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So how many of us are going crazy over the release fiasco involving Fire Emblem: Awakening?


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Now that's just low.

Grouping the high tier importers with the ones who got lucky is INSULTING.

But yeah, I can understand how people are going c-REY-zy JokeDrumsSmiley.gif about the whole "Nintendo has a release date information discrepancies" considering how hyped and mainstream this game is now.

*headdesk* dat pun >__<

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Even though I am one of the lucky people with an early copy (two, in fact...), I only got one art book because the 2nd preorder was put in too late to get the bonus. So hopefully your local Gamestop has your book set aside specifically for your copy of the game based on the date of your preorder, rather than first come first serve.

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Even though I am one of the lucky people with an early copy (two, in fact...), I only got one art book because the 2nd preorder was put in too late to get the bonus. So hopefully your local Gamestop has your book set aside specifically for your copy of the game based on the date of your preorder, rather than first come first serve.

I better get my pre-order bonus. I pre-ordered my game back in December...

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You know, I so hope they don't invoke the 48 hour hold policy for this game...That would cause a lot of people to miss out on the game and be out of money...Granted, I'm not sure if it enacts when the game comes in or for the release date...

Hope this is the case. I'm fine with the game being delayed (I've been waiting since the Japanese release, what's another few weeks?), unless the fact that nobody knows what's going on costs me $200.

Edited by Alg
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Guys, just be patient. Some of us will have to wait months after the release to get it, so one extra week really isn't that big a deal, is it?

Eh, I don't see it as THAT bad, but you have to keep in mind, the fact that some people have been waiting a year and a half for the release, and Nintendo and all these retailers fuck it up so close to release, especially after all this hype, that won't really sit well with a lot of people. Wouldn't you and the others that have to wait until April get angry too if the release was delayed (especially after some people already got it early)?

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Conspiracy Theory Alert

I almost hate to suggest this, because it seems like it would be a stupid business move (and because I hate conspiracy theories in general), but could Nintendo be *cough* accidentally *cough* delaying physical copies of the game to increase eShop sales? It seems like they've been pushing downloadable games pretty hard lately. But that might just by my paranoia talking. But from what people have been posting, it sounds like it's going to have effect of increasing eShop sales, whether intentional or not.

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Hope this is the case as well. I'm fine with the game being delayed, unless the fact that nobody knows what's going on costs me $200.

Yeah. I'm hoping that I'll get my copy and such, so I'm not out of the money I put into the game...

And like I said in my original post, I am aware that people in Europe and Australia have to wait until April

Also, if all of this delaying the physical copies of the game is just to increase the eShop sales, then I'll be upset...Like I said in a previous thread, I can barely afford to a physical copy of this game, so getting the game via eShop AND the physical copy is out of the question.

Edited by Kaze_Ninja17
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Same here, but Gamestop would be real dicks to do that to us and I know that they're a considerate bunch (for the most part. Every store will have a bad apple or two, after all), so I'm not THAT worried. Still, it is a concern nonetheless.

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Guys, just be patient. Some of us will have to wait months after the release to get it, so one extra week really isn't that big a deal, is it?

For me, it's not about the extra wait but the uncertainty of the release. I've gotten different responses on when the game will be in stores, and I'd rather not accidently miss picking the game up due to misinformation.

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For me, it's not about the extra wait but the uncertainty of the release. I've gotten different responses on when the game will be in stores, and I'd rather not accidently miss picking the game up due to misinformation.

Yeah, this is exactly my issue too. ._.

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Guys, just be patient. Some of us will have to wait months after the release to get it, so one extra week really isn't that big a deal, is it?

It's more of a service issue for me. I go to gamestop a lot because the people at my local store are really kind and generally way more attentive than WalMart, Best Buy and Target (in my area at least) and I've been waiting for this game for a while. I don't really feel comfortable paying $45+ to preorder a game only to keep getting told different stories on when I might receive my game because of an error on Nintendo's part. It's less of the wait and more of the unknown that's starting to anger me over this whole fiasco.

Also as bad as I feel for Europe for having to wait, if things are this hectic in NoA then it might get like that over there too

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Some of us don't have the means to import ANYTHING, so luck is all I have.

Why do I always make myself sad?

In all honestly, I think A LOT more people would have imported this game last year if it wasn't for that stupid region lock.

Importing Awakening last year was probably the least practical import sale Play-Asia has ever gotten from me.

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It's more of a service issue for me. I go to gamestop a lot because the people at my local store are really kind and generally way more attentive than WalMart, Best Buy and Target (in my area at least) and I've been waiting for this game for a while. I don't really feel comfortable paying $45+ to preorder a game only to keep getting told different stories on when I might receive my game because of an error on Nintendo's part. It's less of the wait and more of the unknown that's starting to anger me over this whole fiasco.

Also as bad as I feel for Europe for having to wait, if things are this hectic in NoA then it might get like that over there too

^This is exactly why I am trying to get any sort of information from my GameStop. They are more informative than any other store I might possibly get games from. Plus, I can only go up there maybe once a week at the most. So this week, I might be up there three or four times if they don't get it in by tomorrow...

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Eh, I don't see it as THAT bad, but you have to keep in mind, the fact that some people have been waiting a year and a half for the release, and Nintendo and all these retailers fuck it up so close to release, especially after all this hype, that won't really sit well with a lot of people. Wouldn't you and the others that have to wait until April get angry too if the release was delayed (especially after some people already got it early)?

Actually, I'm in America. I just most likely won't have the money to get a 3DS for the next several months. Also, I'd say a good chunk of us have been waiting for a year and a half now, myself included. Can you imagine how the people getting it in April will feel in two months, when nearly everyone else got it before them? Talk about people that are going to be angry.

I do get why it would be nice to be assured we'll all be able to get the game and not lose our money, but we kind of have three threads about this right now, which seems kind of excessive.

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I'm sitting pretty, I'm not actually getting the game until the 24th anyway. Patience is a virtue.

it could be worse you could have to wait until April like Europe

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Yeah, same here, it's just that I love FE so much and I'd been waiting for this game for AGES.

But I'm not so much worried about getting the game at all, I'm more worried about losing my money and having to get one of my parents to drive me back and forth just to see if I can get my stuff at all.

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I think it's mostly that level of uncertainty that's driving people off the wall. As much as I'd like to get the game early, I won't have the funds until Monday and transportation to that GameStop is a mess. It's frustrating that I can't plan my schedule around picking up my copy and have to leave it to whenever I get contacted as a result. As fun as Fire Emblem is people have schedules and sometimes trips to GameStop can be difficult to plan for some gamers.

If I was just told, "oh you'll get it on the 4th as promised" I would be perfectly content with waiting. If I was told "you'll get it on the 8th, sorry" I would a little ticked off but at least I'd have a set date and could plan accordingly. The lack of information is the worst as any time becomes a variable and as a full time college student I don't exactly have time to just go out and get it when I get the call.

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I think it's mostly that level of uncertainty that's driving people off the wall. As much as I'd like to get the game early, I won't have the funds until Monday and transportation to that GameStop is a mess. It's frustrating that I can't plan my schedule around picking up my copy and have to leave it to whenever I get contacted as a result. As fun as Fire Emblem is people have schedules and sometimes trips to GameStop can be difficult to plan for some gamers.

If I was just told, "oh you'll get it on the 4th as promised" I would be perfectly content with waiting. If I was told "you'll get it on the 8th, sorry" I would a little ticked off but at least I'd have a set date and could plan accordingly. The lack of information is the worst as any time becomes a variable and as a full time college student I don't exactly have time to just go out and get it when I get the call.

Yes, the uncertainty is what driving me insane. I just want an actual date of when I can get my copy.

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