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Started my first Lunatic run recently. Things are going okay so far but Ch. 3 isn't looking to good. Then I thought I'd try the first Paralogue and that's not looking to fun either. Curse these Barbarians and their high strength.

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Use swords to dodge the Barbarians, their upgraded weaponry means their hit is on par with or sometimes lower than their Normal counterparts. Mercenary Avatar with Patience and a C Chrom support is particularly good at dodging them.

Anyway... I finally dragged a -Def Avatar's sorry carcass all the way to the Lunatic+ Classic Outrealm Gate with no fatalities (Streetpass purposes). It was ugly, but I somehow did it in less time than it took me to grind to 99,999 Renown. Even with resetting for stats on the prologue, I still got Def screwed (by which I mean less than average after taking my flaw into account). It took a roll of Cht.3 with only one Counter and two Luna+ foes across the whole map to win (one of which was Hammertime who can't hit a barn without Hawkeye and didn't get it), alongside a huge amount of DS/DG luck and two saves (which I also used in Prologue and Cht.2). I don't look forward to doing that again, though I know someday I will...

Edited by Czar_Yoshi
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Glad I could help. Donnel becomes useable around the time he gets a proper weapon rank in Swords and can attack at range, if you can do that by Par.2 then good for you but I wouldn't count on him being ready by then.

Speaking of Donnel, I don't know if anyone can confirm this but after a good deal of turn 1 resets on his paralogue, I got the feeling that Archers get Pass far more often than their other skills.

Yeah, I agree, I feel that after chapter 7 is the earliest you can rely on...


I don't remember those Archers getting pass more that normal, but it has been awhile... How many Archers are getting pass? Most of them?

Anyway... I finally dragged a -Def Avatar's sorry carcass all the way to the Lunatic+ Classic Outrealm Gate with no fatalities (Streetpass purposes). It was ugly, but I somehow did it in less time than it took me to grind to 99,999 Renown. Even with resetting for stats on the prologue, I still got Def screwed (by which I mean less than average after taking my flaw into account). It took a roll of Cht.3 with only one Counter and two Luna+ foes across the whole map to win (one of which was Hammertime who can't hit a barn without Hawkeye and didn't get it), alongside a huge amount of DS/DG luck and two saves (which I also used in Prologue and Cht.2). I don't look forward to doing that again, though I know someday I will...

That's impressive. Is there any difference in streetpass enemy teams between the difficulty levels? I did a quick google, but couldn't find anything...

Edited by kusimanse
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That's impressive. Is there any difference in streetpass enemy teams between the difficulty levels? I did a quick google, but couldn't find anything...

Streetpass teams gain ~10 to stats if you fight them while ON Lunatic mode. L+ does nothing.

If they're higher level and have unforged gear, they can get Forges/Hack Forges [or will be upgraded (Falchion -> Exalted Falchion; Steel Sword -> Silver Sword; etc.)]

Streetpass teams function like Spotpass teams though, and don't give EXP/WEXP.

Edited by Airship Canon
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Use swords to dodge the Barbarians, their upgraded weaponry means their hit is on par with or sometimes lower than their Normal counterparts. Mercenary Avatar with Patience and a C Chrom support is particularly good at dodging them.

I realized that I was trying too hard to get the enemy units to go after Frederick. As long as Chrom survived a couple attacks in the beginning, my strategy proved to be sound.

So far it seems the Avatar, Chrom, Frederick and Lissa are the only ones racking in experience. Everyone else can barely survive counter-attacks.

Edited by Hashuni Mei
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I'm on chapter 3 right now and the left soldier has gotten counter FIFTEEN RESETS IN A ROW. WTF.

Lol even though there are 7 lunatic+ skills, it seems like the game weighs certain skills more than others, counter being one of them. Half the enemies spawn with counter more often than say Luna+.

Edit: Ninja, basically what Tsubasa said.

Edited by xcel
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That's impressive. Is there any difference in streetpass enemy teams between the difficulty levels? I did a quick google, but couldn't find anything...

If you mean based on my difficulty level (the difficulty the team was made on), the only difference is what difficulty shows up when parleying with my team. But seeing a Lunatic+ Classic team with 99,999 Renown is somewhat unnerving and a good indicator that the team doesn't mess around (even though the best Streetpass team will still fall to a proper ingame team with little trouble).

tl;dr I'm showing off.

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I beat chapter 3! And Chrom got five kills in it!! He's level 7 now!! Exclamation marks!!! I hate chapter 4!!

I reeeeeally hate training Sumia. I might just dance grind Olivia when I get her and have her marry Chrom instead.

Does Miriel have decent defence as a dark mage? I want to use her because she got to level 4.7, but her defence sucks right now...

Edited by Potato123
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Just began my first ever Lunatic+ run...a mode which some time ago I had resolved to not inflict upon myself :P: ... whoops. Getting the Prologue right was a !@#$%, but Ch. 1 wasn't TOO horrible...though I'm guessing I'm in for a rough time in a few minutes when I start Ch. 2 lol.

Are there any general tips about Lunatic+ before I get too far into it? Admittedly thus far I've just been playing it sort of the way I do regular Lunatic runs, and the only thing I've picked up from browsing around is that bows are amazing.

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Develop a way to deal with Counter. That's going to be a thorn in your side in Lunatic+, for the most part. There are a bunch of ways to do it; I prefer bows because it's a perfect countermeasure, but Galeforce is also a pretty strong way to deal with it. Also, over-leveling a +DEF asset Avatar (preferably with the Water trick) will go a long way towards reducing the difficulty/resetting in the early chapters.

Check out the link in my sig for a Luna+ walkthrough. Even if you don't follow the path I took, I think you'll find some useful tips that will help.

Edited by Interceptor
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Awesome, I'll check it out (further, that is...I browsed the intro and the first few entries before starting. It REALLY helped me get through the Prologue)! Interesting to hear Re. Galeforce...on the Lunatic run just gone (still post-gaming technically, but got a little bored so I started up Lunatic+ to spice things up a bit) it ended up turning into a Severa/Cynthia/Lucina/Morgan Galeforce-ROFLstomp (plus some Hit-and-Run from Sumia & Cordelia), so I may end up trying that (or maybe some weird combo attempt? Since they all have bow-wielding classes available to them right off the bat anyways).

I did manage to have the Avatar use the water trick with decent effectiveness (He ended the Prologue with 10 Mag and 9 Spd, which turned out to be just right for the first turn of Ch. 1).

Edited by LordFrigid
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Also Nosferatu and Sol can deal with Counter quite well. Especially when they are coming close to you to set off like a time bomb whenever hitting them on the enemy phase.

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Whew...finally got through Ch. 2. I think I'm going to go have a cry somewhere now lol.

I'll definitely keep Nosferatu & Sol in mind...that'll probably go well with a +Mag Avatar. I'm going to guess that it still requires decent thought regarding unit positioning, just due to the painful nature of enemies' skills? I ended up Nosferatanking my first regular Lunatic run (it was a slippery slope deal...) and it got sort of tedious just running in and pushing Start :P: .

P.S. I really like those middle 2 pictures in your signature...just had to say that.

Edited by LordFrigid
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Whew...finally got through Ch. 2. I think I'm going to go have a cry somewhere now lol.

Good news: it's a suppository all over now, and the game doesn't get any worse reset-wise than Ch2.

I'll definitely keep Nosferatu & Sol in mind...that'll probably go well with a +Mag Avatar. I'm going to guess that it still requires decent thought regarding unit positioning, just due to the painful nature of enemies' skills? I ended up Nosferatanking my first regular Lunatic run (it was a slippery slope deal...) and it got sort of tedious just running in and pushing Start :P: .

Correct, positioning is still important. Just to set expectations properly here, Nos/Sol are counters that have flaws in Lunatic+.

You can't take more health than an enemy possesses, Sol is proc-based (AKA luck-based), the stronger you are the harder Counter hits in return (and thus the more your healing falls behind), and enemies without Counter still do a ton of damage (because of Luna+ and Hawkeye). Amongst other things. Skip down to around where I pick up LAURENT! in my playlog, and you'll notice that even though he is a total shit-stomping badass, I still had to be very careful about clusters of enemies that had a lot of 1-range attackers.

tl;dr life leech is strong, but it's no panacea. If you mash START like in vanilla Lunatic, you'll be losin' a lot of dudes.

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Just wanted to say thanks again for your guide & advice; got through Chapter 3 employing a strategy which was essentially what you detailed, with more brevity (since my Avatar's def is a little meh).

Good to hear re. Nosferatu/Sol, I might give that a go if the other methods aren't working out for me.

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I'm about to start Chapter 5 on Lunatic, and I can't seem to get more than a turn in without killing poor Ricken or poor (actually rich but still deserving of sympathy) Maribelle. I mean, sure, I have a Rescue staff, but it only extends three tiles. I'd bring in my Pegasus Knights to rescue the two if I had two Pegasus Knights, but it's just Sumia.

I used DLC to grind everybody below Level 5 to Level 5. I've got one or two people at Level 6 and Lissa's at Level 8. Guess I'll just try again... and again and again... man, I never liked this chapter.

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Fortunately 3 tiles should be enough to reach them if you pair them up and send them to the bottom right corner of that ledge they're on. If it's not, give Lissa a Miriel pairup.

It's also possible to have Avatar rush upwards into the range of everything and distract them all, while Frederick (even untrained) can use the Gradivus with a Sumia support and help from Virion/Miriel/Lon'qu to take out the enemies to the left.

Edited by Czar_Yoshi
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Lissa w/ Miriel and Rescue is the easiest way, or you could also have one of Ricken/Maribelle Pair into Frederick and the other Pair into Sumia on the cliff. Lon'qu or another good sword unit can hold the left. There's a few other semi-aggressive positionings that reliably work (push toward the forts), even without a strong Avatar.

Turtling in the corner can also work, but it can be tricky to hold off the Wyverns properly and you may have to think more turns ahead.

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I really need a bit of help on Paralogue 16. The thing is, everything goes fine and dandy until I cross the first door and the first set of walls crumble. Having 17 promoted enemies with forged Silver Weapons and level 4 Tomes piling on me after I spend 40 minutes maneuvering and making those Mire Sorcerers spend all their ammo against my team is getting really, really old, and got me in a very bad mood.

I don't have any Sorcerers nor Snipers, so I can't really hit the guys on the bottom room before its walls crumble. I also don't want to solo Avatar that if it's possible, since she is already pretty strong by herself thanks to a couple of Risen Skirmishes I was able to clear until they became too strong (gotta love those General and Great Knight Risen, they're so easy to kill if you're a Tactician, Dark Flyer or Dark Knight).

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