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I need some FE4 pairings tips


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So im doing a new playthrough of FE 4 and I was wondering if my pairings were good or not?








Is there anyone I can hook up with Lex that wont screw up the children that much, I really want to pass down Elite

Edited by Scarface
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So LexxTiltyu is better than AzelxTiltyu? Because I was thinking of doing that but I thought it would mess up the kids

And I know its unrelated but any tips on recruiting Aira? I sometimes kill her by accident with Sigurd

Edited by Scarface
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Lex/Tiltyu is good because Ambush, Wrath, and Elite make a great combo, but Azel/Tiltyu gives the kids better stats. Though, I found that Arthur and Tinny were more of a chore to train, since they don't have anything spectacular other than awesome growths.

And Ayra...she's a bit tricky to recruit. I usually have someone distract her while Sigurd seizes the castle.

Edited by ZeeEmm456
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Sety is literally impossible to fuck up. He's good no matter who the father is. Fee's got most of what she needs courtesy Fury so aiming for passing skills to her isn't bad any way you slice it.

Ayra isn't too bad to recruit. The best thing you can do is try to blitz seize the castle the same turn you aggro her, which should (should) cause her to run back and park next to Sigurd. Alternately, carry a Lance of any kind on him to switch to for EP if he doubles her and he won't anymore.

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Those are the exact pairings I normally use. Lex also works well with Arya, especially if you get him a sword to pass down. To recruit her, you can use Alec so that she doesn't activate Astra.

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Lex and Ira make tankish and fantastic kids. I prefer to pair Holyn with Briggid, but if you can train Dew I don't see a problem with it. So, good pairings overall.

If you're interested in an unorthodox combination:

Levn/Tailto - makes Arthur your Holsety Forseti user, and Tinny can use Elwind from the get-go (and Tornado after she promotes). They're both very fast too.

Claud/Fury - Sety becomes your main healer, and can hold his own in combat with the Light tome. Phee is a mage killer and a great healer (the latter) after promotion.

Alec/Sylvia - Eh, up to you on this one if you want to pair them or just go with Sharlow and Laylea. If you do pair them give Alec a Magic ring; that'll help Corpul a lot.

Azel/Rackesis - This one's interesting. Nanna will actually be a competent healer, and Delmud will be balanced between Magic and Strength growths. Give him a Fire Sword and a Silver Sword and he's ready to handle a lot.

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Midayle X Adean (Pursuit and good evasion)

Lex X Ayra (balanced stats and Elite)

Fin X Lachesis (Prayer and +5 speed for Nanna, also canon)

Claude X Sylvia (Valkyrie Staff and surprisingly good usability for Corpul)

Levin X Fury (Canon, and HolSety rapes EVERYTHING)

Jamka X Briggid (Less downer ending for Verdane)

Azel X Tailto (Love the pairing itself, and lets both kids be amazing and well-balanced)

Essentially, I'd go for in-universe chemistry and stat balance. Specializing in tactics like Crutch! or Ambush-Wrath!Arthur is pretty damn risky and specialized.

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Ambush/Wrath Arthur is less risky than regular Arthur because regular Arthur doesn't have the durability or skillset to take on groups of enemies by himself, while Ambush/Wrath Arthur does.

Also, don't forget that because Lachesis is Lachesis, Beo/Lach and Fin/Lach are BOTH canon! So I guess it comes down to whether you want canon Delmud or canon Nanna I guess. Personally I prefer Beo to Fin because Beo can pass down swords to Delmud and Fin can't. But they're both decent. Keep in mind that pairing Fin also causes him to lose all his weapons when he comes back.

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What you have is almost what I would normally do.


HolynxAira(Lex or Dew also work too)

FinxLachesis(Just make sure you give the hero lance to Fury. I use Delmund and Nanna up front due to the charsima skills so prayer is always handy. Also as someone else mentioned the +5 on speed is nice)


DewxBriggid(Holyn isn't a bad parent choice either since he gives Patty a B rank is swords allowing her to use a hero sword)

AzelxTiltyu (Lex is good too due to Wrath/Ambush combo and Levin is good too since Holsety will be available in the first chapter of part 2)

LexXSylvia(I pair her with Lex only because of Elite and I don't pair her with Claude because I normally don't let people die. However, everyone plays differently)

Anywho this is my normal choices.

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I'm just gonna say Levin/Lachesis isn't a bad pairing at all. Delmud and Nanna's Hezul blood still gives them a good STR growth, and Delmud will be crazy fast with his 100% SPD growth. I tried it, and the results were amazing. He had to get the pursuit ring before hand, though, but Continue and Critical were great.

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