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Problems with FEditor return.


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I mentioned a problem with stats disappearing from the weapon descriptions a few weeks back, and it returned almost immediately after I started over on a clear ROM. This time I know what triggers it, at least. Making changes to the text directly in FEditor is fine, but if you dump the script as a .txt file, make your changes and then insert it back in, you get this:


In fact, even if you just dump the script and then insert it back right afterwords without making any changes, the effect is the same. Even stranger, editing text this way with FE7 works just fine. Does anyone with FE8 hacking experience think they know what I'm doing wrong, assuming this is not a bug with the software?

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I actually did the same thing when I was hacking FE8 ages ago, and I never experienced this problem, so I'm not sure where this is coming from. However, I do know now that dumping/re-inserting the script isn't the best idea because it wastes space in the ROM. Perhaps your issue never occurred with me because my version of FEditor was older(there was no such thing as the class animation manager). If you only see the problem with dumping/re-inserting though, it's probably in your best interests to stop doing that.

Edited by Kitty of Time
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The problem with not using it is that it makes entering text vastly more time consuming. With the script all in a single text document, you can copy-paste dialogue you already had written out when making cut-scenes, and not having to constantly write out all the control codes in [brackets] by hand is both less tedious and less likely to produce mistakes. Unless you know of any shortcuts I don't for entering text directly? If I can't get this to work, then I'm seriously considering making this on FE7. It has a lot of other advantages as well, but I had so much planned out for the skills and branching promotions.sad.gif

Update: I tried using the old version of FEditor, and everything works fine. All I need to know now is: if this method of editing uses more space, how much more, and is it likely to make a difference? Also, will using one version for text and the other for everything else create any new problems?

Edited by GreatEclipse
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this is a problem in the updated feditor too

doing a dump/replace will literally double the size of the text in your rom

and it will keep doubling it every single time you reinsert


don't use both versions on the same rom

there's code in the newer feditor for handling roms edited by an older version and it will fuck things up if you then go back to the old version

Edited by CT075
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I see. I guess that means I'm entering everything directly for now, at least. Is anyone currently working on fixing these problems? I don't say this contemptuously, I'm grateful the program even exists at all, it's just that these seem like really obvious improvements that could be made.

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i was working on it for a while but in my honest opinion you should be doing it by single entries because there is really no speed loss once you get more used to using the control codes

quite honestly feditor is a really old and pretty broken tool that nobody who has the ability really wants to deal with and anybody who actually has the inclination either doesn't have the ability or is just too flat out lazy to sift through the mess; i could only stand getting through one or two minor improvements (and they were all GUI) before i gave up

Edited by CT075
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Some FE8 items (basic iron and steel ones) just don't have descriptions and look like that when you use FEeditor.

Go to the description offset in the script, and you'll find a blank "[X]". Just add something there and you should fix it.

At least that worked with me.

Edited by Alfred Kamon
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Why don't you just write out the text into something like Notepad++ and C+P it into FEditor? You're going to have to put in text control codes eventually anyway.

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Why don't you just write out the text into something like Notepad++ and C+P it into FEditor? You're going to have to put in text control codes eventually anyway.

You know how to copy and paste in FEditor? Whenever I right-click in the text editor, nothing shows up. Does it have to do with the options under the "free space manager" on the home page? I've never been able to figure out what anything on that page is for, nor is it explained in any tutorials I've seen.

Edited by GreatEclipse
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