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Thanks for all the feedback on my Lunatic run. I guess I will go with Sully as Assassin or maybe Swordmaster for Swordfaire, but i have awhile to decide on that. Still not sure if i should use my current second seal to class change Avatar to Merc or Dark Mage. I know Merc will def help Nowi in supports more, but I wanted the auras later on to help the kids (like Inigo) to train more. Maybe Nowi will get randomly magic blessed and benefit from Dark Mage/Sorc pair up bonsues as a reclassed mage. I guess i can throw in Tharja/Henry in a pairup for that if i really need. I've decided to pass down Veteran, in any case.

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Still not sure if i should use my current second seal to class change Avatar to Merc or Dark Mage. I know Merc will def help Nowi in supports more, but I wanted the auras later on to help the kids (like Inigo) to train more. Maybe Nowi will get randomly magic blessed and benefit from Dark Mage/Sorc pair up bonsues as a reclassed mage. I guess i can throw in Tharja/Henry in a pairup for that if i really need. I've decided to pass down Veteran, in any case.

N.O.W.I. only needs the +DEF to help with training. You can get the same effect by throwing Gregor on her temporarily, and since they are basically guaranteed a C-rank support if you use them together in their joining chapter, you probably want to do that anyway.

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N.O.W.I. only needs the +DEF to help with training. You can get the same effect by throwing Gregor on her temporarily, and since they are basically guaranteed a C-rank support if you use them together in their joining chapter, you probably want to do that anyway.

Cool, thanks. Dark Mage it is. I also just really didnt want to have to spend the cash for Levin swords as a merc since I dont have enough reknown for Large Bullion (i know, i suck), and would rather spend the money on Physics, especially on Ch.6.

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I had to restart due to the avatar getting RNG screwed with levels, but Kuroi's turn by turn got me through Prologue/1 and Interceptor's strat got me through Ch.2, which is great because that's where I got stuck every other time. But now Ch.3 is here. Those I've spoken to tell me it tends to be a bit more consistent, but the RNG hate is real. I will say this, it's not half as frustrating as Ch.2 was. Interceptor's left side bum rush gets me through the first part, but the avatar doesn't have enough defense to take more than one Luna+ enemy. Now, I'm not that concerned because all that takes is some reset mashing. But I can't seem to make chokepointing the top work out well enough. The hammer enemy kills Frederick about half the time I get there (since I can't chokepoint with the Avatar as the lead, due to low defense) and the other half is me being an idiot and forgetting to un-equip Fred and he dies to everyone's favorite skill, counter. Very rarely too many top enemies have Luna+ so I can't just tank with Fred and snipe with the Avatar, but I'm hoping a few more rounds and I'll get lucky enough to move on to Ch.4, which I honestly expect to not be too bad. Was definitely the easiest on regular old Lunatic. If the chokepoint strat fails enough, any tips on kiting the top group well?

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If Avatar is too squishy, try kiting the top in a circle, starting from the left side, going down and around—at least until Hammer dude is dead (they line up one behind the other and their starting positions intersperse them enough that you can throw the Archers out of sync with the melee. This should let you isolate and burn down the Hammer guy (he or the Merc will lead the zerg pack). Since the enemy only has 5 move, you can constantly keep them at arm's length and Lissa behind Avatar healing and have them keel over one by one. Or jam up a hallway with Fred again once Hammer dude is dead.

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Alright, thanks. Now I just need a little luck to get a good bottom group and I should be able to do it if I haven't forgotten how to kite.

I'm only half kidding, the last time I actually had to kite was playing SS back in 2012 and a myrmidon crit killed Ross and Franz.

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Maybe Nowi will get randomly magic blessed and benefit from Dark Mage/Sorc pair up bonsues as a reclassed mage.

Nowi should never be leaving Manakete. Having a (minor) skill to pass down is not worth losing 10+ Def and dealing with E Tomes.

+Def is what she needs early on, but +Spd will become very important later (as soon as she gets on her feet defensively, which will be around Cht.10). Don't plan on staying in DM for very long if you want to be supporting her.

Cht.3: I never try to choke the top section. It's generally more restrictive in exp feeding opportunities (unless I'm training Miriel and have a bunch of Tomes remaining) and prevents me from engaging the Knight on my own terms, and at most all I'll get out of it is a spare Door Key to sell/do whatever with.

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Currently doing a playthrough of Luna+ using restrictions:

- No Nosferatu / healing weapons

- No Healing abilities

- No Wireless features

- Keep everyone alive. Recruit everyone.

- Renown rewards up to 270

- Merchants are allowed

- No DLC, no grinding, etc

It's taken me a damn long time, but I'm finally nearing the end. On Ch 20 as Sorcerer with Ruins and the abilities: Tomefaire, Vantage, Wrath, Gamble, Vengeance. Hopefully that'll be enough to beat the game. +MAG, -LUK male MU. Chrom is lvl 8 and pretty damn useless, lol.

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Currently doing a playthrough of Luna+ using restrictions:

- No Nosferatu / healing weapons

- No Healing abilities

- No Wireless features

- Keep everyone alive. Recruit everyone.

- Renown rewards up to 270

- Merchants are allowed

- No DLC, no grinding, etc

It's taken me a damn long time, but I'm finally nearing the end. On Ch 20 as Sorcerer with Ruins and the abilities: Tomefaire, Vantage, Wrath, Gamble, Vengeance. Hopefully that'll be enough to beat the game. +MAG, -LUK male MU. Chrom is lvl 8 and pretty damn useless, lol.

Can I safely assume that you're using staves?

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I take it back, C21 is actually fun as long as you don't try to deploy Olivia lol.

6 turned and all items and both event tiles with massive rescue spam. Although I had to rig an extremely gross turn 1 due to lack of galeforce in order to get enough enemies out the way.

Edited by Irysa
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Currently doing a playthrough of Luna+ using restrictions:

- No Nosferatu / healing weapons

- No Healing abilities

- No Wireless features

- Keep everyone alive. Recruit everyone.

- Renown rewards up to 270

- Merchants are allowed

- No DLC, no grinding, etc

It's taken me a damn long time, but I'm finally nearing the end. On Ch 20 as Sorcerer with Ruins and the abilities: Tomefaire, Vantage, Wrath, Gamble, Vengeance. Hopefully that'll be enough to beat the game. +MAG, -LUK male MU. Chrom is lvl 8 and pretty damn useless, lol.

Recruit everyone as in all the children too?

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Recruit everyone as in all the children too?

Just the characters I see. So if I do Paralogue 1, I must recruit Donnel, but if I don't do Paralogue 4, Anna can stay there forever. Had to get Tharja, Gaius, Libra, etc.

Can I safely assume that you're using staves?

Yes. Lissa was very useful for dealing with the clusterfuck that is chapter 9. I've been almost exclusively using Robin as my only combat unit, though.

Oh and also not using bows. I hate archers.

Classes looked like this:

Tact -> Barbarian -> Myrmidon -> Assassin -> Berserker -> Sorcerer -> Sage -> Sorcerer

I would've liked to pickup Anathema from Dark Mage class but I didn't have a 2nd seal and it was difficult enough dealing with chapters as those classes. Barbarian had to do paralogue 1 for weapon xp, and myrmidon had to do 2 and 3 (without using the Levin) to be able to promote to assassin.

I did not pickup: Pass, Axefaire, and Tomebreaker so far. It is entertaining when I hit 200 dmg against the boss.

Edit: If I had to redo it, I probably would do Dark Mage instead of Barbarian 1st. That said, Barbarian has great Strength growths and made Myrmidon a lot easier.

Edited by Rew
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Nowi should never be leaving Manakete. Having a (minor) skill to pass down is not worth losing 10+ Def and dealing with E Tomes.

+Def is what she needs early on, but +Spd will become very important later (as soon as she gets on her feet defensively, which will be around Cht.10). Don't plan on staying in DM for very long if you want to be supporting her.

Yea, i was half joking when i said that, and the only reason i even considered reclassing her is cuz i was worried about running out of Dragonstones before i could (reliably) buy them from shops, due to too much training.

Avatar has +Speed/-Skill(which got blessed regardless), so theres that, but yea, I will consider a good speed class to send Avatar down.

Edit: I actually just got lucky with another second seal to use, so reclassing Sully back to cavalier is now a thing to keep her defensive set-up going. Or the better alternative is to probly reclass Avatar out of DM like you suggested. Or save for Gregor. Well, I'm only chapter 7 so i have a couple to go before i make a decision. Either way, thanks again for reliable feedback. Hopefully after this run I will be knowledgable enough to make my own decisions :p

Edited by Varidan
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Seriously go Merc -> Hero. It's really good for vanilla Lunatic and the pairup bonuses are ones everyone wants. After that you can switch to something like Paladin or Wyvern Lord and have great Mov as well.

You can buy Dragonstone+ from Shadow Dragon -> Tiki's shop. It's highly recommended to get one for Nowi to use immediately if you want to train her.

Edited by Czar_Yoshi
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Seriously go Merc -> Hero. It's really good for vanilla Lunatic and the pairup bonuses are ones everyone wants. After that you can switch to something like Paladin or Wyvern Lord and have great Mov as well.

You can buy Dragonstone+ from Shadow Dragon -> Tiki's shop. It's highly recommended to get one for Nowi to use immediately if you want to train her.

Oh right, i keep forgetting about those shops unless i see them mentioned in a guide. Never really used them before, so i should get used to them.

Avatar will be Merc after/during Ch.7 then. (at this point, i think i'm taking vanilla Lunatic too seriously, but ah well)

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Dragonstones have 50 uses. That's FE4 durability, dude. You get another one in C11 from Gangrel too. Don't worry about it running out.

Gonna echo Czar here. Drop the 3780g on the Dragonstone+. It really, really helps Nowi get her feet off the ground. It has like 35 uses so don't go ham.

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Dragonstones have 50 uses. That's FE4 durability, dude. You get another one in C11 from Gangrel too. Don't worry about it running out.

Gonna echo Czar here. Drop the 3780g on the Dragonstone+. It really, really helps Nowi get her feet off the ground. It has like 35 uses so don't go ham.

It will run out if i spam her, unless i'm careful about giving her one shot kills after weakening them, and not trading on enemy phases. I'm curious tho, is Nowi Lunatic+ viable if i spend money on Dragonstone+?

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It's hard to spam Nowi immediately because she still faces realistic death chances from enemies. You can expose her to more than the average unit but you still can't just throw her into the middle of a pack of enemies.

Nowi drops off in L+, I hear. Luna+ messes with her.

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Preserve it by switching between DS+ and normal DS when possible (just never at the cost of exp)- and you can buy more if you need to, since cash begins flooding in fairly soon. She's viable in Lunatic+, but nowhere near as good as she is in vanilla (and I'd say she really does need a DS+ to be good even in Vanilla anyway, without it getting her going takes a ton more effort).

Giving her a Seraph Robe (or two) is also massively beneficial to getting her started.

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Doing Vanilla Lunatic again because I'm a coward because this mode is actually really fun neither really easy like "hard" mode or super hard like Luna+ providing nice balance to the game. Started with a Male Avatar, named him Hannibal. +HP, -Skill. My planned team is Chrom-Sumia, Hannibal-Cordelia, Miriel-Gregor, Lucina-Laurent, and Morgan-Severa as siblings. So...yeah. That's what's up.

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Whelp, still working on Ch. 3... I just generally seem to have bad luck, and also seem to be bad. Can't seem to get past the bottom group all of the sudden, when I do the top still wrecks me. I wish I could just... Skip Ch. 3. I know I can beat Ch. 4, and from there I'm essentially home free...

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Doing Vanilla Lunatic again because I'm a coward because this mode is actually really fun neither really easy like "hard" mode or super hard like Luna+ providing nice balance to the game. Started with a Male Avatar, named him Hannibal. +HP, -Skill. My planned team is Chrom-Sumia, Hannibal-Cordelia, Miriel-Gregor, Lucina-Laurent, and Morgan-Severa as siblings. So...yeah. That's what's up.

No Cynthia?

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