaded mine an hour ago, so expect to see some (hopefully all) of my claimed conversations either tonight or tomorrow.

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Updated my post with the rest of my Harvest convos, here are my Priam claims.

Priam-battle Ike R&R2

Priam: I know this man. He's a legend...

Ike: Why are you staring?

Priam: Nothing... Just taking a good look at the warrior I'm about to surpass!

[spoiler=Lyon-talk with Priam R&R2]

Priam: No...it's not enough! I must grow stronger!

Lyon: Oh, so it's power you seek?

Priam: Huh? ...How long have you been standing there?

Lyon: Long enough. I heard you talking to yourself. Why not answer my question? Do you seek power, or not?

Priam: I do, but...

Lyon: I know an easy road to power. Shall I tell you?

Priam: An easy road...

Lyon: That's right. You just need to meet a friend of mine. Do all that he says, and you will have power beyond belief.

Priam: Just like that?

Lyon: Of course. How do you think I became so powerful?

Priam: ...I don't know. It feels like a bad idea...

Lyon: How could boundless power ever be a bad idea?

Priam: No, the "boundless power" part sounds great. But...I can't explain it...Something about all this just feels...off.There are no easy roads. Only easy mistakes.

Lyon: I see.

Priam: Sorry to turn down your generous offer. ...So long. *Priam leaves*

Lyon: Hmm... There's no outwitting a man with experience.

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Claims Lists:

[Note: Items crossed out have been claimed.]

[spoiler=Smash Brethren 3]Misc. Script (If there is any.)

Enemy Quotes:

Innes - Wheels


Battle w/ Ricken


Soren - Wheels


Battle w/ Henry



Battle w/ Priam

Sothe - Wheels


Battle w/ Owain


Edward - Wheels


Ephraim - Wheels


Battle w/ Morgan (M)


Raigh - Wheels


Battle w/ Laurent


[spoiler=Death's Embrace]Enter Battle Quotes:

Frederick - Faye

Miriel - Faye

Sumia - Faye

Lon'qu - Faye

Ricken - Faye

Olivia - Faye

Henry - Faye

Say'ri - Faye

Donnel - Faye

Yen'fay - Faye


[spoiler=Five Anna Firefight]Enter Battle Quotes:

Chrom - Faye

Avatar (M) - Faye

Frederick - Faye

Miriel - Faye

Lon'qu - Faye

Ricken - Faye

Olivia - Faye

Henry - Faye

Say'ri - Faye

Tiki - Faye

Donnel - Faye

Anna - Faye


Inigo - Faye

Laurent - Faye

Noire - Faye

[spoiler=Roster Rescue]Pre-Battle Script

Misc. Script

Enter Battle Quotes:

Chrom - Faye

Avatar (M) - Faye

Frederick - Faye




Miriel - Faye


Sumia - Faye

Lon'qu - Faye

Ricken - Faye





Libra - Faye

Tharja - Faye

Olivia - Faye


Henry - Faye

Say'ri - Faye

Tiki - Faye



Donnel - Faye

Gangrel - Faye


Yen'fay - Faye




Morgan (F)


Laurent - Faye

Post-Battle Script:

Do not complete objective

Bonds/Scramble DLC Set:

[spoiler=Harvest Scramble]Conversations:

Sully > Miriel - Pikayoshi

Virion > Frederick - Faye

Miriel > Cherche - Pikayoshi

Sumia > Cordelia - Levant Fortner

Donnel > Stahl - Faye

Donnel > Kellam - Faye

Lon'qu > Gregor - Pikayoshi

Maribelle > Olivia - Faye

Gregor > Ricken - Faye

Libra > Gaius - Faye

Tiki > Nowi - Faye

Brady > Yarne - Faye

Cynthia > Nah - Faye

Morgan (M) > Yarne - Faye

Morgan (F) > Noire - Faye

Laurent > Yarne - Faye

Nah > Morgan (F) - Silver Lightning

[spoiler=Summer Scramble]Before Battle Script - Ace Tactician

Costume Change Scenes: - Faye





Enter Battle Quotes:

Avatar (M) - Faye

Avatar (F) - Faye

Chrom - Faye

Lissa - Levant Fortner

Frederick - Faye





Miriel - Faye

Sumia - Faye


Donnel - Faye

Lon'qu - Faye

Ricken - Faye

Maribelle - Levant Fortner


Gaius - SniperGYS


Cordelia - Levant Fortner


Libra - Faye

Tharja - Faye

Anna - Levant Fortner

Olivia - Faye


Henry - Faye

Say'ri - Faye

Tiki - Faye



Gangrel - Sweq32

Walhart - Sweq32

Emmeryn - Levant Fortner

Yen'fay - Sweq32

Aversa - Sweq32

Praim - Sweq32

Lucina - Faye


Inigo - Faye

Brady - Faye


Cynthia - Faye

Severa - Faye

Gerome - SniperGYS

Morgan(M) - Faye

Morgan(F) - Faye

Yarne - SniperGYS

Laurent - Faye

Noire - Faye

Nah - Levant Fortner


Chrom > Avatar - Faye

Chrom > Avatar (spouse) - Ace Tactician

Lissa > Sumia - Faye

Virion > Lon'qu - Faye

Virion > Gaius - Silver Lightning

Stahl > Chrom - Faye

Stahl > Vaike - Ace Tactician

Vaike > Frederick - Faye

Miriel > Sumia - Faye

Miriel > Maribelle - Faye

Kellam > Frederick - Faye

Donnel > Virion - Faye

Donnel > Gregor - Faye

Lon'qu > Libra - Faye

Ricken > Chrom - Faye

Ricken > Vaike - Silver Lightning

Maribelle > Sumia - Faye

Panne > Sully - Silver Lightning

Gaius > Avatar - Faye

Gaius > Avatar (spouse) - SniperGYS

Gaius > Lon'qu - Faye

Nowi > Sully - Silver Lightning

Nowi > Panne - Silver Lightning

Cordelia > Avatar - Faye

Cordelia > Avatar (spouse) - Wheels

Cordelia > Chrom - Faye

Cordelia > Maribelle - Ace Tactician

Gregor > Stahl - Silver Lightning

Libra > Frederick - Faye

Tharja > Avatar - Faye

Tharja > Avatar (spouse)

Tharja > Cordelia - Faye

Tharja > Olivia - Faye

Olivia > Lissa - Faye

Cherche > Sully - Silver Lightning

Cherche > Panne - Silver Lightning

Cherche > Olivia - Faye

Henry > Kellam - Faye

Henry > Gaius - Faye

Henry > Libra - Faye

Post-Battle Script - Ace Tactician

[spoiler=Hot Spring Scramble]Before Battle Script - Ace Tactician

Costume Change Scenes: - Faye





Enter Battle Quotes:

Avatar (M) - Faye

Avatar (F) - Faye

Chrom - Faye

Lissa - Levant Fortner

Frederick - Faye





Miriel - Faye

Sumia - Faye


Donnel - Faye

Lon'qu - Faye

Ricken - Faye

Maribelle - Levant Fortner




Cordelia - Levant Fortner


Libra - Faye

Tharja - Faye

Anna - Levant Fortner

Olivia - Faye


Henry - Faye

Say'ri - Faye

Tiki - Faye



Gangrel - Sweq32

Walhart - Sweq32

Emmeryn - Levant Fortner

Yen'fay - Sweq32

Aversa - Sweq32

Praim - Sweq32

Lucina - Faye

Owain - Faye

Inigo - Faye

Brady - Faye


Cynthia - Faye

Severa - Faye


Morgan(M) - Faye

Morgan(F) - Faye


Laurent - Faye

Noire - Faye

Nah - Levant Fortner


Avatar > Lucina - Faye

Avatar > Lucina (spouse) - Faye

Avatar > Lucina (child) - Ace Tactician

Avatar > Owain - Faye

Avatar > Owain (spouse)

Avatar > Owain (child) Levant Fortner

Avatar > Inigo - Faye

Avatar > Inigo (spouse)

Avatar > Inigo (child) - Drgnquester

Avatar > Severa - Faye

Avatar > Severa (spouse) - ZMesu

Avatar > Severa (child)

Chrom > Emmeryn - Levant Fortner

Anna > Say'ri - Faye

Say'ri > Yen'fay - Big Klingy

Flavia > Anna - Faye

Flavia > Tiki - Faye

Walhart > Basilio - Ace Tactician

Walhart > Priam - Silver Lightning

Emmeryn > Lissa - Levant Fortner

Emmeryn > Gangrel - Faye

Yen'fay > Priam - Faye

Aversa > Tiki - Faye

Aversa > Gangrel - Faye

Owain > Gerome - Ace Tactician

Owain > Laurent - Faye

Brady > Gerome - Faye

Cynthia > Kjelle - Faye

Severa > Lucina - Faye

Morgan (M) > Inigo - Faye

Morgan (M) > Brady - Faye

Morgan (F) > Cynthia - Faye

Morgan (F) > Severa - Faye

Yarne > Owain - Silver Lightning

Yarne > Inigo - Faye

Yarne > Gerome - Silver Lightning

Laurent > Inigo - Faye

Laurent > Brady - Faye

Noire > Lucina - Faye

Noire > Kjelle - Faye

Noire > Cynthia - Faye

Nah > Lucina - Faye

Nah > Kjelle - Silver Lightning

Nah > Severa - Faye

Post-Battle Script - Ace Tactician

Edited by Tsamimi
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Come to think of it, might as well take Avatar > Owain (child) since I have married Lissa.

Edited by Levant Fortner
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