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Obtaining Ike, Outerealm question -


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WARNING - *minor* spoilers below for those that haven't DL free DLC

First, thank you for those in the community who answered my question on getting Nintendo's free DLC (thread here: http://serenesforest.net/forums/index.php?app=forums&module=forums&section=findpost&pid=2277153)

I'm a console fan, and Ike is by far one of my favorite units ever (next to Volke, Oscar, Rolf, Nephenee ... OK this list will drag out forever).

I'm playing the free DLC now, and I see Ike as an ally unit. I can't control him and he is a manic - just rushing into danger with no regard to his low stats. He just died.

I'm wondering - if he survives this mission do I get to keep him and add him to my team or is this just a "play this mission and that's that" kind of deal. Is this how I recruit former characters?

Any input would be appreciated. There's so much that's different with this FE than previous entries and I'm trying to learn as I play.


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WARNING - *minor* spoilers below for those that haven't DL free DLC

First, thank you for those in the community who answered my question on getting Nintendo's free DLC (thread here: http://serenesforest.net/forums/index.php?app=forums&module=forums&section=findpost&pid=2277153)

I'm a console fan, and Ike is by far one of my favorite units ever (next to Volke, Oscar, Rolf, Nephenee ... OK this list will drag out forever).

I'm playing the free DLC now, and I see Ike as an ally unit. I can't control him and he is a manic - just rushing into danger with no regard to his low stats. He just died.

I'm wondering - if he survives this mission do I get to keep him and add him to my team or is this just a "play this mission and that's that" kind of deal. Is this how I recruit former characters?

Any input would be appreciated. There's so much that's different with this FE than previous entries and I'm trying to learn as I play.


You don't get to keep him. You'll be able to recruit some of the legacy characters when they come out as spot pass.

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There is absolutely no benefit to keeping any of them alive. You recruit Ike in a later DLC but you get nothing from keeping allies alive in either of the available DLCs.

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you only get one unit per DLC chapter and you can also get units via SpotPass teams either by defeating the team or paying to recruit the leader (however you can only have so many in your actual party at once and the rest are "kept" in the Avatar Logbook).

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I believe Ike is obtainable through a certain DLC mission. Can't tell you which one, but the free one is Marth.

It's a "late-game" DLC that will pretty much steamroll over you if you're not prepared. Every past FE character will be after your neck with 5 skill-skillset and nearly maxed stats.

Quite fitting for that DLC Ike because it gives you the "Limit Breaker" skill manual after you beat it.

I'd say if you just want to have fun first, you should recruit the Spotpass Ike after it gets released.

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Thank you for all those that responded. I get it now.

The only DLC I've ever bought in my life is Dark Souls (it was my 2012 GOTY). Other than that, I've never been interested in paying for DLC or even buying games that I know will be DLC heavy.

This game, however, might make me broke. There are a TON of characters I want. Well played Nintendo, well played.

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WARNING - *minor* spoilers below for those that haven't DL free DLC

First, thank you for those in the community who answered my question on getting Nintendo's free DLC (thread here: http://serenesforest.net/forums/index.php?app=forums&module=forums&section=findpost&pid=2277153)

I'm a console fan, and Ike is by far one of my favorite units ever (next to Volke, Oscar, Rolf, Nephenee ... OK this list will drag out forever).

I'm playing the free DLC now, and I see Ike as an ally unit. I can't control him and he is a manic - just rushing into danger with no regard to his low stats. He just died.

I'm wondering - if he survives this mission do I get to keep him and add him to my team or is this just a "play this mission and that's that" kind of deal. Is this how I recruit former characters?

Any input would be appreciated. There's so much that's different with this FE than previous entries and I'm trying to learn as I play.


You don't get to keep him. You'll be able to recruit some of the legacy characters when they come out as spot pass.

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It's a "late-game" DLC that will pretty much steamroll over you if you're not prepared. Every past FE character will be after your neck with 5 skill-skillset and nearly maxed stats.

Quite fitting for that DLC Ike because it gives you the "Limit Breaker" skill manual after you beat it.

I'd say if you just want to have fun first, you should recruit the Spotpass Ike after it gets released.

You're right about getting steamrolled lol. Some magician type girl popped up on my map (Nino I think her name was. Not familiar with her) and I went to fight her. All the units surrounding her had like 28 strength and 30 speed. I was like .... uh, I'm dead. So I just quit and now I avoid her.

BUT - if I was able to defeat her, I would get her for free? Is that how it works?

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BUT - if I was able to defeat her, I would get her for free? Is that how it works?

Yes. Beating them gives you EXP and recruiting them for free.

So I just quit and now I avoid her.

I think you can dismiss her to send her away?

Edited by shadowofchaos
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