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Responding to everyone who commented on this bit...

Employee: "So, this is what happened. Game Informer ran several ads for Fire Emblem saying the game is coming out Feb. 4. That was a typo. We should be getting the game Feb. 5 around noon."

Me: "OK. That's great that I only have to wait a day. But we *both* know that it was no typo. Every publication on the Internet said this game was coming out on Feb. 4. So, I'm guessing it was a world wide typo?"

Employee: "Yea, it must be. Games don't come out on Monday. They only come out on Tuesday."

I'm in Chicagoland area. Side note, I work as a journalist for corporate media. I have *NEVER* heard of a world wide typo lol

I think we can be pretty sure this was a simple case of just agreeing with the customer to keep a long story short. I doubt that employee seriously thinks it was a "worldwide typo." He just didn't know the whole story and didn't want to bother explaining how little he knew. Give the guy a break.

Anyway...Luckily (or not?) I have a lot on my mind right now, so while I am anxious for my bundle to arrive, I can stand the wait. Unlike some people here.

EDIT: On a side note, South Park did teach me to blame Canada. Yes, I am watching you all.

Edited by Red Fox of Fire
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So, just called up the gamestop I work at and my friend told me that the info shows that the game should be arriving tommorow, but for the most part if copies do come in to gamestops, they will mostly be for preorders, with a possible chance of an extra copy or two.

Edited by the invincible candy bar
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So, just called up the gametop I work at and my friend told me that the info shows that the game should be arriving tommorow, but for the most part if copies do come in to gamestops, they will mostly be for preorders, with a possible chance of an extra copy or two.

I assume the bundles will be arriving in the same shipment then. If so, excellent news.

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So, just called up the gametop I work at and my friend told me that the info shows that the game should be arriving tommorow, but for the most part if copies do come in to gamestops, they will mostly be for preorders, with a possible chance of an extra copy or two.

This is a similar case with what happened with Pokemon Conquest I believe. GameStops received mostly pre-orders of Pokemon Conquest and only had one or two copies that weren't pre-orders.

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You know we could act like civilized people and not bash Canada? Oh you want to continue doing that, get a life if you are SO inconvenienced about a damn game not coming out on the "right" date. Why don't you spend your waiting time with something productive? Instead of having a moaning bitchfit about things. Oh but i'm sorry I forgot the majority of the forum isn't civilized enough for that

Yes yes, its retarded, but come on. I saw only ONE person bashing Canada and while that is really stupid, its time to:


The report button is your friend. Theres no need to go blowing thine top. Simply report that member's post about Canada and move on.

I cant wait to get my game and make my Avatar. Shes gonna make a bee-line right to Virion! <3333

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Alright everyone, stop attacking each other seriously. We don't want to get the moderators coming after us do we? If we continue to argue with each other and blame it on someone who really had no control over what happened here, we're not going to get anywhere. The majority of us on here around either older teenagers or adults.

If you're interpreting these as attacks you really need to open your eyes some. There's one person who's causing all the drama here by spouting off nonsense about stuff she doesn't even know about. We all know we have no control on it, but some people seem to be insisting on blaming Canada for this whole mess. They're incorrect, and they shouldn't be allowed to just going around spewing that bullshit, because it's not even true.


I find something about this part of your post hilariously ironic.

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Yes yes, its retarded, but come on. I saw only ONE person bashing Canada and while that is really stupid, its time to:


The report button is your friend. Theres no need to go blowing thine top. Simply report that member's post about Canada and move on.

I cant wait to get my game and make my Avatar. Shes gonna make a bee-line right to Virion! <3333

Maybe I'd listen if you told the right people to calm down.

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I cant wait to get my game and make my Avatar. Shes gonna make a bee-line right to Virion! <3333

I can't wait either! My Avatar is going to win over Frederick though. <3

Freddy and me are gonna be happy as can be! Haha, rhyme intended. :P

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Maybe I'd listen if you told the right people to calm down.

Im telling everyone whos got their laundry all wrinkled to calm down. Including the member who made the offending post you lot are so pissed about. Just...get over it. Gawd.


Who DID get their game on time?

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The members that are usually pretty chill finally post in this thread because it's I don't know which time that Ana said it's Canada's fault and get told to calm down so that newbs can rage on gamestop and stuff.


On the other hand I support people not posting in threads like these unless they have relevant info about the game's release issue.

Edit: I downloaded the game on eshop and am enjoying it very much thank you for asking.

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You guys are telling the wrong people to calm down. How is it that a certain someone can get away with bashing an entire country and the moment someone pops on and says, "stop bashing that country you don't know what you're talking about" or "calm down, all of you, it's just a game," then they get told to calm down? And you guys get to act like, "oh, I was so above it all anyway" and tell us all to calm down? I'm sensing lots of hypocrisy here.

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You know what, how about we take the collective advice and calm down? I'm tired of arguing with people and it's getting old. Yes, I do realize that I have been arguing with people as well, but I'm done with this right now.

Also, I do admit that I've been a bit of a hypocrite at times. No one is perfect. I apologize if I have annoyed anyone or if I have offended anyone.

Edited by Kaze_Ninja17
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It seems my obvious attempt to change the topic has failed...

So, are we sure preorders come in tuesday and the 8th is for nonpreorders?

From what I'm gathering the preorders will be ther tomorrow, yes. As for the status of non-preordered copies, I don't think anything is certain as of yet.

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The logic that this is Canada's fault is lulzy and ridiculous, but some peeps are just not in their right minds right now.

I wonder if Nintendo will see this madness and go "Well..fuck...FE is really a thing over there..." and release a bunch of the games we never got overseas. :B

The blame Canada line of logic is especially awesome(read:amusing) if one considers that the retailer which goofed was apparently EB Games. Which IS Gamestop, as of a few years ago. So if it was those Canadian retailers pulling a "stupid stunt" that caused this delay, it would really be Gamestop's fault. Oops.

But it isn't the cause of the delay (see Ohio or California I believe? One of the states had the game, anyways), so it is not Gamestop's fault, and so the comment should be dismissed as irrelevant, if not immature and ignorant. Both sides should drop the issue, as there is no merit in continuing. Onto the topic:

Like a few others in this thread, I am of the mind that the delay was because of the number of sales for Fire Emblem Awakening. The series up until now has been relatively niche, so I am guessing that Nintendo thought it would make modest sales, as opposed to selling out all of the preorders. Hopefully it will be as Dunban suggests and they may end up releasing older titles overseas, however unlikely that may be.

If you want to rage at Gamestop, rage at them for adopting the position that the release date is tomorrow if they actually are doing that. Otherwise you should be thrilled, like myself and others, that this series at the very least appears to be taking off.

@L95: There should be copies in store the same day the preorders come in. That's assuming it's anything like Gamestop up here in Fredericton.

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It seems my obvious attempt to change the topic has failed...

So, are we sure preorders come in tuesday and the 8th is for nonpreorders?

I recall hearing that last night in the other Gamestop thread, however I haven't heard anything official since in where I live in Canada I have EB Games, and I'm not getting the game until the 24th anyway.

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From what I'm gathering the preorders will be ther tomorrow, yes. As for the status of non-preordered copies, I don't think anything is certain as of yet.

This is what I've managed to gather as well.

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Hey guys. Sorry for being too subtle earlier. Cut the crap. Both on the blaming Canada side and on the telling others to shut up.

I'm sure you'd all love to thank me, but don't respond to this post, either.

Though when I think about it, this topic is kind of pointless...

Edited by Red Fox of Fire
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Oh dear, did I miss a shit storm or something?!

Honestly guys, just drop it. I'm surprised that a mod hasn't actually addressed the flame war going on here. Yes, none of this is Canada's fault, and she shouldn't have made those (2) comments. But this is an awful lot of hate to stir up over a couple measly posts. Please don't be hypocritical; by continuing to harp on all of this, you are "bashing"! If you really have a problem with it a) ignore it or b) report it to a mod like a responsible person. I don't see Ana continuing to wage a one sided war; do you?! Please, lets everyone act our ages (as Kaze so rightly put it) and just stop!

Honestly, I thought we got over this in the other thread.....Facepalm_emote_gif.gif

Edit: Ninja'd.....by a mod no less....finally

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It seems my obvious attempt to change the topic has failed... Blast.

So, are we sure preorders come in tuesday and the 8th is for nonpreorders?

Seems to be a general idea though maybe not. Up until today my store said their shipment would be in tomorrow (now it's just a question mark). I was also told they're pretty much just getting enough stock to cover pre-orders and nothing else

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You guys are telling the wrong people to calm down. How is it that a certain someone can get away with bashing an entire country and the moment someone pops on and says, "stop bashing that country you don't know what you're talking about" or "calm down, all of you, it's just a game," then they get told to calm down? And you guys get to act like, "oh, I was so above it all anyway" and tell us all to calm down? I'm sensing lots of hypocrisy here.

Sorry, it's just the "child" part I found a little outrageous. I will not say, anymore. Just felt I needed to defend Ana, because she seems like a really nice person (I spoke to her through a forum a little throughout the day). I don't even think she was bashing Canada. Things just get out of hand when hating the system evolves into hating the people.

You know what, how about we take the collective advice and calm down? I'm tired of arguing with people and it's getting old. Yes, I do realize that I have been arguing with people as well, but I'm done with this right now.

Also, I do admit that I've been a bit of a hypocrite at times. No one is perfect. I apologize if I have annoyed anyone or if I have offended anyone.

I concur

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I wish it was already tomorrow so I could call and ask about Awakening again. I don't think my store has realized that I'll keep doing that until they give me an actual date.

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