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Chapter 17: 9/354

3 Second Seal, 3 Master Seal

- Deploy: Chrom + Sumia, Frederick + Sully, Olivia, Maribelle + Henry

Sumia and Chrom start on the Center, and intercept the Eastern dude by Turn 2. Frederick is on the left, with Sully leading.

Basically, kill everything, and rush to the chest. When the Reinforcement start to come, I manage to get the left chest(including the one which I get by killing the thief with GF!Sumia) and I rescue rushed Sully to kill the boss

I should note that I do 2 try on this chapter, with the second one making a +1 Beast Killer because SULLY FAILED TO DOUBLE THE VALKYRIE BOSS

Pretty significant because Sully is like 20/20/10P! in this chapter, while Sumia is 20/20P!/5. This is LARGELY because Fred is a GK but.... eh

Chapter 18: 7/361

3 Second Seal, 3 Master Seal

- Deploy: Chrom + Sumia, Frederick + Sully

Fuck deploying healers on this chapter. Chrom is unable to survive when assaulted by Griffon with Javelin, and is lame with Falchion. Meanwhile, Sumia take joke damage and doubled everything bar an SM. This is the chapter that make me decided to mainly use Sumia on the front

Hand Axe Sumia left. Sully on the middle. Rushes down slowly, and finally pick the Energy Drop

Yen'Fay is a joke in the face of Javelin

Par 9: 9/370

3 Second Seal, 3 Master Seal

- Deploy: Chrom + Sumia, Frederick + Sully, Libra + Ricken, Maribelle + Henry, Olivia, Lucina

Cynthia base is so W1n, that she matchs a barely trained Lucina and nearly caps her stats

With the help of a Dancer, I recruited Cynthia, GF and go up. Rescue Cynthia, and pair with Lucina.

Not much to say other than I take my sweet time to clean the map and gives like 4 kills to Cynthia

Par 8: 18/388

3 Second Seal, 3 Master Seal

- Deploy: Chrom + Sumia, Frederick + Sully, Libra + Ricken, Maribelle + Henry, Olivia, Lucina + Cynthia, Anna + Gaius

Chrom is parked on the first chokepoint on the left, Sully on the right. Rushes down the Archer with Cynthia, helped by Rescue Dance shenanigans. I rescued Kjelle when her concotion runs out, and murdered everything with Cynthia in general. The sister get Promotion at this chapter, at level 17(Cynthia)/20(Lucina)

Par 17: 2/390

3 Second Seal, 5 Master Seal

- Deploy: Chrom + Sumia, Frederick + Sully, Libra + Ricken, Maribelle + Henry, Olivia + Cherche, Lucina + Cynthia

Sully goes Left and murder a Wyvern Lord. Cynthia is rescued and clean up the left side with Galeforce.

Dance Chrom down, and rush the boss, who gets ORKOEd by Hand Axe Sumia, GF, and get another kill off the south dude. Rescue him after that

After this, clean up with Rescue shenanigans. Put simply, I actually tried to do this chapter the fair way, and I get overwhelmed with my 3 combat unit team

Chapter 19: 32/390

3 Second Seal, 5 Master Seal

- Deploy: Chrom + Sumia, Frederick + Sully, Libra + Ricken, Maribelle + Henry, Tiki + Say'ri

Tonic the hell out of Tiki. Clean up the enemies at starting position, to make a sweet spot for Maribelle. Tiki goes to the down left fort and stayed there all day, while Sully goes to the center left fort. Park Lucina on a forest, and later on, Fort. Later on, Sumia goes on the Middle Right fort on the left, while Lucina is on the Middle right fort on the left

More like this

oo oo

oS f Fo




oL M To

f: forest

o: Fort

S: Sumia + Chrom

L: Lucina

F: Sully + Frederick

M: Maribelle

Maribelle spammed Physic on Tiki because Tiki's survivability is still lame.

IIRC I also spam Rescue with Cynthia for this chapter, and get Lancefaire

Chapter 20: 9/399

3 Second Seal, 5 Master Seal

- Deploy: Chrom + Sumia, Frederick + Sully, Libra + Ricken, Maribelle + Henry, Tiki + Say'ri, Cherche + Olivia

Sumia cleans up the Center of the field in 2 Turn with a Hand Axe because Luna so broken

Tiki handled the 4 general on the left, while Cynthia and Sully do some spam GF to handle the general with a Dance assistance. When the surprise butt sex come, Maribelle and Olivia is already so far away, while Cynthia is near Walhart who started to move. Fuck.

Cynthia is NEARLY killed by Walhart thanks to prescience >_>

Anyway, as you can see in my old post, Sumia faced 40 hit rate and sub 50 hit rate and is 5HKO by Casters, and 35HKO by Silver Bow. And this is without tonic, which is pretty epic.

Yes when I realized I can get DS+ in this chapter, it was too late

Chapter 21: 7/406

6 Second Seal, 5 Master Seal

- Deploy: Chrom + Sumia, Frederick + Sully, Libra + Anna, Maribelle + Cordelia, Tiki + Say'ri

Cordelia is there to give RES and SPD boost

Fred and Sully Reclass into Paladin, and Tiki reclass into Manakete

Sumia rushes on Turn 1, and killed a Nosferatu that blocked the Mire that protected Noble Rapier and the nearby Assassin. Cynthia and Lucina Galeforce chain into the Skill Book Mire. Move Maribelle and Libra to a safe spot. Tiki chips the nearby SM, and kill it by Turn 2

After this, rushes with Sumia, and do some rescue shenanigans. I manage to get Fortify and Bullion L, with Anna surviving 1 Mire. Maribelle take 4 Mire Damage, Sully does not give a fuck about Mires.

Chrom failed to double the boss which is lol

Chapter 22: 22/428

7 Second Seal, 5 Master Seal

- Deploy: Chrom + Sumia, Frederick + Sully, Libra + Anna, Maribelle + Cordelia, Tiki + Say'ri

Reclass Maribelle into Falcon Knight

A deceptively complex chapter because Tiki failed to do significant damage >_>

Tonic on Tiki

I have Sully and Sumia rush forward to intercept the HW assault from the Northern side, while Tiki killed almost every HW wielder on the right and on the left, with some assistance from Cynthia and Lucina. Cynthia rally speed on turn 1

BK is pretty useful here thanks to the massive amount of Horse Riding dickhead

Also I spammed Rescue for Rally speed on Maribelle

Chapter 23: 4/432

7 Second Seal, 5 Master Seal

- Deploy: Robin, Batman, Chrom + Sumia, Frederick + Sully, Libra + Ricken, Maribelle + Henry, Tiki + Say'ri, Olivia + Anna

The enemy stats are deceptively hilarious.

Tiki singlehandedly handled the bottom side, killing a Sorcerer to start the chapter with plain DS.

Galeforce jump the Assassin, and the Berserker on the left with Lucy, and Sully weaken the nearest general on the North. Unpaired Sumia Galeforce into a Pillar with a Steel lance, which she use to ORKO a Berserker with a Luna proc.

Chrom is dropped to start the second phase of the chapter by turn 2.

After this, Basilio murdered a General, Tiki advance from below, while Sumia does the majority of the job, because she has 40% hit rate from Sorcerer, take 20 ish from Zerker at 40% rate(about the only enemy that poses a threat), and take joke damage from Assassin with a Helswath

Chapter 24: 5/437

7 Second Seal, 5 Master Seal

- Deploy: Chrom + Sumia, Frederick + Sully, Maribelle + Henry, Tiki + Say'ri, Olivia + Anna

I forged a Beast Killer(+2 MT, +2 HT) for Freddy

Rally Sully turn 1, and move forward with a Dancer support from the upper side. Tiki on the middle, Sumia and Cynthia down

I blocked the nearest fort from the starting position

Also the Elixir Great Knight is a dick

Chapter 25: 1/438

7 Second Seal, 5 Master Seal

- Deploy: Chrom, Sumia + Maribelle, Sully, Tiki + Say'ri, Olivia + Frederick, Basilio, Cynthia + Lucina

Rush forward with Maribelle, and switch to Sumia who ORKO a Sorc. Rescue Cynthia, and One Shot Aversa with Forged BK

FINAL: 1/439

7 Second Seal, 5 Master Seal

- Deploy: Chrom + Sumia, Maribelle, Libra + Ricken, Sully, Tiki + Say'ri, Olivia + Frederick, Basilio, Cynthia + Lucina, Anna

Tonic the Ylissean family, and Equip Sumia with Brave Axe and Cynthia with Brave Lance. Rally, Galeforce rush down, and gang Grima with Sumia and Cynthia

Also Sumia and Cynthia somehow forgot how to proc their mad skillz


Chrom: Bronze 304 B/164 W

Sumia: Gold 486 B/384 W

20 Lord/17 Great Lord/10 Paladin

HP: 64

STR: 37

MAG: 5

SKL: 40

SPD: 33

LCK: 32

DEF: 33

RES: 15

20 Peg/17 DF/20 GK/4 GK

HP: 74

STR: 45


SKL: 36

SPD: 40

LCK: 43

DEF: 39

RES: 26

Early game, Sumia struggled to kill anything, but after the support build up, her fliers utility + Combat started to shine a bit. After she reclassed into GK, Sumia soloed everything with healing from Staff and Item assitance. And is an ORKO machine with Luna. She has the highest defense and offense in the team by far, because Aether is a dick.

Chrom falls off by chapter 17 - 18 and is relegated into Pocket attacker. Early on, he's a promising unit, and is crucial in a lot of my early chapters thanks to Dragon Slaying Falchion. Its just Sumia outclassed him so much by mid game onwards

Frederick: 127 B/60 W

Sully: Silver 402 B/279 W

17 Great Knight/1 Paladin

HP: 44

STR: 23

MAG: 6

SKL: 24

SPD: 22

LCK: 9

DEF: 21

RES: 11

20 Cav/20 WK/20 WL/4 Pal

HP: 78

STR: 41


SKL: 38

SPD: 34

LCK: 36

DEF: 39

RES: 26

Sully failed to double a majority of late game enemies, but has no problem surviving thanks to evasion stack and DG+ and solid defensive parameter. This is the difference beetwen Sully and Sumia. While Sumia is so god damn fast that she doubled everything even as GK, Sully is wayyy too balanced.

Frederick really started to falls of at chapter 23, where he misses a lot in the pocket, but during the first arc to Valm Arc, he's a bro. DG+ is pretty epic as well


20 Tro/20 Valk/7 Falcon

HP: 52

STR: 14

MAG: 29

SKL: 36

SPD: 32

LCK: 38

DEF: 16

RES: 33

My bias on her pays off well since she does a lot of subtle, but Crucial job in bringing my team

together. Also Olivia x Maribelle is my new OTP <3

I suppose I slap Henry and Cordelia here for being a stats stick

Libra: I rarely deployed him because Maribelle is sufficient. Still, a second hand Rescue Bot is epic

Anna: I admit I did not deploy her properly because theres tons of treasure that I can get, but I forget to do so. Thanks brain fart. My go to thief and Third hand Rescue Bot

Olivia: Another unit that I believe can be used more liberally, now that I know the map structure of Lunatic. A crucial member with Maribelle as her partner

Cherche: Lucy Stats stick, and Flier delivery Bot. Should have promoted for easier transportation and +1 Mov

Tiki: 88 B/42 W

Say'ri: 0 B/0 W

30 Mana/18 Mana

HP: 80

STR: 40

MAG: 25

SKL: 35

SPD: 35

LCK: 45

DEF: 35

RES: 32

2 SM

HP: 52

STR: 14

MAG: 29

SKL: 36

SPD: 32

LCK: 38

DEF: 16

RES: 33

Put simply, Say'ri is a mini Frederick who... is never as useful as Frederick is because she does no damage frequently by the time she can actually Dual Strike. Stats stick to the max.

As for Tiki, she is a solid late joiner, and is especially useful at chapter 23. Her durability after training is just absurd

Lucina: 85 B/64 W

Cynthia: 92 B/72 W

20 Lord/15 Great Lord

HP: 61

STR: 35

MAG: 7

SKL: 40

SPD: 39

LCK: 33

DEF: 29

RES: 18

20 PEG/20 Falcon

HP: 69

STR: 35

MAG: 15

SKL: 45

SPD: 49

LCK: 47

DEF: 28

RES: 30

Lucina did not become particularly useful until Cynthia joined, and forced to take stats stick. After Cynthia joined, she stole the spotlight and Lucina become a Galeforce bot for Cynthia, albeit one with

Cynthia base is pure win, and I am biased on her with those Rescue Staff easy EXP. A Fourth string Rescuer, and Galeforce shenanigans at its best, and 110 Evasion is hilarious. However, she is never as good as Sumia is, because being a flier in late game is suffering, although to be really fair, she can take 1 - 2 arrow hits >_>

But Demise! you have a log and 3 draft that you have not played

Oh fuck

Edited by I have a Dragon Boner
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I'm starting to see why Interceptor prefer bow users for this. Almost beat Chapter 5, when on the last enemy, Chrom decides it is positively necessary to crit someone, leaving them with EXACTLY one HP, and himself dead. Wonderful.

I hope he realizes that his excessive anger issues and/or delusions of honor are REALLY getting in the way of that whole world peace thing he promised Emmeryn.

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I'm starting to see why Interceptor prefer bow users for this. Almost beat Chapter 5, when on the last enemy, Chrom decides it is positively necessary to crit someone, leaving them with EXACTLY one HP, and himself dead. Wonderful.

Yes sir; there's no reliability like 100% reliability. All of the crits without any of the heartache. My army's arrows will blot out the sun.
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Chapter 16 was hell. Those Falcon Knights and snipers made my day really difficult. There is hardly any place to keep my squishy glass cannon safe from them. I only managed to do it because many lucky Guard and Critical Hit to pull the chapter. What is the effective strategy for this map you guys usually employed?

Oh damn, I don't want to imagine those reinforcement Falcon Knight with counter in Lunatic+.

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My strats is to rush forward, and then put my most durable unit on the south. After this, cover the Falco Knight areas(right, left, north)

One of those stages where I did not bother to deploy the squishy units

Edited by I have a Dragon Boner
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Chapter 16 was hell. Those Falcon Knights and snipers made my day really difficult. There is hardly any place to keep my squishy glass cannon safe from them. I only managed to do it because many lucky Guard and Critical Hit to pull the chapter. What is the effective strategy for this map you guys usually employed?

Oh damn, I don't want to imagine those reinforcement Falcon Knight with counter in Lunatic+.

About half the runs I've done, I ended up just having Galeforce Avatar leapfrog up to the top for an assassination. The other runs, I had a lot of solid combatants to try to intercept the reinforcements within two turns of their spawning. The first is typically quite reliable with a well-trained Avatar, the second tends to be fairly risky, especially if Lunatic+ skills are in play.

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Chapter 16 was hell. Those Falcon Knights and snipers made my day really difficult. There is hardly any place to keep my squishy glass cannon safe from them. I only managed to do it because many lucky Guard and Critical Hit to pull the chapter. What is the effective strategy for this map you guys usually employed?

Oh damn, I don't want to imagine those reinforcement Falcon Knight with counter in Lunatic+.

This is one of the chapters that I will always agree that the reinforcements were badly designed. It almost requires that you know where the falcos spawn if you wish to have no casualties.

My strat in every run in this chapter, is to divide my forces in 3 for the first 4 turns, one group goes left, one group goes mid, one group goes right. Before the first reinforcements arrive, the left group regroups at mid, and squishies go mid. We clear a path on the upper mid path and leave the squishies there. Then when the falcos arrive, they are killed and two strong tanks tank the southern reinforcements. After that it's just tanking and giving experience to units that you are training. You can also just skip fighting the reinforcements, and just kill the boss.

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I think the only Lunatic+ chapter where I really used a guide was the Prologue, to learn how to do the water trick. (I read Interceptor's playlog a bit too but haven't been using its chapter-by-chapter strategies anyway, so...) So far I'm on chapter 16 of Lunatic+, though I have done some of the early DLC to see how it plays on Lunatic+. (The answer: not very differently from Lunatic)

After I finish this run I think I might do a pure no-DLC run for comparison's sake, to see if the extra little bit of exp from the DLC affected anything major. I don't think it did though, I was careful to not use my normal battlers much in the DLC.

Edited by Skarthe
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I'm checking the AI thread but it seems the thread hasn't been updated for a while.

In which turn does all the enemy in chapter 17 got aggroed?

It seem I have to set up defenses real fast in one of the room for this map too.

My strats is to rush forward, and then put my most durable unit on the south. After this, cover the Falco Knight areas(right, left, north)

One of those stages where I did not bother to deploy the squishy units

I didn't know this chokepoint beside the left side of the map where Falco Knights reinforcement, and I didn't bother to waste more time to search one >_>

Those Falcons Knights best left dead at the turn they arrived to prevent pincer attack if you set up defenses in the middle.

But even without them, squishy unit wouldn't be able to do much as long as those Longbow Sniper+Rally STR+SKILL still kicking.

About half the runs I've done, I ended up just having Galeforce Avatar leapfrog up to the top for an assassination. The other runs, I had a lot of solid combatants to try to intercept the reinforcements within two turns of their spawning. The first is typically quite reliable with a well-trained Avatar, the second tends to be fairly risky, especially if Lunatic+ skills are in play.

But those EXP.....

This is one of the chapters that I will always agree that the reinforcements were badly designed. It almost requires that you know where the falcos spawn if you wish to have no casualties.

My strat in every run in this chapter, is to divide my forces in 3 for the first 4 turns, one group goes left, one group goes mid, one group goes right. Before the first reinforcements arrive, the left group regroups at mid, and squishies go mid. We clear a path on the upper mid path and leave the squishies there. Then when the falcos arrive, they are killed and two strong tanks tank the southern reinforcements. After that it's just tanking and giving experience to units that you are training. You can also just skip fighting the reinforcements, and just kill the boss.

Is there any way to clean up those pesky longbow snipers? Beside the obvious galeforce or our own longbow sniper of course.

This stage with those Warriors bow and Bow Knights, is hell for fliers, even Wyvern Lord!Lon'qu.

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Well I haven't updated the thread in a long time, I will update it maybe later someday, I've been busy.

The longbow snipers? Simple. Remember those two tanks? Well they should be doing a good job tanking. To take care of the longbow snipers, just kill the enemies in front of the tanks with those same tanks. Now place two squishies 2 spaces behind the tanks. Make sure the squishies can't die with one attack from the snipers. The Longbow snipers will move forward and attack the squishies. Now they will be in front of the tanks, and being unable to counter at 1-range, die helplessly.

The enemies in chapter 17 aggro in turn 7 or 8( I can't remember which), the turn in which the reinforcements arrive in the right group of 4 stairs.

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I finally beat Lunatic! Yay!

I am a horrible strategist, so do not judge me.

I'm just glad I could finally finish it.

Now onto Lunatic+...

If you are not confident with how you beat Lunatic, don't attempt Lunatic+.

I only attempted it after beating vanilla Lunatic like 5 times.

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If you are not confident with how you beat Lunatic, don't attempt Lunatic+.

I only attempted it after beating vanilla Lunatic like 5 times.

aha! I guess you're right..

But I love challenges, and they always get my so hyped up, and.. mad..

I'll still try it..

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aha! I guess you're right..

But I love challenges, and they always get my so hyped up, and.. mad..

I'll still try it..

Be prepared to die quite a few times in the first five or six chapters. I'd say 1 and 2 are probably the hardest parts of the game, at least as far as I've gotten so far.

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Be prepared to die quite a few times in the first five or six chapters. I'd say 1 and 2 are probably the hardest parts of the game, at least as far as I've gotten so far.


I'll throw tantrums and yell at my 3DS.


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Is DLC affected at all by difficulty? I've heard people say Future Past is, but I've also heard otherwise.

Yes. The series 1 DLC is affected by difficulty setting as well as FP. The differences between hard and Lunatic concerning DLC is minimal though.

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