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Oh, it bugs me too. I wish there was some other way: my preferred solution would be to give it ~10x the cost on Lunatic, like how Reeky Boxes are handled on Hard and up. I'd certainly like those restrictions a whole lot more with the most "intrusive" one unneeded.

the thing is, even if Nosferatu may be broken, it would be completely arbitrary to jack up the price of only Nosferatu and nothing else (because unlike Reeky Boxes on normal mode, you can't exactly turn out infinite profits)

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Oh, it bugs me too. I wish there was some other way: my preferred solution would be to give it ~10x the cost on Lunatic, like how Reeky Boxes are handled on Hard and up. I'd certainly like those restrictions a whole lot more with the most "intrusive" one unneeded.

And if anyone got the dlc, the use of those reek boxes is a waste entirely, but that's truth :/

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IS obviously tried to take measures to balance Nosferatu by halving it's healing and making the two initial Dark Mages have disadvantages of using it(Tharja has extremely low luck that law of large numbers dictates she should run into criticals from enemies a lot of rounds of combat Nosferatu-tanking and Henry is so slow that he'll have issues doubling with it), even other potential Dark Mages have things such as Cordelia's low magic or Miriel's low durability limiting them.

I'd bet the problem was an oversight of a combination of factors, a high enough support rank protects Tharja from her low luck weakness and the ability for a unit to get more EXP than usual by being able to take on more enemies at a time with Nosferatu results in it even more effective than probably intended.

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IS obviously tried to take measures to balance Nosferatu by halving it's healing and making the two initial Dark Mages have disadvantages of using it(Tharja has extremely low luck that law of large numbers dictates she should run into criticals from enemies a lot of rounds of combat Nosferatu-tanking and Henry is so slow that he'll have issues doubling with it), even other potential Dark Mages have things such as Cordelia's low magic or Miriel's low durability limiting them.

I'd bet the problem was an oversight of a combination of factors, a high enough support rank protects Tharja from her low luck weakness and the ability for a unit to get more EXP than usual by being able to take on more enemies at a time with Nosferatu results in it even more effective than probably intended.

give Nosferatu the Sol skill instead of auto-healing

yes/no what do you guys think lol

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the thing is, even if Nosferatu may be broken, it would be completely arbitrary to jack up the price of only Nosferatu and nothing else (because unlike Reeky Boxes on normal mode, you can't exactly turn out infinite profits)

I don't think ability to go infinite has to be a critical deciding factor.

give Nosferatu the Sol skill instead of auto-healing

yes/no what do you guys think lol

I'd much rather limit the item's availability than obliterate its effect, personally.

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I don't think ability to go infinite has to be a critical deciding factor.

I'd much rather limit the item's availability than obliterate its effect, personally.

the Sol thing was largely a joke

but if you raise the price in Lunatic, you better raise the price on Normal and Hard too

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The worst part about Lunatic+, is that even if you have total badasses from grinding a lot or just a little boost to help you by grinding a little... you can still get your ass handed to you depending on how many counter enemies you have that will walk up to your face to suicide.

Despite the fact that it isn't a requirement, I gave up on not seeing Lucina get her HP reduced to 0 in that chapter.

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The worst part about Lunatic+, is that even if you have total badasses from grinding a lot or just a little boost to help you by grinding a little... you can still get your ass handed to you depending on how many counter enemies you have that will walk up to your face to suicide.

Despite the fact that it isn't a requirement, I gave up on not seeing Lucina get her HP reduced to 0 in that chapter.

It's official: Counter is an even bigger pain in the butt than Aurora was.

Edited by Levant Fortner
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Ironically I decided to play chapter 17 today and it was surprisingly easy after turn 8. I just used MU, Lucina, and Frederick to get the units in the middle room in the beginning as well as the third room in the beginning and Lon'qu just took care of the left room in the beginning. Later on I just took over the area with the Thief in and I managed to beat the chapter with all the chests san the Master Seal one. As well as a Sorcerer MU with Rally Spectrum, Lon'qu with Swordfaire, Chrom with Aether, Lissa with Tomefaire, and Libra with Rally Magic. For chapter 18, since I don't have Gerome and thus messes with my stratagem I had, should I just re-reclass my Olivia into a Dancer and just 1 turn Chapter 18? Anybody else I should reclass?

Also, another tip, I know the reinforcements ends sooner but I know for a fact by turn 20 no more reinforcements appear so you don't need to be as cautious as me after Pheros is the only one living.

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It's official: Counter is an even bigger pain in the butt than Aurora was.

Imagine if counter could return the damage at any range like Ashera's aurora could. Just thinking of that makes me happy that it's not that awful. xP

Lunatic+ sounds really sloppily done. From what I've heard, it's identical to lunatic in terms of raw stats, but all enemies have two broken skills arbitrarily slapped on them. It's kind of insulting that they'd make a mode so luck based that it's possible to lose every battle (when the player is not at fault) before it even starts.

Please say it ain't so! I hope they at least put in a modicum of effort to make the mode harder instead of just doing that.

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It's official: Counter is an even bigger pain in the butt than Aurora was.

you mean those auras around Ashera, that can't even initiate attacks and can easily be planned around?

yeah, that doesn't even register on the BS radar

suicide bombers with Counter, on the other hand.....

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Imagine if counter could return the damage at any range like Ashera's aurora could. Just thinking of that makes me happy that it's not that awful. xP

Lunatic+ sounds really sloppily done. From what I've heard, it's identical to lunatic in terms of raw stats, but all enemies have two broken skills arbitrarily slapped on them. It's kind of insulting that they'd make a mode so luck based that it's possible to lose every battle (when the player is not at fault) before it even starts.

Please say it ain't so! I hope they at least put in a modicum of effort to make the mode harder instead of just doing that.

Having beaten Hard on Classic and Lunatic on Classic and Casual, somehow not being tired of this game quit on chapter 2 Lunatic+ because resetting until enemies didn't have BS skill sets was not fun for me, so I started another Lunatic Classic file (which I find fun).

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Imagine if counter could return the damage at any range like Ashera's aurora could. Just thinking of that makes me happy that it's not that awful. xP


you mean those auras around Ashera, that can't even initiate attacks and can easily be planned around?

yeah, that doesn't even register on the BS radar

suicide bombers with Counter, on the other hand.....

Yeah. Also, you could use Nihil or Parity to circumvent the damage from them. No such luck with Counter.

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you know what would have been really trollish?

Halberdier class existed, and got Counter instead

only activates on skill%......but reflects all damage from any range, even Mire (lol)

as Freddy Bear would say, pick a god and pray Kappa.png

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Ironically I decided to play chapter 17 today and it was surprisingly easy after turn 8. I just used MU, Lucina, and Frederick to get the units in the middle room in the beginning as well as the third room in the beginning and Lon'qu just took care of the left room in the beginning. Later on I just took over the area with the Thief in and I managed to beat the chapter with all the chests san the Master Seal one. As well as a Sorcerer MU with Rally Spectrum, Lon'qu with Swordfaire, Chrom with Aether, Lissa with Tomefaire, and Libra with Rally Magic. For chapter 18, since I don't have Gerome and thus messes with my stratagem I had, should I just re-reclass my Olivia into a Dancer and just 1 turn Chapter 18? Anybody else I should reclass?

Yeah, I'd reclass Olivia to Dancer--not sure why you reclassed her out of it to begin with (postgame prep?).

Did you just reclass Avatar out of Grandmaster? If so, I'd be surprised if he had the Spd to double Yen'fay for the one-turn clear. If I were you, I'd just recruit Morgan (you probably won't miss Rally Strength since having Rally Love from the Bride class combined with Rally Spectrum on her should be pretty effective) and clear Chapter 18 the normal way in order to get your team some experience, as Chapters 23 and 24 are rout maps that can get annoying without either an overleveled Avatar (which you don't seem to have) or a balanced team with generally high levels (which you will probably have if you avoid completing assassination missions on turn one). The EXP from Ch 18 certainly isn't required, but it might save you some headaches in the later chapters.

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Sol is just as broken as Nosferatu I have no idea why people single out Nosferatu as broken

The barrier to entry for effective Nosferatanking is practically nonexistent; Avatar will likely have passed Lv 10 Grandmaster by the time Nosferatu is purchasable, and can use the Ch 12 Second Seal for a seamless transition. In contrast, getting Sol on Avatar requires you to either be locked into 1-range attacks until Lv 5 Hero or burn an Arms Scroll, neither of which is as painless as the steps needed to get Nosferatanking quickly. And although Sol is a really good skill in general, characters like Vaike probably aren't going to break the game with it the way Avatar can.

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I had Hero!Vaike solo Ch. 23-25 with no grinding

Like in Ch. 24 I literally only fielded him, his waifu, Avatar, and Chrom, had the second two stand on a fort in the upper left and just threw Vaike into a pile of enemies.

Ch. 25 I just fielded him and Chrom

so yeah you kind of can

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I had Hero!Vaike solo Ch. 23-25 with no grinding

Like in Ch. 24 I literally only fielded him, his waifu, Avatar, and Chrom, had the second two stand on a fort in the upper left and just threw Vaike into a pile of enemies.

Ch. 25 I just fielded him and Chrom

so yeah you kind of can

easy, make the Sol skill harder to get on Lunatic mode Kappa.png

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My suggested conditions are no skirmishes, no buying Nosferatu, and no replaying DLC. I'd call this a good benchmark for a "fair" run: anything more is rather superfluous, and anything less just kills the entire point. I completed it under these conditions and saw the mode put up quite a fight but it was completely doable and reasonable.

So in your opinion, just for clarification, it's okay to use Nosferatu so long as you don't purchase any more of them, and you're allowing use of each DLC map a single time? Sol seems quite powerful as well, though not as good as Nosferatu and more difficult to acquire (though I'm going for it anyway), is that allowed?

Really, when you start discussing which items and skills are okay to use you get into serious challenge runs like "Play through the game using only the Falchion" or something. I like that there are so many options for difficulty in the game, but I'd really like to be able to just play through things and say I finished them, too, without having to defend that I didn't do certain other things in the process.

Also, for more fun and less serious talk. I did end up classing my Avatar into a Mercenary, who has proceeded to devastate most enemies even though he had (and still has) such low strength. I'm trying to finish chapter 7 now, but I keep losing units from the wyvern reinforcements from behind on turn 5-6. I'm currently only fielding my Avatar (who's awesome), Frederick (still pretty awesome), Chrom (not at all awesome, but I can't really choose to leave him behind), their associated pair up units, and Lissa. While I'm free to launch my avatar directly into the masses of enemies and watch as everything either misses or deals no damage anyway, if Chrom gets hit twice in a row he's going to die. He's only level 8 right now, but I'd like to get him a bit higher since I can't sit him on the bench and forget about his too easily.

Edit: Really, on that topic, is it necessary I raise Chrom? Or do you think I could get by without him, just using him as a support character?

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So in your opinion, just for clarification, it's okay to use Nosferatu so long as you don't purchase any more of them, and you're allowing use of each DLC map a single time? Sol seems quite powerful as well, though not as good as Nosferatu and more difficult to acquire (though I'm going for it anyway), is that allowed?


What I consider an important part of my policy is that it takes place entirely between chapters: it affects which maps you choose to play and which items you choose to buy, but when you're on the field, you can do anything that will work.

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I'm tackling Lunatic Casual right now. Anybody not getting ferried by Frederick shall be a worthy sacrifice to my ritual. Mwahahahahah!

EDIT: Is it even possible to not have a character die in Classic in Lunatic(and Lunatic+)? The spawn locations sometimes already spells doom for some characters, i.e. Ricken and Maribelle's recruitment chapter, in which they are trapped on top of a ledge.

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Yeah, I'd reclass Olivia to Dancer--not sure why you reclassed her out of it to begin with (postgame prep?).

Did you just reclass Avatar out of Grandmaster? If so, I'd be surprised if he had the Spd to double Yen'fay for the one-turn clear. If I were you, I'd just recruit Morgan (you probably won't miss Rally Strength since having Rally Love from the Bride class combined with Rally Spectrum on her should be pretty effective) and clear Chapter 18 the normal way in order to get your team some experience, as Chapters 23 and 24 are rout maps that can get annoying without either an overleveled Avatar (which you don't seem to have) or a balanced team with generally high levels (which you will probably have if you avoid completing assassination missions on turn one). The EXP from Ch 18 certainly isn't required, but it might save you some headaches in the later chapters.

Mainly for postgame prep, yeah. Hasn't gained a level though so yeah.

And I forgot to mention but MUxCherche hasn't happened yet which is the problem since I have nobody to rally MU with. And I reclassed him during chapter 17 so yeah I'm screwed when it comes to outspeeding non-Warriors in chapter 18 without support.

As for Morgan. I realize now that my set doesn't even have space for it. Rally Spectrum, Rally Love, Rally Res., Rally Speed, and Limit Break. It's just a skill that's nice to have. If I get her should I also immediately promote her into a Wyvern Lord?

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