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So how many of us are going crazy over the release fiasco involving Fire Emblem: Awakening?


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Although to be fair, Europe doesn't know exactly when we're getting it either, just 'April', and Nintendo of Europe's basically treating the game like it doesn't exist.

It is entirely possible that they'll change their minds once they see how well it's doing over here though. From all indications it's selling WAY faster than Nintendo anticipated.

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It is entirely possible that they'll change their minds once they see how well it's doing over here though. From all indications it's selling WAY faster than Nintendo anticipated.

You know, I bet the reason for that is simply the fact that Marth and Roy are finally in a FE game together.

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You know, I bet the reason for that is simply the fact that Marth and Roy are finally in a FE game together.

Or perhaps Ike. He is quite popular here. Especially with female fans, which is no surprise. He's smoking hot. <3

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Don't remind me of P4A >< For those who don't know, you know how you guys got Persona 4 Arena in early August? We were supposed to get it late August. It's 2013 and the EU guys have only JUST received the completed EU build for the PS3 last month, and were still waiting on the 360 version. Normally, not a problem for PS3 users, but, because America (And supposed to Europe) got the game basically the same week as Japan, Japan forced region lock onto the game.

And they might, but I know for right now, Nintendo of Australia has no idea bout the game (As in, they don't know it exists offically) as NoE hasn't given them the info, and the game's in the systems of the video games stores, but with no information from NoE/Aus other than 'April 2013'

Have to disagree on Ike being hot though. Maybe in PoR, but in RD he looks like an ogre XD I don't like muscly guys XD

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Well, I love muscles on my men, and imo, RD Ike's are just perfect and sexy. lol

But anyway, just as I figured, my local Gamestop said they'll be getting the game tomorrow. Glad I don't have to wait until Friday or something. xP

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No Earthbound (while it comes out on JP VC) on WiiU virtual console and FE: Awakening delay?! Get it together Nintendo!!!

Mother was a great series, but got discontinued for bad sales. x.x

In all honestly, I think A LOT more people would have imported this game last year if it wasn't for that stupid region lock.

Importing Awakening last year was probably the least practical import sale Play-Asia has ever gotten from me.

Nintendo were dicks for doing that, but that didn't stop me from getting the game!

NOTHING will kill my fandom of the series.

Y'all need to chill out. It ain't a conspiracy. The game'll get here when it does.

Better time=Better development. =)

I am playing enough games to not go crazy for FE13's release.

Pokemon is already accompanying me enough long before the games release. :D

Lol. Because of my schedule, the earliest I would be able to pick mine up would be on the 8th/9th, anyway. I feel for all you stalwarts, though! Too much excitement :0


Normally I wouldn't beTOO upset by this, but I sold my 360 to be able to afford this game. I'd like, if at all possible, for it to release somewhat close fo the anticipated time...

There weren't much good games for it anyway. Not much of a loss.

Good for you! I should get more organized; I have a problem with doing things spontaneously when I feel like it. I think my ADD is only part of the problem....

Anyways, good luck to everyone, because starting tomorrow its fair game, at least to Nintendo; do your best to get your copy and have fun when you do!

We musn't let them down.

We want more of these games to come the @* out here. D=

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Mother was a great series, but got discontinued for bad sales. x.x

On my understanding, the current issue with Earthbound is some legal stuff, I think it was on some of it's music, which is why it's not on the non-Japanese Virtual Console, as well as it's demo taken out from non-Japan copies of Brawl.

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as well as it's demo taken out from non-Japan copies of Brawl.

Never knew this.

No love for Mother in NA. x.x

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Well, just got home from my Gamestop and they didn't even have any games or bundles listed as in transit yet (I'm in MD). The sales guy said to call before I come out again, even he had no idea what was going on. I can confirm there isn't a street date on the game, though.

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Seeing as Hawai'i shipping takes about a day more than shipping it across the mainland, I probably won't be getting it till Wednesday at the earliest but no later than Friday.


Aw well, back to Pokémon for a few more days.

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[12:21:44 PM] Annieta: okay so apparantly

[12:21:49 PM] Annieta: I just got the physical copy of Awakening

[12:21:52 PM] shadowofchaos725 (Rey): wow

[12:21:52 PM] shadowofchaos725 (Rey): how

[12:21:57 PM] Annieta: I called up a different Target that said 'In Stock"

[12:22:00 PM] Annieta: and they said they're allowed to sell it

[12:22:04 PM] shadowofchaos725 (Rey): how whwat

[12:22:05 PM] Annieta: so I guess it depends on location

[12:22:24 PM] shadowofchaos725 (Rey): should I call the target next to my school

[12:22:43 PM] Annieta: yea

[12:27:17 PM] shadowofchaos725 (Rey): okay

[12:27:20 PM] shadowofchaos725 (Rey): it says in stock

[12:27:25 PM] shadowofchaos725 (Rey): but I called

[12:27:31 PM] shadowofchaos725 (Rey): the electronics section

[12:27:37 PM] shadowofchaos725 (Rey): they say they don't have it.

[12:27:38 PM] shadowofchaos725 (Rey): wtf

Well. I hate this info discrepancy.

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I am absolutely PISSED. HOW could they mess this up? They promoted the ever-loving HELL out of this game! Now they don't even ship them? I'm tempted to just buy a digital copy, but I really don't like the idea of spending even more.

Historically, Nintendo hasn't really pushed this series much, so normally it wouldn't be surprising that they didn't produce many copies. However, as I mentioned, they promoted it. A lot. This was FE's chance to appeal to a broader audience, and Nintendo blew it big time. Honestly, how do you manage to mess up something this big?

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I am absolutely PISSED. HOW could they mess this up? They promoted the ever-loving HELL out of this game! Now they don't even ship them? I'm tempted to just buy a digital copy, but I really don't like the idea of spending even more.

Historically, Nintendo hasn't really pushed this series much, so normally it wouldn't be surprising that they didn't produce many copies. However, as I mentioned, they promoted it. A lot. This was FE's chance to appeal to a broader audience, and Nintendo blew it big time. Honestly, how do you manage to mess up something this big?


They're being careful with their sales.

It's only a matter of time before alot more copies get distributed at a time!

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They're being careful with their sales.

It's only a matter of time before alot more copies get distributed at a time!

I think being more careful with their sales would sound/apply better to this situation if it wasn't for all these shipping delays. Limiting the amount they're selling initially is a good enough idea! Having problems getting the orders out on time is bad. That's the real problem here, that they're having problems getting their initial batches out on time.

I'm going to go ahead and call my gamestop again between 1 and 2 pacific time since that's around the time they get their shipments in. I know they probably won't have it today, but I'd like to see if they're still holding onto their 5th release date at least.

EDIT: Just got off the phone with Gamestop. Now I have no official date to expect it in and got a simple 'Whenever it comes in'. That's more aggravating to me than having to wait until friday.

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Hey, if you don't pick up a in store pickup preorder for GameStop, will they still charge you for it? I can't cancel without going to the store, and the eshop is super tempting...

You'll still be charged for that money you put down. You need to go to the store and get your refund.

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God dammit. I really wanted my GameStop to have the game today because I don't have enough time to pick it up tomorrow and Wednesday I'll be doing a shit ton of homework so I really wouldn't have time to go get it until Thursday. Why not just more the release date forward a week and then have it come out on the 11th. That way none of us would be PO'd about the game not being in stock by the release date and we could actually go pick it up on they day that it's out since it would have had a week to arrive.

Last 2 weeks were shitty but today is even worse =_=

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My pre-order hasn't even been processed yet, and even when it does, I'm expecting it to take 2 weeks at least to get delivered.

After not receiving my copy during Canada's early release... I'm pretty bummed out.

EB Games is so stuck, I can't even cancel my pre-order; The maintenance system can't process my request...Canada.gif


Death and despair...

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So...supposedly...the two GameStops that I can feasibly access at a reasonable time have told me that their shipment is coming in today and that they will be selling tomorrow. This gives me some hope, but it doesn't stop me from being upset.

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Whelp. I didn't get my copy of Fire Emblem: Awakening today...They did however allow me to pick up my artbook when I paid off what I owed for the game.

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A Target near me has it in stock, so I'll buy it there tomorrow morning, pay off my GameStop pre-order so I can get the art book. Pick up the GameStop game when it finally shows up, then take the game back the next day without opening it for a full refund.

Get the game sooner than GameStop can deliver, and still get the art book.

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