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Favorite Characters so far?

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Am I really the only person that has even mentioned liking Frederick at all? You all make poor Freddy sad. D:

But oh well, won't stop me from loving him. x3

Edited by Anacybele
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Hmm, I forgot to mention him. Frederick is also one of my favorite characters, it's just that he loses so much importance as the story progresses, and I didn't use him that much. A shame, he is a great character.

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Anna. Is. A. Jerk.

Anna is easily as sadistic as Henry, without a human side however. She always smiles too, just like Henry, but it's the smile of her greedy, unfeeling self.

And why do I keep bashing certain characters, when I like all of them!?

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Let's see...

Frederick, Stahl, Maribelle, and Cherche.

Frederick and Maribelle because of comedy. Maribelle is also an archetpye of characters that I like; descends from nobility and quick to judge but is kind at heart.

Stahl because he is kind.

Cherche because she is calm and collected.

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I love Lucina. She reminds me of Naoto from Persona 4 (Blue-haired reverse trap FTW), and her character is just plain boss, like her daddy.

I also love Tharja, cuz I love yanderes. So its always really hard to choose between marrying her or Lucina.

As for males:


2.) Virion

3.) Chrom

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lawl henry:

"well see, when a mommy zombie and a daddy zombie love each other very much...." on his join chapter


Yiss. I wonder if Nintendo realized that Henry would be a huge fan favorite?

Characters That Annoy Me Utterly:

(dont worry, there isnt many)


I cannot get over how irritating this chick is. I can hardly bring myself to use her because shes so much of a flying snotrocket! She takes steaming dumps all over everyone including her parents. I think this is Tsundere gone horribly wrong. Ive begun to get very irritated at Tsunderes anyway, but this one...holy shit she takes the cake. Her supports are just "bitch bitch bitch." D:<


Mostly from a gameplay perspective. Her personality makes me smile, but she didnt end up awesome on my run so she ended up warming the bench.

(Anna may end up being removed from the Stinker list if she ends up awesome for me eventually.)


He isnt a BAD character and some of the things he says are funny. "My foot is good luck!" "BUNNY KICK!" "I got stung by a bee! Its the last moments of my life!"

But his whole timid thing is kinda annoying. Especially since his mum is awesome.


Shes not HORRIBLE, but her initial attitude can be extremely off putting. I have seen her supports and i know she isnt a total Severa, but her snooty attitude can grate on the nerves at times.

Characters That Really Grew On Me:


Shes kinda meh when i first got her but shes pretty cool. I like how i reclassed her and she tanked everything ever.


The little bumpkin kid is an archetype im never too fond of, but this kid is really cute once you get to know him. "hooowee!" So cute.


Her verbose nature is kinda awesome. I like how "FOR SCIENCE!" she is. Plus she looks a lot like me. Even more so than my Avatar. Wut.

Shes kinda hard for me to level though.


His name is Ricken which made me think of A Song of Ice and Fire. Hes not bad either.


A little annoying and very watered down version of Reyn from Xenoblade. But he's cracking me up. "Looks like Teach just got Ten Year!" LOL!!!!


Her voice clips are actually kinda irritating. But shes a pretty great unit and kinda cute.


Omg that guys mustache. <3

I really wish you could recruit him...

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Haven't played this game yet but Miss Perfect(aka Cordelia) has taken my sweet spot of my favorite character. <3

Other characters that I like:

- Chrom(dat support convo with FeMU and Fred)

- Inigo(I find his personality pretty interesting)

- Cynthia(see my sig, also her personality)

- Owain(epic reference lines)

- Lon'qu(his confession is just adorkable)

- Vaike(this guy is plain epic)

and probably more characters coming.

I have to say, it's hard to NOT like a playable character on this game. Everyone's really unique on a way.

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1. HENRY- he's creepy but he's adorable. Ngghh so cute

2. Gaius- We're like kindred spirits aside from the thieving thing

3. Owain- Down, sword hand!

4.Lissa- Cutest little sister IS has ever written. I think she's adorable.

5. Tharja- She might be the only creepy stalker yandere type I'll ever like O_o;

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Owain <3 he's so funny.

Anna, her quotes are silly and she's gr9.

Lucina, I really like her character.

Emmeryn :(.

Donnel and Ricken because they're so cute ;w;.

Miriel and Vaike partly because their voice acting and I really like their conversations.

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I think we all could agree Cervantes(the moustached general) is the best villain right here. Although he doesn't appear much, he has epic lines. Plus, dat 'stache. It's pretty much comparable to Hector's mighty beard, maybe even more! XD

Mustafa is also pretty good. Dat interaction with his soldier was really touching.

Edited by Pega-Pony Princess
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Am I really the only person that has even mentioned liking Frederick at all? You all make poor Freddy sad. D:

But oh well, won't stop me from loving him. x3

What are you talking about Frederick is my favorite Jagen. I find his relationship with Chrom and Lissa to be quite endearing, actually. Just a shame I'll probably never use him for the main story; using those prepromotes always feels like a cop-out to me, for various reasons depending on when they join: (Nothing I can't overcome without them <-Early--Late-> Too lazy to train my own [class], am I?)

Also, ol' Fred's voiced by Kyle Hebert (Kamina), which is cool.

Anyway, hm... characters I like...

  • I like Kellam. He's almost never noticed but when I used him he ended up being a grade A badass for me, so that definitely earns him points.
  • Vaike reminds me of Kamina, which is never a bad thing.
  • I actually really like Ricken, too, but I have a soft spot for youngsters trying to prove themselves and he's also voiced by Yuri Lowenthal, who was the voice of Luke and Asch fon Fabre from Tales of the Abyss, as well as Simon from Gurren Lagann.
  • Henry. I don't like how they toned down his backstory (but not Tharja's abusive parenting???), but he's still tragic, psychotic, hilarious and probably the most punderful character in the whole series. His cheerful "I'm gonna kill you~" is hilarious when it kicks in at the right time.
  • Nowi is absolutely freakin' adorable, and I just love how she looks as a mage, as well as a transformed dragon. I don't mind her design much, but maybe that's because the whole "really 1,000 years old" thing actually does make it better for me. I also have a soft spot for cute nonhuman characters, which helps.
  • Chrom is probably one of my favorite Lords now. He's just... I dunno, there's something about him that just makes him so likable to me. Probably because he's so honest and well-intentioned, and he realizes he's not perfect. Saying it that way, he barely sounds any different from the other main characters of the series, but there's just something about Chrom specifically that endears him to me.
  • Kjelle is pretty cool. She's tough and heroic (even though she tries to fight a Sorcerer with amounts to a Brave weapon on her own what the heck) and since I married Chrom to Sully she inherited Aether and much awesomeness was had.
  • Panne. She's a Stoic Woobie and the Avatar knows it (in the S support, at least). Also, I love how she looks (and performs) as a thief. Also, see the last sentence of Nowi's entry.
  • While I don't like Gangrel much as a person, I love his character, and I think he's a great villain. It's also nice to have a major FE antagonist who isn't a General, Sorcerer or derivative thereof. Yeah, I know there are a few others who also aren't any of those, but most major FE baddies are still obvious knockoffs of the two aforementioned classes, if not one of the two outright. Specifically, it's neat that Gangrel is a "lightweight" class, although this did make the battle with him rather anticlimactic as he went down in just one or two hits.
  • Olivia's design is both sexy and adorable and she's a sweet character, too. I wanted to say, "particularly with Henry", but I realized I haven't actually supported her with anyone else, so I wouldn't really know how "particularly" it is. I know of a person on these forums who is a big fan of her.
  • Lucina is also very much a Woobie and is also just plain cute in a lot of instances. Also, I can't help but suspect that she's an ascension of the whole "Marth is girly/really a girl" meme, which is kinda hilarious.
  • Mustafa. I should not have to explain this to anyone who has reached Chapter 10.

Wow I just realized that this is like half first generation characters in the game, plus Lucina, Mustafa and Kjelle. Haven't seen a good deal of the second generation ones, but I might update this once I do.

Edited by Starlight36
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>Who are your favorite characters so far, now that a lot of us have played the game?

Chrom. Yes his personality is generic hero type but what can I say? I seem to have a thing for men with swords. That, and I'm a big fan of fancy sword swinging. I think I generally fell for his female-oriented fanservice in general. Also, his voice is the first VA I've ever thought to have an attractive voice. O_o Also, Chrom's Great Lord outfit? It's flippin' AWESOME.

Lucina. She's pretty and her personality is one that I agree with. She has no gimmicky flaws (unlike most of the female characters; Sully with her swear word usage, Maribelle and her high-and-mighty attitude, Sumia and her faceplanting, Cordelia and her obsession over Chrom, [The two can't even support, so WTH?] Miriel and her overusage of old-fashioned words that I don't know, etc.)

Gaius. Okay, it's probably just because he has a thing for sweets, and so do I. He also puns a lot and his battle quotes are funny. He's also the second most attractive guy in this game, IMO

Sully: Okay, I give her a pass mainly for her kickbutt attitude. (Something I tend to admire in female characters. I like women who are strong, independent and don't take crap from anyone.) But I really do wish she didn't have to swear so much, lol. Her "HELL NO!" voice clip is probably the most humorous of them all. She also gets a pass for kicking Virion. I remember I was thinking that Sully needed to knock Virion off his high horse and just as I had finished thinking that, she kicks him LOL.

>Favorite character design/character wise?

Male: Chrom. ESPECIALLY in his Great Lord uniform.


Lucina. I love how her outfit is a play on Marth's, and I also love how her outfit is completely modest, with no skin showing anywhere except her hands and face. Her shoes are a bit iffy in the OA, but you don't get to see that in the game, lol. She's also the only modest female character I've seen thus far that does not have a wonky hat (Meriel), doesn't look like she has an oversexualized butt in battle (Anna), doesn't have a toilet on her neck (Sully) and doesn't have a bad attitude. (Maribelle.)

>Favorite character in terms of stats and junk?

For the final four chapters or so I ended up using only Morgan, Chrom, My avatar, Lucina and Lissa. >_> Everyone else I used seemed to get owned very easily. Maybe it's because I class-changed those five people and not everyone else. >>

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Well, let's see, out of all the guys, my favorites are Chrom, Frederick, Virion, Vaike, Stahl, Gregor, Henry, Basilio, Owain, Inigo, Brady, Yarne, Gerome, Laurent,

Gangrel, Walhart, and Priam.

Of the females, I like Lucina, Lissa, Sully, Maribelle, Cherche, Flavia, Anna, Cynthia, Noire, Nah, and Tiki.

Of the nonplayable characters, there's Validar, Mustafa and the bandit brothers (Victor and Vincent). Also kinda fond of the first bandit boss design (Garrick's), as well as the Barbarian, Berserker, Dark Mage, Sorcerer, and Dark Knight designs.

... I have WAY to many favorites...

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