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Pretty high is kind of an understatement since Fred!Reclass gets 8 - 11 EXP, while Promoted say.... Sumia gets 20 EXP

Also stop playing TOA

Actually I'm going to my friends house like every two days and each time I try to take on Luna+ Chapter 19. And since Im playing to kill all reinforcements, it hasn't been easy.

The farthest I've been was till the last reinforcements rush. Lissa died to unexpected Wyvern Lords :(.

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I just started Lunatic Casual with a +Def -Luck Female Avatar. My plan is to marry Chrom for super Lucina and of course Morgan.

Took me a while to get past the prologue, I abused the hell out of the water and had my avatar thunder snipe most of the enemies.

I'm now stuck on chapter 1 though. I'm really not sure what route I should take in order to try to get a win. It doesn't help that Sully and Virion seem to be completely useless when the come in.

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Terrain is your friend early on. Don't underestimate how good stacking Def bonuses like the Forts/Frederick Pair Up can be. Also take advantage of the weapon triangle, as you get a att/hit rate bonus, but also lower their att/hit plus negate their A weapon rank, which further lowers their att/hit.

Also a hint for Chapter 2, note the mountain terrain there and also note how Virion's carrying an Elixer.

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Okay, well how much does it have to turn into Fredrick Emblem for chapter 1? Cause I'm struggling when trying to get myself, Chrom, and even Sully some experience. Actually, what is the best way to raise units that will eventually do a lot better?

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Okay, well how much does it have to turn into Fredrick Emblem for chapter 1? Cause I'm struggling when trying to get myself, Chrom, and even Sully some experience. Actually, what is the best way to raise units that will eventually do a lot better?

For Sully and Chrom in particular (since I used Sully in my run) I gave them kills whenever convenient (like, if there's no chance of them dying and they can finish off a fucker), which happened around C3, but sparingly. Donnel's paralogue (after you get that fucker if you're a perfectionist like me), C4, C5, P2 and C7 I found were good training spots. C5's especially great for Chrom since his falchion is effective against wyverns and has wta. C1 and C2 were Fred/MU emblem. Toughest chapters IMO. Once C2 is over it gets better and you can actually train people somewhat.

I gave Sully pretty much every statbooster I had from renown (down to the dracoshield) so she can become useful a lot faster, but if you don't have those/don't want to throw them at sully and/or chrom there's str/def tonics after chapter 3's done and those will help a bit.

This is operating under the assumption that you are not giving a fuck about turncounts. Because I was not giving a fuck about turncounts.

Edited by Thor Odinson
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I do not give a fuck about turn counts. My Hard classic file has a 100+ turn Chapter 13 because I randomly decided to dance grind Olivia. But thanks for the help and I'll probably try to put to use stat boosters I can get from renown.

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Well, then, training them should be pretty alright in those chapters I listed. Do watch out in chapter 7 though since at turn 5 there will be ambushspawn dracos at your starting point so at least make sure you have moved enough to not get snuck up upon. Otherwise I find c7 one of the easiest chapters of Lunatic. Used that one to train Panne as well.

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For training Chrom, I just treat him in Paralogue 1 like I do Donnel in Normal/Hard~ it and Chapter 5 imo are great training grounds for him, especially Chapter 5 due to the wyverns.

Still stuck on Chapter 3 of my Lunatic+ Classic run though. I pretty much only have one unit that can take hits (MU), since Frederick is at base and thus pair up fodder for her. I can feed Chrom one or two kills, but that's pretty much it.

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Still stuck on Chapter 3 of my Lunatic+ Classic run though. I pretty much only have one unit that can take hits (MU), since Frederick is at base and thus pair up fodder for her. I can feed Chrom one or two kills, but that's pretty much it.

Base Fred can still take hits, he just won't have much for killing power without being able to double. The toughest part of the chapter is clearing out the initial bum rush that comes from the bottom, which requires a lot of offense. Offense that is hampered if too many enemies have Counter (and they will rather often). After that, the Knights can be cleared individually and the top kited to death.

A few things worth noting are:

-An unequipped Fred with Kellam support makes a really good decoy for the Counter enemies.

-Base Sumia with Chrom support does pretty reasonable chip damage to Archers.

-Interceptor outlines a fairly dependable strategy in his guide: http://serenesforest.net/forums/index.php?showtopic=40300&page=1

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-Interceptor outlines a fairly dependable strategy in his guide: http://serenesforest.net/forums/index.php?showtopic=40300&page=1

Just an addendum to this, keep in mind if you use the strategy that it's predicated on an over-leveled +DEF asset Avatar. The reason it works is because you blast a bunch of people on the left-hand side with Thunder/Fire, and then finish them off with your scrubs on Player Phase. If you went for something else, you may find that you don't have enough durability to survive getting hit by four guys on Turn 1.
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It’s worth noting that this is one of the few times where it can be better to not Pair Up as you may need the additional units/player phase offense to reliably kill everything in time. Also use Frederick’s player phase Silver Lance attack wisely, as it's a big chunk of damage that avoids Counter (if finishing off a unit).

Edited by XeKr
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^ Yeah, and in addition to Fred, some of your best Player Phase units are ones with 2-range and decent accuracy. Miriel is good, and so is Virion, even if you have no intention of using the two of them long-term. Lissa makes a good Pair-up partner with Miriel if you can afford to give up healing for a couple turns, because the +MAG bonus can give you more KO combination options.

But I don't like Vaike; his HIT is extremely shaky, no matter what. Legit +STR bonus, though.

Edited by Interceptor
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Is it at all possible (likely not) to have female avatar pass down Galeforce to Lucina for Lunatic? And if not, what is the best skill to pass down and would it be worth getting galeforce for Morgan?

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Possible... If you reclass to Pegasus Knight as soon as you can, comfortably so.

Is reclassing to Pegasus Knight advisable with all the forged bows 'n rexcaliburs in Lunatic, however? Probably not. At least not for your avatar.

If you don't reclass to Pegasus Knight as soon as you can, however, you'll have a hard time getting Galeforce in time without DLC grinding. Personally, I went through grandmaster first and ended up passing down rally move by accident because I reached Lv5 by killing the chapter 13 boss. That sucked.

What you want to pass down is up to you, but when in doubt, just pass down Veteran to Lucina if you don't want to send her through Tactician (although this is not actually a bad choice as far as I'm concerned).

Getting Galeforce for Morgan is only worth it if you were planning to get Galeforce for your avatar to begin with. Sure, it's a good skill, but make sure that dealing with all the forged silver bows and rexcaliburs Lunatic throws at fliers is something you want to do.

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I find Lucina benefits more Veteran than early Galeforce. Especially since she can't really make great use of Tactician (her Mag is typically really bad, even with Avatar's genes, thanks to Chrom being terrible at Mag) and swords are an extremely mediocre weapon type. I've run several different builds with her an my most successful one yet in terms of getting her rolling quickly without grinding is to pass down Veteran and reclass her to Cavalier. This gets her 1-2 range and the stats to really take advantage of it ASAP.

Chrom!Morgan really benefits from Galeforce if you can get it for him, given that he'll start with Veteran and the ability to ditch Tactician right away (his Mag won't be quite as bad as Lucina's thanks to a higher base, but again... Chrom Mag genes...). With a bit of babying for setting up early kills, he can gain levels at an insane rate. And in the very least, Galeforce allows him to run in, snag a kill, then get out of dodge. Last time I reclassed him to Fighter, then promoted to Hero. Paired with Lucina, they were just a vortex of death that destroyed anything that got near them.

Also, I find Dark Flier to at least be viable until chapter 17, where the density of high hit anti-air really ramps up. A +Def Avatar can probably push things a little further than that too. The route I usually take is Tactician -> (last couple Luna+ runs had me SS back to Tactician at 20) -> Grandmaster -> Dark Flier.

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Currently a bit stuck in chapter 11. I'm thinking what the best strategy to employed in this chapter. Should I go offensively with tight formation or just sitting duck, play defensively at the area with 3 forts. My main combatant is FeMU!Knight Archer, Chrom!Paladin, Lon'qu!Wyvern Rider, Miriel!Mage, Nowi, Sumia, and Libra all with appropriate pairing except . Any suggestion?

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How well-trained is Nowi? If she's good enough to rock and roll, you can give her a RES tonic and maybe a Ward hit from Libra, she can probably take on the mages in the southeast by herself (and park on a a fort). That'll take a lot of heat off of the rest of your army, which can perhaps focus fire on the left side.

Just FYI, stay out of Gangrel's range, as well as the range of the six guys around him. They don't move until you do.

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I just started lunatic yesterday. I can't beat C5 no matter how hard I try. I've done a lot of grinding, and one of my units always dies before I get far. I like to reclass MU to mercenary so she can get armsthrift, but would that really be a good idea? My pairs for the future are Chrom x Sumia, FeMU x Inigo, Henry x Lissa, Virion x Olivia, Lon'qu x Maribelle, Donnel x Sully, Stahl x Cordelia, Fred x Cherche, Gregor x Panne, Ricken x Miriel, Gaius x Tharja, and Vaike x Nowi. It only took me an hour to beat C2 (I got really lucky). C2 and C5 are the hardest chapters early game in my opinion. Got any tips for just the rest of the game in general? This is lunatic, not lunatic+, and it's casual. I'm treating like classic, though. I just want to be able to save anywhere.

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A general tip that works for all of vanilla Lunatic, is to focus your resources into a small number of units. Awakening is all about Enemy Phase, so you want to be as powerful as possible in order to be able to take on multiple enemies consecutively.

As for Ch5, if you are grinding I'm not sure that I understand what the problem is. Where are you getting killed? There is no problem with a Mercenary Avatar.

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How well-trained is Nowi? If she's good enough to rock and roll, you can give her a RES tonic and maybe a Ward hit from Libra, she can probably take on the mages in the southeast by herself (and park on a a fort). That'll take a lot of heat off of the rest of your army, which can perhaps focus fire on the left side.

Just FYI, stay out of Gangrel's range, as well as the range of the six guys around him. They don't move until you do.

Level 12. At that level, is she supposed to be able to double those mages? Because my Nowi doesn't even with tonics and Gaius/Gregor pair up.

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