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This is one expensive game...


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So if I did my math right, all the DLC costs about $75 plus the game is another $40 that's $110. Is my calculation off??? I hope it is, well I don't really mind if its that expensive. Can someone confirm this or make feel like an idiot? I don't think I did the math right.

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There are 27 mandatory levels and 23 sidequests, none of which require any money (though accessing some of the sidequests will require that you download them via Wi-Fi). I'm not planning on buying any DLC--I too believe the DLC is way expensive and, at least for me, generally not worth the cost--but given the amount of stuff included in the game, I'd say that the DLC-less game is well worth it.

Edited by Redwall
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I'll only get the DLCs if they're free for the first few and if I have the extra points on my 3DS eShop thing.

Though, I do want to get Eirika and Lyndis via DLC, so I might get those...

Edited by Kaze_Ninja17
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Well it's not totally necessary to get all of them. Personally the one's worth getting are:

Infinite Divine Weapons: Easy way to train and get good weapons. (~250)

Gold and Silver: Need them funds (~500)

Entombed Heaven: Experience is all ways good (~750)

Marth: While he's still Free (~750)

Lyn's: More for Iote's Shield (~1100)

Ike's: More for Limit Breaker (~1450)

Alm's: For Demon Fighter (~1800)

Eirika's: For Bride's Bouquet (~2150)

Est's/Palla: Since they're exclusive to DLC (~2550)

3 future of despair: For story bonuses. (~3150)

The other ones worth considering but not needed

3 Events for bonds: because they are fun. (~3600)

So I'd estimate around $36-$40 for these DLC. In reality aside from conversations in the DLC episodes and some of the good bonuses like skills, there really isn't anything special about the DLC characters. Their battle models are the same, it's just when they "Talk" their new artwork is shown for their word blurbs. Besides aside from Est and Palla, all other DLC characters can be recruited through Spotpass, but without some skill from the DLC that they can't get otherwise. I high encourage you to buy them if you REALLY want them. Me? I'm sticking to the ones that have good bonus items with the character, then decide If i'll get all other DLC later.

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Assuming they're all the same price, you could get Lodestar (free), Bride, Demon Fighter, Limit Breaker, and Strongest One's Name for $10.

That's really all you'd particularly have to have. If you want to sort of cheat, the gold/weapon/experience ones would be another $7.50 overall, which with Iote's Shield makes a total of $60 for game+DLC. I'd say that's about as good as any $60 retail game. And, again, this is assuming they're all the same price - for all we know, non-Einherjar might be less expensive.

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Well I just spent like $110 for Black Ops 2 for the season pass. I wish Nintendo would offer like a season pass for $50. Oh well I'll probably get the entire thing anyway.

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110$ (If that's how much it actually is, too lazy to do the math)

If we assume that there is no more DLC, the free Lodestar is obtained, and every piece of content is $2.50...

Series 1 is $(14*2.5) and Series 2 is $(10*2.5). Counting the initial $40 investment, this will bring the game to precisely $100. Tax will probably raise this to between $105-109.

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If we assume that there is no more DLC, the free Lodestar is obtained, and every piece of content is $2.50...

Series 1 is $(14*2.5) and Series 2 is $(10*2.5). Counting the initial $40 investment, this will bring the game to precisely $100. Tax will probably raise this to between $105-109.

Well not every DLC is ¥250 and the rate for ¥-$ is about ¥92=$1 or ¥250=$2.72 which will be rounded to $3. But keeping everything the same would make the DLC $72 + $40 = $112. Well $272 (lol coincidence) w/o tax for me since I am getting the bundle.

Hey I'm getting the bundle, and that's a flippin' 200 bucks on my end. You're complaining about expensive? XD

I'm getting the bundle as well and all the DLC so that's $272 on my end. THAT is expensive! :P

EDIT: Best Buy is selling 3DS XL for $169 if anyone was considering which to get.

Edited by JosefLior
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I feel like I say this to just about everyone who mentions DLC making a game expensive, but I'll take a crack at it again.

DLC is an add on, not required. Since no one actually puts a gun to your head and say 'buy this or else', it's more realistic to assume at first you're only going to spend the $40 the game costs up front. Also, Awakening is a pretty hearty game on it's own without any extra DLC, and realistically DLC that actually can further game is free but are only sidequests (by further your game I am referring to the Spotpass characters like Gangrel and the others)

Now if you want to go ahead and buy everything then yeah, it's gonna be expensive. But it just really bothers me when people continue to perpetuate the myth that you HAVE to buy the DLC to have a full game. I rarely buy DLC myself because money is always tight, but I've never enjoyed a game less for it.

That said, there are a few DLC maps I'm planning on getting since these are relatively cheaper than Xbox DLC. Free Marth DLC obviously, the Future of Despair series, Lyn and Ephraim's DLC (two of my favorite lords), and possibly Leaf's as well just because his art is so badass. Maybe later when I'm not having as much money issues I'll invest in Alm's and Eirika's for the extra classes. But I may forgo Lyn and Ephraim for the Infinite Divine Weapons and the Gold and Silver missions for weapons and money if things get tight in my inevitable Lunatic run, who knows.

Edited by Saria
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The DLCs are not obrigatory nor they contain stuff that were in the main game and were not explained. From what i read from the descriptions here, they are mostly challenge maps.

Even the Future of Despair is an alternate future.

What really could be considerend an expensive game, to have all ( mostly ) pieces put together that could be on the main game already would be Mass Effect.

If you don't play Lair of the Shadow Broker DLC on ME2, then go play 3 and find out Liara is the Shadow Broker you will be like ''what?''. If you don't play the Arrival DLC,you won't know why you are arrested and had the Normandy stripped from you in 3.

In ME3 the Omega DLC and the Leviathan one should be already in the main game. The Leviathan gives you how the Reapers were created and who were it's creators. If they make a ME4 with Shepard and you find one of these guys later you will be ''what?who are these guys?''.

The worse : If you don't play them, the game assumes you did anyway and follows a canon path.

That's example of bad dlcs and an expensive game to understand all it have to offer. FE13 DLCs don't have anything to cover major plot holes, past doings, etc..it just complements the main game with new challenges, characters ( who don't even support ) and items.

Edited by Lanko
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I'm getting the bundle as well and all the DLC so that's $272 on my end. THAT is expensive! :P


Importing the bundle - $300

Buying a copy of the game for my local 3DS - $70

Buying DLC for both copies $??? (Australian DLC will be more expensive than US DLC as well)

I think I win in the 'I have too much expendable income' stakes XD

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The DLCs are not obrigatory nor they contain stuff that were in the main game and were not explained. From what i read from the descriptions here, they are mostly challenge maps.

Even the Future of Despair is an alternate future.

What really could be considerend an expensive game, to have all ( mostly ) pieces put together that could be on the main game already would be Mass Effect.

If you don't play Lair of the Shadow Broker, then go play 3 and then you find out Liara is the Shadow Broker you will be like ''what?''. If you don't play the Arrival DLC,you won't know why you are arrested and had the Normandy stripped from you.

In ME3 the Omega DLC and the Leviathan one should be already in the main game. The Leviathan gives you how the Reapers were created and who were it's creators. If they make a ME4 with Shepard and you find one of these guys later you will be ''what?who are these guys?''.

The worse : If you don't play them, the game assumes you did anyway and follows a canon path.

That's example of bad dlcs and an expensive game to understand it all. FE13 DLCs don't have anything to cover major plot holes, past doings, etc..it just complements the main game with new challenges, characters and items.

This is true, though I'd like to point out one thing: Not playing Arrival is actually covered pretty realistically, you get put under house arrest because you defected technically to work with Cerberus is how they explain it (I actually didn't even get Arrival until ME3 had been out for like 4 months). But LotSB is pretty much pivotal to getting the full story in ME3.

But yeah, FE13 pretty much does DLC right from what I've seen. It's all just challenge stuff from what I've seen and the only somewhat substantial story stuff that they have are Summer of Bonds and Future of Despair which is still just for fun/alternate future things that don't actually further or really affect the main story.

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Reply to Saria's previous post

1. Expensive to me

2. Never said anyone putting a sword to my neck (this is FE, there are no guns other than crossbows)

3. Money is always tight, however, it's not one whole package upfront cost, I was just pointing out at the end how much will be spent

4. Never said the game isn't as good without DLC!!!

5. I believe his name is Leif (crappy lord amazing master knight)

So let me rephrase myself: One bad ass game with a great number of DLC to enhance an already awesome game... that will cost me a fortune, but worth every penny! :D

Edited by JosefLior
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Reply to Saria's previous post

1. Expensive to me

2. Never said anyone putting a sword to my neck (this is FE, there are no guns other than crossbows)

3. Money is always tight, however, it's not one whole package upfront cost, I was just pointing out at the end how much will be spent

4. Never said the game isn't as good without DLC!!!

5. I believe his name is Leif (crappy lord amazing master knight)

So let me rephrase myself: One bad ass game with a great number of DLC to enhance an already awesome game... that will cost me a fortune, but worth every penny! :D

Sorry I forgot about his localized name, I'm still used to the fan translation : (

And sorry if I seemed like I was coming after you!! I've just seen the DLC discussions so many times I get kind of antsy about it is all. In hindsight I realized I dump quite a bit into DLC for games I really enjoy so this game will probably be no different for me, haha. At least it's cheaper than Xbox or PS3 games at new price, those start at $60 geesh. And the DLC is mostly cheaper aw yeah.

Also Wheels: You're ridiculous

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This is true, though I'd like to point out one thing: Not playing Arrival is actually covered pretty realistically, you get put under house arrest because you defected technically to work with Cerberus is how they explain it (I actually didn't even get Arrival until ME3 had been out for like 4 months). But LotSB is pretty much pivotal to getting the full story in ME3.

But yeah, FE13 pretty much does DLC right from what I've seen. It's all just challenge stuff from what I've seen and the only somewhat substantial story stuff that they have are Summer of Bonds and Future of Despair which is still just for fun/alternate future things that don't actually further or really affect the main story.

But if you play Arrival, at the end it gets hinted you will be called to Earth to answer for the meteor that blew the relay and destroyed an entire batarian system. You are then arrested to appease the batarians.

And this part of the relay blowing an entire system matches one of the final choices you have to make, the ''Destroy'' ending, which says all mass relays will be destroyed. I saw people not making that choice because they thought they would blow the galaxy.

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But if you play Arrival, at the end it gets hinted you will be called to Earth to answer for the meteor that blew the relay and destroyed an entire batarian system. You are then arrested to appease the batarians.

And this part of the relay blowing an entire system matches one of the final choices you have to make, the ''Destroy'' ending, which says all mass relays will be destroyed. I saw people not making that choice because they thought they would blow the galaxy.

Yeah I know. I'm just saying that Arrival is something you can consider a lot more plausible to just be filler than Shadow Broker since it's explained way better than 'What you killed the shadow broker what' if you didn't play it

That's dumb destroy option all the way though that was another case of bioware contradicting themselves with established lore.

SERIOUSLY BACK ON TOPIC THOUGH. If you want to talk about ME we can move it to PM's but it's kind of inappropriate in here

A question about DLC from people who've played the japanese versions of it: does Summer of Bonds give you anything special for beating it or is it mostly just new conversations and some battles?

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A question about DLC from people who've played the japanese versions of it: does Summer of Bonds give you anything special for beating it or is it mostly just new conversations and some battles?

The map itself is one huge reward X D

But, no, you don't get any physical rewards at the end.

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A question about DLC from people who've played the japanese versions of it: does Summer of Bonds give you anything special for beating it or is it mostly just new conversations and some battles?

You get something like 18 special tiles. That's pretty much a reward in and of itself.

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Remember guys that in the Iwata Asks interview they specifically said they made sure the stand-alone game was fully playable and deep enough in and of itself before they even thought about DLC. DLC is just "extra stuff" that's not necissary in the slightest to fully enjoy the game.

That being said, I'm still buying it all. I want to experience every possible aspect of the game. I know I'm being a bit of a hypocrite here, but just know that this is propably the first ever setof DLC I'm actually interested in. (The only other DLC I've ever bought was Valkyria Chronicles, because it expands the story Not because of playable Selvaria Valkyira rampage and some stuff for XIII-2 I got free with the pre-order.)

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