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So how many of us are going crazy over the release fiasco involving Fire Emblem: Awakening?


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Hmm... GameStop has called us before with our home phone. And it seems all of you are using cell phones. Maybe the problem lies in the calls reaching cell phones.

Then again, I never got the call for my physical copy.

Edited by Anacybele
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Got my confirmation today (or rather, an issue with my credit card, probably tried to charge alongside their pending charge, which would push it over my credit limit), and notice they also threw on the artbook as well. I guess so many people cancelled the preorders that they've got em sitting around to give out with the bundles.

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Hmm... GameStop has called us before with our home phone. And it seems all of you are using cell phones. Maybe the problem lies in the calls reaching cell phones.

Then again, I never got the call for my physical copy.

I would agree except my number used to be listed as a home number and I never got a call for any past games I pre-ordered either. A friend of mine who worked there said they (I'm assuming his store) doesn't make calls for big titles. He said they didn't do that with Dead Space 3, which just came out, but assured me they'd do so for smaller titles like Awakening, especially because of the delays. But I didn't get the call at all for that either :/ I'm thinking something is wonky with the auto-call system, but that doesn't seem to be a universal truth either.

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Why isn't GameStop calling anybody?! Is something wrong with their automated call system? I'll have to just figure out the address of the GameStop I preordered my bundle at and call them tomorrow. Because I'm worried again.

Automated? Huh? My call was not automated.

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I know that my friend received a phone call letting him know that his pre-ordered copy of Fire Emblem: Awakening was in today. He pre-ordered it at the GameStop that he works at, which is different from the one I pre-ordered my copy at, so who knows why the calls aren't happening for some of us...

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I have to ride the public bus to my college so when I'm done with my classes I usually have an hour to blow. Just so happens the buses do their first pickup in front of a mall, and that mall has a Gamestop. So I went in everyday since Monday just to see if they had gotten it. I didn't have to wait long, just got my copy today. The craziest thing to me was that they had only gotten 3 copies of the game and around 57 people preordered it, so glad I went when I did.

That bus route sounds a lot like my own. Except my mall has two Gamestops, for whatever reason.

Also, regarding Gamestop calls... I've never had them call me before. I've always received texts instead. I didn't even know they're supposed to call XD I prefer texts anyway, though.

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That bus route sounds a lot like my own. Except my mall has two Gamestops, for whatever reason.

Heh, I've been to a mall that has two GameStops before. It's the Century III Mall in Pittsburgh, where I'm from. I grew up with that place, my dad took me there all the time to ride the carousel and stuff when I was little and I still shopped there for years to come. Unfortunately, it started to literally collapse because it was built on bad land. But I heard it's getting rebuilt and back on its feet, so I'm happy it'll be sticking around. There was always a GameStop on the first floor, and another on the second. Hehe.

I wonder if they have their shipment of the game. If not, Pittsburgh fans shouldn't have to wait long. I'm still on the east coast, and I got my physical copy, so yeah.

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Oh my gosh, this frippin' snowstorm had better not hamper the shipment. That would be horrible. @_@

That being said, I'll call them again later today before the bus back home comes. HOPEFULLY it'll be in. If not, then tomorrow will be fuuun... Those who got called by GameStop are so lucky, I'm telling you...

EDIT: Oh, lookie at what happened here:

>Was told they wouldn't call

>GameStop calls Mom's cellphone

>Because of low minutes, Mom doesn't text me about said call

>Me: DX

I hope the rest of you guys get the game soon, too!

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Funny how they don't bother calling me over my cartridge coming in, but I just got an automated call saying my friends bundle will be in tomorrow. I hate you so much gamestop.

Guess I'll be other there tomorrow to pick it up

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Oh my gosh, this frippin' snowstorm had better not hamper the shipment. That would be horrible. @_@

That being said, I'll call them again later today before the bus back home comes. HOPEFULLY it'll be in. If not, then tomorrow will be fuuun... Those who got called by GameStop are so lucky, I'm telling you...

EDIT: Oh, lookie at what happened here:

>Was told they wouldn't call

>GameStop calls Mom's cellphone

>Because of low minutes, Mom doesn't text me about said call

>Me: DX

I hope the rest of you guys get the game soon, too!

Geez, but that's your mom's fault. lol

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My copy of the game, plus the artbook, arrived at my house earlier today. I don't have a 3DS, so I can't play the game, but it's still great to have it. I like the way the silver on the cover shines.

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My copy of the game, plus the artbook, arrived at my house earlier today. I don't have a 3DS, so I can't play the game, but it's still great to have it. I like the way the silver on the cover shines.

Why'd you get a copy without a 3DS? For that matter, why didn't you just get the bundle?

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Why'd you get a copy without a 3DS? For that matter, why didn't you just get the bundle?

He might not have been able to afford the bundle. Plus, he probably wanted to get the game now so he knew he had it and didn't have to struggle to find a copy in a few months or when he does get his 3DS. I did the same thing when Super Smash Bros. Brawl came out. I got the game a year before I got a Wii, but my sister had a Wii I could borrow.

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Y'know, with all these stories of not getting calls and them not having enough copies for the pre-orders, it seems to be a pretty easy connection to make. If a store had 20 pre-orders and only received 10 copies in their first shipment(which I wouldn't be surprised by, considering all that's been going on, numbers are arbitrary examples etc), then I wouldn't expect them to make calls. If they call everyone, half of the people get there and hear 'Oh sorry, we didn't get enough, maybe next time', and so they get pissed off, if they only call 10 people then the 10 they didn't call get pissed(and one might get lucky and get there before someone who got a call, causing scenario 1), basically there isn't really a 'good end', so to speak. By not giving calls, they take the route of remaining neutral, so to speak. Whether you are one of the X% who get their pre-order from the first shipment depends on your own initiative, rather than GS just not picking you.

Whereas stores that are giving calls likely received enough stock to handle all of their pre-orders and don't have to worry about it so much. Just my two cents, anyhow.

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He might not have been able to afford the bundle. Plus, he probably wanted to get the game now so he knew he had it and didn't have to struggle to find a copy in a few months or when he does get his 3DS. I did the same thing when Super Smash Bros. Brawl came out. I got the game a year before I got a Wii, but my sister had a Wii I could borrow.

That would be about right. I don't have much spare money, but I wanted to be sure I'll have the game for when I manage to get a 3DS. Plus, this way, I get the artbook, too, which is pretty nice.

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Y'know, with all these stories of not getting calls and them not having enough copies for the pre-orders, it seems to be a pretty easy connection to make. If a store had 20 pre-orders and only received 10 copies in their first shipment(which I wouldn't be surprised by, considering all that's been going on, numbers are arbitrary examples etc), then I wouldn't expect them to make calls. If they call everyone, half of the people get there and hear 'Oh sorry, we didn't get enough, maybe next time', and so they get pissed off, if they only call 10 people then the 10 they didn't call get pissed(and one might get lucky and get there before someone who got a call, causing scenario 1), basically there isn't really a 'good end', so to speak. By not giving calls, they take the route of remaining neutral, so to speak. Whether you are one of the X% who get their pre-order from the first shipment depends on your own initiative, rather than GS just not picking you.

Whereas stores that are giving calls likely received enough stock to handle all of their pre-orders and don't have to worry about it so much. Just my two cents, anyhow.

Which could be the cause of the delay in the first place--either Nintendo held back the shipments to make more to accommodate the extra preorders, or they purposely held back the shipments to try and get people to cancel preorder and get the shop download.

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That would be about right. I don't have much spare money, but I wanted to be sure I'll have the game for when I manage to get a 3DS. Plus, this way, I get the artbook, too, which is pretty nice.

Oh, okay, I see. That makes sense.

And that reason for GameStop not calling some people makes sense too. You know, I almost feel guilty for buying the game twice now (physical copy and bundle) because I know a lot of other people are still waiting to get it at all. But the only reason I don't actually feel guilty is that I put in my preorders long before anybody could've known this whole shipment problem was going to happen in the first place. If I had known, I would've waited to get the physical copy.

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Whereas stores that are giving calls likely received enough stock to handle all of their pre-orders and don't have to worry about it so much. Just my two cents, anyhow.

Actually, mine didnt. They only had four copies and he said there was actually about 9 preorders. (there are FE fans in my town? wtf are they and why havent i met them?) Since it wasnt automated or anything, im just thinking my Gamestop is just more personable.

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Oh, okay, I see. That makes sense.

And that reason for GameStop not calling some people makes sense too. You know, I almost feel guilty for buying the game twice now (physical copy and bundle) because I know a lot of other people are still waiting to get it at all. But the only reason I don't actually feel guilty is that I put in my preorders long before anybody could've known this whole shipment problem was going to happen in the first place. If I had known, I would've waited to get the physical copy.

Yeah, and the game's demand is different according to region, too. There are several Targets in my neighborhood that still had the game in stock for a while (3 days? XD)

edit: Target.com has the game back in stock

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Just called my Gamestop. They did get more in stock today, but they only got two copies in, and they still have six preorders to fill.

I was okay with the delay before, but this is getting beyond ridiculous.

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Ugh.... Went to Gamestop this morning after they opened and watched their shipment get in the doors. Nothing. I'm told that the shipment with Awakening is on the way and that if I'm lucky, that it will be in tomorrow from an overnight shipment. If not, then I wait until Monday.

Gamestop called about an hour ago and told me that the Awakening came in! Looks like the bundle I grabbed may have been the last one there....

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