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DLC Conversation/Script Thread


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I have Future Past 2 recorded, going to try to post my one claim today before I have to go to work.


[spoiler=Kellam >Brady Future Past 2]

Kellam: Brady! You're all right.

Brady: Huh? ...Holy horse feathers! Pop? You come back to haunt me?

Kellam: No, I'm no ghost.

Brady: Like hell you're not! My old man died ages ago. Killed by a bunch of Risen. Besides, you've got this ethereal look to ya...

Kellam: That's, uh...That's my usual look. Anyway, let's get to the point. I'm from another world. I came here to help you when I heard you were in trouble. So I'm not a ghost...but I'm also not really your father.

Brady: Oh. Well, that's a relief. I almost thought you were my escort to you-know-where. So you say you're here to help?

Kellam: That's right. I'm going to get you back to Ylisse safe and sound. No Risen are going to get past me!

Brady: No, old-timer, listen to me... You gotta help my friends, not me. They're stuck on the other side of the ravine!

Kellam: But I'm worried about you...

Brady: The hell with me! I'm your son, ain't I? I bet the Risen won't even see me. Except, unlike you, I ain't got what it takes to save my friends. So you gotta do it for me. ...Promise! They could be badly wounded, or... No, I'm not gonna think about it.

Kellam: All right, Brady. I understand how you feel. I'll look after your friends.

Brady: You mean it?! ...Aw, thanks, Pop!

Kellam: But you have to make me a promise too. You're no warrior. Stay away from the Risen, and get out of here. Fast.

Brady: All right. I promise. You watch your sorry hide too! *Brady leaves*

Kellam: Don't worry about me. I can-- ...Huh? Where'd he go? Holy smokes! He does take after me... He might even have me beat.

Edited by Ace Tactician
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I like that conversation of Avatar and Cynthia... ;__;

and looool, Kellam and Brady. xD So he passes his invisibility to his son...

Same here. ;__;

I wonder if that happens with the other Outrealm children if Kellam's the father...?

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I wonder if that happens with the other Outrealm children if Kellam's the father...?

I did read Brady convo with one of his father about how the enemy usually doesn't see him or something...

It's Ricken.

"Brady: I can take care of myself. I have a way of slipping right under the enemy’s nose… Musta got that from you. Ma told me about the time you snuck behind enemy lines to rescue her."

It's supposed to talk about how Ricken saved Maribelle, but the moment I read that sentence, I instantly remember Kellam.


Good for you Kellam, your child takes after you.

Edited by Fairlee
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[spoiler=Gaius > Owain]

Owain: Do the raging valley winds play tricks on my eyes? Now I'm seeing phantoms of my father.
Gaius: I'm no phantom, Owain.
Owain: The howling of the wind, it...it even SOUNDS like my father... Has he come from the next world to claim me?
Gaius: Hey! Do I look like some kinda deathly messenger to you? I may have come from another world to save you, but not THAT one.
Owain: You mean you're...not a ghost? You're really here?!
Gaius: Yes! Can we get past the ghost thing already? And even if I was a ghost, I wouldn't be helping to drag you off to heaven.
Owain: Huh?
Gaius: I mean, what kind of father wants to watch his son bite the big one? Not me, that's for sure. I ought to club you one for trying to sacrifice yourself like that at the bridge. Brave or not, that was a cruel thing to make your old man watch.
Owain: But I was just trying to—
Gaius: You need to take better care of yourself, Owain. That look on your face back there gave me a real scare. I could see in your face that you were ready to...that I almost lost you.
Owain: All right... I'm sorry. I'll take better care of myself. I promise.
Gaius: Good. I came here to save you. That means you have to fight to stay in this, no matter how hard it gets. Don't make me say it again!
Owain: Huh? ...Father, wait! ...He's gone. ...... Well...thanks for the tough love. I think I needed that.

I can FINALLY delete this blasted file

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Okay, here are my Spa of Bonds costume change scripts! As for my convos, I will work on those in small intervals. 8U So I don't triple post again in the future. Anyways, here we go:

Spa of Bonds

[spoiler=Costume Change]


Lucina: Is this the place? I’m almost afraid to ask why I was summoned here…

Anna: Welcome, Lucina! And congratulations! You’ve been selected as one the future’s most popular ladies!

Lucina: What…? By whom? This must be some mistake. I couldn’t possibly presume to accept such an honor. Still, I thank you all the same. I’m flattered to have even been considered—

Anna: Oh, there’s no mistake, I assure you! In fact, as a result of your selection…the Bathrealm has decided to present you with this commemorative yukata! And after you try it on, we’ve got another little surprise waiting for you too. I’m so excited! Your transformation is the one I’ve been looking forward to the most.

Lucina: Transformation…?

Anna: All right, let’s get you inside. I’ll help slip you into your yukata.

Lucina: O-oh, right. Very well. I…appreciate the help.

*screen goes black*

Lucina: A commemorative yukata, huh? I wonder which one it is… Oh? Look at that!

Anna: All right, let’s get started! Here’s the yukata I’ve selected… Hmm…? What is it, Lucina? Is something the matter?

Lucina: That yukata there… Might I try that one?

Anna: You mean the one with the Brand pattern that I offered to Chrom?! Um… That yukata wasn’t exactly intended to be worn by, uh…

Lucina: Never mind about that! It’s absolutely spectacular… No, I’ve decided. It’s the only one that interests me!

Anna: Okay, okay! I get it. Let me see if I can find one with that pattern a bit closer to your size…

Lucina: Yes, please do!

Anna: Here we go. All right, let’s give this one a try. Step this way, please.

Lucina: Gladly!

*Shwip, fwip* *Squeeze*

Lucina: Oh, would you look at this? It’s every bit as spectacular as I hoped. Thank you so much!

Anna: Well, as long as your satisfied… And now for the finishing touch… Let’s color your hair!

Lucina: My…hair?

Anna: That’s right. To match your yukata, you need a nice twilight shine! I’m actually a natural redhead myself, you know—just like my sisters. But I dyed my hair with a special elixir designed to accentuate my yukata. I’ll do the same with yours—when we’re done, we’ll look like twins!

Lucina: I see. Well, I suppose it couldn’t hurt to give it a try. I couldn’t help noticing how striking it looks on you, after all.

Anna: Oh, you’re too kind! All right, well, let’s start applying the elixir.

Lucina: Eek! It’s s-so cold! And it kind of stings…

Anna: That should go away soon. …Hopefully. Now we just sit back and wait for the dye to set in! You should be good to go in three…two…

*Lucina’s hair is dyed a shinier blue*

Lucina: Wow! It really does shine!

Anna: Look at you! Come on, let’s set outside and show the world!

*CG of Lucina in her yukata*

Lucina: What do you think? Does this pattern suit me as well as it does my father?

Anna: Are you kidding? It looks like it was made just for you! Then again, I bet someone like you could make any yukata look good.

Lucina: Heh… You flatter me. But I’m delighted to hear it all the same. Thank you for humoring me. I know this isn’t the yukata you had in mind. In any case, I’d better get changed back into my normal clothes now.

Anna: What? You’re changing back already?! But it looks so good on you! Why not savor it for just a little while longer?

Lucina: Would that I could… But not while my friends are risking their lives. We can’t afford to tarry any longer—peace must be restored to the springs! We’ve caused you enough trouble already.

Anna: You caused ME trouble? How so?

Lucina: Because of these hideous monsters! They attacked as soon as we arrived. The ambush was surely intended for us.

Anna: …… Heh heh…

Lucina: Wh-what’s so funny?

Anna: You really are the sweetest thing. No wonder you won so many votes! Now put that thought out of your mind. These monsters didn’t come for you. It’s pure chance that they showed up when they did. I should be apologizing! I appreciate your sense of duty, but we all need to take a break sometimes. Just like you guys are trying to do right now.

Lucina: ……I…I suppose you’re right. Thanks again for letting me try the yukata and for dyeing my hair. It really did mean a lot to me.

Anna: No thanks necessary. I enjoyed it too! Now, let’s get you back to your old self.

Lucina: Indeed!

*screen returns to battle map*

Anna: Thanks for coming, Lucina. Your hair’s back to normal, by the way!

Lucina: It is…? You’re right! That certainly was fast…

Anna: Yes, that was just a short-term elixir I use for sample purposes. If you like, I’d be happy to apply another dose?

Lucina: Ah, I appreciate the offer, but…

Anna: Heh. I had a feeling you’d say that. And as much as I hate to admit it, your natural hair is already stunning. No dye could ever match the resplendent blue that you and your father share.

Lucina: Thank you. For that, and everything. Well, I’d better be getting back now. The next time I’m able to catch my breath…could you show me a few more yukata?

Anna: Are you kidding? It ‘d be my pleasure! I’ll make sure I’m well stocked with lots of the…bolder designs that you prefer.


Owain: So this is the fated “winners’ circle”, is it? But why summon me here? What could they be planning…?

Anna: -appears- There’s our winner! Welcome and congrats, Owain! You’ve been selected as one of the future’s most popular men!

Owain: Popular?! You fools… To so willfully ignore the insatiable fury that taints my blood!

Anna: Uh…yeah. Sure, kid. Anyway, as a result of your selection…the Bathrealm has decided to present you with this commemorative yukata! After you try it on, we’ve got another little surprise waiting for you too.

Owain: Huh? B-but my sword arm thirsts for battle! I don’t have time for—

Anna: Right, right. Now please step inside. I’ll help get you into that yukata!

Owain: Y-yes, ma’am…

*screen goes black*

Owain: I need to get back into character… My big scene is coming up! This costume change marks the hero’s ultimate awakening!

Anna: All right, let’s get you dressed. Here you go: your custom yukata!

Owain: Gods above! It…it cannot be! This color… This pattern! This must be…the fabled lost raiment of the legendary Enigma King! Its power…overwhelms! Hurry! Tie the Belt of Warding before I’m consumed!

Anna: Would you sit still and stop squirming already? And quit flexing too.

Owain: Y-yes, ma’am.

*Rustle, bustle* *Scrunch*

Owain: All set? And not a moment too soon… The wards may hold—but for how long?!

Anna: And now for the final step…it’s time to dye your hair!

Owain: Indeed! …Wait, what now?

Anna: Your hair! To match the yukata, it needs a more mystical color. We call this one “Twilight Gloaming”.

Owain: T-Twilight Gloaming?! You do have a way with names… I respect that.

Anna: When we’re through with your hair, it’ll be the same color as mine! I’m actually a natural redhead, you know—just like my sisters. But I dyed my hair with a special elixir designed to accentuate my yukata. I’m going to use the same one on you. We’ll be like siblings!

Owain: You intend to taint this kingly coiffure? A millennia-old symbol of royal glory?! And yet…part of me yearns for release from the shackles of heritage… Very well. Do it! Debase me with your common dye! Befoul me with your Twilight Gloaming!

Anna: Um…okay… You know it’s only temporary, right…? Anyway, I’ve got it right here. One shot of Twilight Gloaming coming right up!

Owain: Huh? Wh-what foul devilry is this?! It’s cold and…it smells funny.

Anna: Hey, this is high-quality stuff! Just hold still. You’ll be fine. And…there we go! Now give the elixir a moment to do its thing, and you’re set. …There. All finished!

*Owain’s hair is dyed blue*

Owain: What?! The man in the looking glass… He is me, and yet…I know him not!

Anna: Ooh, not bad, handsome! Let’s go outside and show everyone!

*CG of Owain in his yukata*

Owain: Bear witness to the legend reborn… My visage commands evil’s gaze like moonlight reflected on drawn steel!

Anna: It sure does! Which maybe isn’t so hot if you’re trying to avoid enemies… But hey, if you’re looking to stand out, it’s perfect!

Owain: Ugh! My sword arm…throbs with fury… Is it resonating with the yukata?! If I can’t keep this dire magic in check, the whole spring…will be obliterated…

Anna: I have no idea what he’s talking about, but at least he likes the yukata… Hey, Owain? That yukata is for sale! How’d you like to take it home with you?

Owain: What?! You would seek to permanently bind me to this garment…? Hmm… The rites of binding are known to be dangerous and painful… Still, I may be the only man alive capable of containing its power…

Anna: So you’ll take it? Great! A pleasure doing business with you. I’ll just write you out an invoice here…

Owain: ……WHAT?! How could any one piece of clothing possibly cost that much?!

Anna: Huh? It’s the, uh…legendary fabric! That’s why it resonates with you so!

Owain: Th-thanks, but…I think just wearing it once was probably enough. I’ll just change back to my old clothes, and we’ll forget this ever happened…

Anna: Aw, are you suuure you don’t want it? You were so excited about it…

Owain: N-no, I’m good, really! If I ever spent that much money on clothes, my mother would kill me…

Anna: Heh. Sorry to hear it, kid. If you change your mind, you know where to find me!

*screen returns to battle map*

Anna: Thanks for dropping by, Owain. I hope you enjoyed the yukata! That’s all that really matters.

Owain: Huh…? My hair’s back to its old color already…

Anna: Oh, right. That’s just a short-term elixir for sample purposes. If you like, I’d be happy to apply another dose…

Owain: N-no, that’s fine, thanks. The Twilight Gloaming was nice, but I’m happy with my natural color. It’s a reminder of my late father…

Anna: Oh, I see. Of course. Well, how about I put this yukata aside for you for a little while? Talk it over with your mother, and if she approves, you can come back for it.

Owain: Wh-what?! I’m not some child tugging at the hem of my mother’s dress! I…simply lack the strength to bind with so potent an artifact! That’s all! But I shall strive to amass experience, and once I have a great wealth of…experience… I vow to fulfill my duty to ensure the magic raiment is held by the forces of justice!

Anna: All right. Well, once you’ve got the money saved up, the yukata will be waiting.

Owain: You have my gratitude, noble guardian of the Enigma King’s legacy!


Inigo: Is this where we’re supposed to meet? My heart is racing! It’s not every day I get a summons from a beautiful woman…

Anna: -appears- Oh! Come on in. I’m so glad you made it! Since you’ve been selected as one of the future’s most popular men…the Bathrealm has decided to present you with this commemorative yukata! And after you try it on, we’ve got another little surprise waiting for you too.

Inigo: Reeeally? Not just the yukata, you say? Something…else too?

Anna: Absolutely! Now come on in, and I’ll start getting you dressed.

Inigo: All right, sounds goo— Wait… You’re coming in here too? …While I’m getting dressed?!

Anna: Sure am! But don’t you worry—I won’t touch you anywhere creepy.

Inigo: How bizarre! That’s usually my line…

*screen goes black*

Inigo: Um…excuse me, but…I think I’ll just get dressed by myself, so… Could you give me a moment here? You can help with the belt after…

Anna: Absolutely not. Do you know how difficult it is to wear these properly? I take pride in my products, and I won’t have you looking like a fool out there!

Inigo: I-I didn’t mean…

Anna: Good. Now, let’s get started. Here’s the yukata I picked for you.

Inigo: Wow, that’s really quite nice! It would be an honor to wear this. But tell me, my sweet…do you treat all of your customers like this?

Anna: …What do you mean, “like this”?

Inigo: It’s just…some might call your treatment a bit…forceful. You know? Perhaps your male customers would prefer a more…demure saleswoman? Urgh! M-miss! It’s too…tight! I-I can’t…I can’t breathe!

Anna: Oh? You’ll have to forgive me, dear. My hands must have slipped. There. Does that feel better?

Inigo: *Gasp* Ah, yes… That’s… That’s much better. (I should probably take a bit more care not to offend her…)

Anna: Alrighty, now that you’re all dressed, we’re ready to dye your hair!

Inigo: …My hair?

Anna: That’s right! When wearing a yukata, your hair should sparkle like a starry sky. Like mine! I’m actually a natural redhead, you know—just like my sisters. But I dyed my hair with a special elixir designed to accentuate my yukata. Come on—you only live one, right? Let’s see how it looks!

Inigo: I…suppose that’s fine. Mainly because I’m afraid of what you’d do if I refused…

Anna: Aren’t you a fast learner! Here, I’ll apply the elixir.

Inigo: Oh my, s-so cold! That sent a chill all the way down my spine! And it’s so…sticky… Urgh… Are you sure this stuff’s safe?

Anna: Sure! It comes on a little strong, but I promise it’s worth it. Just hold tight for a bit longer, and your hair will change like magic! Here it comes!

*Inigo’s hair is dyed blue*

Inigo: Oh, look at that! Wow… I barely look like myself at all!

Anna: Oh, you look far more impressive. Come on, let’s pop outside!

Inigo: Already? B-but I’m not ready to let everyone see me like this! Hey, don’t pull so hard! You’re gonna tear the sleeve!

*CG of Inigo in his yukata*

Inigo: Gods, this is so embarrassing… Please don’t look at me!

Anna: Oh, come on! There’s nothing to be embarrassed about! The hair color is great, the yukata looks wonderful on you… Women are going to be throwing themselves at you left and right!

Inigo: D-do you really think so?

Anna: Oh, I know so. And I’ve got thousands of satisfied customers to prove it!

Inigo: I see… Well, that does make me feel a bit better. Thank you. You’ve renewed my confidence. Perhaps this look isn’t all that bad!

Anna: Glad you like it! It’s for sale, you know… Why not take it back home with you? I bet you can’t buy anything like this in your own world, right? And think of how great it would be for your dance performances!

Inigo: Yes, a garment like this would certainly inspire some new dance routines…

Anna: Right? Tell you what—if you act now, I’ll even throw in the magical hair elixir. It’ll be great for giving that special someone a taste of an all-new you!

Inigo: S-special someone…?

Anna: Oh? Got someone in mind there, don’t you, loverboy? Whoever she is, I’m sure she’d love to see you like this, no?

Inigo: What?! I…I…

Anna: I bet she’d be dazzled by your new look. She might just fall in love on the spot! Play a little shy, like you are now—then slowly approach, and whisper… “I wore this for you, baby.” Ooh, what girl could possibly resist…?!

Inigo: S-stop it, please! You’re getting me all worked up! Look… I wore it like I said I would. Now I’m changing back to my clothes. And this time, stay out, would you? I can get dressed by myself!

Anna: Inigo, wait! *Sigh* He went back inside… Boy, I certainly botched that sale! I thought he’d want in for sure…

*screen returns to battle map*

Anna: Thanks for indulging me, Inigo. I’m glad you came. And…I’m sorry about the hard sell. The yukata just looked so good on you, it really lit my merchant’s spark!

Inigo: Your merchant’s spark, huh? Well, in spite of the embarrassment, I admit it was kind of fun. I’m grateful for the compliment too. So…thanks for that. By the way, what happened to my hair? It’s back to its old color already!

Anna: Oh, that was just a short-term elixir I use for sample purposes. If you like, I’d be happy to apply another dose?

Inigo: Ah, no, that’s all right. It was a fine look, but I think I prefer my natural color. It feels good to have the same hair color as my father, you know?

Anna: I understand completely. If you change your mind, just let me know. Normally the yukata and the elixir are sold as a set…but for you? Not only will I sell the elixir separately—I’ll sell it to you at a wholesale price! In fact, act now and I’ll throw in a bunch of free samples too! What a value!

Inigo: Yeesh… Once your merchant’s spark is lit, what does it take to put it out?


Severa: So this is the place, is it? What’s her deal, calling me here in the middle of battle? This better be good…

Anna: There you are, Severa! Thanks for coming. Since you’ve been selected as one of the world’s most popular ladies…the Bathrealm has decided to present you with this commemorative yukata! And after you try it on, we’ve got another little surprise waiting for you too.

Severa: Oh? W-well, new clothes are always nice… And what girl doesn’t like surprises? Ugh, but no! I don’t have time to hang out and play dress-up while—

Anna: Then hurry on in here! I’ll help get your yukata on.

Severa: ACK! H-hey! I never said I’d do it! Q-quit pushing me, will you? I don’t have time for this!

*screen goes black*

Severa: What is wrong with you?! Now my hair and clothes are a mess. Keep your damn hands to yourself!

Anna: Oops. Sorry about that! But I wasn’t about to just let you run off, you know… Not before I could see you in the yukata I picked out for you!

Severa: What?! This looks…familiar.

Anna: It should! The pattern is based on the colors that your mother always wears. I’m sure it’ll look wonderful on you. Care to try it on?

Severa: …… *Sigh* I SUPPOSE I could humor you… But make it quick, you hear? The others are waiting.

Anna: I wouldn’t have it any other way. Now hop on over here.

Severa: Fine, fine…

*Rustle, bustle* *Swish*

Severa: Huh. Well, at least you seem to know what you’re doing…

Anna: You embarrass me with your praise. And now for the finishing touch… Let’s get your hair dyed!

Severa: Let’s what? You already messed up my hair—now you’re changing its color?!

Anna: Sure am! When a lady wears a yukata, her hair should sparkle like a starlit sky! I’m actually a natural redhead you know—just like my sisters. But I dyed my hair with a special elixir designed to accentuate my yukata. Come on, this is your chance to be at the forefront of contemporary fashion!

Severa: Hmph… I suppose it wouldn’t kill me to try out a new look… but don’t think you suckered me in with that “forefront of fashion” nonsense!

Anna: Noted! Now, sit still for a moment while I apply the elixir…

Severa: Ugh! What the hell?! It’s cold! And yet, somehow it burns… G-get that stuff away from me!

Anna: Hey, that’s the price you pay for beauty! Hold tight for just a little longer. The color is about to change… Okay, here we go!

*Severa’s hair is dyed blue*

Severa: Whoa, it really did change! This is so weird…

Anna: Ooh, it looks great on you, Severa! Come on, let’s get back outside.

Severa: H-hey, take it easy, would you? What’s with all the pushing?!

*CG of Severa in her yukata*

Severa: Fine, we’re outside. Are you happy? …So what’s the verdict? Yay? Nay?

Anna: Oh, definitely yay! You look gorgeous, Severa! You’re every bit the beauty that your mother is.

Severa: Please. Spare me the sales pitch. I don’t hold a candle to my mother. I’m sure the yukata you chose for me would look a whole lot better on her…

Anna: Well, you’re probably right about that.

Severa: See?! I knew it…

Anna: Hee hee. That’s not what I mean. See, yukatas look better on…well, let’s just say “smaller” women. They’re not exactly ideal for those with…ample proportions.

Severa: Huh? Are you serious?! *Sigh* I guess Mother wins again. She’s as flat as an undented kite shield…

Anna: Are you mocking her or admiring her? It’s…kind of hard to tell sometimes.

Severa: Can’t it be both? But wait a minute here. Are you trying to say…I’ve got bigger ones than her?

Anna: As far as I can tell! Not that yours are worth writing home about either…

Severa: Hmm… Interesting… Very interesting indeed! Hee hee! At long last, Severa comes out on top! I’ve finally bested her in SOMETHING!

Anna: Well, not to rain on your parade, but…remember how this little chat started? Your mother’s modest chest is the reason she wears a yukata so well. Sooo…isn’t that a win for her?

Severa: Hey! Can’t I have a moment to savor my triumph before you nitpick it to pieces? Aren’t you a merchant? What happened to the customer always being right?!

Anna: Heh heh. Forgive me, Severa. Teasing you is just too much fun! And I really was just teasing earlier. You look spectacular in that yukata. Even more beautiful than your beloved mother, if I may be so bold.

Severa: Ugh, would you just stop talking?! Your hollow flattery makes me ill! I see how it works now… You build me up so you can sell me the yukata, right? Ugh. Turn around—I’m changing back. You can keep your precious yukata!

Anna: My, my. She sure is cute when she gets flustered…

*screen returns to battle map*

Anna: Aw, look at this. You folded up the yukata perfectly. Thanks, Severa.

Severa: Hmph. Don’t thank me for that. It’s common sense… By the way, what’s up with my hair? It already changed back to its usual color.

Anna: Oh, right. That’s just a short-term elixir for sample purposes. If you like, I’d be happy to apply another dose…

Severa: Thanks, but…no, thanks… I did like the color, but… I’m pretty sure my natural color’s already at the “forefront of contemporary fashion.”

Anna: Heh, fair enough. It IS the same color as your father’s hair, after all.

Severa: Th-that’s got nothing to do with it! I just like the color, is all! Anyway, I have to go. But listen, um…

Anna: Yes?

Severa: Just…thanks for the little dress-up break. It was kinda fun…in a lame sorta way.

Anna: Hee hee. Anytime, sweetheart. I’m glad you came.

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And now for my claim for Future Past 2:


Gregor: Oy! Inigo!

Inigo: ...Father?! No, that can't be right. My father is--

Gregor: Dead? Yes, is sad but true. However, this Gregor not quite same as your father Gregor. THIS Gregor is very special Gregor come to visit you from other world!

Inigo: A special Gregor, huh? Hmm... Well, any version of my father is still good news to me.

Gregor: Is very kind of Inigo to say.

Inigo: Of course! I've always looked up to you. Or him, or whatever. He taught me everything I know about fighting.

Gregor: Really? Gregor thought your stance and swing look familiar, but...hmm. Shouldn't you learn more than cobbled-together technique of old hired sword?

Inigo: Don't be so modest. That cobbled-together technique has saved me more than once.

Gregor: Now you flatter Gregor...

Inigo: It's true! I even started out as a mercenary so I could be more like you. You gave me something to aspire to.

Gregor: ......

Inigo: What's wrong, Father? Are you crying?

Gregor: *Sniff* Is...is nothing. Perhaps Gregor growing a little soft with old age... But enough blubbering! Is time for Gregor to live up to overblown reputation. Stay close, my son! Your father has come to rescue you! Together we will fight our way through ugly quagmire, yes? Gregor has your back!

Inigo: Thank you, Father. I've got your back too. I'm not going to lose you again! Just watch how strong your son has become. See what passions have sustained him through this bleak hell... Watch, and remember me even when you return to your own world!

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Oh shit, I forgot about that one. Thanks for reminding me! If you want to claim the script, or parts of it, feel free to do so. :o

...Do you suppose it'll have 'Enter Battle Quotes'?

Uh-oh, there'll likely be different ending scripts depending on which "route" you go... And miscellaneous script...

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Well, I'm sure there'll be a pre-battle script? That's what I can only do for now. XD I don't think I'll be ready for any other. Maybe after prep-screen too, since I can always reset after...but only if no one else wants to grab this after prep-screen script (if there's one?).

Though again, this time I'll have to wait until after 6 pm to do any of my claims tomorrow. Last week was a day off~

Edited by Shirley
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A couple of things.

DLC is up and TSON is now called Apotheosis. It's priced at $2.50. So this week is the final week of DLC for North America.

Also since I haven't seen it up yet.


Spoiler - Avatar-Owain

Robin: Owain? ...Owain!

Owain: F-Father?! No, I must be seeing things. The enemy seeks to vex me with cruel illusions! My father can't be here, becasue he's...he's...
Robin: You're right, Owain. I'm not your father. At least not in this world. I've come to help you from a world of my own.
Owain: And how do I know THAT'S not a trick?
Robin: I'm glad you're smart enough not to take it at face value. You think like a tactician. At least I know my son was raised well. ...And anyway, it doesn't matter if you belive me. I didn't come here to convince you.
Owain: ......
Robin: I won't be able to stay in this world for very long, but I... I just want you to know that I'll do what I can to protect you while I'm here. ...Farewell, Owain. You've grown up to be a fine lad. Stay alive and grow strong... Carve out your own future. I may not be able to share it with you, but I'll always be watching over you.
Owain: ...W-wait! Father, please!
Robin: Huh?
Owain: You ARE him. Those were my father's exact last words to me. If you were some trick of the enemy, how could you possibly know that? You may be from another world, but you ARE my father.
Robin: Owain... *sniff* That's right. I am your father. And to be honest... it does matter that you belive me. More than you can know.
Owain: *Sniff* Father... I'm so sorry I doubted you!
Robin: Don't be sorry. I don't care what you say or do to me, just as long as you're safe. Now dry your tears and let's fight together! We're going to get you home to Ylisse.
Edited by Ghostface233
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Well, here are the first of my claims for Future Past 3.

Here's Severa and her parents Vaike and Cordelia:


Cordelia: Severa? At last I've found you!

Severa: M-Mother? What are you doing here?

Cordelia: I was so worried I wouldn't make it in time.

Severa: Hey! You don't have to squeeze that tight, you know!

Cordelia: I am so proud of you for protecting Lucina like you did. And here I thought we were so different...But you protected your princess just like any pegasus knight would.

Severa: Why does everything I do have to be framed in terms of you? Why are you even here? I thought you were dead.

Cordelia: I am so sorry, Severa. But your mother and I are two different people. I come from another world.

Severa: What? You're not my mother?

Cordelia: No. By Naga's power, I have been sent to help you for as long as I can.

Severa: If you're not my mother, then get your hands off me.

Cordelia: Ah...Of course. Forgive me.

Severa: No matter what world you came from, you never change. Everything is always about you---about how you feel, about what you can do. You think that because I'm your daughter, I'll turn out exactly like you. Not once have you stopped to ask ME how I feel.

Cordelia: What?

Severa: Y-you made me so angry...*sniff* I h-hated you! Waaaaaah!

Cordelia: Oh! Baby, don't cry...Come here...

Severa: Don't tell me what to do! Ahh...*sob*

Cordelia: I don't even know where to begin. I am so sorry for all that I put you through.

Severa: ...F-fine. I accept your apology. Now let go of me.

Cordelia: Better now?

Severa: *Sniff* Of course I'm better now....Your nose is running. I guess sometimes we do feel the same....I missed you.

Cordelia: ...I missed you too!

Severa: All right, PLEASE stop hugging me! This is a battlefield!

Cordelia: Yes, it is. Well, are you ready to finish this fight?

Severa: Only if you're ready to get blown away by how strong I've become.

Cordelia: Heh, let's see what my little girl can do.


Vaike: Looks like the fell dragon's dastardly attack wasn't enough to do ya in. That's my little girl!

Severa: Daddy?! What are you doing here?

Vaike: The Vaike's come from another world to rescue his darling daughter! I may not be the Vaike you know---but who cares! You're still my little ball of sunshine.

Severa: I see...Well, even if you're not my real father, it's still good to see your face.

Vaike: It's good to see you too! You were amazin' back there. The Vaike saw how you protected Lucina. It takes real guts to do that---even for a friend. Lucina's just as lucky to have you as Chrom is to have me.

Severa: Really? I always thought you were jealous of him.

Vaike: Well, he does take most of the credit on the battlefield.

Severa: The why help him out? Why not let him earn his glory himself?

Vaike: ...Not very bright, are ya?

Severa: Ex-CUSE me?

Vaike: I help him 'cause he's my friend. The Vaike may not get much credit, but he gets a good friend in return. It's the same with you and Lucina, ain't it? You give her tongue-lashings all the time, but you would never abandon her. She's a good friend to you.

Severa: Well, someone has to stick up for her when she's too dense to do it for herself. That doesn't make us "friends".

Vaike: Ya know, you take after the Vaike so much it hurts.

Severa: Don't insult me! I'm nothing like you.

Vaike: Well, you certainly got Cordelia's good looks. The Vaike would hate to see such beauty come to an end here. Now how about we fight together? All right, Severa?

Severa: But...I don't want you to die...

Vaike: Oh? So ya don't think you're good enough to watch the Vaike's back?

Severa: Of course I am! I'm way better than you! The Daughter of Vaike isn't about to be bested by her old man.

Vaike: That's more like it. With you by my side, I don't think I could die if I tried. Now come on....HaaaAAA! *Vaike disappears*

Severa: W-wait, Daddy! Ugh, does he even have a plan of attack?......But I'm still glad I got to see him again....Thanks, Daddy.

This is why I like Severa. She can be cruel, but its all to cover up how much she really cares for both her parents.

And I like how similar she and Vaike really are; both have similar personalities and both are fighting to save their friends Chrom and Lucina. It's very sweet! :)

Edited by Silver Lightning
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Ok, here are my last claims for "We wanna make you cry 3" aka The Future Past 3:

Gerome - NPC!Gerome

Gerome: So that's the "me" of this world. His Minerva is just as magnificent... But what's this? Her scales and wings have lost their luster. Her body is covered in wounds... As is mine, I see. That las attack did some serious damage. If I don't end this soon, the other me will almost certainly die. I like meddling with an alternate world even less than I like meddling with the past. But how can I witness this and do nothing? I hope what meager help I can offer makes a difference. My friends and I will do all we can to keep you and Minerva safe. But you must keep fighting. You must!

NPC!Gerome: ... What's wrong Minerva? Why do you keep looking over there? Do you sense danger? *Minerva's cry* Minerva? Who are you... who are you thanking?

Laurent - NPC!Laurent

Laurent: Hmm... That must be this world's version of me. When he stood between Lucina and the fell dragon, I must say my heart skipped a step. No one wants to watch himself die... But it appears I have made it in time. Is it safe to speak to myself, I wonder? Such opportunities scarcely come along. Think what I could learn! Just witnessing my own reaction to myself would be an experiment among experiments... ... But it is probably a bad idea. What if I caused my own heart to stop? If the other me has some key role here, I could cost him the battle. No. My energies would be better applied to expunging all these ghastly Risen. I hope my meager help manages to make a difference, Other Me. You deserve a happy future.

NPC!Laurent: Hm? I swear that warrior over there could be my twin! Wonderful. Now I'm imagining things...

That's is!

Btw, Gerome conversation with Henry was more happy that I thought Lol

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Spoiler - Olivia-Lucina

Olivia: Whew! I made it in time! Lucina... You poor thing... You're covered in wounds!
Lucina: Mother? No... I must be seeing things...
Olivia: You're not. Nag used her power to send me here from another world. I'm not your ream mother, but I am real.
Lucina: You're from another world?
Olivia: Yes. But you're still my daughter. Now come here and let me hold you.
Lucina: Oh, M-mother...
Olivia: My dear, sweet Lucina... I am so prowd of you for making it this far.
Lucina: Mother please... You're embarrasing me. I am not a child anymore. And when you squeeze me like this, I can't... nngh... see your face...
Olivia: Oh! I'm so sorry...
Lucina: Whew... There you are. I have missed you so much. Thank you for coming to our aid. But I cannot allow you to join such a dangerous battle. Please return to your own world before any harm befalls you.
Olivia: What? I can't leave you!
Lucina: But don't you see? You have already turned the tides of battle. Just seeing you again has given me courage.
Olivia: No... no it's not enough.
Lucina: Mother, please!
Olivia: On our way here, we saw your friends. The ones you're expecting.
Lucina: What?
Olivia: They were fighting tooth and nail to bring you the Gemstones-to save the world!
Lucina: Naga kept them safe...
Olivia: Why are they allowed to fight for you but not your own mother? That hardly seems fair! I know I may not be strong, but I care about you, Lucina. I'm going to protect you if it's the last thing I do! Now, will you fight by my side or not?
Lucina: All right, Mother... Thank you. But only if you'll swear you won't get yourself killed.
Olivia: I swear it!
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Here's Laurent and his parents Kellam and Miriel:


Laurent: M-Mother?!

Miriel: My dearest son. Seeing you unharmed fills me with joyous sensations.

Laurent: Mother! Oh, Mother! I can't believe I have finally found you! After your disappearance, I scoured the battlefields but never located your body. I always believed you were alive!

Miriel: Oh...Yes, about that...

Laurent: Perhaps there really is such a thing as miracles!

Miriel: Erm...Well. Laurent, you may wish to gird yourself for what I am about to tell you. I should have told you from the outset, but...I am not your mother. I am not even from your world.

Laurent: Egads, Mother. If you've taken up humorous banter, your sense of it is appalling.

Miriel: I am not joking. I come from another world entirely. An "Outrealm". So while I am your mother, I am not YOUR mother, if you follow. It's fascinating. Tragic...but fascinating.

Laurent: Take that back. My mother would never speak such baseless nonsense!

Miriel: Indeed she would not. I suppose I would harbor my own suspicions if I did not know better. But I do, ergo my nonsense is not baseless, ergo it is not nonsense.

Laurent: Then my real mother is...She's really gone.

Miriel: I'm sorry. I do regret the brief dose of elation I seem to have misadministered. I hope I have not crushed all your hopes under the weight of this latest one.

Laurent: ...No. Perhaps it is best I let my mother go. Dreaming she lives on is just that---a dream. A useless fallacy. She would want me to move on. Thank you for waking me up. You know, this does still feel like a reunion, in a roundabout way.

Miriel: Thank you, Laurent. Against better reasoning, I feel much the same. Now, allow me to join my talents with yours on your real mother's behalf. She would want you to be safe during your most momentous of battles.

Laurent: Thank you, Mother. I have always longed to fight by your side. How strange that a crossing between worlds helped realize that wish.

Miriel: It is most curious indeed.

Laurent: I would very much like to study these other worlds---Outrealms, you called them? Once I have put Grima's terror to end, I shall set to work.

Miriel: Only my son could think about research amidst a crisis like this. And how I admire you for it! A thirst for knowledge proves how alive we truly are.

Laurent: Then may my thirst never be slaked.


Kellam: Laurent, is that you?

Laurent: Father?! It can't be!

Kellam: I'm not exactly your father, Laurent. I came here from another world.

Laurent: Is that even possible?

Kellam: I'm just glad to see you safe...or at least as safe as can be expected.

Laurent: I fear the odds against our longevity grow worse with each passing moment.

Kellam: What?

Laurent: If these are to be my final minutes, I am glad I get to spend them with you, Father.

Kellam: Now hold on just a darned moment! You've come all this way only to give up?

Laurent: I am simply making a rational observation. Grima's army is as formidable as ever, while our strength continues to dwindle. We have exhausted all means of extricating ourselves from this plight.

Kellam: Laurent...Then it's a good thing your father came along, isn't it?

Laurent: Hm?

Kellam: I thought you would worn down to nothing from all the fighting...But you and your friends were full of fight just a moment ago. So what happened? It's because I'm here, isn't it?

Laurent: Y-yes...I suppose that's true. I'm not sure what came over me...

Kellam: Well, don't worry. I won't tell the others about your little moment of weakness.

Laurent: Heh. Thank you...

Kellam: You've fought brilliantly so far. And now victory is right within your grasp. All you have to do is take it. Are you ready to save Ylisse? I'll be right there by your side.

Kellam: Yes, Father! Let's put an end to Grima once and for all.

It looks like Miriel's corpse was never found...its unlikely, but perhaps she could be alive somewhere....

And I never expected Kellam of all people to be giving motivational speeches! I'm happy they didn't mention his gimmick once.

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Got my claim for The Future Past 3

Gregor > Gerome

Gregor: Oy, Gerome! Still in one piece?

Gerome: Huh?!

Gregor: ... Because dying here would be a terrible waste.

Gerome: What in the gods' names...

Gregor: Is that how you greet own father? With confused scowl?
Not that Gregor is real father, but still...

Gerome: I don't understand...

Gregor: You mean why Gregor is here? Gregor come from other world.
In other words, this Gregor not the same man as Gregor you know.
Gerome: I... see.

Gregor: Anyway, don't get too cozy, yes? Gregor is not long for this world.

Gerome: You're dying?

Gregor: Hah! No, Gregor must leave soon- return to own world once fighting is done.
So Gerome will let Gregor help with the fighting, yes?

Gerome: If so, there's something I need to say to you first.

Gregor: Oh? What is it? Gregor is always willing to lend the ears.

Gerome: It's about Minerva.

Gregor: Minerva? Ah. So Cherche leave growling partner-pet to you?

Gerome: That's right. Minerva and I are one. Our bond surpasses any friendship.
We need no words to know what lies in the other's heart.

Gregor: Cherche would have been happy to know this.
So what is it you want to tell Gregor?

Gerome: I wanted to thank you. Mother told me you saved Minerva's life once.

Gregor: Oh, that? Is nothing special...

Gerome: It is. My friends give me strength, but cannot know the strength Minerva gives me.
And I owe that just as much to the man who saved her.

Gregor: Gerome...

*Minerva roars*

Gerome: Heh. You see? Minerva is grateful too.

Gregor: Then do Gregor favor.
Let Gregor protect his investment and fight with you here. Is good deal!
Not everyday you get Gregor-quality mercenary to fight on your side.

Gerome: Are you sure?

Gregor: Gregor will do the keeping alive.
But you and Minerva must do the living.
Once this is over, find what brings you joy and do it.
Live the life Gregor of this world could not, yes? Make him proud.

Gerome: I will, Father. Thank you.

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Here's Gerome and his mother Cherche:


Cherche: Gerome? Pardon me, but are you the Gerome of this world?

Gerome: Wha---? But how----? I mean----

Cherche: "Hello, Mother," would do. It's so good to see you---especially in one piece!

Gerome: N-no...Stay back!

Cherche: What has gotten into you?

Gerome: This must be a trap. My mother was killed by Risen long ago. And no matter how much I long to see her...no matter how much Minerva misses her...she can never return. It's not possible. Stay away, you impostor!

Cherche: ......Well, I never claimed to be your departed mother. But still...

*Minerva roars*

Gerome: What is it, Minerva? Why are you so happy?

Cherche: Thank you, Minerva. She says she's glad to see me, whether I am the Cherche she knew or not.

Gerome: You understand her? The you must be my mother. You must...

Cherche: To me, you are a son, Gerome. But I come from another world. So no, I am not the same woman as your mother.

Gerome: So you ARE an impostor. I knew it. In that case, leave us...before..........

Cherche: Do not cry, Gerome...If I am the impostor you say, then those tears are wasted on me.

Gerome: ...Wh-what tears?

Cherche: Such a strong boy. Here...

Gerome: Ah! *Gerome loses his mask* (OMG)

Cherche: Such a heavy mask you wear...And so much sorrow and pain it was made to hide...I am sorry I left you. Your mother should have stayed with you till the end. But you see? That is how I know how strong you are. You never gave up.

Gerome: ........

Cherche: Now that your struggles near their end, I am here to struggle with you. You needn't accept me as your mother. But all the same, I swear to defend you and Minerva both. Where this world's Cherche failed, I intend to succeed.

Gerome: ......You'll fight by my side? But why trouble yourself with a stranger's problems?

Cherche: You are no stranger. You are my son----in any world. Taking care of you is my greatest joy!

Gerome: Thank you, Mother. I am glad I got to see you one last time.

Cherche: Here. You probably want this back. *Gerome gets his mask back*

Gerome: And, Mother?

Cherche: You do not have to say it. I already know, Gerome. And I love you too.

....Gerome's such a sweetie like his mum... :D

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no lie i started tearing and choking up while recording this

[spoiler=Avatar and Lucina, Future Past 3]Lucina

Mother? Are you... But that doesn't make any sense!


Lucina, are you hurt? Oh, my poor baby...






There is no way my mother could be here. Grima sent you. You're an illusion! Some...despicable servant! I will not be fooled!


I...suppose you would think that. And I only have myself to blame for failing to protect you in this world.


What do you mean, "this world"?


I come from another world, Lucina. I'm not the same woman as the Robin you know.




I know it's incredible, and you don't have to believe me. But no matter what you say, I WILL protect you. I want you to change your destiny and find happiness. And as your mother, I will do absolutely whatever it takes to make that happen. Anything and everything!


Mother, I'm... I'm sorry... I'm so sorry! It is you, isn't it? No servant of Grima's would ever speak such words... Oh, Mother... *sniff* Ahh... *sob*


You believe me now?


Yes! Just don't let go.


I won't. I am so sorry I left you to face all of this on your own. You deserved better of your mother.


Just seeing you here now is more than enough. I miss the strength in your arms, the wisdom in your voice...your guiding hands. I have missed your warmth during these long years...more than you can know. You have brought me happiness just by being here.




Well...I wish I could stay like this forever and share stories with you... But there's a battle to be won.


Yes, there is.


Will you help us?


Of course. That's why I am here.


Thank you, Mother. May I look at you once last time? I will miss you terribly once you leave again. But the smile on your face now will sustain me in the years to come.

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Claims Lists (Link to DLC page)

[Note: Items crossed out have been claimed.]

[Note 2: Items not on list have been posted.]

[spoiler=Harvest Scramble]Conversations:

Sully > Miriel - Pikayoshi

Miriel > Cherche - Pikayoshi

Lon'qu > Gregor - Pikayoshi

[spoiler=Summer Scramble]Conversations:

Cherche > Sully - Silver Lightning

Cherche > Panne - Silver Lightning

[spoiler=Hot-Spring Scramble]Enter Battle Quotes:

Sully - Pikayoshi

Vaike - Pikayoshi

Kellam - Pikayoshi

Panne - Pikayoshi

Nowi - Pikayoshi

Basilio - Pikayoshi

Flavia - Pikayoshi

Yarne - Zeem


Avatar > Lucina - Faye

Avatar > Lucina (spouse) - Faye

Avatar > Owain - Faye

Avatar > Inigo - Faye

Avatar > Severa - Faye

Avatar > Severa (spouse) - Zeem

Anna > Say'ri - Faye

Flavia > Anna - Faye

Flavia > Tiki - Faye

Walhart > Priam - Silver Lightning

Emmeryn > Gangrel - Faye

Yen'fay > Priam - Faye

Aversa > Tiki - Faye

Aversa > Gangrel - Faye

Brady > Gerome - Faye

Cynthia > Kjelle - Faye

Severa > Lucina - Faye

Morgan (M) > Inigo - Faye

Morgan (M) > Brady - Faye

Yarne > Owain - Silver Lightning

Yarne > Inigo - Faye

Yarne > Gerome - Silver Lightning

Laurent > Inigo - Faye

Laurent > Brady - Faye

Noire > Lucina - Faye

Noire > Kjelle - Faye

Noire > Cynthia - Faye

Nah > Lucina - Faye

Nah > Kjelle - Silver Lightning

Nah > Severa - Faye

[spoiler=Future of Despair / The Future Past 1]Conversations: (Listed by FoD-version characters)


[spoiler=Fathers]Avatar (M) - Faye


Vaike - Faye




Ricken - Faye

Libra - Faye


[spoiler=Fathers]Avatar (M) - Faye

Chrom - Ultimafangirl

Frederick - Faye

Vaike - Pikayoshi

Stahl - Faye

Lon'qu - Faye

Ricken - Faye

Gregor - Faye

Libra - Wheels


[spoiler=Fathers]Avatar (M) - Faye

Gaius - Faye

Henry - Faye

[spoiler=Future of Despair / The Future Past 2]Conversations: (Listed by FoD-version characters)


[spoiler=Fathers]Avatar (M) - Faye

Frederick - Faye

Virion - Ultimafangirl

Vaike - Faye

Kellam - Faye

Ricken - Faye

Henry - Wheels

Donnel - Faye


[spoiler=Fathers]Frederick - Wheels

Vaike - Faye

Stahl - Faye

Kellam - Faye

Ricken - Wheels

Libra - Sangyul

Henry - Faye


[spoiler=Fathers]Avatar (M) - Faye

Chrom - Pikayoshi

Virion - Faye

Vaike - Faye

Donnel - Faye


[spoiler=Fathers]Avatar (M) - Faye

Frederick - Sangyul

Kellam - Wheels

Lon'qu - Faye

Ricken - Faye

Gaius - Faye

Libra - Faye

Henry - Faye

[spoiler=Future of Despair / The Future Past 3]Pre-Battle Script - Shirley

After Prep-screen Script - Shirley

Misc. Script


Conversations: (Listed by FoD-version characters)


Lucina - Ace Tactician

[spoiler=Mothers]Sully - Ultimafangirl

Sumia - Wheels

Maribelle - Pikayoshi


[spoiler=Fathers]Avatar (M) - Sangyul

Frederick - Wheels

Virion - Faye

Vaike - Wheels

Stahl - Faye

Lon'qu - Faye

Ricken - Faye

Gaius - Faye

Gregor - Ace Tactician

Libra - Tsamimi

Henry - Faye

Donnel - Ultimafangirl


[spoiler=Fathers]Avatar (M) - Faye

Frederick - Drgnquester

Virion - Faye

Vaike - Wheels

Stahl - 春閣下

Kellam - Wheels

Lon'qu - Ultimafangirl

Ricken - Faye

Gaius - Faye

Libra - Faye

Henry - Sangyul

Donnel - Faye


[spoiler=Fathers]Avatar (M) - Naui

Frederick - Tsamimi

Virion - Wheels

Stahl - Wheels

Kellam - Faye

Lon'qu - Zeem

Ricken - Faye

Gaius - Shirley

Gregor - Faye

Libra - Ultimafangirl

Henry - Faye

Donnel - Faye

Post-Battle Script:

-If all children survive - Shirley

-If 1-3 children don't survive - Tsamimi


-Before Prep-Screen - Shirley

-After Prep-Screen

-Between Rounds

-After Battle (Route 1)

-After Battle (Route 2)

Edited by Tsamimi
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And here is my last claim, Lucina and her father Chrom:


Lucina: Father?! Is that you?

Chrom: Lucina! Are you all right?

Lucina: Father! Oh, Father, I don't care if you're a ghost...I'm so glad to see you! Please stay with me. Please...

Chrom: I'm no ghost, Lucina. But neither am I your real father.

Lucina: What?

Chrom: I come from an alternate world. An "Outrealm", if you like. I'm not the same man as the Chrom who lived in this world.

Lucina: I...think I understand. But it is still wonderful to see your face.

Chrom: Thank you, Lucina.

Lucina: Whatever world you hail from, you are still my father. That powerful voice, the kindness in your eyes...Those strong arms that taught me how to wield a sword...You have burned brightly in my memory since the moment I lost you. I never dreamed I would be able to see you again, to speak to you like this...Where do I even begin? There's...there's so much to s-say...Oh Father! *sob*

Chrom: Forgive me, Lucina. You never would have had to take up the sword if I had lived. I should have been stronger for you. I know it's too little, too late...but I hope you will accept my apology.

Lucina: You did nothing wrong. I am the one who must apologize for dragging you into this hell. If I were stronger, my world would be safe and my people would not suffer.

Chrom: You have fought valiantly. And most importantly, you never gave up. Ylisse owes you everything. Now here you are on the verge of saving the world! I came here to do it with you. Let me fight with you and see your task through!

Lucina: Wha---? N-no, please don't.

Chrom: ....Why not?

Lucina: I am so sorry...You don't know how happy I am to hear those words. And you have already saved us just by coming here. But I beg you, please stand down before I have to watch you get hurt again! You fought to protect me once before, and it ended badly. I never saw you again...I cannot bear to relive that pain.

Chrom: I understand. But my past failures are exactly why I must insist on staying. I swear to you, Lucina. I WILL protect you. As your father, I have no greater duty.

Lucina: But how do I know you won't---

Chrom: You know because I jut swore it. You will not shed tears over me a second time.

Lucina: Ah.........All right. But remember---you swore it!

Chrom: You have my word.

Lucina: Thank you, Father. Let us finish this task, then. And when it is over, may Naga see you safely back to your own world. May she bring you and your daughter there nothing but joy.

That was...so touching. Not much else to say....

And I adored her convo with F Avatar! I was tearing up too! It was beautiful! And so very, very heartwarming! :wub:

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Oh crap, there are choices in Apotheosis... I wonder if anyone is adventurous enough to get the text from each choice each round... Um, that is, unless it's the same thing each round, which would save a lot of time and effort.
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Here is a small handful of my Spa of Bonds convos. After my triple-post fiasco earlier, I think I learned to do these in small batches. 8D; Here we go.

[spoiler=Owain and Laurent]

Part One

Laurent: Hmm? What have we here? This is quite the stack of papers. A manuscript, perhaps? ………Fascinating.

Owain: -appears- Hey, Laurent?

Laurent: Good day, Owain. I take it from your tone you had a question?

Owain: Yeah, have you seen a stack of papers? Around yea high, tied with a string like… Like the one you’re holding there! Perfect! Thanks for finding it, Laurent!

Laurent: Ahh, then you are the author. Perhaps obviously, in retrospect. It makes perfect sense and yet it remains utterly inscrutable. How curious… *flip*

Owain: H-hey! Quit leafing through it! That’s private! Give it back! Come onnn! Hey, no fair hiding it behind your back!

Laurent: What is entry two on page 34?

Owain: The genesis of the Ebon Pinion, the unholy lance born in the clash of seraphs and— WHY AM I TELLING YOU THIS?!

Laurent: Yet another of the many disturbing questions this document raises. …Though I will grant that its contents are, the very least, very YOU, Owain. Have you considered your…”talents,” if you will, might be suited to writing fiction? The world could use a few more farces to lighten the mood in these dark times.

Owain: Hey…

Laurent: In any cast, I shall return this. Thank you for sharing, Owain.

Owain: What? S-sure..

Laurent: Truly, the depths of your…knowledge? Imagination? Odd, infantile fantasies? Regardless of the label, they’re astounding. You are a wonder, sir.

Owain: They’re not just idle fantasies, I’ll have you know!

Laurent: Quite. They’ve crossed well beyond the bounds of simple delusion. My apologies.

Owain: Apology…accepted? Wait a minute.

Laurent: Indeed, it’s possible that… Hmm, yes. Yes, how fascinating. Simply marvelous! –leaves-

Owain: I’m not one to talk, but sometimes I worry what’s going on in that guy’s head…

Part Two

Laurent: Might I have a moment, Owain?

Owain: Oh, hey. Thanks again for finding my noteboo—er, holy prophecies. Of light.

Laurent: Think nothing of it. Now, after our previous discussion, I’ve arrived at a startling new hypothesis.

Owain: Uh-oh…

Laurent: Perhaps you are correct, and your writings are not idle fluff and fancy. Well, perhaps they began as such, but that’s immaterial to the issue at hand.

Owain: Where are you going with this, Laurent?

Laurent: Put simply, the possibility exists that your head is a conduit. A link to some omniscient core of wisdom, aware of every truth and law in this world.

Owain: …I’m sorry?

Laurent: Or perhaps your mind is a terminal—a gate of sorts to such a repository of knowledge.

Owain: Sorry. Words are coming out of your mouth, but I have zero idea what you’re saying.

Laurent: I’m saying you may be omniscient without realizing it, Owain. Truly, only a fool would believe anything you said, given your habitual delusions. But as the saying goes, where better to hide a tree than in a forest? And I can think of a few thickets thicker than you, Owain. Truly, the gods are crafty…

Owain: Wait, wait. Laurent, I don’t…wait. Everything in that notebook is just idle fantasy. Er, I mean, not IDLE fantasy, but…

Laurent: No, not idle fantasy. Your fertile imagination has come aligned with creation itself. You speak raw truth!

Owain: Yes, but no. It’s not… Laurent, I’m just…

Laurent: Owain! You must allow me to open that miraculous head of yours! FOR SCIENCE!

Owain: What?!

Laurent: Even if it fails to yield a path to the root of all knowledge, it may give us some hint… A sign. A sigil. Any minor abnormality could prove the key to all the world’s mysteries!

Owain: You’re insane! Absolutely not! That sounds super painful and more than a little fatal.

Laurent: Indeed. A tragic but wholly acceptable sacrifice in the quest for primordial truth.

Owain: Now wait just a— Acceptable sacrifice?! You’re deranged! And this is ME talking…

Laurent: Ha ha! It was only a jest, friend. Even I’m not so far gone that I would split an allies’ head for research purposes.

Owain: …Really?

Laurent: You have my word. Though, should tragedy befall you in battle, leaving you dead or…close enough… I assume you’d not object to your remains being used for the betterment of mankind?

Owain: Don’t even joke about it! And what do you mean, “close enough”?! …I’m outta here!

[spoiler=Morgan-F and Cynthia]

Part One

Cynthia: I STILL don’t see why they had to yell at us like that!

Morgan: Well, I suppose we might have gotten just a teensy bit out of hand… Not that we can really be blamed, this being our first time at a hot spring and all. But I guess I can kinda, sorta, maaaybe see where they are coming from.

Cynthia: Oh, don’t be ridiculous. That was just a bit of innocent fun! All we did was barely touch the water and make a few ripples.

Morgan: Well, yes, at first…

Cynthia: All right, granted, then we started splashing each other a little. And then kind of a lot, and then we were both completely soaked.

Morgan: …Along with everyone near us. In retrospect, that was probably where we crossed the line.

Cynthia: Oh, they were having fun too. You could see it in their faces!

Morgan: Well, yes… But I don’t think the fact that we dragged them into our fun was the issue. It was probably more of a “let’s take care of the murderous undead first” sort of thing.

Cynthia: Hmm. Okay, that one’s a fair point. But still, that’s no reason to gang up on us!

Morgan: A fair objection. If they were all joining in by the end, it’s hardly fair to just blame us.

Cynthia: There’s only one thing for it, Morgan. As soon as the fighting’s done, we’ll play the mother of all pranks on them!

Morgan: The mother of ALL pranks?

Cynthia: All of them. And with my heroic charisma and your brain for strategy, it’ll be a cinch! I call it Project Prankmaster Extreme!

Morgan: Wait, how exactly does your charisma figure in to coming up with a plan?

Part Two

Cynthia: All right, Morgan! Let’s cook up this plan!

Morgan: Wait, you were serious?

Cynthia: Of course! You’re studying tactics, right? Well, this is the perfect chance to out what you’ve learned to constructive use!

Morgan: Well…all right. I suppose it can’t hurt. …Much. But if I’m doing this, I’m going all in. No pulled punches! It’s finally time to put this annotated strategy tome of Father’s to use!

Cynthia: Whoa! You literally just pulled that out of your sleeve! I’ve never seen anyone do that. It looked totally awesome! Very “secret weapon.”

Morgan: Y-you think? Thanks. I was hoping it would look kind of neat. Heh heh… Truth be told, I also have something in this one! …YOINK!

Cynthia: Wooow! Another strategy manual from the other sleeve?! Wait, no, it’s…the same one again? Um, Morgan? Why do you have two copies of the same book?

Morgan: Whoa, you’re totally right! They ARE the same!

Cynthia: You’re just realizing this…? You know, I could never quite tell—are you a genius, or a total airhead? Anyway, what’s our plan of attack? Any thoughts?

Morgan: Hmm… We could dig out some of the muddy ground and make a pitfall?

Cynthia: So it’s the old slip, trip, THUNK! Classic! I like it!

Morgan: Then we can use the steam off the baths as cover while we switch the signs around. We’ll label the men’s bath for women and the women’s bath for men!

Cynthia: HAH! Just thinking about it has me in stitches already! You ARE a genius, Morgan! I don’t know how you come up with this stuff!

Morgan: You really think so? Hee hee, gosh…

Cynthia: All right, it’s settled! As soon as the combat’s over, we’ll put our plan into action! We just have to clear out these…enemies… Hmm.

Morgan: Something wrong, Cynthia?

Cynthia: I was just thinking: We’ve got this amazing plan—why not test it out on the Risen first? It’d be a shame to try it for real later and have something go wrong.

Morgan: Ooh, good point. We can use these guys to run a proof-of-concept test! Actually, wait a second… Why don’t we just do it against the Risen and call it a day? I’m pretty sure if we try it with the others, they’ll just wind up yelling at us again…

Cynthia: They SO would. I’ll say it again, Morgan: genius!

Morgan: The more I think on it, the more this seems like a way better idea than before. And there will be plenty of opportunities to prank the others!

Cynthia: Agreed! Now let’s snare us some Risen and get the others to gush about how amazing we are!

Morgan: It’s a plan!

[spoiler=Morgan-F and Severa]

Part One

Severa: Phew… That last one was tough.

Morgan: Sure was! …Pfft, ha ha ha ha!

Severa: Huh? What in the world are you laughing like a lunatic about?

Morgan: Ha ha… S-sorry. I just… *snort* Paaah ha ha ha!

Severa: Get ahold of yourself, would you? And I’m still waiting on that explanation! We’re in the midst of combat here. I’ll thank you NOT to be a distraction. Look, even Chrom is glaring at you.

Morgan: S-sorry! *gasp* I’m sorry… Ha ha… I was just…heh…just remembering a story my father told me the other day…

Severa: What?! Morgan, this is REALLY not the time to be revisiting small talk. Honestly… Sometimes I wonder if that tiny head of yours isn’t just full of fluff…

Morgan: Heh, okay, okay. Sorry…

Severa: *Sigh* Well, go on, out with it. What’s this story that has you so in stitches?

Morgan: Okay, so! There was this girl, and she loved this boy, but she was too shy to tell him…

Severa: And…?

Morgan: And so she started teasing him mercilessly instead. In the end, he got totally fed up! She never got to talk to him again! Ha ha! Haaa ha ha ha hee hee!

Severa: What? Morgan, that’s not funny at all! It’s a dreadful story!

Morgan: Maybe it wasn’t the story so much as the way he told it. It was completely hilarious! Father says there’s an Outrealm where people go to hear stories like these.

Severa: What’s it called, the Stupidrealm? I don’t know which is more mystifying—that story, or you finding it funny. …Though I suppose that’s part of what makes you so damned agreeable.

Morgan: Huh?

Severa: I mean, come on. You couldn’t dream up a more suspicious character than you. An amnesiac from the future? Please. Only a fool would take that story at face value! And yet everyone around the camp totally fawns over you… It makes no sense.

Morgan: Hm? Severa…is something on your mind?

Severa: Wh-what? No! And don’t go making any weird assumptions…or else! –leaves-

Morgan: Hmm…

Part Two

Severa: *Sigh*

Morgan: -appears- You SURE there’s nothing you want to talk about, Severa?

Severa: Morgan, I already told you—

Morgan: I promise I won’t tell anyone else about it, if that helps.

Severa: I’m not… Ugh, all right, fine. I’m just…I’m worried, is all. Worried that I’ve been…you know. Kind of a shrew. I’m always saying things I don’t really mean or going on little fault-finding crusades… I worry the others will hate me.

Morgan: Ahh, so that’s where all that came from earlier. For what it’s worth, I don’t think fault-finding is such a bad thing. Talking about people behind their back is one thing, but this is different. This is like…giving people advice!

Severa: Uh, I suppose that’s one way to look at it, but…

Morgan: What’s wrong with trying to encourage your friends to be the best they can be? If they get upset, maybe they just need to work on receiving criticism better.

Severa: But there’s a line between speaking frankly and being outright insulting…

Morgan: Aw, we can take it, Severa. Trust me! We all love you! So stop worrying.

Severa: Oh, brother. You could at least TRY to make it believable, you know.

Morgan: It’s the truth! Besides, don’t you know? Girls like you are all the rage these days! Especially with the boys… *wink*

Severa: What?! …R-really?

Morgan: Sure! Tough as nails on the outside, with an ooey, gooey damsel-in-distress core… Always cross and short tempered, making every smile shine like a rare gem… Apparently that’s what the guys are into as of late. Who knew?!

Severa: That sounds like torture to me. Not that I’m complaining, I suppose…

Morgan: It’s like how a sunny day after a long stretch of rain is super refreshing! Ooh, or how a nice, hot meal tastes even better when you’re really, really hungry!

Severa: Hmm. I guess that kinda makes sen— …Wait a minute. You’re comparing me to floods and starvation?! Are you mocking me?!

Morgan: No, not at all! And even if you don’t believe me about the others, at least you’ve got me?

Severa: Ugh, Morgan, you are the worst! …Heh. Though I suppose you did help me take my mind off things. Thanks for that.

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