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Blah blah, post removed warning added. Whatever

Anyways my gamestop wasn't selling the game yet either. Can't get it until tomorrow anywhere around here, Walmart Gamestop or otherwise

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Sorry, it's just the "child" part I found a little outrageous. I will not say, anymore. Just felt I needed to defend Ana, because she seems like a really nice person (I spoke to her through a forum a little throughout the day). I don't even think she was bashing Canada. Things just get out of hand when hating the system evolves into hating the people.

Whoa, whoa, whoa, I'M the one that's being accused of bashing Canada? Where did I ever do that at? I have absolutely no clue at all. If I said something that seemed like bashing the country, I apologize, as I did not mean it. I've never had anything against Canada and probably never will.

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Wait, now I see where people thought I bashed Canada. Let me explain. I wasn't saying they were being sneaky to BASH them. I admit, I did think Canada was at fault at first and that the US shouldn't have to pay for their mistake. But I was wrong about that, I apologize. But anyway, I brought it up to show that GameStop has actually been trying to follow the rules. Not to say Canada is omigosh horrible or anything. Yeah, what some of their stores did was dumb, I still think that, but in NO WAY WHATSOEVER does that mean I hate the country or some shit like that. Honest.

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Ugh...Okay. I'll let these few recent posts go since Ana was explaining her post that got the shitstorm started, but no more. I don't want to see a single mention of that line of conversation following this post. If you have to talk about it, take it elsewhere.

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Honestly, if you guys get someone that ever says that something is for sure to arrive on a certain date, you might as well ask to talk to their boss. Its sad, but not everyone cares about giving the customer what they want, some select few only care about making a sale. Luckily, thoe ones rarely last. But to Volke29, I apologize for my fellow employee. Trust me, most of us try hard at our job and don't bullshit our customers.

Dude I honestly love Gamestop. It's a happy place - all video games - how can you not like that? The one I go to is really awesome. The store I called (the very first post) was at a different location.

Yes, Gamestop offers you $35 for your 3DS, but you don't have to sell it to them. That's my logic. The one I go to (It's in Village Crossing) is filled with awesome employees who I talk video games with all the time. I can see how my original post made me sound like a basher, but, in all honesty, my tone was a result of me being so salty about not getting the game yesterday. I've been waiting for this game for so long. It is my most anticipated title for 2013. So, yea, I was bitter and aw struck that the employee agreed that there was a world wide typo lol.

Also a big XCOM fan, and my local gamestop gave me this just because I'm a regular -


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That's pretty awesome.

As for Gamestop, I know individual employees act differently, but what you can blame them for is forcing their employees to shill out at every possible attempt to get you to preorder. It's fucking ridiculous how much pre-ordered folk are prioritized that it just puts me off. When I called several stores about Fire Emblem, some of them flat out said "if you didn't preorder, we're not selling it to you" without elaborating (I know this is because of the limited quantity, but a typical person wouldn't know that), and another practically hanging up after I said I didn't preorder the game (I got from the impression that the employees simply don't care if you didn't help their commission). It bleeds out to stories like an employee refusing to sell a new copy of Assassin's Creed 3 without you preordering something else first.

I personally never shop around Gamestop stores anymore because of one incident where I bought a used copy of Ninety-Nine Nights for like 5 bucks, and the employee badgered on me about preorders. After like, 4 requests that I should preorder something, I slipped out that I was going to buy a new copy of (so and so game, can't remember), and that I wasn't going to preorder it at Gamestop, hoping he would get the hint. His response? "Oh, because the other stores have better pre-order bonuses, huh?"

I bet if the system didn't lock them out from allowing preorders for Fire Emblem, every store I called would badger me to preorder the game "to ensure you get it on release day" or some shit like that.

Edited by Constable Reggie
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Are people seriously this pissy over a one-day delay

this is about as much fuss as people gave when FE12 didn't come out at all

Its not a big deal that there is a delay, the big deal is that we were given no information and no retailer has information to give us. Also, what little information they can give is inconsistent. At least that's how I feel, I don't want to speak for anyone else.

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Not that it matters because of mismanagement from NoA, but I want to clear the whole "Feb. 4 release" for everyone.

As someone who worked previously with game retailers, there's what you call a "release date" and a "street date". Release Date is the day that a company releases/ships a product to retailers but is not necessarily the day the game becomes available to the public. On the other hand, Street Date is the exact day the game will be available to the public. For example, in a typical release date-street date situation, the actual release date for Fire Emblem: Awakening would have been at the very least January 31, when it starts arriving in retail stores. The advanced release date makes it possible for almost all copies of the game be available for the street date of February 4.

A few years ago, companies would use their release dates in announcements rather than street dates, which makes for more than one huge argument at a GameStop where I asked why they said Kingdom Hearts 2 was out March 28, but they wouldn't have it for sale until the day after March 28. I think it might be the case that Feb. 4 was the release date for FEA, but not necessarily the street date, which would be a very amateur move for Nintendo to have done. But since Nintendo released the downloadable version of FEA on Monday, I don't think that's necessarily the case.

In a more tinfoil hat moment, maybe delaying the game for retailers was the plan all along. See, the more digital copies Nintendo sells (either by people cancelling their pre-orders and just buying it online, or people just buying the digital version from the start), the less physical copies they need to sell, and therefore, the less income from used games lost to Gamestop/Best Buy/Insert Used Game Shop here. This is further supported by the fact that the stock for physical Fire Emblem cartridges (and systems) is, according to my former boss at Gamestop, literally sold out a few weeks before the game's release, and there's no word of publishing another set of physical copies.

But of course, that's a tinfoil hat statement up there. But it does sound more insidious/awesome than just saying "they only published a limited amount of the physical cartridges because they're afraid this game will not sell" and "Nintendo's shipping/management department has failed in an epic way, and it shows how much interest/affection they have for the Fire Emblem series, especially since the official first announcement of Fire Emblem Awakening's global release was not from an official Nintendo event, but only when some journalists nagged it out of Reggie Fils-Aime".

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The 4th was the street date for Fire Emblem, otherwise you can't explain why Target/other retailers besides Gamestop were selling it by then. Nintendo simply screwed up the whole shipment thing/didn't anticipate the massive demand, which explains why Gamestop lifted their street date (2/4) to become "we'll sell it whenever it comes in." I doubt that it was done to push more digital copies (though it obviously achieved that, I'm willing to bet), since NSMB2 was released on the same day as digital.

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