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So how many of us are going crazy over the release fiasco involving Fire Emblem: Awakening?


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So with this fiasco involving Fire Emblem: Awakening's release, how many of us are going crazy?

I'm beginning to grow tired of this lack of knowledge regarding when the game is to come out and the release date/expected arrival of the game at stores changing so frequently.

And yes, before anyone from Europe or Australia mentions this, I do realize that you guys still have to wait until April to get the game.

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I'm downloading it, so whatever.

I would be doing the same, but I can't afford to both download the game from the eShop and buy a physical copy...Plus I don't think I have enough memory on my SD card for my 3DS.

My friend who works at gs took a picture of the art book and tagged me in it. So. Mad.

:-/ I'm glad that I haven't gotten anyone taking pictures of the artbook and tagging me in them. That would just be mean...

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Yes, I'm going terribly NUTS right now! I'm so afraid I'll miss my bundle because I already paid for it in full and I don't want to be out over 200 freaking dollars! :wacko::wtf:

You know, I so hope they don't invoke the 48 hour hold policy for this game...That would cause a lot of people to miss out on the game and be out of money...Granted, I'm not sure if it enacts when the game comes in or for the release date...

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I can deal with it, but this is still annoying.

Also, Canada must be laughing at our anguish. Lucky little-*grumbles*

Still, I know a LOT of people who are pissed off at this.

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I hope that it doesn't affect Gamestop's supply of the artbooks. My wife and I pre-ordered two copies so that we could get the artbooks. I'm upset about the delay, make no mistake, but I wouldn't have gotten to play it much until the weekend anyway. But if we reserved copies, and they're late, and we don't get our bonus artbooks ... yeah, then I'll be mad.

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You know, I don't want to blame Canadians, but I can't help but think that the whole erroneous early release by Canadian retailers is what caused this whole fiasco even though Nintendo most likely didn't expect so many people to want the game and thus failed to make enough initial copies...

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It wouldn't be so bad if I was given details on WHY it's being held back. Is Nintendo purposely holding them back to keep another EB Games thing from happening? Did the shipments end up in the middle of nowhere? Did the factories goof and they had to recall all the games? >> So far all we knows is that it's an error from Nintendo's side. :/

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I'm glad that some people are able to afford to get both the physical copy of the game and the digital download of the game...I can barely afford the physical copy of the game. :-/

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For us who already has the copy, either English or Japanese... I think we've got one thing to say.


Now that's just low.

Grouping the high tier importers with the ones who got lucky is INSULTING.

But yeah, I can understand how people are going c-REY-zy JokeDrumsSmiley.gif about the whole "Nintendo has a release date information discrepancies" considering how hyped and mainstream this game is now.

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Now that's just low.

Grouping the high tier importers with the ones who got lucky is INSULTING.

But yeah, I can understand how people are going c-REY-zy JokeDrumsSmiley.gif about the whole "Nintendo has a release date information discrepancies" considering how hyped and mainstream this game is now.

That wasn't a very good pun...

Anyways, I think Nintendo didn't realize that they were digging themselves into a hole by hyping the game as much as they did...

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