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I approve, although knowing my Luck (it's 1, if you haven't checked), SB or Shin are going to miss one of their double 87/92%s...I just hope its not Shin.

Our luck can't possibly stay as bad as it has been forever!

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Player Phase


Trinket uses Heal on Rapha!

Rapha regains 14 HP!

Trinket gains 22 EXP!

Trinket gains 2 Staff EXP!

Elaine moves to (11,4)

Elaine attacks the Entombed with Flux!

Elaine hits, dealing 12 damage!

Elaine Pursuit attacks, dealing 12 damage!

Elaine gains 16 EXP!

Elaine gains 2 Dark EXP!

Xenah moves to (9,6)

Xenah attacks the Entombed with her Hunting Bow!

Xenah hits, dealing 8 damage!

Xenah Pursuit attacks, dealing 8 damage and KOing the Entombed!

Xenah gains 90 EXP!

Xenah gains 5 Bow EXP!

Xenah levels up!

+1 Str!

+1 Mag!

+1 Lck!

+1 Def!

+1 Res!

Rapha moves to (12,4)

Rapha attacks the Melee Bonewalker with her Iron Lance!

Rapha hits, dealing 10 damage!

The Bonewalker counterattacks, but falls short!

Rapha Pursuit attacks, dealing 10 damage and taking the Bonewalker’s head!

Rapha gains 28 EXP!

Rapha gains 3 Lance EXP!

Rapha levels up!

+1 HP!

+1 Skl!

+1 Spe!

+1 Lck!

Felix moves to (12,5)

Felix takes Rapha’s Iron Lance!

Rapha equips her Javelin!

Felix attacks the Archer Bonewalker with his Iron Axe!

Felix hits, dealing 11 damage!

Felix Pursuit attacks, dealing 11 damage and shattering the Bonewalker!

Felix gains 33 EXP!

Felix gains 3 Axe EXP!

Nelon moves to (12,6)

Nelon takes Felix’s Iron Lance!

Nelon attacks the Archer Bonewalker with his Iron Lance!

Nelon hits, dealing 12 damage!

Nelon Pursuit attacks, dealing 12 damage and KOing the Bonewalker!

Nelon gains 26 EXP!

Nelon gains 3 Lance EXP!


Enemy Phase


(13,6) Bonewalker moves to (10,6)

The Bonewalker attacks Xenah with its Iron Sword!

The Bonewalker misses!

Xenah gains 1 EXP!

Thane tips a droplet from the Fetid Vial into his mouth… what is he doing?!

Thane begins chanting! None of you can recognize the incantation… but it can’t be good.


The battle is almost won… or is it? Thane is chanting, no doubt something foul… kill him, quickly, before it’s too late!

An important aside: this is a VERY simple phase, and I therefore left it to Jedi and Refa’s discretion. VERY simple.

Player Data (6)

Elaine (11,4)

Level 4.44

20/20 HP (54+5%)

0 Str (0%)

8 Mag (55%)

7 Skl (40%)

9 Spe (65%)

6 Lck (50%)

4 Def (40%)

7 Res (35%)

5 Mov

7 Con

6 Aid

Dark EXP: 56 (D)

Sp: Desertwalk

Affinity: Wind

Supports: None

15 Atk

97 Hit

3 Crt

24 Avo

9 AS



Flux (23/45)*

Vulnerary (1/3)

Red Gem


B 15

W 5

L 1

Xenah (9,6)

Level 4.07

20/20 HP (64%)

4 Str (30%)

5 Mag (35%)

4 Skl (30%)

8 Spe (40%)

12 Lck (60%)

4+1 Def (25+5%)

5 Res (32%)

5 Mov

6 Con

5 Aid

Bow EXP: 22 (E)

Light EXP: 15 (E)

Sp: Farsight

Affinity: Ice

Supports: None

11 Atk

84 Hit

2 Crt

26+20 Avo

7 AS

12 CEV


Hunting Bow (Prf) (36/45)*: 7 Mt, 70 Hit, 0 Crt, 7 Wt, 2 WEXP, 2-3 range

A bow made for hunting. Used by a skilled archer.

Lightning (23/35)

Vulnerary (1/3)



Mysterious Icon (1/1)

It looks… most peculiar. A tall, slim man in foreign garb wearing a garish grin, carved out of… marble, perhaps?

B 15

W 3

L 0

Nelon (12,5)

Level 4.66

22/23 HP (80%)

8 Str (45%)

0 Mag (0%)

4 Skl (35%)

6 Spe (40%)

5 Lck (30+5%)

6 Def (40%)

0 Res (15%)

7 Mov

9 Con

11 Aid

Sword EXP: 16 (E)

Lance EXP: 45 (D)

Sp: Horse

Affinity: Anima

Supports: None

15 Atk

90 Hit

2 Crt

17 Avo

6 AS



Iron Lance (35/45)*

Iron Sword (41/46)

Steel Lance (25/30)

Horseslayer (16/16)

Augmented Iron Sword (7/12)

[+3 Mt, +30 Hit, +15 Crt]

120 G

B 18

W 7

L 1

Rapha (12,4)

Level 4.08

31/32 HP (40%)

5 Str (50%)

0 Mag (0%)

7 Skl (30+5%)

9 Spe (40%)

2 Lck (80%)

6 Def (40%)

0 Res (10%)

7 Mov

7 Con

13 Aid

Lance EXP: 97 ©

Sp: Wyvern

Affinity: Fire

Supports: None

11 Atk

80 Hit

14 Avo

3 Crt

6 AS



Javelin (14/20)*

Vulnerary (1/3)


B 14

W 6

L 0

Trinket (8,6)

Level 3.95

16/20 HP (54%)

6 Str (40%)

4 Mag (40+5%)

5 Skl (30%)

6 Spe (50%)

9 Lck (40%)

5 Def (20%)

0 Res (10%)

5 Mov

6 Con

5 Aid

Sword EXP: 10 (E)

Staff EXP: 19 (E)

Sp: Thievery

Affinity: Light

Supports: None

11 Atk

104 Hit

21 Avo

2 Crt

6 AS



Iron Sword (39/46)*

Heal (21/30)

Vulnerary (2/3)


B 5

W 2

L 0

Felix (12,5)

Level 4.80

25/33 HP (80%)

7 Str (55%)

0 Mag (0%)

9 Skl (65%)

11 Spe (65%)

5 Lck (50%)

7 Def (45%)

2 Res (15+5%)

5 Mov

8 Con

7 Aid

Axe EXP: 30 (E)

Affinity: Thunder

Supports: None

15 Atk

95 Hit

4 Crt

27 Avo

11 AS



Iron Axe (28/45)*

Vulnerary (2/3)

500 G

B 14

W 9

L 0

Enemy Data (2)

Melee Bonewalker (13,6)

Level 1

24/24 HP

6 Str

0 Mag

3 Skl

4 Spe

0 Lck

3 Def

0 Res

7 Con

6 Aid

5 Move

C Sword

C Lance

11 Atk

96 Hit

1 Crt

8 Avo

4 AS



Iron Sword (46/46)*

Thane (Shaman) (BOSS) (14,3)

Level 10

24/24 HP

2 Str

7 Mag

6 Skl

6 Spe

0 Lck

6+1 Def

10 Res

5 Mov

7 Con

6 Aid

C Dark

14 Atk

92 Hit

3 Crt

12+20 Avo

6 AS



Flux (45/45)*

!!Fetid Vial!!

Kepa (Mercenary) (BOSS) (Not Present)

Level 10

4/30 HP

10 Str

14 Skl

12 Spe

4 Lck

6 Def

3 Res

5 Mov

9 Con

8 Aid

A Sword

23 Atk

110 Hit

7 Crt

28 Avo

12 AS

** CEV

Silver Sword (16/20)*

!!Iron Rune!!

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Elaine and Rapha had come up with the Coup de grâce

Xenah moves to 9,7 uses lightning does 9x2 to the bonewalker softening it up, Trinket Moves to 9,6 attacks bonewalker to finish it.Felix moves to 14,4 to bash Thane over the head, Elaine moves to 13,4 to chip taking the iron lance from Nelon in the process, Rapha moves to 13,3 taking the iron lance back from Elane and attempting a strike, Nelon equips the super super sword and goes to 15,3 and attacks
Edited by Opinion Leader Jedi
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Coup De Grace didn't work, but we tried Coup De Grace a second time after boss was COWARD, and victory, thy name is Raphelaine or something, I'm no good at portmaneus.

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Player Phase


Xenah moves to (9,7)

Xenah attacks the Bonewalker with Lightning!

Xenah hits, dealing 9 damage!

Xenah Pursuit attacks, dealing 9 damage!

Xenah gains 9 EXP!

Xenah gains 2 Light EXP!

Trinket moves to (9,6)

Trinket attacks the Bonewalker with her Iron Sword!

Trinket hits, dealing 8 damage and KOing the Bonewalker!

Trinket gains 28 EXP!

Trinket gains 2 Sword EXP!

Trinket levels up!

+1 HP!

+1 Mag!

+1 Lck!

Felix moves to (14,4)

Felix attacks Thane with the Iron Axe!

“Damn you, impertinent fools! We could have taken this city! Stop!! What are you doing?!”

Felix hits, dealing 8 damage!

Thane counterattacks, dealing 12 damage!

Felix Pursuit attacks, but misses!

Felix gains 12 EXP!

Felix gains 2 Axe EXP!

Felix’s Axe proficiency levels up!

Elaine moves to (13,4)

Elaine takes Nelon’s Iron Lance!

Elaine takes Nelon’s Steel Lance!

Nelon equips his Augmented Iron Sword!

Elaine attacks Thane with Flux!

Elaine missed!

Thane counterattacks, but misses!

Elaine gains 1 EXP!

Elaine gains 1 Dark EXP!

Nelon moves to (14,2)

Nelon attacks with his Augmented Iron Sword!

Nelon hits, dealing 9 damage!

Thane counterattacks, but misses!

Nelon gains 12 EXP!

Nelon gains 2 Sword EXP!

Rapha moves to (13,3)

Rapha takes Elaine’s Iron Lance!

Rapha takes Elaine’s Steel Lance!

Rapha attacks Thane with her Steel Lance!

Thane counterattacks, dealing 14 damage!

Rapha gains 1 EXP!

Rapha gains 2 Lance EXP!


Enemy Phase


Thane flees to (17,4)

Thane finishes his chant!

The headless corpse of Leona rises to its feet, as if lifted by puppet strings… it apparently cannot see, nor hear. It stands, shuffling aimlessly and going quite literally nowhere.

You hear the sound of men in the distance.


Don’t bother attacking Leonazombie—it’s just there for flavor.

Quickly, now! You have to take the shaman down before he animates more of these monsters, and before he escapes! The reinforcements are coming; is this for good or for ill?

Player Phase


Elaine moves to (16,4)

Elaine attacks Thane with Flux!

Elaine hits, dealing 5 damage!

Thane counterattacks, dealing 7 damage!

Elaine gains 12 EXP!

Elaine gains 1 Dark EXP!

Rapha moves to (17,5)

Rapha attacks Thane with her Iron Lance!

"You could never win because you are just.... a puppet."

Rapha hits, dealing 5 damage and KOing Thane!

“You would… deny your country… for these…?”

Rapha gains 91 EXP!

Rapha gains 2 Lance EXP!

Rapha finds a Fetid Vial!

Rapha levels up!

+1 Str!

+1 Lck!



Sure enough, the reinforcements appear in the distance—Kepa, and his men! He splits the facsimile of Leona as he approaches, followed by three axemen and at least a dozen mages. As they approach your band, they incinerate corpse after corpse… including those of Gordin and Leona. They ignore you until their work is done, at which point, Kepa approaches you all, his men standing at attention.

“You slew them… none got away?” You all look back and forth, but the lack of a volunteered answer is all Kepa needs. “No matter. You lot!” he roars, addressing his men. “Head to Serafew. Find out how much they know—we are keeping this quiet. If you find any aberrations, eliminate them with extreme prejudice.” The accompanying squadron marches off, leaving him alone with the six of you.

“You killed good men only a few hours ago. You broke into a Grado prison, and freed war criminals. You acted under the command of a psychopath directly responsible for the deaths of my brothers.” He seems… oddly calm as he says this. Perhaps his rage has abated? “Even so, your heroism here is more than enough for amnesty. However, tell me this… why shouldn’t I strike you down anyway, as a threat to the safety of Serafew, and Grado as a whole?” His eyes dart from woman to man to woman, searching for weakness… who will volunteer to speak? Perhaps, just perhaps, you might have one fewer enemy if you gild your tongues well…”

[spoiler=Player Data]

[spoiler=Elaine]Level 4.57

20 HP (54+5%)

0 Str (0%)

8 Mag (55%)

7 Skl (40%)

9 Spe (65%)

6 Lck (50%)

4 Def (40%)

7 Res (35%)

5 Mov

7 Con

6 Aid

Dark EXP: 58 (D)

Sp: Desertwalk

Affinity: Wind

Supports: None

15 Atk

97 Hit

3 Crt

24 Avo

9 AS



Flux (21/45)*

Vulnerary (1/3)

Manual of Adept Healing (1/1)



B 17

W 5

L 1

[spoiler=Xenah]Level 4.16

20 HP (64%)

4 Str (30%)

5 Mag (35%)

4 Skl (30%)

8 Spe (40%)

12 Lck (60%)

4 Def (25+5%)

5 Res (32%)

5 Mov

6 Con

5 Aid

Bow EXP: 22 (E)

Light EXP: 17 (E)

Sp: Farsight

Affinity: Ice

Supports: None

9 Atk

109 Hit

7 Crt

28 Avo

8 AS

12 CEV


Hunting Bow (Prf) (36/45): 7 Mt, 70 Hit, 0 Crt, 7 Wt, 2 WEXP, 2-3 range

A bow made for hunting. Used by a skilled archer.

Lightning (21/35)*

Vulnerary (1/3)



Mysterious Icon (1/1)

It looks… most peculiar. A tall, slim man in foreign garb wearing a garish grin, carved out of… marble, perhaps?

B 16

W 4

L 0

[spoiler=Nelon]Level 4.78

23 HP (80%)

8 Str (45%)

0 Mag (0%)

4 Skl (35%)

6 Spe (40%)

5 Lck (30+5%)

6 Def (40%)

0 Res (15%)

7 Mov

9 Con

11 Aid

Sword EXP: 17 (E)

Lance EXP: 45 (D)

Sp: Horse

Affinity: Anima

Supports: None

16 Atk

130 Hit

17 Crt

17 Avo

6 AS



Iron Sword (41/46)

Horseslayer (16/16)

Augmented Iron Sword (6/12)*

[+3 Mt, +30 Hit, +15 Crt]

0 G

B 19

W 7

L 1

[spoiler=Rapha]Level 5.00

32 HP (40%)

6 Str (50%)

0 Mag (0%)

7 Skl (30+5%)

9 Spe (40%)

3 Lck (80%)

6 Def (40%)

0 Res (10%)

7 Mov

7 Con

13 Aid

Lance EXP: 101 ©

Sp: Wyvern

Affinity: Fire

Supports: None

13 Atk

95 Hit

31 Avo

3 Crt

9 AS



Javelin (14/20)

Iron Lance (35/45)*

Steel Lance (25/30)

Vulnerary (1/3)

Fetid Vial


B 16

W 7

L 0

[spoiler=Trinket]Level 4.23

21 HP (54%)

6 Str (40%)

5 Mag (40+5%)

5 Skl (30%)

6 Spe (50%)

10 Lck (40%)

5 Def (20%)

0 Res (10%)

5 Mov

6 Con

5 Aid

Sword EXP: 12 (E)

Staff EXP: 19 (E)

Sp: Thievery

Affinity: Light

Supports: None

11 Atk

107 Hit

22 Avo

2 Crt

6 AS

10 CEV


Iron Sword (38/46)*

Heal (21/30)

Vulnerary (2/3)


B 6

W 3

L 0

[spoiler=Felix]Level 4.92

33 HP (80%)

7 Str (55%)

0 Mag (0%)

9 Skl (65%)

11 Spe (65%)

5 Lck (50%)

7 Def (45%)

2 Res (15+5%)

5 Mov

8 Con

7 Aid

Axe EXP: 32 (D)

Affinity: Thunder

Supports: None

15 Atk

95 Hit

4 Crt

27 Avo

11 AS



Iron Axe (27/45)*

Hand Axe (19/20)

Vulnerary (2/3)

1200 G

B 15

W 9

L 0

[spoiler=CONVOY]Iron Lance (45/45)

Javelin (20/20)

Steel Lance (19/30)

Killer Lance (20/20)

Devil Lance (22/30)

Devil Lance (23/30)

Iron Axe (33/45)

Hand Axe (20/20)

Steel Axe (26/30)

Vulnerary (2/3)

300 G

Edited by Mienshao
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Elaine while the group was listening to Kepa quietly thought in her own head

["Poor Gordin.. he didn't deserve such a poor sending off.. I hope we can at least find the girl he mentioned.."]

Elaine noticed Nelon had almost jumped towards the mages in utter rage when he noticed what they were going to do to the bodies.

"[Now we have this.. Kepa, who slew the ever crazy Leona..]"

She had known Leona for a small while. She may have been crazy but she didn't deserve to die the way she did. Even in vengeance for the many she slew.

Elaine was very tired.. and just wanted to be back home and study her books more, this fighting business was putting a toll on her very soul but she knew this was only the beginning.

"[Now we have to parley with this Grado soldier, maybe some of his men will be like Julius..]"

She could only hope as the small band of 6 looked at each other for who would attempt to speak.

Edited by Opinion Leader Jedi
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Felix felt like he had to answer. They had to put out a strong impression, and if left too long, some of the more.., fragile, members of the group might snap.

"It was listen to that psychopath or get murdered in our sleep. We got strong-armed into the prison break by the bitch you killed, and her gang of followers. If it was up to me, I would have never taken part in the raid.

I almost want to thank you, honestly. She was insane, and I didn't feel like getting dragged into any more fights for no good reason. You saw how she lunged straight at you, she aimed for your head even though it was a suicidal move. We let Leona die there, we didn't pursue you - there was no point.

None of us plan on causing anymore trouble around here. And if those things come back, you want every fighting man or woman you can muster."

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The battle was over, but not without loss. Gordin had perished, and watching his body burn was hard for Nelon. It made sense, the last thing he wanted was a zombified Gordin. Still, it was hard for him to watch them burn his body like that. After the flames had subsided, Nelon reclaimed Gordin's old lance from the ground, and thrust it downwards into the soil.

"Gordin, forgive your teacher. You were brave, fighting even when the odds were against us. Not only were you my student, but I would be proud to call you a comrade-at-arms. "

Returning to the matter at hand, Elaine and Felix had already conversed with the mercenary from earlier. It didn't seem they'd be cut down just yet.

"Leona was a force unto herself. She made no considerations for any of us, treating us as nothing more than tools. I'm quite sure there are several good reasons to slay us now and here. We acted to save Elaine and the late Gordin, we had no intention of going through with Leona's mad scheme for revenge."

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"Funny," he murmured, "I wonder how she could strong-arm you all..." He pauses, for a moment, sizing up his prey. "Unless, of course, you all are enemies of the Grado Empire as well." He elicits more than one reaction out of the six of you; he smirks, confident in his victory. "That said, you and whoever survived from your little cell are free to go." He stalks forward before his final statement, staring down Elaine with a tiger's eye. "You have three days to be out of Serafew. I hope you'll be smart and not get involved in this war." With that, he turns, heading towards the city. Huh... what an odd character.

Might as well find a place to sleep for the night, but maybe some shops might be open. Definitely too late for any house calls, though.

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They couldn't really complain about Kepa's offer. They were outmanned and had no chance of retaking Serafew alone. Leaving Kepa's group behind them, where to head from there wasn't exactly clear.

"We've been through a lot... maybe now would be a good time to rest. I don't know about the rest of you, but I will fight for Renais. I'm sure Prince Ephraim will return, leading the charge. I only hope I can be there, serving under him."

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Elaine hearing the name of the Prince of Renais got her curious.

"What is Prince Ephraim like? I have only heard some small things about him"

As an aside she added

"If we are going to any shops" "I have this Red Gem.. that Gordin dropped.." she said in a bit of a saddened voice, "does anyone in particular want it?"

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"I am not familiar with the Prince on a personal basis, but from what I've heard, he's incredibly gifted when it comes to lance-work and battle tactics. Perhaps one of the finest of his generation. I fear the market may be closed at this time, perhaps we would have better luck in the morning."

Nelon didn't even want to look at the gem, Gordin's death was still troubling him somewhat.

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"I am not familiar with the Prince on a personal basis, but from what I've heard, he's incredibly gifted when it comes to lance-work and battle tactics. Perhaps one of the finest of his generation. I fear the market may be closed at this time, perhaps we would have better luck in the morning."

Nelon didn't even want to look at the gem, Gordin's death was still troubling him somewhat.

Elaine quickly put the gem away seeing the troubled look on Nelon's face "I'm sorry, about your friend.."

"I can only hope what you say is true. The Prince riding back in here. We need all the help we can get"

"Shall we set a camp then? Considering the hour"

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Nelon was rather surprised to hear that from Elaine. However, if she intended to fight, Nelon would probably be unable to stop her.

"It may be easier for us to stop at a nearby inn. I don't think we have the supplies to set up camp. Still the cost of at least two rooms might be a little high, we'll have to see how we manage."

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"Alright, i'm sure we can manage a rest at an inn like you say, do you know where from here we can find one?"

Elaine had also noticed Nelon's surprise at her previous words. "After I saw Julius and Gordin.. fall before my very eyes, I want to help the rest of the people here, it's.. more important then my faring as a merchant."

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"An inn would be good. I'm not pushing my luck any further, in case they missed a corpse. I don't know shit about your prince, but he can't be as bad as Gheb."

He paused for a moment, then continued. "Do you think it's worth investigating the hideout? There might still be some weapons or medicine that we can use in there."

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Felix had proposed an interesting prospect, perhaps it would be worth checking the hideout after all.

"I suppose some of their supplies may have survived. It is rather dark... Felix, I suppose a few of us could go check the hideout, maybe whilst someone finds an inn. Who knows, maybe even a store will be open."

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Rapha wasn't too worried about Kepa. While his revenge against Leona was rather disturbing, he seemed to be honorable enough.

"I can probably help with getting the supplies from the hideout. My wyvern will be helpful in getting the supplies back, if that becomes an issue."

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"Rapha and I will go search for supplies then, since we'll have the easiest time carrying it back. Elaine, could you take care of the shopping? I don't have much money, but it should aid the group just a little... Trinket, we may need your talents finding supplies."

Nelon began preparing his horse, there could very well be a large amount to carry.

Edited by Shin
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"Here's the money for the equipment I need. It's not enough, so I'll pay you back if you need anything in the future. Well, we might as well be going, Nelon, Trinket...erm, do either of you know the way to the hideout?"

Edited by Refa
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Elaine nods to Nelon, takes the gold offered from Nelon and Rapha and starts towards the nearest inhabited area

"I will go see if there is a shop open at this time.."

The List was

Killer Lance
Iron Lance
Hand Axe

"I can sell this Red Gem as well." The gem twinkled under the night sky.

"Maybe I can barter prices down if need be with the skills I learned from my father"

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"If I recall it was just beyond the field we just fought in, roughly where we took down the Shaman. Say, Rapha... I've wondered why you live as a mercenary... is it the freedom? The ability to go and work as one pleases? I can imagine you've seen quite a few places."

It was strange, Nelon had spent virtually his entire life in Renais. Magvel was a large place, who knew what kinds of places and people occupied the rest of it.

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"If I recall it was just beyond the field we just fought in, roughly where we took down the Shaman. Say, Rapha... I've wondered why you live as a mercenary... is it the freedom? The ability to go and work as one pleases? I can imagine you've seen quite a few places."

It was strange, Nelon had spent virtually his entire life in Renais. Magvel was a large place, who knew what kinds of places and people occupied the rest of it.

"It's not a particularly interesting answer. I retired from the Grado army because I was sick of all of the fighting, and spent the next few months wandering around, taking on various odd jobs. Sadly, I was never too good at any of them. Turns out that my only skill that can keep food on the table was fighting, in a depressingly ironic twist. Since joining the Grado army again was out of the question, I had to take up work as a mercenary. The pays not as good, there's no living quarters, and it's a far more dangerous profession. Still, I suppose every job has its benefits. It's not as free form as you'd expect, since you basically have to work under The Guild to get any work, but they're a lot more lenient than the Grado army was. I don't plan to be a sell sword forever, though, I know there's more out there for me in life."

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Xenah's mind was too distant to pay heed to what was happening in her surroundings. She wondered who was the shaman, why did he use rituals to animate the dead, and why he'd apparently address the group as betraying their country. Was he from Renais or from Grado? Either way, why would he possess knowledge about things that were mostly hidden away by the Rausten court? Perhaps the other countries have started studying the Sacred Stones and Demon King lore at last? Probably even those who dwelve in the dark arts... but Xenah wouldn't know the first thing about it to grasp the extent of what the dark arts could do with such knowledge. Breaking the laws of the dead and alive, however, was already an alarming sign. Say, isn't that shy girl proficient in the dark arts as well... ?

Snapping out of her trance, Xenah tries to catch up with what went on while her mind wandered. This guy by the name of Kepa had shown up and slain Leona... that didn't elicit enough reaction from Xenah, however. Divine judgment went in circles and took its toll on a mad bandit, is what Xenah thought. The man wasn't an ally of them by any stretch of thought in her mind, but if he let them slide, it's best to not get in his way. Since the others had their way of persuading the man in letting them stay for a while, Xenah just kept silent for the conversation. Maybe the others are forgetting her presence...

Xenah didn't feel like talking, she moved away from the group, maybe visiting whatever inns and social houses are left will get her some better information than sticking around for now. Maybe she'd find a good place for the group to stay. Xenah didn't plan to let Grado be, and helping the others would probably be an easy way to meet the Renais' higher ups. That seemed like a good plan.

Most of the others left to run errands without really setting a meet up point, much to Xenah's annoyance, but there were still two left with her yet. "I'm going to find us a place to rest" Xenah said. "It's getting dark, you guys should decide on doing something, or maybe go to that hideout place to see what you can get. If I find something decent, I'll go there call you." She parted ways following the statement.

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Yo, guys! The day is over, and you have spent the night at YE OLDE GENERIC INN. Nothing of note happened, besides conversations if you want 'em. Elaine dumped her stuff in the Convoy, and now it's DAYTIME SO DO STUFF WOO

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