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Cheers, I'll see if that works when I go on it next. Gonna be somewhat difficult to rescue Libra since Lissa was kinda gimped for magic. Do you know if magic tonics are purchasable this early in the game?

Yes. The shop at Chapter 9 sells them.

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As far as I'm aware, the stats of all the enemies are exactly the same as lunatic, the only difference being they get 2 random lunatic+ skills which is why many maps have to be constantly resetted in order to have a load of non-broken enemies. The stats of the enemies in the last few chapters might be increased but I'm not sure

Stats are identical between both Lunatic modes in all cases. In addition to the two random Lunatic+ skills, there are also a few boss replacements (Walhart always has Aegis+ and Pavise+ along with Conquerer, for example).

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As a matter of interest, how big of a difficulty spike is it going from Lunatic to Lunatic+? I'm in the midst of my first Lunatic run, and after the first few chapters, and two good Risen spawns, it seems to have eased up considerably.

The earlygame goes from tough but manageable to roll RNG to determine if the map is completely impossible, nearly impossible, or plausible but insane. I don't even know how it gets after that, but I suspect it eases up a little.

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The earlygame goes from tough but manageable to roll RNG to determine if the map is completely impossible, nearly impossible, or plausible but insane. I don't even know how it gets after that, but I suspect it eases up a little.

It eases up a lot because the more options the player gets with which to deal with Counter-spam (or Hawkeye-Luna+ if you're using Interceptor's method), the more it becomes like a vanilla Lunatic run.

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Here's a slightly theoretical question: If the Luna+ skills included the five breakers (bringing the number of Luna+ skills up from 7 to 12) from chapter 3 onwards, would that make things easier or harder? What if the breakers were like Hawkeye (perfect hit/avoid against weapon type X)? And would it make things more or less interesting?

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Easier, IMO. It would screw up solos, but if you're trying to solo L+ then you're doing it wrong. I mean, it means there's a lower chance of Counter and a lower chance of Luna+, and those are the main problem skills for me.

Generals with Hawkeye-style Tomebreaker would be interesting, though.

Edited by Euklyd
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It eases up a lot because the more options the player gets with which to deal with Counter-spam (or Hawkeye-Luna+ if you're using Interceptor's method), the more it becomes like a vanilla Lunatic run.

Truth. Once you establish your chosen strategy, it becomes just a matter of execution.

Here's a slightly theoretical question: If the Luna+ skills included the five breakers (bringing the number of Luna+ skills up from 7 to 12) from chapter 3 onwards, would that make things easier or harder? What if the breakers were like Hawkeye (perfect hit/avoid against weapon type X)? And would it make things more or less interesting?

It would make things easier. Working around breakers isn't all that different than the Pavise/Aegis skills; harder to brute-force the counter, but easier to evade it completely (switch weapons or just ignore it). You'd also be reducing the appearance of the other Lunatic+ skills, which would dilute the impact of stuff like Pass and Counter on your strategies.

EDIT: and since I forgot to answer your second question, I think it would make things more interesting. Although I'd group the Lunatic+ skills and impose some limits, to cut down on stuff like Hawkeye + breaker or double-breaker.

Edited by Interceptor
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Lunatic+ Chapter 2 - 3

Do you usually need to use a Vulnerary at those chapters?

Not so much in Ch2 (usually you need to use an Elixir if you are healing at all, although Vulns can sometimes be handy), but in Ch3 I tend to use a lot of them if I am training people.

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Ok, I'm back to the Lunatic Club. Just started a new Lunatic run to train for my Lunatic+ run. For the first time I made a male avatar, but I kinda don't like him... maybe i'll go back and create a female unit, I always like to marry chrom. Since all skirmishes in lunatic are level capped, I wont be doing them, sad, really =( I won't be using 2nd gen this one (Besides Lucina with Inigo o Orwain maybe, even morgan will be left aside) I kinda don't feel right using 2nd gen and I will do the same on my lunatic+ file, won't be using 2nd gen.

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Ok, I'm back to the Lunatic Club. Just started a new Lunatic run to train for my Lunatic+ run. For the first time I made a male avatar, but I kinda don't like him... maybe i'll go back and create a female unit, I always like to marry chrom. Since all skirmishes in lunatic are level capped, I wont be doing them, sad, really =( I won't be using 2nd gen this one (Besides Lucina with Inigo o Orwain maybe, even morgan will be left aside) I kinda don't feel right using 2nd gen and I will do the same on my lunatic+ file, won't be using 2nd gen.

Okay, no offense here, but if you're grinding, why the hell would you not use second gen? I hope I didn't come off too hard there. Anyway, the second gen grinded laughs in the lategame's face (VV Laurent especially). (This is for lunatic+) Not using the children will just present you an unnecessary challenge that can be easily gotten around by using them.

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Okay, no offense here, but if you're grinding, why the hell would you not use second gen? I hope I didn't come off too hard there. Anyway, the second gen grinded laughs in the lategame's face (VV Laurent especially). (This is for lunatic+) Not using the children will just present you an unnecessary challenge that can be easily gotten around by using them.

It's because I think that 1st gen should save the world, not 2nd xD

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Well this place has been dead for a couple of days, lets change that

I managed to beat chapter 9 (thanks to the people who posted suggestions) and I am now on chapter 12. I find this chapter hard on hard, and on lunatic...

Chrom and Lon'qu are promoted, level 4 and 1 respectively and everyone else is level 15 (Avatar is a level 10 dark mage and Gregor supports Nowi). Any suggestions/recommendations?

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What you need in that chapter is two good tanks, and a good horse slayer (Chrom could do it, someone with a beastkiller, etc. just someone that can kill a lot.)

Place the two tanks on the two spaces of choke right in the beginning, but make sure that they can survive the paladin. Also kill the knights that are already in the choke, if you don't have a beastkiller you can get one from that knight.

The rest will be behind them, the healers healing, and the attackers killing the left unit group. After that it's just waiting for the groups to move, then killing them. Sorry I couldn't write it more clearly, im in a hurry.

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It's alright, it makes sense and it's sound advice. The only problem that I have is that I have no bulky units that can wield a beast killer besides Frederick, and he himself gets OHKO by a beast killer (S support with Sumia, which gives him some much needed speed). I have I think 3 master seals (possibly 2) in the convoy so I could promote some units early, but I like getting as much experience as possible

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I have I think 3 master seals (possibly 2) in the convoy so I could promote some units early, but I like getting as much experience as possible

Generally, you want to avoid promoting too early in Lunatic unless you plan to drop that unit soon after (or it was already reclassed via a second seal beforehand and so has good enough stats to afford it). The lower Exp gain with overall lower stats is a huge drawback in Lunatic and shouldn't be underestimated.

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Generally, you want to avoid promoting too early in Lunatic unless you plan to drop that unit soon after (or it was already reclassed via a second seal beforehand and so has good enough stats to afford it). The lower Exp gain with overall lower stats is a huge drawback in Lunatic and shouldn't be underestimated.

Yeah that's what I was worrying about. Not a problem now though since I completed the chapter earlier. Chrom and Lon'qu dodging for days even though it took me 20 turns...

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Generally, you want to avoid promoting too early in Lunatic unless you plan to drop that unit soon after (or it was already reclassed via a second seal beforehand and so has good enough stats to afford it). The lower Exp gain with overall lower stats is a huge drawback in Lunatic and shouldn't be underestimated.

What would you say are good levels to promote someone? For examlpe: Is lv 17 too early or still ok?

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The moment to promote in Lunatic is in chapter 13. Before it starts. But you should have at least two promoted units at chapter 12.

Level 17 is still okay, if you are someone like Sully,Vaike,etc. Who start at a low level.

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Ahh thanks all for the input :)

I already did promote Lissa relatively (15-17 or so) early in my other files (noraml and hard) and it really was an asset that she could attack on her own + i make her Sage so she can get tomfaire :D for the +5 mag.

But why is it not advisable to promote before ch. 13?

And i promoted my Avatar at lv 17 but veteran makes up for this? (i hope so)

And it is advised to pass down Veteran to Lucina, isn't it?

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