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Taken aback by the crowd's reaction, Xenah slipped back to her corner with a sour taste left behind. "I could have done just fine without these guys..." She mumbled quietly, to herself.

She turned her head towards Nelon "There was another girl with us... wasn't there? I don't have the faintest idea what happened while I rushed up north, but if you say she must be alive, then we could get a lead." Xenah said, and slowly tilted her head towards Rapha, the girl that helped her with the escape plan. "Thanks for your help, we worked together and saved those villagers, it was worth something, at least." She said as getting a small, empty leather sack, grabbing a handful of coins from her purse and putting them a few at a time, shiftly looking around to not give away that what she was dealing was money. "I noticed you have no coin with you. Take this and go help yourself, it's at least enough for some medicine." Xenah said, tying the sack in a know, and throwing it at Rapha, the sack should have had about 300 worth in gold currency from her calculations.

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A slim woman, cloaked and haggard, enters the main chamber, the axeman by her side. As she enters, the room draws to a halt, even more quickly than when the septuagenerian spoke.

"My name is Leona. And you... must be the refugees Elaine spotted. With her gone, that makes three of our own that we have lost... because of you. The girl," she continues, glaring viciously at Xenah, "killed two of them, with her own hands. They were on nothing more than a supply run... and she slew them. Mortin and Wesley died by her hands. Nor did she strike a single blow against the Grado scum." The room burst into an uproar, the collective rage of those in hiding only held in check by Leona's wordless request for silence. "However... we have nothing to gain by killing her. As much as I wish to throw her head to those imperialist bastards, I have enough reason to believe that she, and the rest of the refugees, thought them to be such savages as the Bazba."

"That said...", she continues, "you have greatly weakened us by their loss, and you must atone. If you wish to stay here, you must infiltrate a prison, a half-league west of here. There, you will find Elaine. Bring her, and anyone else who seeks refuge from Grado, back to us. In addition... you will return to me the heads of the prison overseers. They are Julius, a holy man, and Hemming, a mercenary. Kill them, and we will be free to raid that wretched place for desperately-needed supplies."

"Anyone who wishes to join this lowlife on her mission is free to do so. I expect you to be gone within three days." Some of the refugees disappointed when she retreats back from the chamber; others seem to be glad that there will be no more bloodshed. Luckily, nobody attempts violence against any of you... at least, not immediately.

Afterwards, the injured man finds his way to Felix, and falls against the wall beside him.

"I'd like to say no hard feelings, but I doubt I'll really trust y'all after this. I grew up with Wes, and I've not had the pleasure of knowing a more cunnin' swordsman or a better friend.... the name's Osmund, by the way. And, regardin' your search for weapons... few here would be inclined to sell theirs, and those that would wouldn't do so cheap.. But, on the flip side, should ye have any spares, you could expect to fetch a very high price, 'specially for rarer ones."


Items at the Hideout:

Base sale price from you to NPCs is 100% market value, not 50%.

Basic weapons are bought and sold at a 25% markup.

Slightly less basic (Hand Axes, Thunders, etc.) weapons are bought and sold at a 50% markup.

Medicine is bought and sold at a 100% markup.

Special weapons are bought and sold at a 200% markup, but there may or may not be a given kind of special weapon available (and, if there is, it may not be wholly intact).

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The whole accusation happened far too sudden, Xenah had killed two 'good men'? Why did the deaf lot not call her out while she downtalked to them like brigands, and casted harming light spells at them, she wonders. The weird woman follows that with a tall order, just what does she expect from a young woman that has harshly used a real weapon before? The woman was sending Xenah to her death, that was for sure. However, if Xenah were to refuse, she'd likely be hunted down by them, or worse. Either way, on top of being tired, hungry, dirty, and bleeding from the whole travel and escape, it was and outrageous predicament.

Xenah didn't want to think of it anymore, she curled herself up against the wall, and stared blanky to the ground, her mind far, far from that nightmare, trying to find some piece of safety in her own world that would let her rest.

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It seemed that Xenah had killed a few people she shouldn't have. However, Elaine was still alive, and it seemed that Grado were taking prisoners. There was the off chance that it included some of his pupils. Xenah would probably get killed going alone, a punishment her mistake did not deserve.

"Leona, sending the girl on a task like that is suicide. You may have lost some of your own, but sending another to her doom does not redeem that.." Nelon began, standing his ground. "However, I volunteer myself for that mission. I am a lance instructor of Renais, it is entirely possible that my students are also being held captive. I was there when Elaine got captured also, and I will make sure she returns."

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Felix was outraged after hearing the citizen's proposal. He understood that they were mad, but this wasn't justice. It was murder. What would you expect though, from people who burnt their fellow's homes to the ground?

"What would you have done if you were us!? What we saw were a couple of bandits running into someone's house with the intent to steal everything that wasn't nailed down! If you were the only ones out there from here, then why was there smoke coming from the south of town? Yeah, Xenah acted rashly, but would you stand by and watch if you thought innocents were in danger!?"

Felix turned to the man who he had asked about the axe. He wasn't done yet. "Keep your damn axe. You people disgust me." While Felix knew that this would probably gain him the ire of every one of these civilians, he didn't really care at this point. If they wanted to fight, he'd be prepared to give them one.

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After a time spent isolated in her own mind, Xenah stood up again. Tired, hurt. She didn't expect any kindness from the others in the shelter at this point, but she wanted to at least find food and a spot to sleep. She remembered she had spent most of her time in the suburban area fighting those... men, and the Grado soldiers would have not enough time to recognize her face. She'd be the safest to go outside stealthily. Maybe, if there were some functional inn somewhat close by, she would be able to spend the night without making anyone here uncomfortable. Xenah packed her medicine and bow once more, and turned her attention to Nelon.

"You are from around here, correct? Would you know if there could be any possible, functional inn in the surroundings?" Xenah prompted.

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From the sounds of it, they were spending the night - whether they liked it or not. One of those others had asked him about an inn, but it really didn't matter.

"I'm afraid it doesn't look like we'll be heading out tonight." Nelon replied. "It's probably safest if we stay here, at least we're not alone if we do get attacked. I'm afraid I am not acquainted with you or the others. I am Nelon, lance instructor for the recruits of Renais. May I ask your name?"

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Xenah was displeased, but she had no choice about it any more. At least, if she were to stay the night there, she would like to not stand out as a bother much, the people in the hideout already had sour opinions on her as it was, and Naga forbid should any of them be unstable in the head.

"I'm Xenah. As I've mentioned before, I hail from Rausten. I... 'delve in the occult', and impress the common eye, as a way of living." Xenah retorted, not too proud of her state of affairs, but trusting enough to be as straightforward as she can.

((No brain I don't hail from Renais why do you hate me >.>))

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"The occult you say?" Nelon asked, uncertain what she was actually talking about. "I'm not sure what you mean by that, I'm afraid. What kind of things can you see?"

It sounded interesting, whatever it was. Whether he liked it or not, they were a group, he would have to get to know these people.

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"Well, you could say it's more of an art. I practice basic forms of... fortune tellling, and such. A form more driven towards the common man, to bring hopeful words to their steady, stale lives." Xenah did not expect the conversation to turn around that, but continued nevertheless. "I didn't expect to turn to this kind of profession myself, but... circumstances turned my fate that way. At least, I learned to use magic for more than attractions, thanks to the ways of the trade." She finished.

"Just now, you said something about your students... you were a mentor? Perhaps an experienced knight?" Xenah asked, at least there wasn't hostility coming from Nelon, and that made her more comfortable in that... sort of hellhole she was in.

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"Yes, I am a knight of Renais. I was given the task of instructing the new recruits." Nelon began. "We were out on a week long training mission when we got attacked near the border. There was no chance we would have won, I told my students to flee. Many of them were cut down before they could even move, but I have a feeling that some are in the prison. Even if I can rescue one of them, it would be enough."

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"I see..." Xenah sympathized with the knight's care for his students. If only a little, his servitude reminded of her father, though Nelon wasn't much like him in appearances --maybe for the better, considering he didn't look all that old. "...you could call it a seer's hunch, but I believe we could find one of your students in there, and perhaps more." She continued, as if instincly trying to raise the knight's spirit. "Of course, considering what that woman mentioned about the fort, just sneaking in and leaving alive sounds like a hard task, we should be as prepared as we can."

Xenah pondered on the words she just said, maybe it could be of use to buy more medicine, considering she went through some good ounces while tending her wounds during the previous battle.

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"Thank you, Xenah. I'm sure I'll meet some of my students there too." Nelon replied. "It's not going to be an easy task, but I'm sure with proper planning and a little teamwork we can pull it off."

If they were to get anywhere, they'd need information. The prison layout, guard patterns, anything would do. Leona seemed to know about the prison, she would probably be the best person to ask. Nelon made his way over to her, it'd be a little tense but there was no way around it.

"Leona. What do you know about this prison. If we are truly to embark on such a task, we need information."

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Leona is strangely silent on the prison's layout; whether through lack of information or unwillingness to disclose, you can't say, however, she does have some information about what troops are there.

"The most threatening enemies will be the leaders' personal corps: Hemming's axemen and mercenaries, and Julius' holy men. There are a few ordinary guards--soldiers, archers, and the like--but we've seen them up close, and they're not a serious problem."

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Rapha had been keeping quiet throughout the entire exchange not for lack of words, but rather exhaustion. For a supposed well trained mercenary, she had never fought any real battles on foot, and her lack of experience painfully showed with the laceration on her stomach. After listening to the plans the group made (while she would do so if she had the chance, there was nothing to be gained from helping Elaine; rather, she was more interested in the supplies that Leona and her comrades were so hell bent on retrieving), she walked over to the where they were selling goods. "I'd like to do some business with you, if you don't mind," Rapha said absentmindedly.

300 Gold initially.

Sells Killer Lance for 1260.

Buys Javelin for 600.

960 Gold left.

"I would've liked to make good on the offer to buy some vulneraries from the priest girl, but...it's not worth it at these prices." Rapha then went to the nearest table and slumped down onto it. Hopefully everything would turn out for the best, but with her luck, she wasn't counting on it.

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Chapter One: The Shinpire Strikes Back


[spoiler=Player Data (7)][spoiler=Elaine (4,13)]Level 1.30

18/18 HP (54%)

0 Str (0%)

6 Mag (55%)

5 Skl (40%)

7 Spe (65%)

5 Lck (50%)

4+3 Def (40%)

5+5 Res (35%)

5 Mov

7 Con

6 Aid

Dark EXP: 34 (D)

Sp: Desertwalk

Affinity: Wind

Supports: None

13 Atk

92 Hit

2 Crt

19+30 Avo

7 AS



Flux (42/45)*

Vulnerary (3/3)


[spoiler=Xenah (2,1)]Level 2.44

20/20 HP (64%)

3 Str (30%)

4 Mag (35%)

3 Skl (30%)

8 Spe (40%)

10 Lck (60%)

3 Def (25%)

4 Res (32%)

5 Mov

6 Con

5 Aid

Bow EXP: 1 (E)

Light EXP: 11 (E)

Sp: Farsight

Affinity: Ice

Supports: None

8 Atk

106 Hit

6 Crt

26 Avo

8 AS

10 CEV


Hunting Bow (Prf) (45/45): 7 Mt, 70 Hit, 0 Crt, 7 Wt, 2 WEXP, 2-3 range

A bow made for hunting. Used by a skilled archer.

Lightning (27/35)*

Vulnerary (1/3)


[spoiler=Nelon (5,3)]Level 1.63

22/22 HP (80%)

6 Str (45%)

0 Mag (0%)

4 Skl (35%)

5 Spe (40%)

3 Lck (30%)

4 Def (40%)

0 Res (15%)

7 Mov

9 Con

11 Aid

Sword EXP: 4 (E)

Lance EXP: 39 (D)

Sp: Horse

Affinity: Anima

Supports: None

10 Atk

99 Hit

2 Crt

13 Avo

5 AS



Iron Sword (44/46)*

120 G

[spoiler=Rapha (4,3)]Level 1.33

30/30 HP (40%)

4 Str (50%)

0 Mag (0%)

4 Skl (30%)

7 Spe (40%)

0 Lck (80%)

5 Def (40%)

0 Res (10%)

7 Mov

7 Con

13 Aid

Lance EXP: 74 ©

Sp: Wyvern

Affinity: Fire

Supports: None

11 Atk

88 Hit

14 Avo

2 Crt

7 AS



Iron Lance (44/45)*

Javelin (20/20)


[spoiler=Trinket (4,1)]Level 1.55

20/20 HP (54%)

5 Str (40%)

3 Mag (40%)

3 Skl (30%)

6 Spe (50%)

7 Lck (40%)

5 Def (20%)

0 Res (10%)

5 Mov

6 Con

5 Aid

Sword EXP: 2 (E)

Staff EXP: 3 (E)

Sp: Thievery

Affinity: Light

Supports: None

10 Atk

99 Hit

19 Avo

1 Crt

6 AS



Iron Sword (45/46)*

Heal (28/30)

Vulnerary (3/3)


[spoiler=Felix (3,2)]Level 2.27

31/31 HP (80%)

6 Str (55%)

0 Mag (0%)

7 Skl (65%)

9 Spe (65%)

4 Lck (50%)

5 Def (45%)

2 Res (15%)

5 Mov

8 Con

7 Aid

Axe EXP: 12 (E)

Affinity: Thunder

Supports: None

14 Atk

91 Hit

3 Crt

18 Avo

8 AS



Iron Axe (40/45)*

Vulnerary (2/3)

500 G

[spoiler=Gordin (Non-Player) (5,6)] Level 1.00

20/20 HP

3 Str

0 Skl

1 Spe

0 Lck

0 Def

0 Res

5 Mov

6 Con

5 Aid

Lance EXP: 31 (D)

Affinity: Water

Supports: None

13 Atk

70 Hit

0 Crt

0 Avo

0 AS


Inventory:Steel Lance (27/30)*

[spoiler=NPC Data (2)][spoiler=Leona (1,2)]Level 1

27/27 HP

4 Str

10 Skl

17 Spe

8 Lck

3 Def

4 Res

6 Mov

6 Con

5 Aid

B Sword

Sp: Thievery

13 Atk

103 Hit

35 Crt

40 Avo

17 AS

8 Lck


Killing Edge (14/20)*

Elixir (3/3)

[spoiler=Prisoner (1,5)]Level 1

20/20 HP

3 Str

0 Skl

1 Spe

0 Lck

0 Def

0 Res

5 Mov

6 Con

5 Aid

D Lance

-- Atk

-- Hit

-- Crt

2 Avo

1 AS


[spoiler=Enemy Data (28)][spoiler=Soldier (2,7)]Level 3

24/24 HP

6 Str

1 Skl

2 Spe

1 Lck

0 Def

0 Res

5 Mov

6 Con

6 Aid

E Lance

12 Atk

67 Hit

0 Crt

1 Avo

0 AS



Javelin (20/20)*

[spoiler=Soldier (4,7)]Level 3

24/24 HP

6 Str

1 Skl

2 Spe

1 Lck

0 Def

0 Res

5 Mov

6 Con

6 Aid

E Lance

12 Atk

67 Hit

0 Crt

1 Avo

0 AS



Javelin (20/20)*

[spoiler=Soldier (3,6)]Level 3

24/24 HP

6 Str

1 Skl

2 Spe

1 Lck

0 Def

0 Res

5 Mov

6 Con

6 Aid

E Lance

12 Atk

67 Hit

0 Crt

1 Avo

0 AS



Javelin (20/20)*

[spoiler=Armor Knight (3,8)]Level 3

21/21 HP

7 Str

3 Skl

0 Spe

1 Lck

10 Def

1 Res

4 Mov

13 Con

12 Aid

C Lance

Sp: Armor

16 Atk

66 Hit

1 Crt

1 Avo

0 AS



Short Spear (18/18)*

!!Horseslayer (16/16)!!

[spoiler=Mercenary (2,9)]Level 5

26/26 HP

8 Str

12 Skl

11 Spe

3 Lck

5 Def

2 Res

5 Mov

9 Con

8 Aid

D Sword

16 Atk

102 Hit

6 Crt

23 Avo

10 AS



Steel Sword (30/30)*

[spoiler=Mercenary (4,9)] Level 5

26/26 HP

8 Str

12 Skl

11 Spe

3 Lck

5 Def

2 Res

5 Mov

9 Con

8 Aid

D Sword

16 Atk

102 Hit

6 Crt

23 Avo

10 AS



Steel Sword (30/30)*

[spoiler=Archer (3,10)]Level 3

22/22 HP

6 Str

5 Skl

4 Spe

2 Lck

3 Def

0 Res

5 Mov

7 Con

6 Aid

D Bow

15 Atk

82 Hit

2 Crt

6 Avo

2 AS



Steel Bow (30/30)*

[spoiler=Priest (1,8)]Level 5

21/21 HP

4 Mag

5 Skl

5 Spe

4 Lck

0 Def

11 Res

5 Mov

6 Con

5 Aid

D Staff

-- Atk

-- Hit

-- Crt

14 Avo

5 AS



Mend (20/20)*

[spoiler=Priest (5,8)]Level 5

21/21 HP

4 Mag

5 Skl

5 Spe

4 Lck

0 Def

11 Res

5 Mov

6 Con

5 Aid

D Staff

-- Atk

-- Hit

-- Crt

14 Avo

5 AS



Mend (20/20)*

[spoiler=Priest (8,1)]Level 10

23/23 HP

5 Mag

7 Skl

6 Spe

6 Lck

1 Def

13 Res

5 Mov

6 Con

5 Aid

B Staff

-- Atk

-- Hit

-- Crt

18 Avo

6 AS



Physic (15/15)

Sleep (3/3)

[spoiler=Monk (2,13)]Level 10

25/25 HP

5 Mag

6 Skl

6 Spe

6 Lck

2 Def

11 Res

5 Mov

6 Con

5 Aid

D Light

11 Atk

108 Hit

9 Crt

18 Avo

6 AS



Shine (30/30)*

[spoiler=Monk (2,12)]Level 10

25/25 HP

5 Mag

6 Skl

6 Spe

6 Lck

2 Def

11 Res

5 Mov

6 Con

5 Aid

D Light

11 Atk

108 Hit

9 Crt

18 Avo

6 AS



Shine (30/30)*

[spoiler=Cavalier (7,11)]Level 3

24/24 HP

7 Str

4 Skl

6 Spe

1 Lck

6 Def

0 Res

7 Mov

9 Con

11 Aid

D Sword

D Lance

Sp: Horse

13 Atk

73 Hit

2 Crt

11 Avo

5 AS



Javelin (20/20)*

Steel Sword (30/30)

[spoiler=Cavalier (9,11)]Level 3

24/24 HP

7 Str

4 Skl

6 Spe

1 Lck

6 Def

0 Res

7 Mov

9 Con

11 Aid

D Sword

D Lance

Sp: Horse

13 Atk

73 Hit

2 Crt

11 Avo

5 AS



Javelin (20/20)*

Steel Sword (30/30)

[spoiler=Cavalier (7,9)]Level 3

24/24 HP

7 Str

4 Skl

6 Spe

1 Lck

6 Def

0 Res

7 Mov

9 Con

11 Aid

D Sword

D Lance

Sp: Horse

13 Atk

73 Hit

2 Crt

11 Avo

5 AS



Javelin (20/20)*

Steel Sword (30/30)

[spoiler=Cavalier (9,9)]Level 3

24/24 HP

7 Str

4 Skl

6 Spe

1 Lck

6 Def

0 Res

7 Mov

9 Con

11 Aid

D Sword

D Lance

Sp: Horse

13 Atk

73 Hit

2 Crt

11 Avo

5 AS



Javelin (20/20)*

Steel Sword (30/30)

[spoiler=Cavalier (8,10)]Level 5

27/27 HP

8 Str

6 Skl

7 Spe

3 Lck

7 Def

1 Res

7 Mov

9 Con

11 Aid

C Sword

D Lance

Sp: Horse

17 Atk

88 Hit

3 Crt

17 Avo

7 AS



Lancereaver (15/15)*

Steel Lance (30/30)

[spoiler=Archer (7,7)]Level 3

22/22 HP

6 Str

5 Skl

4 Spe

2 Lck

3 Def

0 Res

5 Mov

7 Con

6 Aid

C Bow

11 Atk

76 Hit

2 Crt

3 Avo

1 AS



Longbow (20/20)*

[spoiler=Archer (8,8)]Level 3

22/22 HP

6 Str

5 Skl

4 Spe

2 Lck

3 Def

0 Res

5 Mov

7 Con

6 Aid

C Bow

11 Atk

76 Hit

2 Crt

3 Avo

1 AS



Longbow (20/20)*

[spoiler=Archer (9,7)]Level 3

22/22 HP

6 Str

5 Skl

4 Spe

2 Lck

3 Def

0 Res

5 Mov

7 Con

6 Aid

C Bow

11 Atk

76 Hit

2 Crt

3 Avo

1 AS



Longbow (20/20)*

[spoiler=Fighter (12,5)]Level 5

28/28 HP

10 Str

5 Skl

7 Spe

1 Lck

3 Def

1 Res

5 Mov

11 Con

10 Aid

D Axe

17 Atk

70 Hit

0 Crt

15 Avo

7 AS



Hand Axe (20/20)*

[spoiler=Fighter (12,3)]Level 5

28/28 HP

10 Str

5 Skl

7 Spe

1 Lck

3 Def

1 Res

5 Mov

11 Con

10 Aid

D Axe

17 Atk

70 Hit

0 Crt

15 Avo

7 AS



Hand Axe (20/20)*

[spoiler=Fighter (14,5)]Level 5

28/28 HP

10 Str

5 Skl

7 Spe

1 Lck

3 Def

1 Res

5 Mov

11 Con

10 Aid

D Axe

17 Atk

70 Hit

0 Crt

15 Avo

7 AS



Hand Axe (20/20)*

[spoiler=Fighter (14,3)]Level 5

28/28 HP

10 Str

5 Skl

7 Spe

1 Lck

3 Def

1 Res

5 Mov

11 Con

10 Aid

D Axe

17 Atk

70 Hit

0 Crt

15 Avo

7 AS



Hand Axe (20/20)*

[spoiler=Mercenary (13,4)]Level 10

30/30 HP

10 Str

14 Skl

12 Spe

4 Lck

6 Def

3 Res

5 Mov

9 Con

8 Aid

A Sword

23 Atk

110 Hit

7 Crt

28 Avo

12 AS



Silver Sword (20/20)*

[spoiler=Julius (BOSS) (5,12)]Level 1

31/31 HP

10 Mag

11 Skl

10 Spe

9 Lck

4 Def

18 Res

6 Mov

9 Con

8 Aid

C Light

A Staff

Sp: Slayer

18 Atk

111 Hit

15 Crt

27 Avo

9 AS



Divine (25/25)*

Fortify (8/8)

Sleep (3/3)

[spoiler=Hemming (BOSS) (13,6)]Level 1

34/34 HP

12 Str

16 Skl

14 Spe

6 Lck

7+3 Def

4+5 Res

6 Mov

11 Con

10 Aid

D Sword

A Axe

25 Atk

100 Hit

8 Crt

34+30 Avo

13 AS



Tomahawk (15/15)*

You have entered the prison. Leona whispers quietly,

"Remember our objectives. We take their leaders' heads, as well as anyone else in our way. Break out any prisoners that can keep up, and cut our way back out. My men can raid the place for loot and the rest of the prisoners soon afterwards.

"The alarm hasn't yet been sounded, but we don't have much time until they realize we're imposters. Get your position set up, and let's get in here before any reinforcements arrive."

Player Phase One: Begin!

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The enemies ahead of them were formidable, it would require perfect planning to survive. The swordsmen looked nimble, and he didn't like the look of that knight's lance. Its shape, perfectly suited to tearing apart horses.

"Leona, please stay safe." Nelon called. "We will do our best to draw out the enemy."

Nelon noticed one of the guards was unarmed. It was a bold move, but he rode up to the soldier.

"You're Gordin, I never forget one of my pupils. I apologize for not being able to protect you. I am part of a group raiding this prison, please, we desperately need your help. Here, take my lance. Go behind us, I refuse to put you in harm's way."

Nelon goes to space to 5,3, now disarming - seeing as he won't be fighting against javelins.

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The soldier... as you draw close, you recognize him. Gordin, one of your students!

"C-Commander Nelon?! I thought you were dead! They're using me as a human shield, and they have Regan trapped behind that wall! Arm me, and I will fight!!"



Characters you recruit will be displayed as blue units. They will follow your orders to the best of your ability, although they may refuse if they have a compelling interest to do so. Just remember that I control recruited units; they are not player characters by any stretch of the imagination. Furthermore, they can make supports, but only with other NPCs.

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My action will be to talk to Julius this turn, the results of such will be shown later.

Note that I OKed talking from the throne, since it's established that he'll listen
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While the swordsmen looked burly, the rest of the enemies didn't look to be that dangerous, for him anyway. Felix noticed Nelon's unease at the sight of the knight's lance, and decided to move to draw his ire instead. (Felix moves to 3,4)

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Rapha was a bit hesitant to just rush into the fray, so she decided to help the others with their defensive formation instead.

(Rapha equips Javelin)

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Xenah sighed as she looked forward. It was not going to be easy by all means, all she hoped is that everyone would wound up safe somehow, if only.

She moved forward, staying behind Felix (3,3) and at last wielded her father's bow. "...If we don't have the means to open these jails, at least we can take advantage of this fort's poor structure." She thought, already positioned to fire an arrow at the cracked wall north of her (2,5). It has been a long while since she has pulled a bow, since her teen days, hunting for a sport. At least she was certain there would be no problem hitting an unmoving target.

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