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Fall back to the mountains to either the west or east. The fliers can still get to you, but none of the Mire guys can reach, and the ground-based enemies are slowed down significantly in getting to you. That may release enough pressure for you to clear it; just hold out until the reinforcements stop coming (iirc it's around Turn 13 or so).

So I must retreat my unit into the mountain? I have Miriel!Valkyrie which mean she cannot reach it. Also the one Fliers reinforcement have Rexcalibur equipped which would let me at RNG Goddess mercy during that turn.

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So I must retreat my unit into the mountain? I have Miriel!Valkyrie which mean she cannot reach it. Also the one Fliers reinforcement have Rexcalibur equipped which would let me at RNG Goddess mercy during that turn.

Actually, Valkyries can walk on mountains, IIRC.

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So I must retreat my unit into the mountain? I have Miriel!Valkyrie which mean she cannot reach it. Also the one Fliers reinforcement have Rexcalibur equipped which would let me at RNG Goddess mercy during that turn.

It's a solid strategy. That's how I cleared Ch25 with only Morgan and Avatar on my first Lunatic+ run. I just had them equip bows and hide on the Mountains, picking people off as they got close.

You can switch back to a land unit once your fliers and/or staffers get the people there. If you can't get a Valkyrie on a Mountain (I don't remember), either hide Miriel on a flier until things cool down or don't deploy her in the first place.

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It's a solid strategy. That's how I cleared Ch25 with only Morgan and Avatar on my first Lunatic+ run. I just had them equip bows and hide on the Mountains, picking people off as they got close.

You can switch back to a land unit once your fliers and/or staffers get the people there. If you can't get a Valkyrie on a Mountain (I don't remember), either hide Miriel on a flier until things cool down or don't deploy her in the first place.

The problem is that Miriel is usuall act as staffbot. If I can't use any staff then perhaps buying elixirs should suffice? And I got one second seal left. I might used it to reclass my avatar to Sniper just for this one.

The class that usually dubbed as useless proved to be versatile in Lunatic and Lunatic+ huh?

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The problem is that Miriel is usuall act as staffbot. If I can't use any staff then perhaps buying elixirs should suffice? And I got one second seal left. I might used it to reclass my avatar to Sniper just for this one.

Well, try it first. Can you confirm whether or not she can move on Mountains? If not, yes I'd use Elixirs. They are dirt cheap for what they can do. Also, if you're going to reclass anyone, why not Miriel? As a Sage she'd have roughly the same utility, but can definitely sit on a Mountain.

I wouldn't recommend starting bows at this late juncture, because you won't have the rank to use Brave Bows in Endgame.

The class that usually dubbed as useless proved to be versatile in Lunatic and Lunatic+ huh?

Lunatic+ mostly; vanilla Lunatic is just Hard with more difficult enemies. Lunatic+ rewards using out-of-the-ordinary strategies.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I am on my first play on Awakening Lunatic/Classic, without DLC, in chapter 13, my avatar is Female Asset Luck and Flaw HP, the first stages was pure pain, and I was avoiding using Frederick.

Very brave of you using a HP flaw on your first lunatic playthrough. Are you stuck on the chapter or just simply telling us how your playthrough is going? The club's all about helping people after al

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as I am currently playing through luna+ for my first time, Ch 1-3 really aren't that difficult because you're still more or less using the same strats as before

the problem is shit like ch 12 where you've got to think out of the box

That and chapter 18-20 are huge brick walls.

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That and chapter 18-20 are huge brick walls.

it's frustrating because my guys are way better than the enemies in 12 (as opposed to most of earlygame where all my guys suck dicks) but simply because there's about 50 guys with counter charging your position from turn 1 it's difficult to even get a toehold in the map

Edited by General Banzai
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it's frustrating because my guys are way better than the enemies in 12 (as opposed to most of earlygame where all my guys suck dicks) but simply because there's about 50 guys with counter charging your position from turn 1 it's difficult to even get a toehold in the map

If you're way better than them, have someone with a ton of Avoid unequip their weapon and run off into the middle of them. As long as the enemy has move-attack range on them (even if they have nowhere to attack from) without having move-attack range on your other units, they'll just ball up around him/her like a bunch of idiots. Then have your tank apply vulneraries as needed while the rest of the squad peels enemies off a few at a time.

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If you're way better than them, have someone with a ton of Avoid unequip their weapon and run off into the middle of them. As long as the enemy has move-attack range on them (even if they have nowhere to attack from) without having move-attack range on your other units, they'll just ball up around him/her like a bunch of idiots. Then have your tank apply vulneraries as needed while the rest of the squad peels enemies off a few at a time.

Would it be better to go a dodgetank or tank tank

Because hawkeye dicks over the first and luna dicks over the second

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Dodge is better if you can get it low enough, but all face-tanking methods fail by the time the promotes roll around. DEF can't keep up, and neither can Avoid.

If you can squeeze your guys into that small corridor slightly northwest of where you start, you can limit your facings and better control the damage you're exposed to.

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Since I'm too lazy to read through 93 pages...

Chapter 25 suggestions? I only have one stave user so I don't think I can kill Aversa in one turn. I could theoretically try to turtle on one of the mountains in the lower half of the map but I've noticed my team isn't very magic resilient, which may prove problematic against the dark fliers

I have a capped Nowi with S support Gregor if that makes the mountain strategy any easier. I tried sending Nowi one way and the others the other way but by the time I can safely split the group in half the second batch of reinforcements come, which pick off my stave user and/or Olivia

Edited by DodgeDusk
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I started Lunatic yesterday and I got up to Chapter 5. It's more fun that Hard Mode for the most part and the nice thing is that this time I can't just cheese the early game maps with Avatar/Chrom and Fredrick/Sumia. My general thoughts so far:

-+HP Avatar is ridiculous, gets bulky quick even without exceptional defense.

-Fredrick is ridiculously clutch early on, he's like a mix of General!Arran and FE6 Marcus.

-It's really hard to get exp to people who aren't the Avatar or Fredrick.

-Sully and Stahl blow dick, they're definitely no Luke and Rody

-Lon'qu is amazing early on, he'll probably get even better if he changes to Wyvern Rider, especially in Valm

-Out of the units you get from Chapters 1-4, the best non Chrom/Avatar units to train seem to be Vaike and Sumia. Sumia can get to doubling status very quickly and her durability issues can be patched up somewhat with tonics and the right pair up. Vaike just hits hard, is one of your bulkier teammates, and has nice pair up options in Chrom and Lon'qu, plus Barbarian tree.

-This seems to be easier than FE12 Lunatic so far. I was even able to toy with Chapter 1's boss to maximize Avatar's exp gain. Except for Chapter 2, that map can eat a dick.

So far, I'm mostly focusing on my core team of Chrom, Avatar, Sumia, Lon'qu, and Vaike and I'm attempting to wean them off of Fredrick. I'm not too happy with their exp levels though. Fredrick is level 7-8, with Avatar at level 16. Lon'qu and Lissa are the next highest level members, at level 8. Sumia is level 7 and Chrom and Vaike are both level 5. I'll do Paralogue 2 before chapter 6 to get their levels up a bit.

Units I plan on incorporating to my team are Panne, Cordelia, Nowi, Gregor, and maybe Cherche. Panne and Gregor are definitely reclassing, to Wyvern Rider and Myrmidon respectively (Myrm!Gregor is really good, needs more respect). Libra and Anna will be staffbots. Not sure if I'll bother with any non-Morgan child late in the game, Hard mode is unfriendly enough to them.

Anything I should know?

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Lucina, Kjelle, Cynthia, Laurent, and Owain are easily implemented.

> Owain.

How does that work?

Kjelle and Laurent won't be recruited by him at all..

Also @Jack Frost, good luck with a team that big...you might be better off with a few of those being pair bots.

Edited by JSND Has A Dragon Boner
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Children aren't that hard to make useful in Lunatic if they have good parents. Veteran is a huge benefit, but even passing down good bases helps a lot, because it usually means you can cap most important tier 1 stats after one reclass (this is what I ended up doing with Gregor!Laurent in my Lunatic+ run).

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