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Jesus, this game. It really ramped up the difficulty when it began using solely promoted enemies. Morgan is basically carrying me now, as I don't think I would have been able to clear Ch 19 if I couldn't get her to ORKO Walhart on the first turn. Ch 18 as well was basically shoving everyone into a corner together and letting Morgan and Tharja go to town to clear out the initial burst of enemies. Of course, the biggest problem with Ch 19 is how open it is. I can't one-turn 20, but I can at least battle it out in the corridors. And then the reinforcements will come...

I'm beginning to see why people find Nosferatu broken.

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Jesus, this game. It really ramped up the difficulty when it began using solely promoted enemies. Morgan is basically carrying me now, as I don't think I would have been able to clear Ch 19 if I couldn't get her to ORKO Walhart on the first turn. Ch 18 as well was basically shoving everyone into a corner together and letting Morgan and Tharja go to town to clear out the initial burst of enemies. Of course, the biggest problem with Ch 19 is how open it is. I can't one-turn 20, but I can at least battle it out in the corridors. And then the reinforcements will come...

I'm beginning to see why people find Nosferatu broken.

I'm impressed you actually managed to get Tharja trained, I've been using Henry and MU as my Sorcerer's haha. Nosferatu is great actually, but, and most likely because I haven't been using MU as much as I should, but it hasn't been as effective to me as I had hoped. I think a unit with insane speed can be more beneficial than Nosferatanking, especially with someone with high avoid like Lon'qu.

I might do another Lunatic playthrough once I'm done finishing the 6 chapters I have left of this game. I really would like to help in this subject since it seems like it's the main reason why people find this mode relatively easy.

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I don't remember having any significant difficulty training Tharja, though I did have her paired with Avatar often because I planned to marry them. The intention was to double it up and have Morgan (F) with mommy Tharja Nos-tanking, but now I've got Morgan wrecking as a Grandmaster, so meh.

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Up to Ch.9 on my run, using AvatarxChrom and FredxPanne. Game hasn't been difficult since Ch.5. Chrom struggles a little bit even with Pair Up, and by "struggles" I mean "can't murder an entire map singlehandedly". Avatar is unstoppable god-mode. Fred and Panne are both fun, since they work well together, and turned out to be a good place to stash EXP once level capping happened. I just finished letting them kill the entire desert by themselves.

I feel like I need to add another pair to train, just to makes things a little challenging until the promoted units show up. Is GregorxNowi any good? I never used either of them in the HM run, and they seem like a cute couple.

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Yeah, this game is now a Morgan solo (well, with Avatar pair up) for me. Cleared Ch 20 by way of having her lead the pack up the right side and doing a rescue chain for a ORKO on Walhart when everyone started to close in on us.

In a way I feel kind of bad since I feel like I'm cheapening the game's difficulty, but I'm only using what the game gave me.

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Woah, chapter 19 was epic. The final battle had my Avatar activating Astra unluckily with a Hammer (I forgot Walhart can move <_<). I set the battle to auto camera and slow motion and watched the show. Jumping and somersaulting everywhere, Walhart missed with his Sol and I got in 3 hits, 2 hits where pavised and 1 was missed. It felt like a real battle. The next turn I stomped him with a more appropriate weapon though. That chapter pretty much = camping on forts with Avatar and Chrom who had Sol and Aether respectively to keep them alive. Everyone else in my army dropped like goddamn flies.

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Yeah, this game is now a Morgan solo (well, with Avatar pair up) for me...

In a way I feel kind of bad since I feel like I'm cheapening the game's difficulty, but I'm only using what the game gave me.

Don't be. Every flaw in a game should be used or at least taken into account. Especially if it is as easy to exploit as it is now.

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In a way I feel kind of bad since I feel like I'm cheapening the game's difficulty, but I'm only using what the game gave me.

I started this run with the intention of not being cheap. However, during Chapter 1 of Frederick Emblem, the game throws a Hammer-user in the mix. I consider this to be a formal declaration of war. The crush of enemies in Ch.2 that descend upon you without any time to set up, only reinforced my resolve.

Eff this mode. If Lunatic pulls a forged silver, you pull a Nosferatu. If it sends one of your units to the healer, you send ten of its to the morgue. Etc. That's the Fire Emblem way.

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Just beat the game in Lunatic+.

Prologue get Freddy levels, in STR DEF SPEED

Prey hammer assface doesn't have 100% hit in chapter 1.

Chapter 2 was probably the hardest of all but with Robin Support pair up(or vaike) on FRED with prefect speed level ups. It became doable with a tad bit of luck.(avoiding luna+ steel axers)

Chapter 3 is easy to be honest. I actually beat it with even with 100% hammer dude. But the first turn is key i believe. Chrom recruit into pairup into switch into transfer kellem to Fred solo map.

From there the game got soloed by DLCS. Take your pick, nearly anyone can do it.

I used sol/armsthrift/ignis/galeforce/filler FeMu.

Now I'm working on a run that does not require DLCs. I will use wireless though.. since you can't really grind, get unlimited gold, or items.

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Maaaaaaaaaan I wish Ch 23 was a boss kill because I could totally cream Validar both times in one turn and clear it like that (and I already tried to be sure I could). But no, I need to route an open field.

Also, I went and recruited Morgan's sister, Noire, prior to Ch 22, gave her a few kills in her Paralogue, promoted her, and now she is already at the combat level of some of my other units that I've been using all game. That was a damn good level 10 unpromoted unit. Now if only I had an Arms Scroll...

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Maaaaaaaaaan I wish Ch 23 was a boss kill because I could totally cream Validar both times in one turn and clear it like that (and I already tried to be sure I could). But no, I need to route an open field.

Also, I went and recruited Morgan's sister, Noire, prior to Ch 22, gave her a few kills in her Paralogue, promoted her, and now she is already at the combat level of some of my other units that I've been using all game. That was a damn good level 10 unpromoted unit. Now if only I had an Arms Scroll...

I have 3 Arm Scrolls and I'm only on chapter 20. How did you miss it? There should be one in Anna's map but I'm assuming you got that already.

Also, out of curiosity, you're not using this for your postgame file right? It makes no sense to not let Noire inherit Counter or something that'd make her great once you beat the game.

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Counter's not that great on player units anyway.

I beg to differ, but I will agree that it's only broken on the enemy players but it's still a good skill for Sorcerer's.

I'm using a Sorcerer Owain (Henry's his dad but it might change to Libra) though so I can just get it whenever I want. I still need to decide on the set I'm using for Gerome lol. Speaking of Sorcerers, is that how you beat the majority of the game? Just use 3 Sorcerers and destroy the game?

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Finally gotten back to this after midterms. Play like four hours and manage to somehow beat Paralogue 1 and chapter 5. Paralogue 1 was just corning an archer to get Donny his level and letting the killer lance go. Other than the wyvern rush, Chapter 5 really wasn't that bad at all. Avatar is tanking like a boss with Freddy-pair up, but he's nearly capped level(meanwhile everyone else is around 6-7). Thinking I need to give him a second seal soon. Not sure what to change too though. Thinking either Mercenary for Armsthrift(money's kinda tight right now), Barbarian for Despoil, or Dark Mage for tanking + magic. Any suggestions?

Edited by Darth_Lavos
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Counter seems like it would be counterproductive (no pun intended) on a Nosferatank. For Nosferatanking to work, you've got to be dealing lots of damage specifically with Nosferatu. Having Counter means that enemies whom you would ORKO with Nosferatu (and use to heal enemy_max_HP/2) would still get ORKOed, but at the cost of your Nosferatank only healing enemy_max_HP/2 - Counter_dmg. Against enemies with low offense, this isn't a problem, but against things like, for example, Berserkers with 74 HP who deal 34 damage to your Nosferatank, having Counter means that on you'll only heal (74-34)/2 = 20 HP compared to 74/2 = 37 HP without Nosferatu. The sorts of situations in which Nosferatanks find themselves mean that they can potentially get worn down much more easily with Counter equipped, though I guess these sorts of situations would not occur until late in the game when enemies have high Atk and Hit.

Edited by Redwall
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I beg to differ, but I will agree that it's only broken on the enemy players but it's still a good skill for Sorcerer's.

I'm using a Sorcerer Owain (Henry's his dad but it might change to Libra) though so I can just get it whenever I want. I still need to decide on the set I'm using for Gerome lol. Speaking of Sorcerers, is that how you beat the majority of the game? Just use 3 Sorcerers and destroy the game?

Only one Sorcerer on my team (Tharja). Morgan, previously a Grandmaster and now a Dark Knight after learning Rally Spectrum, is the one that handles most of the pushing (she has Vengeance + Vantage and monster stats). If I need an extra wall, it is usually Tharja Nos-tanking.

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Well, i made it to Ch. 8 & Paralogue 3. Ch. 7 isn't that bad if you kill most of the enemies before the Wyvern reinforcements come from behind.

Also, since one described that the skirmish had maxed out enemies starting Ch. 4, does that mean actual max stats or is it just not doable? When i go to skirmishes, The enemies don't have capped stats but they have extremely high stats and forged weapons (Not possible for me to do, of course).

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Lol, counter is like double team or OHKO moves in the battle tower in Pokemon. Terrible for you, throw your DS out your window worthy for any AI player.

That's the perfect analogy right there.

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can we get special "good for you" awards for beating Lunatic without using Nosferatu?

EDIT: and another one for Luna+

you get an internet cookie

speaking of Counter, great for trolling in streetpass teams (also lol forged braves)

yo shadow, how much grinding was that Kappa.png

now do it on the american version, without paragon (you only have ~18 hours cool.gif)

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