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^ Are you looking at the JP wiki as well? The data there was pretty good whenever I had to look something up for reinforcement data in my L+ run.


I hadn't looked anywhere else yet. I wanted to finish up everything to chapter 20 before going back and fixing things (which I've now done, everything from chapter 12-20 has been added). It looks like it has the data though.

Edit: Okay, chapter 16 and 19 have been checked and entered, but I'm still not sure on chapter 19. Neither the site Inter listed, nor the other site which has been used as a source (http://kamikouryaku.com/fe/kakusei/) say there are any Snipers in the reinforcements on chapter 20, but... I remember seeing some, and the enemy list I've been working from says there should be.

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Posted (edited) · Hidden by Balcerzak, August 29, 2014 - No reason given
Hidden by Balcerzak, August 29, 2014 - No reason given

You have a Chrom with 4 Strength and 36 Magic? What?

I borrowed that format from another post, and was still in the middle of editing it to resemble my own units that I wanted to seek help for when I accidentally clicked a wrong button, and sent the post out.

I'm still making the real post I want to share in the meantime.

Edited by Kreekakon
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Ok so since my little update on how I was doing on my very first normal Lunatic Run ever a few pages back, I must say I have made quite a bit of progress.

My last update ended when I beat Paralogue 1. After that I achieved the much needed experience, and proceeded to steamroll/snowball through pretty much the entire game with Chrom, and the Avatar being leaders in this endeavor. I gave experience to other units whenever they got the chance to go in, and get it without getting themselves killed.

Avatar, and Chrom both hit lvl 20 during chapter 8, and I used the Master Seal found during that chapter to promote Avatar to a Grandmaster. And after the chapter ended fate smiled on me, and spawned a merchant who had a Master Seal for sale right after I beat the chapter. I immediately bought it, and promoted Chrom to a Great Lord.

Nothing too eventful happened in between, but I was very quickly noticing how the rapidly increasing number of promoted units that were appearing were starting to put quite a strain on Avatar, and Chrom's abilities to steamroll everything like I previously did. Sometimes it even resulted in them dying when I made some errors in judgment.

So as of right now I am about to start Chapter 18 (Demon's Ingle), and I figured that before I accidentally go astray too far and get overwhelmed eventually, I'd ask for some input before continuing any further in the game.

As of currently my main force's stats look like this. Lucina is not actually an active part of my army, but she is currently the only child I have recruited so far, so I thought I'd just throw her stats in there for consideration. Also worthy of note is that all of the units except Chrom and Avatar that are in advanced classes are on their first promotion.

Unit      Level   Class        HP   ST   MG   SK   SP   LC   DF   RS
Chrom     03.79   Paladin      66   32   04   36   40   38   28   16
(MU)      08.66   Dark Knight  66   38   24   33   40   33   39   17
Lissa     10.19   Sage         35   12   26   18   26   23   09   16
Lon'qu    08.96   Swordmaster  41   22   06   31   32   19   15   15
Cherche   07.78   Wyvern Lord  52   32   05   24   22   17   28   06
Sumia     09.79   Dark Flier   42   19   13   28   35   25   13   21
Vaike     02.12   Hero         49   27   02   24   15   13   18   04
Cordelia  03.87   Falcon Knight42   21   06   24   27   12   16   16
Nowi      16.33   Manakete     36   15   03   09   11   16   11   06
Henry     01.75   Dark Knight  45   14   22   25   18   12   21   10
Lucina    13.24   Lord         40   17   03   24   28   22   13   07

My pairings for this army are:

Chrom x Sumia

Avatar x Lissa

Lon'qu x Cherche

Vaike x Cordelia

Nowi x Henry (These two are currently still on A support)

So I was wondering if anyone has any suggestions for how I should decide on my playstyle from here on out? Such as what children to recruit, or if I should axe any more units to give more power to fewer pairs.

Thanks in advance!

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I'm attempting Lunatic for the first time currently with a Mag+, Lck- Female Avatar. I was thinking to pair her up with Chrom to get two magically-inclined children and then hoping to use Cordelia for a physical team. I'm wondering who would be a good husband for her. Fred for little more defense and Luna in exchange for a little speed? Lon'qu for speed and Astra and even Pass?

(Though I'm new to the usefulness of Astra. Never really liked it before.)

Or someone else entirely? And should I make more teams/children than these? I know experience is limited in Lunatic but not sure if I'm setting myself up for disaster for having too little units (and potentially having them get surrounded and wrecked).

I was considering using Inigo as well since I work best with him but: 1) that could be too many units to consider (Olivia + husband to train as well) and, 2) without spending a lot of time training, his map is considerably harder, I've heard.

Though this is all being said as I'm on chapter 4 and trying to train Chrom a little.

So planned pairings?:

Chrom x Avatar - a magical set of children. I haven't started the C rank yet.

Cordelia x ??? - makes a physical Severa.

Olivia x ??? - only if I can somehow make this work and not waste 10+ hours due to how weak and late Olivia is. I suppose I could Dance and then Second Seal at 15 or 30... In any case, this would obviously be a physical Inigo (Stahl as father?)


I'm still new around here and not in the know-how about how well characters are (especially in Lunatic), so bear with me if you will. I just wanted to know what sort of roles were you planning to give to Nah and Gerome. Support? Front-line? They always say having less units to deal with is better in a Fire Emblem game but I also know Lunatic(+) is a bitch.

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Virion!Severa can switch between Physical and Magical, so would be a good spouse for Morgan.

I'd do Libra!Inigo, as he can pair with Magical Lucina.

Magic beats all.

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Stahl!Inigo is a good pairing since it's very similar to Chrom!Inigo, just that Stahl!Inigo obviously does not have Rightful King.

Cordelia x Lon'qu can be a good pairing since Severa gets +2 Strength, +6 Skill and +6 Speed mods -- Severa can come close to or exceed 60 in her Skill and Speed stats in Falcon Knight and Hero classes with Limit Break equipped. Astra isn't too good alone, but if it's the attack skill that has the highest proc rate available for that character, it works at least -- some characters have no attack procs at all (ie. Virion) or only have Lethality available (ie. Panne).

Cordelia x Vaike can also be considered if you want Severa to have Luna (since Severa inherits the Knight and Thief class lines from Vaike) while having +5 Strength, +4 Skill and +4 Speed mods as well as the option to have Axefaire.

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Stahl!Inigo is a good pairing since it's very similar to Chrom!Inigo, just that Stahl!Inigo obviously does not have Rightful King.

Cordelia x Lon'qu can be a good pairing since Severa gets +2 Strength, +6 Skill and +6 Speed mods -- Severa can come close to or exceed 60 in her Skill and Speed stats in Falcon Knight and Hero classes with Limit Break equipped. Astra isn't too good alone, but if it's the attack skill that has the highest proc rate available for that character, it works at least -- some characters have no attack procs at all (ie. Virion) or only have Lethality available (ie. Panne).

Cordelia x Vaike can also be considered if you want Severa to have Luna (since Severa inherits the Knight and Thief class lines from Vaike) while having +5 Strength, +4 Skill and +4 Speed mods as well as the option to have Axefaire.

I think you're focusing too much on mods. Characters won't be capping stats until near the end of the game if at all without using a really small team, besides maybe kids with Veteran, but those just need to get started so they can become monsters.

I also dizagree with some of your skill suggestions. Astra requires going Swordmaster, which is generally not the best idea. Sol is good in game, and obtained from a much better class. Limit Breaker means beating RaR3, which is harder than just beating the game without it. Vaike would suck up a lot of experience trying to get Axefaire to pass down.

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I think you're focusing too much on mods. Characters won't be capping stats until near the end of the game if at all without using a really small team, besides maybe kids with Veteran, but those just need to get started so they can become monsters.

I also dizagree with some of your skill suggestions. Astra requires going Swordmaster, which is generally not the best idea. Sol is good in game, and obtained from a much better class. Limit Breaker means beating RaR3, which is harder than just beating the game without it. Vaike would suck up a lot of experience trying to get Axefaire to pass down.

The suggestions are made with the assumption that the player has access to paid DLC and is willing to use it. In a no-DLC, minimal/no-grind Lunatic(+) run, I wouldn't even suggest trying to recruit Inigo at all -- he's simply too much trouble thanks to Olivia having weak joining stats at Chapter 11 and requiring dance grinding -- even then, Inigo may require babysitting. Severa is only worth a shot if the player is willing to spend gold on Rescue staves to pull her out of trouble before she joins. Donnel is as good as cannon fodder (AKA. dead) in his joining paralogue unless you somehow have the gold to recruit Rallybots and a strong Pair Up partner to help him.

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Virion!Severa can switch between Physical and Magical, so would be a good spouse for Morgan.

I'd do Libra!Inigo, as he can pair with Magical Lucina.

Magic beats all.

"Magic beats all." This is very true and I do love magic--but if I have to be honest here, I don't like Virion as a character and didn't consider him a viable father for, like, anything since he has, in my opinion, weird class sets. But I do see what you mean and will consider it. Thanks. :)

I think you're focusing too much on mods. Characters won't be capping stats until near the end of the game if at all without using a really small team, besides maybe kids with Veteran, but those just need to get started so they can become monsters.

I also dizagree with some of your skill suggestions. Astra requires going Swordmaster, which is generally not the best idea. Sol is good in game, and obtained from a much better class. Limit Breaker means beating RaR3, which is harder than just beating the game without it. Vaike would suck up a lot of experience trying to get Axefaire to pass down.

Yeah. Truthfully never liked Astra. I liked Sol much more (especially since it does come from a better class, as you put it). I just thought I should try some things people were saying in my Lunatic run since this was my first Lunatic attempt. Astra came up a few times for people.

But really towards RaR3? I'm somewhat not surprised. Guess I shouldn't attempt it then.

The suggestions are made with the assumption that the player has access to paid DLC and is willing to use it.

Haha. I'm not ballsy enough to attempt without DLC yet. So yes, the assumption was right. I just don't want to grind anyone without having some plan in mind, else I would have wasted EXP on people I thought were going to be used and then found out they had to be ditched. But no worries, isetrh. I think you had some good points too for me to keep in mind. I'm just trying to learn my way around here.

I'm pretty open to new ideas. I can try a more magical team if that's the best way to get through Lunatic and a future run of Lunatic+, or I can stick with my physical Severa/Inigo. I just have more experience with physical Severa/Inigo from past playthroughs.

So those teams and children should be enough or could I do for more? The six parents and the four children? I might ditch a parent pair at some point just for time's sake and to spread more EXP to other pairs. The rest of deployment slots should be Staffbots and Rallybots for sure.

Thanks for the suggestions, guys.

Edit: Oh, I guess I should ask. I've heard that bow-users are good for Lunatic. How are they, if I may ask? I know they can be good for Counter enemies in Lunatic+, but what kind of strategy is used that makes them good in Lunatic+?

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I'm planning to start over my Luna+ no-grind run using +Def. Not sure if I should use -Skill or -Luck.

I am planning to use Gregor x Miriel since it turned out well for Interceptor and I don't think I've actually completed a run where I used either of them seriously.

I want to experiment with Donnel. Who do you think would be a good wife for him? I'm getting bored of marrying him to Sully.

Veteran Lucina is certainly appealing, but I'm wondering if maybe a different child could be equally worthy. Veteran Severa, for example. Drawback of this one is that Morgan's starting class isn't the best. Nowi and Olivia are options that are good for both kids, but Nah and Inigo both have hard Paralogues. Or maybe it's a better idea to just marry Chrom?


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You don't even need to worry much about having Donnel marry in a no-grind Lunatic+ run for the simple fact that Donnel, in all seriousness, would most likely not survive his recruitment paralogue (even in vanilla Lunatic, he can still get doubled ORKO'd on top of having a 1-range weapon and a WTD against most mooks on the map if he doesn't have tonics and Rallybots and a Pair Up partner backing him up). Even with Aptitude, he's still very weak when he joins your team, making him a very big liability should he be deployed with the intention that he survives the battle.

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Edit: Oh, I guess I should ask. I've heard that bow-users are good for Lunatic. How are they, if I may ask? I know they can be good for Counter enemies in Lunatic+, but what kind of strategy is used that makes them good in Lunatic+?

What more do you want? Counter is the single biggest barrier to successfully completing Lunatic+. If you don't come up with a good anti-Counter strategy, you are basically reduced to just resetting maps constantly until a sufficient number of enemies spawn with other skills.

There are a few different ways to tackle it (Sol + Nosferatu, Galeforce), but Bows are nice because they turn Counter from an enemy asset into a liability. Some of the bow-using classes are also pretty strong in their own right, like Sniper (for Longbow use and Bowfaire) or Warrior (because of general badassery and great caps). It's what I recommend to people playing L+ for the first time.

You don't even need to worry much about having Donnel marry in a no-grind Lunatic+ run for the simple fact that Donnel, in all seriousness, would most likely not survive his recruitment paralogue (even in vanilla Lunatic, he can still get doubled ORKO'd on top of having a 1-range weapon and a WTD against most mooks on the map if he doesn't have tonics and Rallybots and a Pair Up partner backing him up). Even with Aptitude, he's still very weak when he joins your team, making him a very big liability should he be deployed with the intention that he survives the battle.

You just need to be creative. Box in an Archer that doesn't have Pass, have enemies break their weapons, etc. Then you just need to make sure that Donnel is doing as little damage as possible (not much of a chore when he's low level), and just sponge as much EXP as you can in the process. Once he gets to D-rank Lance, it makes things a little easier.

Hilariously, he is such a wimp that early on he doesn't even care about Counter enemies.

I'm planning to start over my Luna+ no-grind run using +Def. Not sure if I should use -Skill or -Luck.

Why +DEF? Any particular reason? You don't really need a defensive asset to get past the early chapters anymore.

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Oh, I assumed that it was good throughout the game. It also helps to tank RHS on Chapter 3 so Miriel can get level ups. Morgan and sibling also start out tankier. I guess I could do +Strength instead. Or +Speed if I do MaMU x Nowi (is that still strong in L+?).

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Oh, I assumed that it was good throughout the game. It also helps to tank RHS on Chapter 3 so Miriel can get level ups. Morgan and sibling also start out tankier. I guess I could do +Strength instead. Or +Speed if I do MaMU x Nowi (is that still strong in L+?).

It does help, especially in mid-to-late with Morgan. Nothing wrong with it, other than it being harder to do the Ch2 strat. Other assets are kinda uncharted territory for me, I don't generally play them in L+.

I love N.O.W.I. vanilla, but being a concrete tank locked to 1-2 range in L+ is kinda "ehhhh".

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Thanks! I think I will do Chrom x FeMU with a Def asset. Then there's Gregor x Miriel, and I want a Donnel pairing.

Does Donnel x Cordelia seem like it would be a good idea? Severa doesn't get much in the way of class selection, but she doesn't need it. Having Severa exist lets me buy Second Seals early,which is nice.

Is three parent pairings enough?

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And should I make more teams/children than these? I know experience is limited in Lunatic but not sure if I'm setting myself up for disaster for having too little units (and potentially having them get surrounded and wrecked).

From my personal experience of the game (Also on my first Lunatic run), I've noticed that 4 to 5 pairs is generally much more than enough. In my run, chapter 5/6 was the final chapter in which Chrom, and the Avatar would have trouble keeping up with the enemy units. From this point on they pretty much had the power to steamroll through entire chapters on their own (With their supports of course!) if I let them.

This only applies to the front half of the game though. By the second half of the game during which promoted units start showing up, I'd recommend having 3 pairs of very competent 1st gen pairings in your army at least (Chrom, and MU are two of them). This is where my knowledge ends however, since I haven't played too far beyond this point yet.

So in general I think that early game you should have around 4 to 5 pairs, but try playing it in a way that you shave them off slowly in preparation for the later stages of the game when you'll need fewer pairs of very beefy units to easily get through (3 Pairs)


I'm still new around here and not in the know-how about how well characters are (especially in Lunatic), so bear with me if you will. I just wanted to know what sort of roles were you planning to give to Nah and Gerome. Support? Front-line? They always say having less units to deal with is better in a Fire Emblem game but I also know Lunatic(+) is a bitch.

To be completely frank I have not planned out my run too much. I went into the mode with the main intention of enjoying the fun of learning along the way, making long-term gameplay decisions on the fly, and fixing mistakes on the fly as well. My parent pairings were also mainly made due to personal taste (S supports I have not gotten yet) rather than gameplay optimization. I don't plan on taking this save file into the post-game, and will likely delete it after I'm done with the main game to try out something else.

I'm also a much more casual player who doesn't give extremely specific roles to my units most of the time. The exception to this is when I'm preparing for Apotheosis.


So with that being said with my (very limited) experience on how Gerome, and Nah play out, Gerome will likely be a highly offensive attacking unit, and Nah will be a more tanky character (I know the parents I chose are not the best for this optimization-wise XD). Morgan will likely be magical, and everyone else will be pretty normal-rounded units.

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Well I finally beat C5 Lunatic Classic. However, I couldn't beat it without restarting my run twice and dumping exp into Avatar, then throwing overleveled Avatar at the fort in the middle with Fred and letting her kill everything :\

I guess a Fred who managed to get better than only HP levels twice would suffice too but w/e.

I was lucky enough to have Anna spawn with a second seal after that map (reclassed to merc, watch me regret not having 2 range until levin swords show up), but I'm trying to figure out possible parameters required to do the stupid map without that. I mean, if you can all do it on Lunatic+ I clearly need to git gud, but fuck me I suck.

I know it WORKED but I'm kind of unhappy about having to resort to doing that. Enough that I'm stupid enough to want to restart another run and try to come up with something more elegant.

[spoiler=dem stats doe]

UNIT       CLASS       LEVEL       HP    ST    MG    SK    SP    LK    DF    RS       WPNLVL               SUPPORT

Robin    Mercenary   20/01.00   (+)46    17    14 (-)15    18    15    18    08       B SWORD (B TOME)     A FRED C SOME OTHER LOSERS
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What more do you want? Counter is the single biggest barrier to successfully completing Lunatic+. If you don't come up with a good anti-Counter strategy, you are basically reduced to just resetting maps constantly until a sufficient number of enemies spawn with other skills.

There are a few different ways to tackle it (Sol + Nosferatu, Galeforce), but Bows are nice because they turn Counter from an enemy asset into a liability. Some of the bow-using classes are also pretty strong in their own right, like Sniper (for Longbow use and Bowfaire) or Warrior (because of general badassery and great caps). It's what I recommend to people playing L+ for the first time.

Sorry if that question was worded awkwardly. It was more like I didn't understand what people were doing with the Snipers, Bow Knights, and Warriors that made them good in Lunatic+. Support so their high Skill made Dual Strikes come more easily, Bowfaire, and a forged Brave? Front so if a Counter enemy came up to them they could take hits (especially Sniper with the added Defense) and not attack back? Galeforce so they can be front for a bit and then switch back to the main front unit for when Enemy Phase rolls around?

But now I can see what you mean, I think. I just never really liked the Bow-users in general so I'm ill-equipped in knowledge about them. Thanks for enlightening me.

From my personal experience of the game (Also on my first Lunatic run), I've noticed that 4 to 5 pairs is generally much more than enough. In my run, chapter 5/6 was the final chapter in which Chrom, and the Avatar would have trouble keeping up with the enemy units. From this point on they pretty much had the power to steamroll through entire chapters on their own (With their supports of course!) if I let them.

This only applies to the front half of the game though. By the second half of the game during which promoted units start showing up, I'd recommend having 3 pairs of very competent 1st gen pairings in your army at least (Chrom, and MU are two of them). This is where my knowledge ends however, since I haven't played too far beyond this point yet.

So in general I think that early game you should have around 4 to 5 pairs, but try playing it in a way that you shave them off slowly in preparation for the later stages of the game when you'll need fewer pairs of very beefy units to easily get through (3 Pairs)

I see, I see. Smaller is always better. In that case, I probably should drop off the Olivia pairing either when I think they're strong enough for Inigo's stats or after Inigo comes around.

To be completely frank I have not planned out my run too much. I went into the mode with the main intention of enjoying the fun of learning along the way, making long-term gameplay decisions on the fly, and fixing mistakes on the fly as well. My parent pairings were also mainly made due to personal taste (S supports I have not gotten yet) rather than gameplay optimization. I don't plan on taking this save file into the post-game, and will likely delete it after I'm done with the main game to try out something else.

I'm also a much more casual player who doesn't give extremely specific roles to my units most of the time. The exception to this is when I'm preparing for Apotheosis.


So with that being said with my (very limited) experience on how Gerome, and Nah play out, Gerome will likely be a highly offensive attacking unit, and Nah will be a more tanky character (I know the parents I chose are not the best for this optimization-wise XD). Morgan will likely be magical, and everyone else will be pretty normal-rounded units.

No worries. I'm learning too! And I'm also limited in knowledge about Gerome and Nah (my main file had Vaike!Gerome and Libra!Nah and they... didn't help much).

For some reason, Nah was just always someone I benched eventually so I really don't know how she can turn out. Modifier-wise, Henry's not too bad. Really the ones who beat out Henry's Defense is Stahl (+6) , Kellam (+7), and Frederick (+6), with Gregor being equal in Defense. As far as I can see, Gregor and Henry are close. Gregor gives +4 Str but only +1 Mag, as opposed to Henry's +3 Str and +3 Mag. Henry shines defensively only with one more point in Res than Gregor.

If tanking is what Nah might be going for, and since I didn't see Gregor use on the list, I think he could be viable. He'll give Armsthrift, Renewal (for more reliable healing), and Sol for Nah. Henry has Troubadour line as well. Going Gregor means no Lifetaker but he can give Pass if Nah needs to shift around who she gets surrounded by.

With the Gregor set-up, Nah will have access to Dual Support+, Sol, Renewal, Pass, Armsthrift, and even Vantage to possibly proc a Sol if close to dying. There's even Demoiselle that could be helpful if she's tanking and male units are around her. Though you miss out on Hex and Anathema without Henry.

Though this is talking more skill-wise than class-wise. At least Sorcerer has Nosferatu- and Aversa's Night-tanking. Just no Armsthrift might make this harder to do. I wouldn't know what would be a good tanking class for Gregor (maybe stay as Manakete? or Wyvern Lord for Lance-use coupled with possible Swordbreaker? though weak to bows and magic without Iote's Shield)

Now that I think about it, Gerome might be harder to picture than Nah. Nah has options to go magical more easily than Gerome, and Nah's Paralogue can be more easier than Gerome's, I would think. The problem I can see with Lon'qu!Gerome is class sets. At least Gerome has access to Renewal and Sol from Cherche and while Gerome will get access to Vantage and Pass and even some Avoid skills like Avoid +10 and Lucky Seven, it could be a missed opportunity that he won't have Luna or Dual Guard+. Even Aegis could have helped out for his weakness (should he stay as a flying unit) to bows and magic (even with Iote's Shield, magic will be a problem for him due to his lowered Res). He's going to see fighting a bit so even Pavise might have been good.

Stats-wise and having the same class sets, Gaius might have been better. He gives more defenses and even more Str, though a point gets deducted from Skl and Spd. Stahl or Fred would have given some of things I mentioned earlier (Stahl with Vantage, Avoid +10, Aegis, Luna, Dual Guard+, and Hit Rate +20; Fred with Pavise, Aegis, Luna, and Dual Guard+) and more stats oriented to fighting (though Spd might suffer with these two).

Since you said something about being more casual and having personal preferences (I do too since I want to use Inigo despite, well, he would be not used without DLC, and I don't necessarily want to use Virion as a father for anyone), you can try to use Lon'qu!Gerome. I don't mean to sound like I'm harping on you since, hey, I'm new to Lunatic as well and it's not my intention to sound like some elitist or something. More or less was trying to say that these two might be hard due to the parents selected and that, in turn, could mean to drop the parents so you can spread more EXP to other units, since each child unit results in the parents being trained enough and then the child has to be trained further. x3 training for one unit.

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So assuming equal skill distribution, there's a 5/7 chance that any one enemy will be missing a particular skill. So with three or four enemies that each need a specific skill gone, it's either a 36% or 26% chance that you have a map you can work with. Statisticians, feel free to correct my math.

Checks out correctly for me.

Sorry if that question was worded awkwardly. It was more like I didn't understand what people were doing with the Snipers, Bow Knights, and Warriors that made them good in Lunatic+. Support so their high Skill made Dual Strikes come more easily, Bowfaire, and a forged Brave? Front so if a Counter enemy came up to them they could take hits (especially Sniper with the added Defense) and not attack back? Galeforce so they can be front for a bit and then switch back to the main front unit for when Enemy Phase rolls around?

Basically you can leave them in range of a Counter enemy with a 1-range weapon on EP and they won't counter-attack, and thus not get pasted by Counter. There are a ton of other non-Lunatic+ uses for not counter-attacking as well, such as limiting the amount of battles fought on EP (if you can't strike back, you don't KO and another enemy can't come to take the current one's place) to increase your odds of survival, and blasting thieves without subsequently hogging a ton of exp that you want to give to other units (a big deal on Cht.10).

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Finally getting around to L+ properly after so long and currently just finished chapter 7

[9/9/14, 1:18:22 AM] God of Thunder and Lord of Bunnies: update on lumi’s loony+ adventures
[9/9/14, 1:18:30 AM] God of Thunder and Lord of Bunnies: chapter 7 was hilariously easy
[9/9/14, 1:18:50 AM] God of Thunder and Lord of Bunnies: because MU had enough strength to OHKO everyone who isn’t the boss
[9/9/14, 1:18:59 AM] God of Thunder and Lord of Bunnies: therefore entirely bypassing counter
[9/9/14, 1:19:13 AM] God of Thunder and Lord of Bunnies: with an iron sword
[9/9/14, 1:19:15 AM] God of Thunder and Lord of Bunnies: thanks wta
got an anna shop with master seal so i took advantage of that, gotta make sure i don't get used to ohkoing shit but hopefully that doesn't happen before i switch to bowmode
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Yeah, Cht.7 is definitely one of the easier L+ chapters. Maybe the easiest, bar Cht.4. Avatar is bulky enough to survive without Fred, there are very few Lances and lots of advantageous terrain. It's a pretty great place to train someone.

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Got Chrom some levels too. 'twas a good chapter indeed.

and yeah 4 was pretty easy. Prologue 1 too weren't for trying to get donnel a level because i'm a perfectionist.

Speaking of bowmode though, I'm currently in Hero to pick up Sol (20/12/5.93 at the moment) while I can get away with oneshotting everyone, but should I go the full 20 in it, just grab axebreaker, or go straight into Bow Knight at 10? Assassin sounds tempting as well thanks to Pass, though I'm not sure about the defense...

Edited by Thor Odinson
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