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I had henry basically nosfertanking the entire stage like a BOSS. Im fairly sure morgan or MU would have died had he not distracted EVERY SINGLE ENEMY.


I was thinking of doing a 1 turn, but after I saw Grimas stats... yeah, no.

And I'll most likely be doing classic. I tend to get really careless on casual, and death is more of an annoyance more than anything else on that mode.

I may regret this decision, but I'll be running classic.

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I did this rescuestaff shenanigans and a bunch of pairup-drop setups

Basically had Sully punch a hole in Grima's guards and my MU can survive one Ignis which is good enough

Lucina's got 48 str (+6 str mod Paladin) so I guess she hits harder than the usual Lucina? Chrom's usually hopeless he never gets strength on my runs. GK or General would've had better damage for Lucina, but doesn't give a speed bonus to MU to quad Grima. I still have the save, though. Could try if General!Lucina works with Swordmaster!MU. Maybe.

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Nahxgerome #1 one turn grima pair. Also seeing grima hit 0s is cool.

Also finally got all of my main units besides owain, (whos strictly morgan support, I wish I went with ds+ as moms inherit, but galeforce for move is nice) and cynthia/Laurent who are benched stat capped.

Do stat caps even matter for streetpass?

Anyway, future pasts, anna stuff, apo, and then its time to try l+ again.

Tank wyvern lord kjelle with yarne zerker and gerome backed by manakete nah have plesantly surprised me. Double faire hero sever just wrecks everything. Inigo is basically just there to back severa and provide streetpass trolling with lethality, RK and missletain.

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So, prologue on lunatic+ is fun.

First time before any resets and I already see 3 enemies with luna+ and hawkeye, while like 2 or 3 more have luna+.

What have I gotten myself into?

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I'm having a slight issue because I am bad at SRPGs.

I cant seem to get a reliable strategy going for the beginning of this level. Right now I do this:

1) Have freddy go and kill the myrm in the middle of the two barbarions. As long as it doesnt have vantage/luna+ (or fred misses) he takes no damage and can safely weaken the two barbs even if they both have luna+.

2) I have Chrom equip the rapier and stand next to MU in range of the myrm on the right (I'll call him bob), and then have lissa pair up with MU.

This is where the trouble starts. If on the enemy phase the enemies line up properly chrom wont be in range of the barbarion on the right (george). MU can kill the one on the left, and fred can team up with chrom so he can kill bob and he'll be safe on the next EP. Problem is... this has happened for me like 1/10 times. George just refuses to cooperate and always ends up in range of chrom who promptly dies.

I havent even gotten to the water trick once yet because of this. It doesnt help that the prologue is frustrating to restart because you need to skip 5000 pieces of dialogue. The beginning is the hardest part for me as the rest is just chilling on water tiles and not getting crit by the mage, but I cant even get far enough to be criticalled into oblivion.

Maybe I just need to get better at winging it when george doesnt cooperate. I'll give it a few more tries.

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Oh trust me, I mash start like crazy. Still quite annoying. Thankfully attempts are short because animations are off and the game is set to fast. I'm okay with a lot of restarting early on as opposed to biting the dust really late in, and for the prologue-chapter 3 the early parts are the most important.

I'm using +def -skill (I was using -luck but crits arent fun).

Hmmm I think I have an idea actually, let me try healing chrom with lissa and then pairing her up with MU on turn 2. This would give chrom a little more hp to work with and I wouldnt have to screw with anything to make it work.

EDIT: Oops, obvious flaw in plan is obvious. I apparently forgot how healing works. :facepalm:

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Chrom	02.47	21	7	1	8	9	6	7	1	
Avatar	04.50	21	8	6	6	10	6	9	4	Male +Skill -Res
Lissa	04.74	18	2	6	5	6	11	4	6	
Fred	02.68	29	14	2	13	11	6	15	3	(Kris's Confect 4/5)
Sully	02.00	20	7	1	8	8	6	7	2	
Virion	02.10	19	6	0	9+2	5	7	6	1	
Welcome to my team, entering Chapter 2. Approximately 37 resets in and can't handle the first wave? (Asset/Flaw logic was my son picked for me)

Approximately how fucked over am I in this?

Requesting assistance in this scenario again. Any advice for Ch2, that includes keeping the chump squad alive?

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Unfortunately I've forgotten the exact starting positions in Cht.2, but your general strat for saving the chumps should be to make sure the Barbarian on the mountain doesn't have both Vantage+ and Hawkeye. Put Vaike behind Chrom and have him stand on the upper forest with the Rapier equipped, move Stahl two squares away from Frederick, have Virion run to Fred, give him the Elixir, and then hide behind Stahl, and put Lissa behind Sully and have them run somewhere out of range and left of Chrom (then split them up). Have Avatar run behind Fred, and then move them to the upper right of the Myrm in the forest and manipulate a DS to kill him with Thunder. EP, you'll have to survive (tricky with those defenses, try for no Hawkeye), and the Barbarian on the mountain will go after Chrom. He'll have a ~50% hitrate if Chrom is Lv.1. The Soldier should head for Avatar, meaning the Barb is your only immediate worry. Turn 2, soften the Barb with Virion and then kill it with Chrom. Move Miriel out of range of the Merc, and lure a Soldier from the top with Sully (unpaired) to take some heat off Avatar x Fred, who should move to a Fort, equip the Bronze Sword, and heal with the Elixir. Turn 3, the Soldier should have taken some damage from Sully. If the Merc from the RHS came to play as well, retreat Sully so that she's on the edge of the Soldier's range and out of the Merc's range, heal her with Lissa, and transfer Vaike to her if possible. Next turn, kill the Soldier with Vaike, have Miriel x Lissa and Virion shoot the Merc, and kill him with Chrom x Stahl (grab him from behind Virion before attacking).

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Took me like 20 attempts (not counting resets) to get past the first 2-3 turns of the prologue on luna+. Every attempt was super short though.

The first time I got past the first wave... beat it. Got some nice level ups for MU too. Took me 72 turns because the AI was being weird. Doesnt matter, I beat it.

Time to get to the chapters that are actually difficult. Chapter 1 shouldnt be too bad though. Here's hoping.

UPDATE: Yeah, was cake. Took like... 2 tries? Got some awesome levels too. I'm now at chapter 2. OH BOY.

mu current stats: Lv.9.98 26hp 12str 9mag 9skl 10spd 8luk 12def 8res (+def -skl)

Should be enough to survive.

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Ok I posted that help repost, then beat the chaptwr with Fred!Avatar!Bronze Sword taking out a few enemies at the start, and luring one soldier over the top off the mountains. Fort healings, and then Chrom drew over a chump to aggro him on the river. That drew attention his way, letting F!A!lance take out a merc, and play chicken with the rest until he got back down to the mountains.

biggest PITA was reseting/losing to combos of Hawkeye+Luna nonmercs.

Beat ch3 (raimi 2 ez) in three tries. Now I got fricken renown and I think I wont shame myself with some dlc aboose

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how does the bookmark/backup save work?

So its basically casual save states but on classic?

To explain how to do this:

[if you have a Physical Copy, you need a Save Dongle. I'll explain for Digital Copies of the game, but with the Save Dongle the process is fundamentally the same [with more tedium].]

Step 1:

Get whatever it is that you want to save. Basically, you want to be at the point in the game where on Casual Mode, you'd be using a Battle Save.

Step 2:

Hit the Menu and then "bookmark".

Step 3:

Press the Home Button.

Step 4:

Go to System Settings -> Data Management -> 3DS -> Save Data Back Up. -> Create

This creates the save.

Returning to the game will tell you your Bookmark has been deleted, but the Back Up remains. If you need to reload, Hit the Home button and...

Go to System Settings -> Data Management -> 3DS -> Save Data Back Up. -> Restore.

You can then load that Bookmark again.

Yes, this is tedious. But, for all intents and purposes, Classic has Battle Saves.

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To explain how to do this:

[if you have a Physical Copy, you need a Save Dongle. I'll explain for Digital Copies of the game, but with the Save Dongle the process is fundamentally the same [with more tedium].]

Step 1:

Get whatever it is that you want to save. Basically, you want to be at the point in the game where on Casual Mode, you'd be using a Battle Save.

Step 2:

Hit the Menu and then "bookmark".

Step 3:

Press the Home Button.

Step 4:

Go to System Settings -> Data Management -> 3DS -> Save Data Back Up. -> Create

This creates the save.

Returning to the game will tell you your Bookmark has been deleted, but the Back Up remains. If you need to reload, Hit the Home button and...

Go to System Settings -> Data Management -> 3DS -> Save Data Back Up. -> Restore.

You can then load that Bookmark again.

Yes, this is tedious. But, for all intents and purposes, Classic has Battle Saves.

Okay. Yeah mine is digital. I was under the impression it needed a computer involved.

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Okay. Yeah mine is digital. I was under the impression it needed a computer involved.

Only needs a computer for physical copies with the Save Dongle [which is why Save Dongle back up is more tedious than the Digital copy version.].

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I mainly recommend Kellam so he can be a GK, which give +Mov which is helpful when your team includes lots of 6 mov units. He's actually not that hard to train because he starts with a Javelin and on vanilla Lunatic it's extremely easy to make a choke on the stairs in Cht.3 and feed him every enemy except those on the LHS by firing over Avatar x Fred's head. He also starts at Lv.5, so assuming you don't care about his stats in the long run and only want him to be a better Fred he only needs 5 levels to get there, something he can easily get on Cht.3 alone.

Actually, there are so many enemies in Lunatic that exp comes really fast until you start racking up ILs. Cordelia starts at Lv.8 iirc, so she only needs 17 (she wants all 27 though) before she can pass down Galeforce. She can start getting that exp while paired behind someone on the mountains in Cht.7, and get a lot more in Cht.8 by dueling Mages with a Sumia pairup. She can even take an Arcwind at base level with no pairup if necessary. There are plenty of Mages and Swordguys in Cht.11, and she can practically solo Cht.12 with a Beastkiller and a good pairup (I was able to get a Lv.12 Sumia 19 levels on Cht.12 alone).

Nowi's bases factoring in the Dragonstone+ are actually really good outside of Spd. Gregor can be raised as much as you want for more Nah stats as well.

Brady can get DS+ and Owain can get Renewal, which could be helpful. Fortunately staff exp is absurdly easy to get on Lunatic with a little patience.

Hmm, Kellam early promoted is barely better than Frederick at all statwise, is probably not worth the first or second Master Seal (C8-C10), and he requires turtling to train and has way worse weapon rank. Plus, you could use that exp to train Chrom or Stahl/Sully instead, who can actually fight well in the Plegia/early Valm/early Children paralogue arc with a little investment. Later on, the latter two can potentially give Paladin Pair Up which is 4 Skill/Spd vs. 1 move (they could also be GK too). Chrom helps Lucina’s bases and probably another child’s too. Of course Kellam is trainable, but circumstances seem to make him a worse option for investment than others.

I agree there’s lots of exp in Lunatic, but if you’re using a balanced team, I don’t remember the exp curve to be as lenient as you’re claiming. My Avatar (promoted with the first Master Seal in C8, has Veteran) barely reached 20/15 in time for the children’s arrival. I remember specifically barely getting Rally Spectrum in time for Morgan/Sevara. I remember thinking it was not really feasible to pass other --/15 skills to the children. I tend to rout every map as convenient in casual play as well, so I wasn't rushing the content. ofc, it's another playstyle thing I guess; It certainly seems possible to pass Galeforce in no-grind if you're dedicated about it.

Nowi has like ~30 Str/Def with the Dragonstone+ boosts at max level? And as you noted, just 18 Spd. Not that impressive imo. When the promoted units show up en masse (C17-ish), she’ll have issues. Plus, just compare base Tiki (with still 10 levels to grow) to her. >_>. Tiki herself has problems later on too; she’s mainly a filler. Nah is probably comparable to Tiki though she can get some nice skill inheritance.

True enough. I don’t bother staff grinding myself, but it’s pretty easy (just beware money I guess). Brady/Owain are probably still flimsy in their respective classes though, compared to some other children.

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Hmm, Kellam early promoted is barely better than Frederick at all statwise, is probably not worth the first or second Master Seal (C8-C10), and he requires turtling to train and has way worse weapon rank. Plus, you could use that exp to train Chrom or Stahl/Sully instead, who can actually fight well in the Plegia/early Valm/early Children paralogue arc with a little investment. Later on, the latter two can potentially give Paladin Pair Up which is 4 Skill/Spd vs. 1 move (they could also be GK too). Chrom helps Lucina’s bases and probably another child’s too. Of course Kellam is trainable, but circumstances seem to make him a worse option for investment than others.

Nowi has like ~30 Str/Def with the Dragonstone+ boosts at max level? And as you noted, just 18 Spd. Not that impressive imo. When the promoted units show up en masse (C17-ish), she’ll have issues. Plus, just compare base Tiki (with still 10 levels to grow) to her. >_>. Tiki herself has problems later on too; she’s mainly a filler. Nah is probably comparable to Tiki though she can get some nice skill inheritance.

I forget how early will you end up promoting and second sealing anyway? Master Seal x4 from Ch.8/10/11/12 before you can start buying them. Second Seals x 3 for Ch. 8/12 + Renown. I forget if Premonition counts towards renown. So, Second Seal upon from that upon completing chapter 8. I expect second sealing early since more experience to get out of first tier sooner. I could see sinking in a master Seal into him for stats depending upon your character load. But, yeah.... Chrom/Stahl/Sully easier to train and get Great Knight as well. Although, I would almost see just using them long term anyway.

I am confused what you mean by Nowi. Is that only for first promotion? I thought there was an argument for her before that she is completely usable in L runs. She just needed a dedicated speed pair-up. I forget how often a speedwing or single-use speed item was needed though. I recall it was sort of borderline. Otherwise, constant second sealing keeps the exp flowing for her to get. Dragonstone usage is a bit limited early on until you can buy, but you eventually you can buy them by the time the first two should be used up and the game still gives you a ton of money anyway.

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We were speaking of a no Second Seal challenge. In regular Lunatic play I agree with your points. Nowi in particular is one way to trivialize once trained, given how fast she levels and how high her stats get. She likes Gregor as a Pair Up (everyone likes +Spd/Def, but her especially).

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