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[FE13]Blazingly Sacred Radiant Awakened Heroes of Light from the Holy War 776 Gaiden


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edit you gave marth tharja and niore and you gave me nowi+nah they should be switched


Marth picked Basilio so ZM is left with Donnel and drafting is done. Good luck everyone

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About the rules...since Olivia is now free, why kill her off so she can avoid marrying Chrom now?

That's something I forgot to fix for this one. You can see I fixed it in the next one lol. Don't worry about it.

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Lissa+Owain, Sully+Kjelle, Gaius, Virion, Libra, Tharja+Noire, Inigo

my team/pairings

chrom X avatar (female +spd -lck)

olivia X frederick

lissa X gauis

sully X virion

tharja X libra

lucina X owain

kjelle X Niore

inogo X no one

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Lissa+Owain, Sully+Kjelle, Gaius, Virion, Libra, Tharja+Noire, Inigo

my team/pairings

chrom X avatar (female +spd -lck)

olivia X frederick

lissa X gauis

sully X virion

tharja X libra

lucina X owain

kjelle X Niore

inogo X no one

May I ask why you first picked Lissa? Just curious.

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Premonition 2/2

Prologue 3/5

Fred goes to the boss, luring the mages on the way so Tanith can kill them for exp.

Chapter 1 3/8

Tanith+Chrom on fort then Tanith goes down and kills the weakened boss, who ignored fred.

Chapter 2 3/11

Fred full moves every turn. Avatar and Chrom get kills.

Chapter 3 4/15

Fred charges. Avatar gets the door key.

Chapter 4 2/17

Silver Lance forge for Fred. Fire forge with 1 mt added for Tanith. Same strat as usual.

Fred lures Marth. Then Avatar finishes her and finishes every enemy in the north while

Fred Silver Lances the bottom enemies and OHKOs them.

Chapter 5 3/20

Ricken heads down and hits a myrm. Maribelle stays still. Tanith kills a barb in the way. Fred

Silver Lances a Dark Mage. Lon'qu+Chrom take down barbs with KE. Sumia flies left. Turn 2, Maribelle goes up.

Fred goes right and up, where the Ricken Maribelle spawn point is. Ricken finishes off an enemy. Lon'qu trades Chrom to

Tanith and she goes left and up. Enemies die to Tanith. And Fred weakens something. Next turn, Ricken heads down and pairs into

Lon'qu and he KEs a Dark Mage. Tanith goes further up+left. Fred stays put. Sumia blocks the bottom fort.

In EP, stuff dies to Tanith and Fred.

Donnel's Paralogue 18

Had to do it to train Lon'qu and Ricken for this awful chapter.

Chapter 6 3/23

Thunder forge with max MT for Tanith, she paired up with Ricken so that she could ORKO Validar.

Lon'qu handled the middle with marth and Fred+Chrom took down the left.

Chapter 7 3/26

Chrom+Fred go right and pwn everything. Ricken+Lon'qu took down quite a few enemies. As did Avatar.

Paralogue 2 12 free turns

Trained Cordelia and Ricken. Chrom got a few kills here and there too.

Paralogue 3 13 turns free

Trained Cordelia Ricken and Lon'qu further.

Chapter 8 4/30

Fred pairs up with Cordelia and she goes down, getting the Second Seal in Turn 3 and then killing the boss

in Turn 4. Tanith paired up with Ricken and he went to get the seal. Free Nowi+Gregor for the Rescue staff. Lon'qu

+Chrom battled enemies at the start.

Chapter 9 3/33

Cordy promotes and goes to the boss area with Fred pair up. Avatar reclassed to wyvern Rider and took the other side.

Anna Paralogue 19 free

Got Anna and she opened chests and healed people up for me. Everyone else trained.

Chapter 10 2/35

Anna receives a Magic Tonic and she rescues Cordy+Fred. Ricken full moves left as does Tanith+Chrom, who

switches to Chrom and gets dropped by him further left. Turn 2, Anna pairs into Tanith so she can reach

and KO the Seraph Robe thief. Ricken OHKOs the Master Seal thief with thunder forge. And Fred+Cordy finish the boss.

Chapter 11 2/37

Tanith takes the left enemies while Anna rescued Cordy+Fred who took down the boss and some of the mages.

The last mage standing was defeated by Lon'qu!Ricken.

Chapter 12 2/39

Ricken is promoted to Dark Knight. He takes down the armors and some cavaliers near the start.

While Fred!Cordelia stood on the center killing everything. Avatar took down the left enemies and

cordelia took down the ship.

Chapter 13 1/40

Ricken pairs up with Anna and Anna gets danced so she can rescue Tanith+Chrom.

Cordelia+Fred took down a sniper for his silver bow and Lon'qu and Henry took down random enemies for exp (

Lon'qu kinda failed to KO the enemy though). Tanith+Chrom ORKOs the boss.

Unit	Class		Lv		Xp	HP	Str	Mag	Skl	Spd	Lck	Def	Res	Weapons
Chrom	Lord		8		60	25	9	1	13	13	8	11	4	Sword B
Tanith	Griffon Rider	20/11/2		43	49	29+2	17	27	32	15	22	11	Axe D
Fred	Great Knight	8		35	36	16	5	15	14	9	19	4	Sword D Lance A Axe A
Lon'qu	Myrmidon	8		43	23	9	3	14	14	10	8	2	Sword C
Ricken	Dark Knight	16/2		02	42	7	16+2	19	17	18	18	10	Sword E Tome B
Cordelia Falcoknight	17/12		14	57	27	7	28	28+2	20	21	21	Lance A Staff E
Anna	Trickster	3		81	38	14	20	24	23	28	9	12	Sword C Staff D
Olivia	Dancer		1		68	18	3	1	8	9	5+4	3	2	Sword D
Henry	Dark Mage	12		43	29	6	14	15	9	10	13	5	Tome C
Lucina	Lord		10		00	33	15	7	17	19	13	13	6	Sword C

Morgan and Severa Paralogues

Trained units. Get naga tear and severa.

Chapter 14 1/41

Anna got the 5000G chest and the boss was hammered.

Chapter 15 2/43

Henry goes through the beach with Ricken pair up and switches to him when the going gets tough.

Cordelia+Fred took the boss area and Avatar took the Say'ri area.

Chapter 16 2/45

Rescue Avvy up and she Hammers boss.

Chapter 17 3/48

Promoted Henry to Dark Knight. Basically, Severa paired up into Tanith.

Lucina KO'd an monk enemy in the right side. Ricken pairs up into Anna, giving her move def and mag and she moves forward and rescues Tanith,

who ORKOs a Rexcalibur Valkyrie from 2 range. Now Frederick pairs up into Cordelia and she kills a Sniper in that side. Henry moves right. Olivia and

Chrom move right. Turn 2, Tanith full moves left and kills a Hero. Cordelia+Fred is rescued by Anna+Ricken and she full moves left towards Tanith. Henry is danced

by Olivia so he can pair up into Lucina and Lucina moves up and heals. Turn 3, Cordelia opens the door. Tanith gets the boots. Anna full moves up and rescues Lucina+

Henry, who ORKOs the boss with Rapier.

Chapter 18 1/49

Boots on Tanith. Basically, Anna pairs up into Tanith and Tanith kills a Swordmaster, gets danced by Olivia and moves down, switching to Anna so she can rescue

Cordelia+Fred. Severa had used Rally Speed so her mother could ORKO Yen'fay. The others got exp from random enemy kills.

Tiki Paralogue 7 Free turns

Let Tiki die and no1curr. Say'ri got Astra, Tanith got Lancebreaker.

Chapter 19 1/50

Anna is danced by Olivia and she rescues Fred!Cordelia, who ORKOs Walmart with Killer Lance.

The others got kills.

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Chapter 20 2/52

Avatar gets an Arcthunder forge. Avatar+Chrom is rescued by Anna+Henry and she goes up.

Reaches Walmart in Turn 2. The others fought to defend the squishies and got kills.

Chapter 21 2/54

Olivia is warded by Anna+Ricken, who moved left. Olivia danced for them and pair ups occured.

Anna rescues Tanith+Severa, who full moves down. People block Olivia from being owned. In EP, olivia takes a mire to the face

and survives thanks to Ward and stuff dies. Afterwards, Tanith goes left and down and KOs boss.

Chapter 22 1/55

Fred+Cordelia got the Gungnir. Tanith+Lucina got Valflame. Henry pairs up into Olivia and

Ricken into Anna. Anna rescues Tanith and Olivia dances Tanith. Tanith KOs Aversa.

Chapter 23 3/58

Chrom pairs up into Avatar and she KOs validar. Anna then rescue Lucina+Lon'qu, who goes right with

Sol equipped and is practically invincible. Cordelia takes the northwest. Flavia takes down 2 armors. Tanith eventually made it down to KO Validar

with Valflame with some help from Sol Lucina.

Chapter 24 2/60

Entertained the idea of a 1 turn, but ultimately gave up as it requires too many fliers for this to work with

only Cordelia Lucina and Tanith as capable units. Tanith took the boss area paired up with Chrom. Cordelia took the bottom.

Lucina took the top. Anna took the center.

Chapter 25 1/61

Henry pairs up into Anna. Olivia pairs up into Tanith. Anna goes up through the mountains (thanks Acrobat).

Tanith goes up and switches to Olivia so she can dance for Anna. Lucina pairs up into Cordelia and Severa uses

Rally Speed. Anna goes up and rescues Cordelia, who ORKOs Aversa.

Endgame 1/62

Tanith is danced so she can kill the guy in the middle out of the way then Cordelia+Lucina get rescued after a rally speed.

Lucina Aethers Grima on PP then again on EP.

Frederick Battles 60 Victories 42

Nothing changed about Fred. Bro in earlygame then a pairup bot.

Gold Cordelia Battles 213 Victories 196

Amazing. Saved me a bunch of turns and had very reliable combat.

Lancefaire is amazing.

Lon'qu Battles 18 Victories 11

Not exactly amazing...his only use was to be a spd pair up bot for others and

saved me a turn in C5.

Ricken Battles 84 Victories 61

Made him a Dark Knight and didnt disappoint. Saved turns in a bunch of places like

C8 and C17. A bro.

Olivia Battles 1 Victories 0

The best. Took a mire to the face.

Henry Battles 9 Victories 4

If he didnt come so late, he'd be so much better. But as it is, its too much effort

with that 9 base spd. I made him a dark knight for move and mag pair ups so I dont

regret picking him. He also saved me a turn in C15 by ferrying Ricken across the beach.

Say'ri Battles 23 Victories 13

She's pretty awesome. Unfortunately, she comes at a bad time.

Flavia Battles 4 Victories 2

Helps in C23 a bit. Didnt allow me to 2 turn this time though :(

Anna Battles 28 Victories 14

Amazing. Simply an amazing unit. Acrobat is an amazing skill for Chapter 25 and her rescue range

at base is pretty awesome. She's also got nice avoid to survive with even though her concrete durability is pretty sucky.

Bronze Lucina Battles 91 Victories 63

Grima slayer because her father is too incompetent. Saved me a bunch of times.

Severa Battles 2 Victories 1

Rally Speed as pretty bro and she wasnt half bad as a pair up bow knight. Too late for me

to consider making her a not pair up unit though.

Chrom Battles 12 Victories 9

:/ a good unit on paper that gets shafted because hes always paired up.

Silver Tanith Battles 241 Victories 193

Kills everything, Deliverer, the boots and then Dark Flier offense. Definetely needs Second Seal

limits lol.

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wow your turn counts are pretty impressive, i doubt i can beat them though i haven't tried to ltc at all i think i am at double your current tcs i plan on posting everything in one big update when i am done i am on chapter 10 if i remember correctly

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Only a spectator, but the name makes me think of Tremorous Celestial Sundering Shredding Light of Cyclonic Butchery, in that.... Well, it's just too long to describe.

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  • 2 weeks later...

wow your turn counts are pretty impressive, i doubt i can beat them though i haven't tried to ltc at all i think i am at double your current tcs i plan on posting everything in one big update when i am done i am on chapter 10 if i remember correctly

In retrospect that was a major over estimate i ended with a total of 124 turns not counting 3 chapters i forgot to record wich i will report as soon as i hve time to rewatch the epilog at which time i will make a large up date

Edited by Ignis Draco
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