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I'm referring to both DLCs ^^ I assume it will just skip Lucina's convo? I would've tried playing both DLCs on my newer save file but my 3ds isn't with me right now...;;

Hello, all. I can confirm that Hot-spring skips Lucina's conversation entirely before chapter 13, straight to "Hey robin, the enemy swordmasters look too comfortable..."

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^Sweet, thank you for informing us. ^^


Claims Lists (Link to DLC page)

[Note: Items crossed out have been claimed.]

[spoiler=Harvest Scramble]Conversations:

Sully > Miriel - Pikayoshi

Miriel > Cherche - Pikayoshi

Lon'qu > Gregor - Pikayoshi

Tiki > Nowi - Faye

Brady > Yarne - Faye

Cynthia > Nah - Faye

Morgan (M) > Yarne - Faye

Morgan (F) > Noire - Faye

Laurent > Yarne - Faye

[spoiler=Summer Scramble]Costume Change Scenes: - Faye





Enter Battle Quotes:

Avatar (M) - Faye

Chrom - Faye

Frederick - Faye

Miriel - Faye

Sumia - Faye

Donnel - Faye

Lon'qu - Faye

Ricken - Faye

Libra - Faye

Tharja - Faye

Olivia - Faye

Henry - Faye

Say'ri - Faye

Tiki - Faye

Lucina - Faye

Inigo - Faye

Brady - Faye

Cynthia - Faye

Severa - Faye

Morgan(M) - Faye

Morgan(F) - Faye

Laurent - Faye

Noire - Faye


Chrom > Avatar - Faye

Lissa > Sumia - Faye

Virion > Lon'qu - Faye

Virion > Gaius - Silver Lightning

Stahl > Chrom - Faye

Vaike > Frederick - Faye

Vaike > Ricken - Silver Lightning

Miriel > Sumia - Faye

Miriel > Maribelle - Faye

Kellam > Frederick - Faye

Donnel > Virion - Faye

Donnel > Gregor - Faye

Lon'qu > Libra - Faye

Ricken > Chrom - Faye

Maribelle > Sumia - Faye

Panne > Sully - Silver Lightning

Gaius > Avatar - Faye

Gaius > Lon'qu - Faye

Nowi > Sully - Silver Lightning

Nowi > Panne - Silver Lightning

Cordelia > Avatar - Faye

Gregor > Stahl - Silver Lightning

Libra > Frederick - Faye

Tharja > Avatar - Faye

Tharja > Cordelia - Faye

Tharja > Olivia - Faye

Olivia > Lissa - Faye

Cherche > Sully - Silver Lightning

Cherche > Panne - Silver Lightning

Cherche > Olivia - Faye

Henry > Kellam - Faye

Henry > Gaius - Faye

Henry > Libra - Faye

[spoiler=Hot-Spring Scramble]Before Battle Script - Ace Tactician

Costume Change Scenes: - Faye





Enter Battle Quotes:

Avatar (M) - Faye

Avatar (F) - Faye

Chrom - Faye

Frederick - Faye

Sully - Pikayoshi

Stahl - Levant Fortner

Vaike - Pikayoshi

Miriel - Faye

Kellam - Pikayoshi

Donnel - Faye

Lon'qu - Faye

Ricken - Faye

Panne - Pikayoshi

Nowi - Pikayoshi

Tharja - Faye

Anna - Levant Fortner

Olivia - Faye

Henry - Faye

Basilio - Pikayoshi

Flavia - Pikayoshi

Lucina - Faye

Owain - Faye

Inigo - Faye

Brady - Faye

Morgan(M) - Faye

Morgan(F) - Faye

Yarne - Zeem

Laurent - Faye

Noire - Faye


Avatar > Lucina - Faye

Avatar > Lucina (spouse) - Faye

Avatar > Lucina (child) - Ace Tactician

Avatar > Owain - Faye

Avatar > Owain (child) Levant Fortner

Avatar > Inigo - Faye

Avatar > Severa - Faye

Avatar > Severa (spouse) - Zeem

Chrom > Emmeryn - Levant Fortner

Anna > Say'ri - Faye

Flavia > Anna - Faye

Flavia > Tiki - Faye

Walhart > Basilio - Ace Tactician

Walhart > Priam - Silver Lightning

Emmeryn > Gangrel - Faye

Yen'fay > Priam - Faye

Aversa > Tiki - Faye

Aversa > Gangrel - Faye

Owain > Gerome - Ace Tactician

Owain > Laurent - Faye

Brady > Gerome - Faye

Cynthia > Kjelle - Faye

Severa > Lucina - Faye

Morgan (M) > Inigo - Faye

Morgan (M) > Brady - Faye

Morgan (F) > Cynthia - Faye

Morgan (F) > Severa - Faye

Yarne > Owain - Silver Lightning

Yarne > Inigo - Faye

Yarne > Gerome - Silver Lightning

Laurent > Inigo - Faye

Laurent > Brady - Faye

Noire > Lucina - Faye

Noire > Kjelle - Faye

Noire > Cynthia - Faye

Nah > Lucina - Faye

Nah > Kjelle - Silver Lightning

Nah > Severa - Faye

Post-Battle Script - Ace Tactician

[spoiler=Future of Despair 1]Pre-Battle Script - Cordelia

After Prep-screen Script - Ace Tactician

Misc. Script - Ace Tactician

Conversations: (Listed by FoD-version characters)


Cynthia - Levant Fortner

Sumia - Silver Lightning

[spoiler=Fathers]Avatar (M) - Faye

Chrom - Levant Fortner

Frederick - Silver Lightning

Gaius - Wheels

Henry - Faye


Noire - Levant Fortner

[spoiler=Fathers]Avatar (M) - Faye


Virion - Ace Tactician

Vaike - Faye




Ricken - Faye

Gaius - Wheels

Gregor - Tsamimi

Libra - Faye

Donnel - Drgnquester


Sully - Silver Lightning

[spoiler=Fathers]Avatar (M) - Faye

Chrom - Ultimafangirl

Frederick - Faye

Vaike - Pikayoshi

Stahl - Faye

Lon'qu - Faye

Ricken - Faye

Gaius - Ace Tactician

Gregor - Faye

Libra - Wheels

Henry - Tsamimi

Donnel - Wheels


Nah - Levant Fortner

[spoiler=Fathers]Avatar (M) - Faye



Stahl - Tsamimi

Lon'qu - Cordelia

Gaius - Faye

Gregor - Wheels

Libra - Levant Fortner

Henry - Faye

Donnel - Wheels

Morgan (M) [boss]:

Avatar (F) - Levant Fortner

Avatar (M) - Drgnquester

Post-Battle Script - Cordelia

[spoiler=Future of Despair 2]Pre-Battle Script - Cordelia

After Prep-screen Script

Misc. Script

VS Boss

Boss Defeated

Conversations: (Listed by FoD-version characters)


Inigo - Cordelia

Olivia - Silver Lightning

[spoiler=Fathers]Avatar (M) - Faye

Chrom - Wheels

Frederick - Faye

Virion - Ultimafangirl

Vaike - Faye

Stahl - Cordelia

Kellam - Faye

Lon'qu - SniperGYS

Ricken - Faye

Gaius - Tsamimi

Gregor - Levant Fortner

Libra - Black★Rock Shooter

Henry - Wheels

Donnel - Faye


Owain - Cordelia

Lissa - Silver Lightning

[spoiler=Fathers]Avatar (M) - Faye

Frederick - Wheels

Virion - Leif

Vaike - Faye

Stahl - Faye

Kellam - Faye

Lon'qu - Silver Lightning

Ricken - Wheels

Gaius - Drgnquester

Gregor - Drgnquester

Libra - Sangyul

Henry - Faye

Donnel - Tsamimi


Brady - Cordelia

Maribelle - Silver Lightning

[spoiler=Fathers]Avatar (M) - Faye

Chrom - Pikayoshi

Frederick - Tsamimi

Virion - Faye

Vaike - Faye

Stahl - Wheels

Kellam - Ace Tactician

Lon'qu - Wheels

Ricken - SniperGYS

Gaius - Silver Lightning

Gregor - Leif

Libra - Faye

Henry - 春閣下

Donnel - Faye


Yarne - SniperGYS

Panne - Silver Lightning

[spoiler=Fathers]Avatar (M) - Faye

Frederick - Sangyul

Virion - Tsamimi

Vaike - SniperGYS

Stahl - Tsamimi

Kellam - Wheels

Lon'qu - Faye

Ricken - Faye

Gaius - Faye

Gregor - Wheels

Libra - Faye

Henry - Faye

Donnel - Cordelia

Morgan (F) [boss]:

Avatar (M) - Sangyul

Avatar (F) - Pikayoshi

Post-Battle Script - Cordelia

[spoiler=Future of Despair 3]Pre-Battle Script - Cordelia

After Prep-screen Script

Misc. Script

Conversations: (Listed by FoD-version characters)


Lucina - Ace Tactician

Chrom - Silver Lightning

[spoiler=Mothers]Avatar (F) - Black★Rock Shooter

Sully - Ultimafangirl

Sumia - Wheels

Maribelle - Pikayoshi

Olivia - Wheels


Laurent - SniperGYS

Miriel - Silver Lightning

[spoiler=Fathers]Avatar (M) - Sangyul

Frederick - Wheels

Virion - Faye

Vaike - Wheels

Stahl - Faye

Kellam - Silver Lightning

Lon'qu - Faye

Ricken - Faye

Gaius - Faye

Gregor - Ace Tactician

Libra - Tsamimi

Henry - Faye

Donnel - Ultimafangirl


Gerome - SniperGYS

Cherche - Silver Lightning

[spoiler=Fathers]Avatar (M) - Faye

Frederick - Drgnquester

Virion - Faye

Vaike - Wheels

Stahl - 春閣下

Kellam - Wheels

Lon'qu - Ultimafangirl

Ricken - Faye

Gaius - Faye

Gregor - Shadow Stalker X

Libra - Faye

Henry - Cordelia

Donnel - Faye


Severa - Levant Fortner

Cordelia - Silver Lightning

[spoiler=Fathers]Avatar (M) - Naui

Frederick - Tsamimi

Virion - Wheels

Vaike - Silver Lightning

Stahl - Wheels

Kellam - Faye

Lon'qu - Zeem

Ricken - Faye

Gaius - Cordelia

Gregor - Faye

Libra - Ultimafangirl

Henry - Faye

Donnel - Faye

Post-Battle Script - Cordelia

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Hello, all. I can confirm that Hot-spring skips Lucina's conversation entirely before chapter 13, straight to "Hey robin, the enemy swordmasters look too comfortable..."

I see! That makes sense then. :D Thanks!

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I see! That makes sense then. :D Thanks!

No problem. I'd help more but everything is taken...

Edited by Marros
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Looks like my attempt to save Nah ended my attempt to slow down... Oh well, time to post my claims~

First order of business is Lon'qu and Nah's conversations:

Huh? Are you...? I know you... You're...my father! Oh, Father!
Actually, I'm a different Lon'qu, come from from the Out— Oof!
Father! Father, I've missed you SO much! *sob* Oh, Father... I could hug you forever! I'm so happy to see you!
Did you...not hear anything I just said?
Even if you're a different version of him, you're still my father! I never thought I'd get to see you alive! You don't know what this means to me! Huh... In the pictures I saw, your eyes seemed much more gentle... You're kind of scary looking.
I'm scarier looking than the me of the future? Then I suppose that your being born may change me.
I suppose so! But even if you are a little scary now, you still look magnificent to me! Not that I'd expect anything less from my own bloodline... Heh.
It's strange... When I'm with my own daughter, I don't feel any aversion to women at all. All I feel is...happiness.
Well, I'm happy to see you too, Father.
So...the me of this world died and left you all alone? I can't replace your father, but I can fight for you every bit as fiercely.
I know you can. And I know you will. Thank you for coming to save me.

Pre-battle Script:


Where are we? There's something different about this place...
Wait, how...?!
You've arrived at last. It was I who summoned you, Outrealm warriors.
...Summoned us? Why?
A world stands on the brink of demise. But I have no power there to save it. Only those with the power to cross time and space can reach it in its hour of need... Only warriors such as yourselves.
What world is this that could possibly be beyond your power?
A world in which the ancient fell dragon has been revived, causing untold chaos. All hope for the future rests upon the shoulders of 12 valiant children—an exalted princess and 11 others born with the power to alter their destinies. However, without intervention, these 12 children will most certainly die.
All of them? But that's...
Hear me. Four children obtain Gules and Azure but annihilated ere they can bear it home. Four more obtain Argent and Sable, only to expire in sight of their country's border. Three manage to successfully deliver Vert and the Emblem to the princess... But soon after, all three of them—as well as the princess—are slain.
Then who saves the world?
None do. It sinks, unresisting, into shadow...and finally fades into oblivion. This is the world's inexorable destiny. But some destinies are too cruel...and so I sought help. Warriors, I beseech you: intervene. Change what cannot be changed without you.
We'd never turn our backs on those in need so long as the power to help them is ours. That goes for this world and any other—even if our hopes are as thin as you say.
Thank you. Then I shall send you now to the brink—the moment in time before the world falls. Find the four children with Gules and Azure, and see them through their task.
We will.
Here is my final counsel... The world you are able to visit bears great resemblance to your own. You may encounter people you know or people you love... If you do, fight by their sides. It will give them great courage and strength. Now go, warriors. I know that destiny can yet be reshaped by your hands!

Post-battle Script:

I only got Nah's parents to talk to her in time, but I'll add hers first and then probably the regular ending. I'll add the rest of the children's later on, either by editing this post or submitting another one. Or both.


The Risen are all dead...? We're...saved?! And it looks like everyone made it! Oh, thank the gods! I hope those warriors from another world fared as well... Another world, huh...? I never thought I'd see either of my parents again, but...there you were. It was odd that you looked so young, but it still brought back a flood of memories... Thank you. For coming to save us. And for talking with me one last time. I know it's not the same... You came from a different world, but still... Your coming here filled me with courage. Enough to sustain me from here on out. We can handle things from here—I promise. Together, we're going to save this world!


It...it's over?! And I'm not dead? I'm still alive?! This is so strange... It's like my brain is wrapped in a fog. It feels like a dream... Oh, gods, wait—is that what this is? Is this all just a dream?! Hmm... Let me just give myself a little pinch and... YOW! Okay...definitely not a dream! Whew... Dear Mother and Father... I know you won't believe this, but... I actually saw you today! I mean, I know it wasn't the real you, but still. It was like you came down from heaven to save me. I was so happy! I guess this means I won't be reunited with you guys as soon as I'd thought. Not that I'm complaining. I've got a long life left ahead of me now, so I'd better make the most of it. I'm pretty sure you'd want it that way, after all. Isn't that right?


It's over... I...I get to go home after all... I still can't believe it. Separated, trapped, disarmed... And still we walk away? After everything I said... Naga sent a miracle after all. And I got to meet my family... I never thought I'd know my mother or father. We only exchanged a few words... We touched for just a few moments. But those moments filled me with such warmth. For a moment I...had a family... Oh, gosh. My eyes are welling up again! But this is no time to cry. I need to reclaim my dragonstone and find the others. Being alive never felt better... This is a gift I mustn't waste! We can't afford to tarry. We need to get these Gemstones back to Ylisse!
Our enemy seems to be defeated. The day is won. Though...not by us. This victory was given to us by those brave warriors from afar. Perhaps Mother and Father saw our pitiful plight from up in heaven... They must have gone to Naga to appeal for her help. Mother, Father...thank you. I know you've always protected me. But you can rest your vigil now. I will never be weak like that again. Now it's my turn to protect this world you fought and died for. I'll repay this salvation by saving the world you loved so dearly. I swear it! Never again will I yield to my enemy! Never again will I let myself be cornered! So be at the peace as you watch me from heaven. Heaven and...the other world.



Guys! Thank the gods you're okay!


I had made my peace with death, but... those warriors saved us. ...Hm? Where did they go? They were just here a moment ago...


Huh? They're right over— Wait, what? You're right! They're gone! Every last one of them... Wow, disappeared without saying a word. Talk about your heroic departures...


I never even got a chance to thank them... If they hadn't shown up, I'm sure we'd...we'd all be dead by now.


Yeah, no kidding...


Cynthia...I owe you an apology.


Huh? What for?


For insisting there was no such thing as miracles. I'd never truly believed in that sort of thing before, but... Well, how else can you explain it? That was an honest-to-gods miracle. Naga must have been touched by your unyielding faith, Cynthia.




I even heard Naga's voice this time. "Don't give up," she said. Just a faint whisper from far, far away, but...enough to make me believe again. The gods do exist. Miracles CAN happen. And even this world can be saved.


Yes! It definitely can! Man, we're gonna do such a number on Grima! And then we can finally see what it's like to lead normal, happy lives for a change! That's what you said you wanted, right, Noire?


I...I guess it was! To think that day might actually come... Even I can't help but be a little optimistic after what we just witnessed.


Hey, slow down, everyone. Don't go getting spoiled by what happened. The gods aren't going to bail us out every time we run into trouble. So no more counting on miracles, all right? We need to get back to relying on our combat potential. And by "we," I mean "all of you."


But, Kjelle, weren't you the one just saluting our unexpected strength and bravery...?


What, that? That was just me blowing smoke to make you all feel better. Come on, I thought we were gonna die! You're supposed to say stuff like that.


Ha! Well...I guess I'll just forget that ever happened, then.




Back in drill-sergeant mode already, Kjelle? Guess that means the party's over. Onward to Ylisse! Lucina's probably scowling at her pocket watch as we speak...


Indeed. The sooner we get back, the sooner we can perform the Awakening.


I hope everyone else is okay... Do you think they all made it back safely?


I'm sure they're all fine. Although they're probably getting tired of waiting on us!


You think we're the last ones? Eek! We'd better get moving!


Huh? Noire, hang on—don't run ahead! It isn't safe! Being saved by a miracle doesn't mean you can't get your fool self killed, you know!


*Sigh* Running off half-cocked again... So much for life-changing lessons. I'll switch into dragon form and go catch her.


Yeah, that's probably for the best... Thanks, Nah.


I'll see you in a bit!


...... Well, that was one heck of a day... But we're safe now, and hopefully the rest of the crew is too. ...Thanks, brave warriors of the Outrealms. You've taught us to never give up hope!

[back to Outrealm]


Well done, Outrealm Warriors. Those children have eluded a terrible end because of your efforts. I am certain now that they will make it safely home to Ylisse with Gemstones in hand.


That's encouraging to hear.


Know this, Chrom of Ylisse: hopes for their future still hang by a thread. Gules and Azure count for but two of the Gemstones. The others, and the Fire Emblem itself, must also reach the princess. Otherwise, the children's struggles will be for naught.


Just tell me what to do.


Thank you. I knew I could rely on you. When I must call again upon you to protect that world from the encroaching darkness... I know you will not fail.

[in Ylisstol?]


...... We've lost a lot of soldiers... Every day gets a little worse for us, while the Risen grow only stronger. Are we simply postponing our demise? The castle defenses are weakening... Please, my friends. I need you here. Find the stones... ......


Does something ail you, Lucina? You look troubled.


Lady Tiki? I am sorry—I was lost in thought. What are you doing here? I thought you had taken refuge on Mount Prism.


The mount fell to Risen less than a week ago.


What?! But it was heavily defended!


Yes, and for that I thank you. Had you not dispatched some of your finest soldiers... I and the Ylisseans in my company might never have made it this far. Not that we did not suffer our share of casualties...


I'm so sorry... I thought for certain Mount Prism, at least, would keep you safe...


...... Lucina, where are the other children—the ones who were fighting with you?




What?! But there's no place more dangerous. Why would you—? ...Wait. You're going to perform the Awakening?


Yes. To defeat the fell dragon, we must return the five Gemstones to the Fire Emblem. But both the Emblem and Gemstones have fallen into Plegia's hands. ...So I sent the others to find them.


I can see it grieves you that you could not join them. But you were wise to remain in Ylisse. Only one of the exalted blood can perform the Awakening. If any harm befell you, their efforts would be for naught. You belong someplace safe. ...Or at least someplace less perilous, if safe is not too strong a word.


I know, but it has been too long. What if the Risen have already gotten them? I must be prepared for the worst.


Lucina... They will make it back. Of course they will. I heard the Plegians keep the Gemstones and Emblem in separate, secret places. Your friends will need time to complete their mission. And you need to have faith.


I know... All right, milady. I shall try to banish these ill thoughts.


Good. That's the strong Lucina I know. I can help you defend Ylisse until the others return with— Ah! Lucina, look out! ...Nnrgh!


Lady Tiki!




It's you... How did you...get inside Ylisstol...? Lucina...run... As fast as you...ahhh...


Lady Tiki? Oh no, please... LADY TIKI!

Again, like I said, I'll get the others tomorrow or something. I need sleep first, lol... but we'll see how fast I can get another run of this map down. Although I'm not sure if I'm supposed to include their monologue ending too...

Edited by Cordelia
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So... Having the parents interact with their children changes the ending dialogue?

Also, because this is eating away at me... What is in those chests in The Future Past 1???

Edited by Levant Fortner
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Post-battle Script:

I only got Nah's parents to talk to her in time, but I'll add hers first and then probably the regular ending. I'll add the rest of the children's later on, either by editing this post or submitting another one. Or both.


It's over... I...I get to go home after all... I still can't believe it. Separated, trapped, disarmed... And still we walk away? After everything I said... Naga sent a miracle after all. And I got to meet my family... I never thought I'd know my mother or father. We only exchanged a few words... We touched for just a few moments. But those moments filled me with such warmth. For a moment I...had a family... Oh, gosh. My eyes are welling up again! But this is no time to cry. I need to reclaim my dragonstone and find the others. Being alive never felt better... This is a gift I mustn't waste! We can't afford to tarry. We need to get these Gemstones back to Ylisse!



Guys! Thank the gods you're okay!


I had made my peace with death, but... those warriors saved us. ...Hm? Where did they go? They were just here a moment ago...


Huh? They're right over— Wait, what? You're right! They're gone! Every last one of them... Wow, disappeared without saying a word. Talk about your heroic departures...


I never even got a chance to thank them... If they hadn't shown up, I'm sure we'd...we'd all be dead by now.


Yeah, no kidding...


Cynthia...I owe you an apology.


Huh? What for?


For insisting there was no such thing as miracles. I'd never truly believed in that sort of thing before, but... Well, how else can you explain it? That was an honest-to-gods miracle. Naga must have been touched by your unyielding faith, Cynthia.




I even heard Naga's voice this time. "Don't give up," she said. Just a faint whisper from far, far away, but...enough to make me believe again. The gods do exist. Miracles CAN happen. And even this world can be saved.


Yes! It definitely can! Man, we're gonna do such a number on Grima! And then we can finally see what it's like to lead normal, happy lives for a change! That's what you said you wanted, right, Noire?


I...I guess it was! To think that day might actually come... Even I can't help but be a little optimistic after what we just witnessed.


Hey, slow down, everyone. Don't go getting spoiled by what happened. The gods aren't going to bail us out every time we run into trouble. So no more counting on miracles, all right? We need to get back to relying on our combat potential. And by "we," I mean "all of you."


But, Kjelle, weren't you the one just saluting our unexpected strength and bravery...?


What, that? That was just me blowing smoke to make you all feel better. Come on, I thought we were gonna die! You're supposed to say stuff like that.


Ha! Well...I guess I'll just forget that ever happened, then.




Back in drill-sergeant mode already, Kjelle? Guess that means the party's over. Onward to Ylisse! Lucina's probably scowling at her pocket watch as we speak...


Indeed. The sooner we get back, the sooner we can perform the Awakening.


I hope everyone else is okay... Do you think they all made it back safely?


I'm sure they're all fine. Although they're probably getting tired of waiting on us!


You think we're the last ones? Eek! We'd better get moving!


Huh? Noire, hang on—don't run ahead! It isn't safe! Being saved by a miracle doesn't mean you can't get your fool self killed, you know!


*Sigh* Running off half-cocked again... So much for life-changing lessons. I'll switch into dragon form and go catch her.


Yeah, that's probably for the best... Thanks, Nah.


I'll see you in a bit!


...... Well, that was one heck of a day... But we're safe now, and hopefully the rest of the crew is too. ...Thanks, brave warriors of the Outrealms. You've taught us to never give up hope!

[back to Outrealm]


Well done, Outrealm Warriors. Those children have eluded a terrible end because of your efforts. I am certain now that they will make it safely home to Ylisse with Gemstones in hand.


That's encouraging to hear.


Know this, Chrom of Ylisse: hopes for their future still hang by a thread. Gules and Azure count for but two of the Gemstones. The others, and the Fire Emblem itself, must also reach the princess. Otherwise, the children's struggles will be for naught.


Just tell me what to do.


Thank you. I knew I could rely on you. When I must call again upon you to protect that world from the encroaching darkness... I know you will not fail.

[in Ylisstol?]


...... We've lost a lot of soldiers... Every day gets a little worse for us, while the Risen grow only stronger. Are we simply postponing our demise? The castle defenses are weakening... Please, my friends. I need you here. Find the stones... ......


Does something ail you, Lucina? You look troubled.


Lady Tiki? I am sorry—I was lost in thought. What are you doing here? I thought you had taken refuge on Mount Prism.


The mount fell to Risen less than a week ago.


What?! But it was heavily defended!


Yes, and for that I thank you. Had you not dispatched some of your finest soldiers... I and the Ylisseans in my company might never have made it this far. Not that we did not suffer our share of casualties...


I'm so sorry... I thought for certain Mount Prism, at least, would keep you safe...


...... Lucina, where are the other children—the ones who were fighting with you?




What?! But there's no place more dangerous. Why would you—? ...Wait. You're going to perform the Awakening?


Yes. To defeat the fell dragon, we must return the five Gemstones to the Fire Emblem. But both the Emblem and Gemstones have fallen into Plegia's hands. ...So I sent the others to find them.


I can see it grieves you that you could not join them. But you were wise to remain in Ylisse. Only one of the exalted blood can perform the Awakening. If any harm befell you, their efforts would be for naught. You belong someplace safe. ...Or at least someplace less perilous, if safe is not too strong a word.


I know, but it has been too long. What if the Risen have already gotten them? I must be prepared for the worst.


Lucina... They will make it back. Of course they will. I heard the Plegians keep the Gemstones and Emblem in separate, secret places. Your friends will need time to complete their mission. And you need to have faith.


I know... All right, milady. I shall try to banish these ill thoughts.


Good. That's the strong Lucina I know. I can help you defend Ylisse until the others return with— Ah! Lucina, look out! ...Nnrgh!


Lady Tiki!




It's you... How did you...get inside Ylisstol...? Lucina...run... As fast as you...ahhh...


Lady Tiki? Oh no, please... LADY TIKI!

Again, like I said, I'll get the others tomorrow or something. I need sleep first, lol... but we'll see how fast I can get another run of this map down. Although I'm not sure if I'm supposed to include their monologue ending too...

I can give you video footage of the rest of them talking after the battle if you want.

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So... Having the parents interact with their children changes the ending dialogue?

Also, because this is eating away at me... What is in those chests in The Future Past 1???

Well, I think it's just a bonus dialogue? I'm gonna make a wild guess that if none of the children are talked to by their parents, then the epilogue goes straight to the part where I put '[Outdoors]'... considering I didn't get Sumia in time to npc!Cynthia (because the stupid boss decided to attack Olivia instead of unarmed Avatar and Morgan killed the remaining reinforcements).

I can give you video footage of the rest of them talking after the battle if you want.

It should be okay, I think... I think I know how to manage this chapter.

Edit: Scratch that thought. That'd be most appreciated.

Edited by Cordelia
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Well, I think it's just a bonus dialogue? I'm gonna make a wild guess that if none of the children are talked to by their parents, then the epilogue goes straight to the part where I put '[Outdoors]'... considering I didn't get Sumia in time to npc!Cynthia (because the stupid boss decided to attack Olivia instead of unarmed Avatar and Morgan killed the remaining reinforcements).

Bonus dialogue... Guess that makes sense. As to the boss in this and Future Past 2... They will not attack the Avatar (at least, I think so).

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These are my last three claims for Future Past 1. Here's Cynthia and her parents Frederick and Sumia:


Cynthia: M-Mother?! How is this possible?! What are you doing he----BWAAAH! *trips*

Sumia: Cynthia? Are you okay? You need to watch your footing around here or you'll tri---AAARGH! *trips* Gods...that one hurt my knee almost as much as my pride...

Cynthia: Well, I guess that settles it. You really ARE my mother. But...what are you doing here? I thought...I thought you were dead.

Sumia: Oh, sweetheart... I'm not the Sumia you once knew. I came from another world to save you and your friends. But I can't stay.

Cynthia: You came from another world? And once you're finished here, you have to go back?

Sumia: Yes. I'm sorry.

Cynthia: You don't need to apologize! I'm super grateful for any help you can give us! And once we've gotten through this, we can totally handle the rest ourselves. We made it this far without your help, after all. But I suppose I might still...miss you...a little...

Sumia: Oh, Cynthia...Come rest your head in my arms and forget it all, just for a moment.

Cynthia:...No. Thank you, but...I can't. I'm feeling better now, so...uh...You can go.

Sumia: What...?

Cynthia: It's just...the longer you're here, the harder it'll be when you leave. I don't want to end up bawling and begging you to stay with me forever.

Sumia: Oh, Cynthia...You're such a brave girl. But bravery isn't the answer to everything. I want you take care of yourself, okay? Know that even when I'm back in my world, I'll be thinking of you. And no matter how far away I am, a part of me will always be here with you. Don't you ever forget that.

Cynthia: I won't. Thank you...Mother. I'm glad I got to see you again.


Frederick: Cynthia, are you hurt?! Stay by my side! I'll protect you.

Cynthia: Wha...? F-Father?!

Frederick: No, child---I'm afraid I am not the same man you knew. I have traveled here via the Outrealm Gate in hopes of rescuing you...Think of me as a visitor from another world.

Cynthia: You're from another world?!

Frederick: Yes. And that is why I cannot rightly claim the honor of being your father. But the fact that you are not "my" Cynthia matters little, for you are still Cynthia. And for the brief time I have in this world, I vow to protect you as if you were my own!

Cynthia: You'd do that for me...? That's so kind of you! So kind and so...so...It's just so...*sigh*

Frederick: What is it?

Cynthia: It's just so...humiliating! Even if you ARE from another world, this isn't how I wanted my father to see me! Gosh, I must look so pathetic here, all unarmed and helpless...But normally I don't need protecting! I swear I can fight well all on my own! When you guys weren't there to protect us anymore, we learned to do it ourselves. I just...I just need you to know that.

Frederick: But I knew it already, Cynthia. One need only look into your eyes for a moment to see the warrior within. You've fought numerous battles just to make it this far---that much is clear. I shouldn't have presumed to offer one such as you protection...But would you deny me the chance to fight alongside a hero? I am a knight, after all, sworn to serve the righteous...

Cynthia: You have no idea how happy it makes me to hear you call me a hero...Thank you. After giving it some thought, I've decided to accept your offer of service, Fath---I mean, Sir Frederick the Valiant!

Frederick: Then I am yours to command, milady!

And here's Kjelle and her mother Sully:


Kjelle: ...Mother! I thought I sensed the presence of a great warrior...But I never imagined...

Sully: I sensed the same thing myself. And here you are.

Kjelle: But...how? You couldn't have survived! ...Could you?

Sully: You're asking the wrong Sully, kid. I'm not from this world---meaning me and your mother are two different people. Long story short, I was summoned from a faraway place to save you.

Kjelle: ...You're my mother from another world?

Sully: Yeah. And you're my daughter from another world. Crazy, isn't it? You seem to be one hell of a survivor, kid. Couldn't have raised you better myself! Seriously, though, I'm proud of you, Kjelle.

Kjelle: Proud? I've brought you nothing but shame. However hard I try, I can't seem to change the fate of this world. None of us can. We're not like you---the generation of heroes...When you all died, it fell to us to keep the peace, and we weren't strong enough. I mean, even now, in the middle of a mission to save the world...I was ready to give up. I'm pathetic!

Sully: That's a load of crap. You'd have to be blind not to see the fire in those eyes! You haven't given up on squat. You're still here, and you're still fighting. So stand up. Get back on your feet before I take you across my knee!

Kjelle: Y-yes, ma'am!...And thanks. If we can just get through this fight, I know I can handle the rest by myself....Will you help me a little longer?

Sully: You're damn right I will.

All these convos....are so sweet and awesome! And now I see how noble and cool Freddy can be! XD

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Bonus dialogue... Guess that makes sense. As to the boss in this and Future Past 2... They will not attack the Avatar (at least, I think so).

Oh, he did go for me... when no one else was range but the Avatar. I didn't even know that... wanted someone tanky to lure him out so I could get Sumia to talk to Cynthia... Oh well.

Kinda edited my post too, but I'm gonna try to get all the parents to their children myself to get their endings...

This chapter was friggin' intense and touching.

I also noticed Nah treats Lon'qu better than Ricken as her father... xD

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Oh, he did go for me... when no one else was range but the Avatar. I didn't even know that... wanted someone tanky to lure him out so I could get Sumia to talk to Cynthia... Oh well.

Kinda edited my post too, but I'm gonna try to get all the parents to their children myself to get their endings...

This chapter was friggin' intense and touching.

I also noticed Nah treats Lon'qu better than Ricken as her father... xD

Dammit, my theory... went up in flames... D=

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So... Having the parents interact with their children changes the ending dialogue?

Also, because this is eating away at me... What is in those chests in The Future Past 1???

I managed to get to them with Sothe in time. For me, they just contained a Superior Sword and Superior Axe. Dunno if its different each time...

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I managed to get to them with Sothe in time. For me, they just contained a Superior Sword and Superior Axe. Dunno if its different each time...

So Outrealm chests might have random stuff...?

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I finally got time to play the Future Past DLC! Since Virion/Nah is unclaimed, here it is-

[spoiler=Virion/Nah]Virion: Oh? Could it be? Can this comely young noblewoman truly be my flesh and blood?

Nah: I'm sorry--what...? Wait. Are you...my father?!

Virion: Alas, my dear, that is not quite the case. I am, in fact, a Virion from another world, summoned here to-- Oof!

Nah: Father! Father, it's really you! I... *sniff* I just can't... *sob*

Virion: Barely have I introduced myself, and the child throws herself into my arms... It seems I've been blessed with a powerful aura of paternal reassurance. A gift indeed!

Nah: I don't care if you're from another world! You're still my father! All I ever knew of you was from pictures. I'm so happy to finally get to see you in the flesh--walking and talking and--

Virion: My dear Nah, please. One mustn't speak of people as if they were exhibits at a zoo. And while I find great comfort in your embrace, perhaps this is a tad... excessive.

Nah: Huh? Why?

Virion: Well, my dear, your true father is watching this whole spectacle from the heavens. I shudder to think how envious he must be of the kindness you heap upon me...

Nah: O-oh... Yes... Of course, you're right. *sniff* *Ahem* I'm okay now. I'm sorry I burst into tears like that.

Virion: Nah, you are a magnificent young woman-- as graceful as you are beautiful. I am truly proud to call you my daughter.

Nah: Heh. Come now... You tell me you're not my real father, then you start talking as if you were! Which is it going to be?

Virion: I... Well, you see... Hmph. Very well. You have the better of me there, my dear. Now, if you're finished mocking me, shall we turn our attention to your rescue? Parent or not, it is my sworn duty to come to the aid of any damsel in distress!

Nah: Fair enough. Thank you...Father.

Aww, Nah... :sob:

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Dammit, my theory... went up in flames... D=

What theory? ;o

So Outrealm chests might have random stuff...?

Well, seems the reinforcements changes... or at least that's what it looks like to me. Then again, I'm also playing on Normal here.

Anyway, I updated my post (the post-battle script) with the other children's monologue before the regular ending. I dunno if I should do the same for FoD2 and FoD3... I'm pretty sure they'll do the same for the next two FoDs. (I will never call it by the English name!!)

Anyway, for reference, here's the full ending: http://serenesforest.net/forums/index.php?showtopic=37426&page=31#entry2391257

Edit: Omg, this DLC is full of feels. ;~;

Edited by Cordelia
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What theory? ;o

I thought the bosses in Future Past 1 and 2 wouldn't attack the Avatar for some reason, but I guess that's not true. >_<

Edited by Levant Fortner
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So Outrealm chests might have random stuff...?

I got an Imposing Axe in one, and I think another type of axe in the other. So it's safe to assume they're random.

As for ending dialogue... Uh...

1) Do they have to be talked to by both of their parents for the monologue?

2) Do they all have to survive for the monologues to pop up? (Note: I didn't read them yet, if the answer is obvious.)

I had Tharja talk to Noire, but I lost Nah, and I got dialogue that (I assume) you get when 1-3 of them don't survive.

[spoiler=This, to be exact]Naga

Welcome home, warriors.


I'm sorry. We fought our hardest, but some of the children...


Do not blame yourself. They were all fated to die that day. You must solace yourself with every life you save, even if it is only one.


It should have been all of them...


Put it behind you, Chrom of Ylisse, and realize the great deed you have done. You have prevented the Gemstones from falling back into enemy hands. With luck, the surviving children will deliver them to their princess. You have done extremely well.




However, hopes for their future still hang by a thread. Gules and Azure count for but two of the Gemstones. The others, and the Fire Emblem itself, must also reach the princess. Otherwise, the children's struggles will be for naught.


I know... I'll do what I can.


Thank you. I knew I could rely on you. And the departed can rest easy knowing their sacrifice was not in vain...

I'll be a jerk tomorrow and get the dialogue when they're all killed. D:

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I thought the bosses in Future Past 1 and 2 wouldn't attack the Avatar for some reason, but I guess that's not true. >_<

Oh! That's what you mean. But well... maybe you're still right and the boss just moved to me on a certain turn. Because... I think I was taking longer than my first run but the boss started moving on his own after a certain amount of turns. So maybe he doesn't? But then we can't deny the fact that he still DID attack my Avatar so I dunno...

I think I may need to train up some of the other parents for FoD2 and 3...

Edit: No, I only had one parent talk to the children. Well, to be exact, it was 3 of them were by their mothers and one was by the father (Nah -> Lon'qu). As for being alive... I'm not sure since I was able to keep up the pace on Normal mode.

But wait, was I supposed to grab that too? D: My script was for the regular ending of all the kids surviving AND being talked to by one of their parents. If I should do all alternatives, I'll start on that for FoD2 and 3.

Edit #2: For FoD2, I'll be bold and say I could probably grab the other scripts for it if no one else wants to lol. I think I should be safe there. (Or if anything, I'll make things work!) Not gonna make any bets on FoD3.

but for now, I think it's time for bed for me.

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^Okay, so only one parent is necessary. That confirms that you need all 4 of them alive, since I had Tharja talk to Noire...etc... Also, it's up to you if you want to do all the ending dialogue. I can split it up if you don't want to do all of it. I didn't know there would be differences, so I didn't split it up originally. ^^;

I'll edit the lists tomorrow... Just putting them on the new page...

Btw, I have the ending dialogue for Hot-Spring Scramble typed up. Both MaMU and FeMU versions. But...I'm...about to fall over asleep...


Claims Lists (Link to DLC page)

[Note: Items crossed out have been claimed.]

[spoiler=Harvest Scramble]Conversations:

Sully > Miriel - Pikayoshi

Miriel > Cherche - Pikayoshi

Lon'qu > Gregor - Pikayoshi

Tiki > Nowi - Faye

Brady > Yarne - Faye

Cynthia > Nah - Faye

Morgan (M) > Yarne - Faye

Morgan (F) > Noire - Faye

Laurent > Yarne - Faye

[spoiler=Summer Scramble]Costume Change Scenes: - Faye





Enter Battle Quotes:

Avatar (M) - Faye

Chrom - Faye

Frederick - Faye

Miriel - Faye

Sumia - Faye

Donnel - Faye

Lon'qu - Faye

Ricken - Faye

Libra - Faye

Tharja - Faye

Olivia - Faye

Henry - Faye

Say'ri - Faye

Tiki - Faye

Lucina - Faye

Inigo - Faye

Brady - Faye

Cynthia - Faye

Severa - Faye

Morgan(M) - Faye

Morgan(F) - Faye

Laurent - Faye

Noire - Faye


Chrom > Avatar - Faye

Lissa > Sumia - Faye

Virion > Lon'qu - Faye

Virion > Gaius - Silver Lightning

Stahl > Chrom - Faye

Vaike > Frederick - Faye

Vaike > Ricken - Silver Lightning

Miriel > Sumia - Faye

Miriel > Maribelle - Faye

Kellam > Frederick - Faye

Donnel > Virion - Faye

Donnel > Gregor - Faye

Lon'qu > Libra - Faye

Ricken > Chrom - Faye

Maribelle > Sumia - Faye

Panne > Sully - Silver Lightning

Gaius > Avatar - Faye

Gaius > Lon'qu - Faye

Nowi > Sully - Silver Lightning

Nowi > Panne - Silver Lightning

Cordelia > Avatar - Faye

Gregor > Stahl - Silver Lightning

Libra > Frederick - Faye

Tharja > Avatar - Faye

Tharja > Cordelia - Faye

Tharja > Olivia - Faye

Olivia > Lissa - Faye

Cherche > Sully - Silver Lightning

Cherche > Panne - Silver Lightning

Cherche > Olivia - Faye

Henry > Kellam - Faye

Henry > Gaius - Faye

Henry > Libra - Faye

[spoiler=Hot-Spring Scramble]Before Battle Script - Ace Tactician

Costume Change Scenes: - Faye





Enter Battle Quotes:

Avatar (M) - Faye

Avatar (F) - Faye

Chrom - Faye

Frederick - Faye

Sully - Pikayoshi

Vaike - Pikayoshi

Miriel - Faye

Kellam - Pikayoshi

Donnel - Faye

Lon'qu - Faye

Ricken - Faye

Panne - Pikayoshi

Nowi - Pikayoshi

Tharja - Faye

Olivia - Faye

Henry - Faye

Basilio - Pikayoshi

Flavia - Pikayoshi

Owain - Faye

Inigo - Faye

Brady - Faye

Morgan(M) - Faye

Morgan(F) - Faye

Yarne - Zeem

Laurent - Faye

Noire - Faye


Avatar > Lucina - Faye

Avatar > Lucina (spouse) - Faye

Avatar > Lucina (child) - Ace Tactician

Avatar > Owain - Faye

Avatar > Owain (child) Levant Fortner

Avatar > Inigo - Faye

Avatar > Severa - Faye

Avatar > Severa (spouse) - Zeem

Anna > Say'ri - Faye

Flavia > Anna - Faye

Flavia > Tiki - Faye

Walhart > Basilio - Ace Tactician

Walhart > Priam - Silver Lightning

Emmeryn > Gangrel - Faye

Yen'fay > Priam - Faye

Aversa > Tiki - Faye

Aversa > Gangrel - Faye

Owain > Gerome - Ace Tactician

Owain > Laurent - Faye

Brady > Gerome - Faye

Cynthia > Kjelle - Faye

Severa > Lucina - Faye

Morgan (M) > Inigo - Faye

Morgan (M) > Brady - Faye

Morgan (F) > Cynthia - Faye

Morgan (F) > Severa - Faye

Yarne > Owain - Silver Lightning

Yarne > Inigo - Faye

Yarne > Gerome - Silver Lightning

Laurent > Inigo - Faye

Laurent > Brady - Faye

Noire > Lucina - Faye

Noire > Kjelle - Faye

Noire > Cynthia - Faye

Nah > Lucina - Faye

Nah > Kjelle - Silver Lightning

Nah > Severa - Faye

Post-Battle Script - Ace Tactician

[spoiler=Future of Despair 1]After Prep-screen Script - Ace Tactician

Conversations: (Listed by FoD-version characters)


Cynthia - Levant Fortner

[spoiler=Fathers]Avatar (M) - Faye

Chrom - Levant Fortner

Gaius - Wheels

Henry - Faye


Noire - Levant Fortner

[spoiler=Fathers]Avatar (M) - Faye


Virion - Ace Tactician

Vaike - Faye




Ricken - Faye

Gaius - Wheels

Gregor - Tsamimi

Libra - Faye

Donnel - Drgnquester


[spoiler=Fathers]Avatar (M) - Faye

Chrom - Ultimafangirl

Frederick - Faye

Vaike - Pikayoshi

Stahl - Faye

Lon'qu - Faye

Ricken - Faye

Gaius - Ace Tactician

Gregor - Faye

Libra - Wheels

Henry - Tsamimi

Donnel - Wheels


Nah - Levant Fortner

[spoiler=Fathers]Avatar (M) - Faye


Stahl - Tsamimi

Gaius - Faye

Gregor - Wheels

Libra - Levant Fortner

Henry - Faye

Donnel - Wheels

Morgan (M) [boss]:

Avatar (F) - Levant Fortner

[spoiler=Future of Despair 2]Pre-Battle Script - Cordelia

After Prep-screen Script - Cordelia

Misc. Script

-VS Boss - Cordelia

-Boss Defeated - Cordelia

-Children's Deathquotes - Tsamimi


Conversations: (Listed by FoD-version characters)


Inigo - Cordelia

Olivia - Silver Lightning

[spoiler=Fathers]Avatar (M) - Faye

Chrom - Wheels

Frederick - Faye

Virion - Ultimafangirl

Vaike - Faye

Stahl - Cordelia

Kellam - Faye

Lon'qu - SniperGYS

Ricken - Faye

Gaius - Tsamimi

Gregor - Levant Fortner

Libra - Black★Rock Shooter

Henry - Wheels

Donnel - Faye


Owain - Cordelia

Lissa - Silver Lightning

[spoiler=Fathers]Avatar (M) - Faye

Frederick - Wheels

Virion - Leif

Vaike - Faye

Stahl - Faye

Kellam - Faye

Lon'qu - Silver Lightning

Ricken - Wheels

Gaius - Drgnquester

Gregor - Drgnquester

Libra - Sangyul

Henry - Faye

Donnel - Tsamimi


Brady - Cordelia

Maribelle - Silver Lightning

[spoiler=Fathers]Avatar (M) - Faye

Chrom - Pikayoshi

Frederick - Tsamimi

Virion - Faye

Vaike - Faye

Stahl - Wheels

Kellam - Ace Tactician

Lon'qu - Wheels

Ricken - SniperGYS

Gaius - Silver Lightning

Gregor - Leif

Libra - Faye

Henry - 春閣下

Donnel - Faye


Yarne - SniperGYS

Panne - Silver Lightning

[spoiler=Fathers]Avatar (M) - Faye

Frederick - Sangyul

Virion - Tsamimi

Vaike - SniperGYS

Stahl - Tsamimi

Kellam - Wheels

Lon'qu - Faye

Ricken - Faye

Gaius - Faye

Gregor - Wheels

Libra - Faye

Henry - Faye

Donnel - Cordelia

Morgan (F) [boss]:

Avatar (M) - Sangyul

Avatar (F) - Pikayoshi

Post-Battle Script:

-If all children survive - Cordelia

-If 1-3 children don't survive

-If no children survive - Tsamimi

[spoiler=Future of Despair 3]Pre-Battle Script - Cordelia

After Prep-screen Script - Cordelia

Misc. Script

-Children's Deathquotes - Tsamimi


Conversations: (Listed by FoD-version characters)


Lucina - Ace Tactician

Chrom - Silver Lightning

[spoiler=Mothers]Avatar (F) - Black★Rock Shooter

Sully - Ultimafangirl

Sumia - Wheels

Maribelle - Pikayoshi

Olivia - Wheels


Laurent - SniperGYS

Miriel - Silver Lightning

[spoiler=Fathers]Avatar (M) - Sangyul

Frederick - Wheels

Virion - Faye

Vaike - Wheels

Stahl - Faye

Kellam - Silver Lightning

Lon'qu - Faye

Ricken - Faye

Gaius - Faye

Gregor - Ace Tactician

Libra - Tsamimi

Henry - Faye

Donnel - Ultimafangirl


Gerome - SniperGYS

Cherche - Silver Lightning

[spoiler=Fathers]Avatar (M) - Faye

Frederick - Drgnquester

Virion - Faye

Vaike - Wheels

Stahl - 春閣下

Kellam - Wheels

Lon'qu - Ultimafangirl

Ricken - Faye

Gaius - Faye

Gregor - Shadow Stalker X

Libra - Faye

Henry - Sangyul

Donnel - Faye


Severa - Levant Fortner

Cordelia - Silver Lightning

[spoiler=Fathers]Avatar (M) - Naui

Frederick - Tsamimi

Virion - Wheels

Vaike - Silver Lightning

Stahl - Wheels

Kellam - Faye

Lon'qu - Zeem

Ricken - Faye

Gaius - Cordelia

Gregor - Faye

Libra - Ultimafangirl

Henry - Faye

Donnel - Faye

Post-Battle Script:

-If all children survive - Cordelia

-If 1-3 children don't survive

-If no children survive - Tsamimi

Edited by Tsamimi
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I...don't think I'd mind... It'd hurt inside, but... yeah... I think I'll be able to grab all the endings... just may take a little longer to grab them all and doing the whole map twice.

I dunno, I think sleep deprivation and insomnia as a result of that (don't ask how that works) made me think unclearly. some help would be nice... I might prefer to get the endings where all the kids survive. though I'll let you know too?

...I might skip out on Yarne -> Donny for 2, BUT we'll see first so I'll hold onto it first.

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Back to the Summer Scramble front:


Really? Are you really attacking us in a hot spring? Are you on vacation? *Sigh* I wonder of Risen seek out happy places just to ruin them for everyone. Listen... Promise me that if we find a restaurant Outrealm, you'll stay AWAY.


I wonder why the Risen always seem to attack places where people gather. Could there be some shred of humanity left within them? A desire to belong? But this is no time for idle speculation. There is work to be done!


It's human nature to flock to places with significant commercial value... But that's no excuse for the likes of you inhuman dirtbags! You're bad for business. If you're not here to shop, get out and stay out!

[spoiler=Chrom > Emmeryn]

Chrom: How are you feeling, Emm?

Emmeryn: A bit...tired...

Chrom: Sorry to hear that. I wish I could give you more time to rest between all these battles. But do you see these hot springs? They're therapeutic. Once the fighting is done, I promise to give you time to relax and heal.

Emmeryn: Thera...peutic...

Chrom: That's right. Soak in these waters and you'll feel all your pain and troubles melt away. Some foldk even claim hot springs can speed recovery from wounds and illnesses. Pretty impressive, don't you think? Almost like magic. I'm sure they'll work a host of wonders for you as well.

Emmeryn: The water... So warm...

Chrom: That's right, isn't it nice? Do you remember when I was little and I almost drowned in the bath? You came running in and plucked me out of the suds like a kitten! Ha!

Emmeryn: I'm sorry... I-I don't remember...

Chrom: It's all right. Everything will come back to you in time.

Emmeryn: But I...do like this...

Chrom: Like what?

Emmeryn: The water... It's warm... It smells alive...

Chrom: Well, I'm glad you're enjoying it. Now let's go finish off these Risen so you can appreciate it in full.

[spoiler= Emmeryn > Chrom]

Chrom: I can't remember how long it's been since I've seen Emm so fond of a place.

Emmeryn: The water... So warm... Thera...peutic!

Chrom: ...... Emm, there's something I think we should talk about.

Emmeryn: What...?

Chrom: How would you like to stay here for a while at the hot springs? I know you enjoy it here. And you could give yourself time to recuperate...

Emmeryn: ...?

Chrom: Of course I would rather stay with you. I wish I could always keep you close - keep you safe. But you spent the first part of your life preaching peace. i had no right to drag you into my war and entangle you in such violence...

Emmeryn: ......

Chrom: I...I would understand if you chose to leave it all behind and stay here.

Emmeryn: Chrom... Are you...crying?

Chrom: Hm? *sniff* Don't be silly, I--

Emmeryn: I want to stay...with you...

Chrom: What? But, Emm...

Emmeryn: I belong...with you... My strength...is your strength... The world...needs me... You ne me... And I...need you...

Chrom: Oh, Emm... *sniff*

Emmeryn: Don't...cry, Chrom... Everything...will be okay...

Chrom: Thanks, Emm. You'll always be my big sister. We belong together. And I swear on Falchion that no harm will come to you. I swear to all the gods! You and I will give the world the peace it desires. Together.

Emmeryn: Together...

Edited by Levant Fortner
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Post-Battle, if all children are defeated:


Damn it...


...Welcome home, warriors. You fought valiantly. However, the children have all died, and the Gemstones have returned to the enemy. Without the stones, their world is doomed to fall.


But...there must be something we can do! Oh, gods, forgive me...


Do not punish yourself. Their world simply met with the end destiny prescribed.


I don't care what destiny prescribed!


I understand. But you must not linger on what is already done. Be glad that you gave the children one last glimmer of hope. It was more than they had. And you can still save your own world. The departed would want you to fight with every bone in your body...as I trust you will.



And their deathquotes:


I thought...I was ready for this, but...now I wish I...could've gone...home...


Mother... Father... Come for me... I d-don't want to die...alone...


No... It can't...end here... We needed to...save the world...


No! I...I won't give...up... I still believe...this world...can...

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