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Class you want to see make a return


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I would like to see Gryphon Knights return for the next Fire Emblem.

So would I, only with added swords.

Also I would like Pirates to come back.

Female stave using Paladins would be nice as well.

Barons as boss enemies could be pretty cool.

And of course, Master Knights.

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**Playable Soldiers/Halberdiers.

**Monks or some form of first-tier light magic-using class

**A Brigand, Pirate, or Barbrian that you don't need to reclass someone into to play with

**The FE8 style of Cavaliers. Add Armor Knights in that style into it.

**A renamed Mage Fighter for a Mage's alt promotion.

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I really liked the Cleric -> Valkyrie thing that Mist did so....that'd be nice.

Oh, and obligatory Master Knight. It wouldn't even be that OP in the newer games because of weapon ranks, it'd be more like the freelancer of the classes; good in the stuff you've already trained in, kinda not so amazing in the other stuff.

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I really liked the Cleric -> Valkyrie thing that Mist did so....that'd be nice.

Oh, and obligatory Master Knight. It wouldn't even be that OP in the newer games because of weapon ranks, it'd be more like the freelancer of the classes; good in the stuff you've already trained in, kinda not so amazing in the other stuff.

Yeah I agree with the Mist thing Refa. Also lol I didn't even think of that for some reason with Master Knight being in new games, You'd have to pull an FF2 and focus on 1 or 2 weapons :P

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I don't know if they're 'gone', but I'd like to see the next few games reincorporate a distinction between Tomes. The last three games have had them as one conglomerate group (sans Dark tomes). I wouldn't mind having magic done in the FE10 system, with Light, Dark, Fire, Wind, Thunder, etc. So I would like some Shamans (though Dark Mages were similar) and Monks/Light Mages in the next game.

I also liked the weapon specific armors/cavaliers and magic-specific mages.

Additionally, magic/melee hybrid classes always interested me, so more classes like War Monk, Dark Knight, and Dark Flier, would be greatly appreciated, although the name Dark Knight didn't make much sense.

Edited by Doga
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FE11 Ballistician!

A class that specializes in shooting crap from afar is awesome. I often deploy both Jake-n-Beck and make Xane transform into one of them. The omission of playable Ballisticians in FE12 killed a part of my soul.

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Some of these are in agreement w/ above (note I have only played the FE games released in America so...)

Griffon knoghts should be given swords(also would like if they were separated from Wyrverns.... for some reason I don't like characters promoting to a different mount... If you spend you time training on a mount you will wish to master it!

Halbredier should return as promoted soldiers acting as the infantry specialist class for lances(they would get that crit bonus)-(They had finally made soldiers no longer useless...)

As someone said before tier 3 classes would be fun to see thought here's an interesting idea... what if they made tier 3 classes unable to reclass w/ change seals? Then it would be a final investment that you can't undo...

Bishops(along w/ light magic...)

(as for the magic distinction perhaps they could leave the magic as one tome category but the magic triangle of FE 10 could return thus making the choice of tome more important...though I would be cool with magic getting separated again or perhaps certain spells could be class locked Dark-Druids & sorcerer lines, Light-Bishop & Valkyrie lines )

-Laguz like race(what can I say I like transformers) but perhaps they could transform more like taguel?

-while not a returning class I still think all weapon locked promoted classes (aka Beserkers snipers swordmasters and halbridiers)deserve a bonus crit or other perk unique to their class... maybe reduced effects of the weapon triangle/bow range bonus?-(I like thse classes and want them restored)

-also hoping some of Awakenings more unique and interesting classes stay around like the dark flier and dark knight stick around in future FE games...(though maybe with a better name*if they can't use Dark magic*?) -also want the trabudor line to stick around... -the sorcoerer was an interesting concept as a mage that acts as a front line fighter but they do need a slight nerf...(D rank Nosferatu really?)

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Light Magic classes plz

I kind of liked the distinguished elemental casting classes in FE9 & 10, like Wind Mage, Thunder Mage, etc.

Summoner with a variety of summons, though I'm not sure how that would work.

Ballisticians were pretty great in FE11, as well.

Soldier class tree for players; what's with FE not letting players use Soldiers?

There should be 3 distinct class trees for Griffon Riders, Pegasus Knights, and Wyvern Riders. Lances for Griffons, Swords for Pegs, and Axes for Wyverns.

Of course Beserker will return, but it needs less gigantic shoulder pads and moar muscle mass.

Edited by Chidokyo
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