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The Great Naval War of FE Awakening


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I played FFXI! Your WoW terms don't scare me!

GASP! FFXI! My only weakness! How did you know!?

Somebody explain to me the value of this thread at all besides being flamebait for half the population?


This is a public announcement brought to you in part by the Tactician, Raven, Oswin and Lucius Legal Corporation. We here at TROLL Corp. believe that it is important to warn the population of the imminent shipping catastrophe that may/will happen as a result of the release of Fire Emblem: Awakening. Please be aware that this is a candid look at the Fire Emblem fan population, and serves both as a warning and, as Onestep has noted, a commentary on the fanbase.

Thank you for your attention, and always stay safe.

@Garlyle: Indeed, there's argument for both a disaster and a non-disaster to happen. I'll still hold onto my theory that only time will tell whether certain pairings will launch a thousand ships, or if the ships will actually get beached before the maiden voyage. Oddly enough, as you said, the romantic in-game pairings don't seem to be fertile battlefields, but rather... the whole thing with Priam/Paris? Ye Gods.

@NoNameAtAll: Presenting, the USS Gerald Ford, the latest and most advanced aircraft carrier in the world:

Also, how about that 3DS x Fire Emblem ship, eh guys? Waaaaaaay better than the DS x Fire Emblem ship, that's for sure. :D

Edited by Keiya
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I was spoiled by FE7-FE10, where you could choose (in a way) who everyone ends up with. I play Shadow Dragon, and find that there are no support convos. Meaning Marth HAS to end up with that whore woman Caeda, when I liked Caeda/Ogma before playing the game. D8 Ever since then, I restarted my FE7 file and supported Eliwood and Hector together, because I had paired them both with a Pegasus Knight. >> I hated Lord/Pegasus Knight pairings that day. It's why I dislike the Chrom/Sumia pairing, because of how shoved down your throat it is. A minor exaggeration, but it's dumb that Sumia has top priority when Chrom has way better supports with Sully or F!Avatar IMO. It just makes me blaugh.

Yeah, shipping can make me petty. 8D;

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Female Avatar x harem is obviously the true pairing.

For actual discussion merit, this is going to be an interesting experience to observe how the shipping wars start up based on romantic options/pairing possibilities. I dare say game developers could actually study this to see what drives fan pairings to clash against each other and why some burn up in flames faster than IkexSoren too soon?

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I know I've been joking around a bit regarding this lately, what with the whole PIES thing, but I honestly do feel that there is no canon for most, if not all characters.

A mature, shaven headed Avatar marrying Nowi is just as canon as the default Avatar's marrying Lucina or Chrom, for example.

Sumia is heavily implied to be the game's 'canon' choice for Chrom's wife, but much like Ninian or Lilina, she doesn't have to be the one you choose. I mean, I did, because I'm weak to the game beating me over the head and they mesh well statwise, but that's just my choice.

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inb4 ChromXSumia becomes the new ElinciaXGeoffrey.

Oh hell no. Even ChromxSumia is better than that pairing. GeoffreyxElincia, imo, is borderline incest, not to mention quite cliche. ChromxSumia may be the poster pairing of Awakening, but at least they stick to tradition and aren't siblings in any way. Several times, we've seen a lord able to be paired with a Peg knight.

As for me, only FrederickxFemale Avatar and ChromxOlivia so far.

Edited by Anacybele
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Man, you can support anyone with almost anyone, right? Imagine if they did this back with Radiant Dawn.

@Faye: Marth did not have to end up with Caeda---I killed her off :D . Tralala~ <3

I...I.... Dude. I never once thought of sacrificing Caeda, I always sent Jagen to the wolves. oAo I-I... -picks up Shadow Dragon again-

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This is a public announcement brought to you in part by the Tactician, Raven, Oswin and Lucius Legal Corporation. We here at TROLL Corp. believe that it is important to warn the population of the imminent shipping catastrophe that may/will happen as a result of the release of Fire Emblem: Awakening. Please be aware that this is a candid look at the Fire Emblem fan population, and serves both as a warning and, as Onestep has noted, a commentary on the fanbase.

Thank you for your attention, and always stay safe.

I'm sort of tempted to interpret this as "i was trolling" and lock the thread for trolling.

For now, I'm just going to watch the thread closely and keep my finger on the trigger, because I still don't see how this could end in anything but tears.

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I'm sort of tempted to interpret this as "i was trolling" and lock the thread for trolling.

For now, I'm just going to watch the thread closely and keep my finger on the trigger, because I still don't see how this could end in anything but tears.

That whole tears thing? It's the exact kind of folly I'm warning against. I just wanted to point out that because Shipping is Serious Business, and given the potential the FE: Awakening gives for a Shipping War, we might be creating the perfect storm here. Just wanted to warn both newcomers and series vets alike to be prepared in case that happens.

@Faye: And now you know why the 3DS x FE ship is better than the DS x FE ship: at least you don't need to kill off characters to get other characters... :D

But, Hmmm... too bad there's no True Harem End if you unlock at least 3-4 support conversations with male/female characters. Imagine if half of the 2nd-gen characters was fathered/mothered by the Avatar.

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Man, you can support anyone with almost anyone, right? Imagine if they did this back with Radiant Dawn.

I thought you could in RD? Except in RD, only a few characters can actually get paired endings. Which sucks. >.>

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I thought you could in RD? Except in RD, only a few characters can actually get paired endings. Which sucks. >.>

Anyone could pair with anyone, but the "supports" we're all incredibly generic and next to no special endings.

At least I got to pretend in regards to my OTP.

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Anyone could pair with anyone, but the "supports" we're all incredibly generic and next to no special endings.

At least I got to pretend in regards to my OTP.

Ah. And yeah, same here. Thank goodness for fanfiction too. :P

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I personally didn't cared about how they did supports in FE10... that seemed like a good idea at the time, but I personally needed more information on the new characters then and I wasn't satisfied. Heck, I wasn't satisfied by what I got from the game by whole, so I never brought it.

Also, might I add the bigger reason why I don't have any preference in shipping for this game is because of how versatile everyone is? It's not just a case of "They look great together!" or "They offer great stats for such and such!", it's how their supports works as well. So far, I've yet to find a coupling support I didn't like!

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You know, I find I like a lot of the supports in Awakening so far too! Even Chrom and Sumia's was rather funny with the whole pie thing. lol

Chrom: This isn't about pies! Just listen!


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I'll have to get Chrom/Sumia sooner or later. (Lucas claimed Sumia before Chrom did in my Male Avatar game. Completely justified, for my future Male Avatar 'get all the CGs' run I wouldn't need to worry about getting Sumia's support and just get her and Chrom together!)

Edited by SPSEliwoodGabriel
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I'm loving this thread so far.

Key words such as "Pairing A in FE13" is like "Pairing B in another game" gets people riled up. :3

They're so open ended that I think it's VERY nice that people can have their own personal sets. That's a nice part of it... but like the OP said, leaves people room to ship their ships towards other people.

Yeah, I don't give a crap about my English version or the other pairings.

This is the only pairing I NEED... My Gary Stu self-insert character:


Edited by shadowofchaos
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I'm loving this thread so far.

Key words such as "Pairing A in FE13" is like "Pairing B in another game" gets people riled up. :3

They're so open ended that I think it's VERY nice that people can have their own personal sets. That's a nice part of it... but like the OP said, leaves people room to ship their ships towards other people.

Yeah, I don't give a crap about my English version or the other pairings.

This is the only pairing I NEED... My Gary Stu self-insert character:


Can I ship you and Olivia? :P:

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