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Chapter 2 is a nightmare, although 3 will be even worse. I could not beat it yet. And I will restart the whole game, because I gave my avatar speed + / skill - instead of defense + / skill -. So my avatar will grow better in defense and Frederick will get defense boosts.

You will want to pair up Freddie and Avatar as soon as possible. As MU gets +5 Def bonus just by pairing up with him after a C support.


Thanks, Int. ;)

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Really? +Spd is probably the second best asset after Def, as long as you don't have a Def flaw...

Asset/flaw don't change your pairup boosts. If they make you hit 10 in a stat earlier, then you'll give 1 more in that stat, but all your important stats should be above that already without a specific asset for Cht.2/3. Even then, Avatar shouldn't be in the back.

Ok, I did not know about that. Thanks for the resolution!

I have only used the combo speed + / skill - in my playthroughs. So I thought a defense + would give Frederick pair up boosts in defense.

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Ahh I've finally beaten Chapter 4. Making it to the forts helped a lot. Then after minding the wyverns the map became a breeze. Onward to Para. 2!

Though Risen battles are still a great challenge. There just so fast, particularly the pegasus knights, AND there sitting up here with Silver/Killer weapons. :(

The only people who can take a hit are Chrom, MU, and Frederick.

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Ok, I did not know about that. Thanks for the resolution!

I have only used the combo speed + / skill - in my playthroughs. So I thought a defense + would give Frederick pair up boosts in defense.


It's pretty useful stuff.

Though Risen battles are still a great challenge. There just so fast, particularly the pegasus knights, AND there sitting up here with Silver/Killer weapons. :(

The only people who can take a hit are Chrom, MU, and Frederick.

I'd strongly advise not fighting the Risen unless you really know what you're doing and/or are using DLC, moreso on Lunatic+. Once they promote, you can't simply stand there and expect to win.

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P-Ch2 Part 1

Chapter 2 Part 2

Just finished Chapter 2 after starting over 2 times as I needed the Elixir to get through. It was smooth sailing after having all three uses of it as I had Freddie+MU defend on the mountain. You want to make sure that hardly, if not any of the bottom wave has Hawkeye as it will likely put you mission in jeopardy. It was easy dealing with the bottom wave even with Luna+ as they had less than a 30ish hit chances to hit Freddie. Of course, it'll make the chapter even easier if you have a Superior Lance, or Leif's Blade. Without these weapons, you otherwise have to spam with you Silver Lance. Anyway, after dealing with the wave I had Freddie and MU deal with the upper wave after the second try. The boss was easy even with Vantage+ and Luna+ as I attacked him with the Iron Sword that I got here is all that it takes. So proud to have gotten through that mess. But...the next chapter gets even worse. I never tried it, but by seeing alot of enemies with Counter will make this more tedious than it is to be. To be honest, you shouldn't bother to raise anyone else other than Freddie, MU, Sorcerers, Bow units, and Chrom as no one else stands a chance in this mode. You need the bow units and Sorcerers to deal with Counter as many more enemies are now thrown with this and it makes this even more difficult that you almost have no way to deal with Counter right now. I guess I'll have to use the Javelin from Kellam on Freddie and use Miriel and Virion to attack the ones with Counter in a way that I can initiate a finishing blow so the enemies don't set off like a time bomb.

This looks very tedious and will try my best to reduce the amount of foes with Counter as possible before beginning the map as I have really have no way to deal with it at the moment. I would advise bow and Sorcerer units in this run. Whether you train or not, the outcome will be the same with Counter. So, Bow units are needed, so that if they get attacked by the ones with Counter, or from reinforcement surprise that has it they won't end up maiming themselves from retaliation. Sorcerers of course for Nosfertanking.

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Finally beat Paralogue 16 to open up the Secon Seal shop. Man, that was tough. All those promoted units with range 2 and absurd attack power... fortunatelly the boss doesn't move, so it's pretty easy after you clean up the damn Warriors and Dark Knights.

However, I think that was the map where I farmed the most: Nah (Manakete 10 => Manakete 22), Lucina (Grandmaster 3 => Grandmaster 10), Kjelle (PK 1 => PK 10), Lissa (FK 1 => FK 8) and Olivia (Dancer 10 => Dancer 30) got feed up big time.

Now to Paralogue 12 recruit the other demigod of this playthrough, Morgan.

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Finally beat Paralogue 16 to open up the Secon Seal shop. Man, that was tough. All those promoted units with range 2 and absurd attack power... fortunatelly the boss doesn't move, so it's pretty easy after you clean up the damn Warriors and Dark Knights.

However, I think that was the map where I farmed the most: Nah (Manakete 10 => Manakete 22), Lucina (Grandmaster 3 => Grandmaster 10), Kjelle (PK 1 => PK 10), Lissa (FK 1 => FK 8) and Olivia (Dancer 10 => Dancer 30) got feed up big time.

Now to Paralogue 12 recruit the other demigod of this playthrough, Morgan.

What mode are you playing. Vanilla, or bloody plus?



Got a bloody headache after doing it. I need a rest to fuel my tactician tanks. Better look at Intercepters Lunatic log to help me get through chapter 3 as it looks too tedious to get through with all of the Counter that there throwing around now. Better get bow units and Sorcerers FAST. Haven't did three yet, but will figure out a way to get through it and to reduce the enemies with Counter as much as possible.

I know what I must do to ensure that I take less advil later.

Lunatic+ team I recommend...


Will get him the Paragon skill later in the game to get him to grow like my Veteran users. He will be a Bowknight in the end to deal with Counter as well as being a great class for him in general.

-MU(Needed to deal with Counter)

Veteran is all that she needs as I will get her to pass over Vengeance to Morgan. Since Morgan will get Rightful King from his father no matter what. She's going Assassin in the end to have Lethality to deal with such hostile threats.

-Morgan(Needed to deal with Counter)

Having Veteran from the get go will make him great to be a Dark mage and a Sorcerer afterwards.

-Lissa(Primary healer)

Needed to keep my units healthy and refreshed.

-Tharja/Henry(Needed to deal with Counter)

Great Sorcerer as they both get great Def needed for them to deal with Luna+ as well as Counter.

-DLC Micaiah(Needed to deal with Counter)/Gregor

Same as Tharja/Henry for Micaiah. ...And Gregor will be a Bowknight after going through Hero to deal with Counter.


Will get her to inherit Veteran then will make her into an Archer then Sniper for Longbow usage to eliminate such dangerous threats.

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If you're having trouble on Cht.3, it's probably because your Avatar isn't strong enough. Interceptor will likely tell you the same, he/she really wants all the exp from Cht.2 as well for Cht.3.

If you're going to recommend an optimal team for Lunatic+ that includes DLC, why aren't all of your units capped with LB?

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To be honest, you shouldn't bother to raise anyone else other than Freddie, MU, Sorcerers, Bow units, and Chrom as no one else stands a chance in this mode. You need the bow units and Sorcerers to deal with Counter as many more enemies are now thrown with this and it makes this even more difficult that you almost have no way to deal with Counter right now. I guess I'll have to use the Javelin from Kellam on Freddie and use Miriel and Virion to attack the ones with Counter in a way that I can initiate a finishing blow so the enemies don't set off like a time bomb.

Bold mine. This really isn't true, but you do need a strategy for dealing with Counter. Bows and carefully managed Sorcerers are two ways to do so. Also keep in mind that going bows shifts the threatening unit type from those spawning with Counter to those with Luna+.

Sol is another way to do it. In the early game, an overleveled LV5+ Grandmaster!Avatar with Thunder stands a pretty decent chance of one-shotting any unpromoted unit foolish enough to pick a fight. Mid-game there's also Rescue Bombing (have a pair run in, murder something, then get Rescued out of danger by a staff user). Galeforce in general allows a sufficiently strong unit to dance around the movement ranges of the enemies too (among other things like attacking and then healing). Crit builds can do it too (best done with male Avatar), though they're a bit slow to get going and unreliable (but rather hilarious to watch when they do work out, especially when paired with Sol).

I wouldn't recommend Lethality, though. While it can work, that Skill/4% proc rate makes it incredibly unreliable (although, I have to admit that watching stuff like Yarne cinematically destroy Aversa with it is rather satisfying).

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Just beat Lunatic earlier today. Granted I mostly abused Golden Gaffe for money and EXP, but at least it'll make for interesting challenges with skirmishes and harder DLC maps. I lost my old file with my favourite pairings on Hard, so I just redid it on Lunatic to make the postgame more interesting. Probably not gonna touch Lunatic+ though. Lunatic is already crazy restrictive with what characters can be viable and I don't see much difference between the modes other than Lunatic+ giving enemies random and often unfair extra skills.

As a small anecdote, I passed on Paralogue 3 long ago because it was too hard for my team to keep the villagers alive when I first attempted it. Then I eventually realized after I got the Spotpass guys that I still hadn't done that map. I could have done it the boring way and have a capped out Chrom solo the map, but I loaded the Spotpass people and some other dudes up with regalia and had them smash everything. It was glorious.

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Review of Ch1 and 2

Anyway during my start over for the fifth time after getting MU to LV9 before starting Ch 2. MU should be at 9, or 10 at that point before going any further.

Got help from this vid knowing my mistake. I used Freddie too much there (Ch1 and Ch2). MU has to at least be to LV12 and to have some uses of the Silver Lance to make Ch3 manageable.

I this time randomly got a Gaius' Conflict from Ch2 using it on Freddie and MU to have them easily handle the northern wave. Some of them had Hawkeye+Luna combo. Had to have Freddie deal with such horrible enemies as he was the only one who could do it.

Ch 3

It was glorious after starting over once more since MU still wasn't strong enough for Ch3. After watching Rey's ch3 lunatic vid, in this 5th tryout, it was easy after that. Interceptor can guide me throughout the rest of the game of course. :D:

After trading items by giving Freddie Kellam's Javalin/Vulnerary and Sumia's and just took out the western wave with a LV12 MU along with Freddie with the Silver Lance after I saved 15 uses of it left. You want to make sure that most of the one ranged attackers down south except the archers does not have Counter. Reset if one of them does. After dealing with the left wave, then you have MU deal with the right. Up north, I had Chrom do some fighting as I haven't really levelled him much as the last two chapters went too aggro for that. Got him to LV3 by the end of the chapter. The upper wave was easy enough to deal with. After disarming and then hitting with ranged weapons and Freddie's Silver Lance to deal with Counter up north. I did not do no choke point like Rey and Interceptor did. I actually had them follow me down south after opening the left gate having MU+Freddie deal with them.

I already broke my Thunder tome before three foes were left with one of them having Pavise+ and Counter and Miriel retreated after losing her in the battle. She had the Fire tome. I did have to deal with a Counter as I had no ranged weapon but Freddie's two Silver Lance hits both Pavaised were enough to put that menace out of commission. Healed him with Lissa before the other two arrived along with Chrom finishing off the last two weakened foes. The boss was easy with a hammer as she only had Hawkeye. Thank god, no Luna+. MU's now at LV17 and near ready to go to Merc for Armsthrift. Getting the Second Seal from my renown items since it's the only way without Anna shops to get one till Ch8.

You should feel like a champion now after getting through 3 since it is the hardest chapter in the game, period...and that you can only use with what you've got since you cannot buy anything till after this chapter. Thank god the most difficult portion of the entire game is over. Thank you, Interceptor and Rey. Now I can enjoy this mode to the fullest whenever I majorly struggle. Out of the danger zone now as I started over five times already for not having MU strong enough. It's only until you can get access to Spotpass/Gate before this game no longer turns into a complete luck factor. Just about to get Chrom Paragon now. Summons one of my LB unit so I can get the manual now. :3

Won't be using the raised LB character of course until the last chapter for fun. Just need you to get me the Silver Card and the Paragon Manual for Chrom until then, ok. ;)

Afterwards...I gave Chrom my Narga's Tear and Boots then bought a few weapons from Spotpass Killer weapon, Celica's Gale and Katarina's Bolt for MU as she is already able to use them now. I also picked up my renown items up to Boots. Gave Chrom my Leif's Blade. I begin the next chapter now after giving MU my Tiki's Tear and Chrom and Freddie a Str and Def Tonic.

Chapter 4

Much easier compared to the last one. The set didn't matter as I can fully deal with Counter now. Had Freddie poke the Counters with the Short Spear and continued to train Chrom some more as I didn't get a chance to get him much EXP as the enemies went too aggro last three chapters. Got him to LV5 by the end of the chapter as I had him deal with Marth to get the finishing blow after Freddie weakened him with my Ephraim's Lance that I bought from Spotpass. Yes, like Interceptor and the rest of us...I will be using Spotpass items. We don't want the entire game to turn into a complete luck factor after all. Anyway, now that I have access to the gate, time to get the Silver Card and Paragon for Chrom. Then I will begin 'Sickle To The Sword."

Started over 5 times total to get to Ch5. Man...I need a rest. Also got Freddie and MU their B support. Will help for the oncoming battles ahead.

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Review of Ch1 and 2

Anyway during my start over for the fifth time after getting MU to LV9 before starting Ch 2. MU should be at 9, or 10 at that point before going any further.

Got help from this vid knowing my mistake. I used Freddie too much there (Ch1 and Ch2). MU has to at least be to LV12 and to have some uses of the Silver Lance to make Ch3 manageable.

I this time randomly got a Gaius' Conflict from Ch2 using it on Freddie and MU to have them easily handle the northern wave. Some of them had Hawkeye+Luna combo. Had to have Freddie deal with such horrible enemies as he was the only one who could do it.

Ch 3

It was glorious after starting over once more since MU still wasn't strong enough for Ch3. After watching Rey's ch3 lunatic vid, in this 5th tryout, it was easy after that. Interceptor can guide me throughout the rest of the game of course. :D:

After trading items by giving Freddie Kellam's Javalin/Vulnerary and Sumia's and just took out the western wave with a LV12 MU along with Freddie with the Silver Lance after I saved 15 uses of it left. You want to make sure that most of the one ranged attackers down south except the archers does not have Counter. Reset if one of them does. After dealing with the left wave, then you have MU deal with the right. Up north, I had Chrom do some fighting as I haven't really levelled him much as the last two chapters went too aggro for that. Got him to LV3 by the end of the chapter. The upper wave was easy enough to deal with. After disarming and then hitting with ranged weapons and Freddie's Silver Lance to deal with Counter up north. I did not do no choke point like Rey and Interceptor did. I actually had them follow me down south after opening the left gate having MU+Freddie deal with them.

I already broke my Thunder tome before three foes were left with one of them having Pavise+ and Counter and Miriel retreated after losing her in the battle. She had the Fire tome. I did have to deal with a Counter as I had no ranged weapon but Freddie's two Silver Lance hits both Pavaised were enough to put that menace out of commission. Healed him with Lissa before the other two arrived along with Chrom finishing off the last two weakened foes. The boss was easy with a hammer as she only had Hawkeye. Thank god, no Luna+. MU's now at LV17 and near ready to go to Merc for Armsthrift. Getting the Second Seal from my renown items since it's the only way without Anna shops to get one till Ch8.

You should feel like a champion now after getting through 3 since it is the hardest chapter in the game, period...and that you can only use with what you've got since you cannot buy anything till after this chapter. Thank god the most difficult portion of the entire game is over. Thank you, Interceptor and Rey. Now I can enjoy this mode to the fullest whenever I majorly struggle. Out of the danger zone now as I started over five times already for not having MU strong enough. It's only until you can get access to Spotpass/Gate before this game no longer turns into a complete luck factor. Just about to get Chrom Paragon now. Summons one of my LB unit so I can get the manual now. :3

Won't be using the raised LB character of course until the last chapter for fun. Just need you to get me the Silver Card and the Paragon Manual for Chrom until then, ok. ;)

Afterwards...I gave Chrom my Narga's Tear and Boots then bought a few weapons from Spotpass Killer weapon, Celica's Gale and Katarina's Bolt for MU as she is already able to use them now. I also picked up my renown items up to Boots. Gave Chrom my Leif's Blade. I begin the next chapter now after giving MU my Tiki's Tear and Chrom and Freddie a Str and Def Tonic.

Chapter 4

Much easier compared to the last one. The set didn't matter as I can fully deal with Counter now. Had Freddie poke the Counters with the Short Spear and continued to train Chrom some more as I didn't get a chance to get him much EXP as the enemies went too aggro last three chapters. Got him to LV5 by the end of the chapter as I had him deal with Marth to get the finishing blow after Freddie weakened him with my Ephraim's Lance that I bought from Spotpass. Yes, like Interceptor and the rest of us...I will be using Spotpass items. We don't want the entire game to turn into a complete luck factor after all. Anyway, now that I have access to the gate, time to get the Silver Card and Paragon for Chrom. Then I will begin 'Sickle To The Sword."

Started over 5 times total to get to Ch5. Man...I need a rest. Also got Freddie and MU their B support. Will help for the oncoming battles ahead.

Thank you for sharing it!

Without Rey´s guide I never could not beat this mode. Watching chapter 2 helped me a lot. I restarted my playthrough, because I used Frederick too much and my avatar was underleveled only level 7 before chapter 2. I gave my avatar defense +. I could beat the prologue at once and I only needed one restart in chapter 1. Chapter 2 was more painful but after 8 tries (I believe) I could beat it, because the better defense of my avatar was the key to success!

Seriously I have no mind to play chapter 3 at the moment, because the 3 previous maps took me enough time and energy!

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Though the fliers later in the game are going to scare me if they carry Counter. (Talking to you Ch14, 16, 25) They ambush you easily and can set off like a time bomb if they get too close. x.x

Better disarm whenever they are around.

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What mode are you playing. Vanilla, or bloody plus?

Vanilla. I haven't finished the game yet - I bought it on December and jumped straight to Lunatic Classic mode, because I always play the games on the highest difficulty available at the start. Man, if only I knew that Lunatic was less like Unknow mode in the Tales games and more like a heavy stress test...

I just finished Cynthia's paralogue after three attempts - the first one I got Kjelle killed by a Sniper and reset, the other one was successful but I didn't know the boss would flee with that Large Bullion so I reset, and the third one was game. I'm impressed how Sumia became a very solid character - I did read people call her useless and stupid and whatnot, but since I reclassed her from Dark Flyer to Great Knight, she's being awesome: hits fairly strong, has good defense, she doubles nearly everybody without difficulty, and Galeforce + Luna is a winning duo. Too bad I married her to Frederick - since I got him only to Lv 5 to learn Luna and pass it to Cynthia, he's too weak to deal any significant damage on a Dual Strike.

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Though the fliers later in the game are going to scare me if they carry Counter. (Talking to you Ch14, 16, 25) They ambush you easily and can set off like a time bomb if they get too close. x.x

Better disarm whenever they are around.

If you're following Interceptor's guide, you should have a bow team ready by then and they have no fear of Counter. You should be watching out for Luna+, though.

Too bad I married her to Frederick - since I got him only to Lv 5 to learn Luna and pass it to Cynthia, he's too weak to deal any significant damage on a Dual Strike.

If you don't mind not having an S support, the kids can get A supports with their parents very easily.

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WRT Counter from fliers, it's worth noting that you also have nothing to fear from Counter if you can OHKO. Off the top of my head I don't know how feasible it is against the RES-heavy Pegs in Ch. 14/16, but I remember considering using a powered-up WrecksRexcalibur for the job.

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WRT Counter from fliers, it's worth noting that you also have nothing to fear from Counter if you can OHKO. Off the top of my head I don't know how feasible it is against the RES-heavy Pegs in Ch. 14/16, but I remember considering using a powered-up WrecksRexcalibur for the job.

This is a bit luck-based, since Volant Axes can't be bought, but if one does happen to come across them, any decent axe user should be able to one-shot the chapter 14 and 16 Pegs. I've done it with both Vaike and Wyv Rider!Panne, anyway. Particularly high Strength lance users with the Beast Killer from chapter 12 could potentially get similar results (they'd have to deal with the 1-2 range Pegs on player phase, though).

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I'm about to start up my first Lunatic run, and I can't decide on a good asset/flaw for my avatar. FeMU, vanilla Lunatic, casual mode because I'm a scrub, no spotpass maps, and the only dlc I have right now is the grinding and scramble maps. I'm thinking +MAG/-DEF?

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I'm about to start up my first Lunatic run, and I can't decide on a good asset/flaw for my avatar. FeMU, vanilla Lunatic, casual mode because I'm a scrub, no spotpass maps, and the only dlc I have right now is the grinding and scramble maps. I'm thinking +MAG/-DEF?

If you’re going to grind, anything will work, though some people recommend +Mag/-Def for Apotheosis (though it doesn’t matter too much there either).

However, this does make it harder to use the standard Avatar-centric strategies for the earlygame (which most will advise), so you might need to rely on Frederick a bit more until the DLC if you don’t want to reset a bunch/rig growths.

+Def/-Luck or –Skl is generally recommended for no grind runs to make things the easiest. The faster Avatar gets levels and snowballs, generally the easier things get. Though if you know what you’re doing, again anything will work and there’s an argument that +Mag or +Spd might still be more efficient overall.

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Ch2 Part 2

Ch3 and 4

Paralogue1-Chapter 6

After getting Chrom, Lissa, Freddie, MU, and DLC Micaiah Paragon and All Stats+2, I then start the "Sickle to the Sword" chapter. Chrom really didn't get levelled at all as well as everyone else but Freddie since I needed the money to summon King Marth to get me the manuals and the Silver Card. I need the Silver Card as I'm trying my best not to use the Gaffee episode to get the money. I need Leif Blades to make me the money of course till I can get Despoil abilities.
Paralogue 1
Dealing with many Counter thrown at me was no easy picnic. The southern wave weren't much of a problem. But...later in the fight, Micaiah didn't make it after getting aniped through the walls of the fort in the center aclove. Freddie got Counter koed as I forgot that whenever you trade items, your weapon automatically equips itself. Good thing I'm playing this on casual. I would never touch this mode on classic, if ever. -.-
Freddie's retreat was worth it as Counter indeed sucks on casual for them as it doesn't activate if they're already too beat up. I actually levelled Donnel to 2 by pinning the archer by the treasure chest on the left. It wouldn't have mattered if he had Counter as Donnel does to little damage to make it lethal. Although, the archer had Hawkeye and Luna+, they were useless when I pinned him to the wall. See...I break some of the rules myself. :D
I grew him as I plan to pair him with Tharja for Noire to get Aptitude. She is going to need this to be useable in this mode. Anyway, Chrom grew at an accelerated rate here that he reached LV14 from 5 by the end of this chapter. Lissa reached LV11, Freddie is at 6. Continued to grow MU as well along with the new Paragon skill now to make it so that I can have time to get her Sol as well. She grew three levels here. This indeed is a great place to level up your weaker troops. Chrom is already competely caught up now thanks to Paragon. ^__^
Turns 22
MVP Chrom&Dia
Chrom LV14 EXP 53
Str 15+2
Mag Pwr 4+2
Skill 20+2
Speed 18+2
Luck 21+2
Def 14+2
Miccy had no increase.
Dia LV20/3 Exp48
Mag Pwr 15+2
Skill 15+2
Speed 18+2
Luck 20+2
Def 20+2
Res 6+2
LissaLV11 Exp5
Str 4+2
Mag Pwr 9+2
Skill 10+2
Speed 10+2
Luck 11+2
Def 5+2
Res 8+2
Freddie LV6 Exp49
Str 15+2
Mag Pwr 3+2
Skill 15+2
Speed 13+2
Luck 8+2
Def 16+2
Res 6+2
Freddie especially need the Paragon skill to get him going like everyone else if he's to useable later. <3
I also found a Tiki's Tear there on an event tile there as well. Finally activated Chrom+MU's S support. Veteran Lucina, here you come. :) Did this while gathering gold before starting the "Sickle to the Sword" episode. They had an A support by then. I sold some unneeded stuff that I've collected in the houses in the DLC episode for the manuals which got me the 2148G. Used it to buy the Master Seal that Anna was selling as MU will be needing it soon. Bought a Rescue from her which are hard to come by at this point of the game. Donnel also provided me a free Vulnerary. Started the next chapter after that.
Chapter 5
Arrgh! So much Counter that is very difficult to deal with without bow users. No matter. I clogged up the north area and disarmed after attacking whenever Counter foes were around. I did...however get swarmed with so many of them that I actually equipped a high crit weapon which an S support Chrom nearly had 52% crit on each foe. He critted nearly everytime 0HKOing them in the process as this is also another way to deal with Counter. Risky, but it works sometimes. It was glorious. :D
Chrom only got Countered once which I easily healed off after the turn ended. The remaining foes didn't have Counter which made the rest of this easy.
Turn 16
MVP Dia& Chrom
Either way, I'm loving this mode. Battling an army of Counter is real hardcore.
Chrom LV19 EXP43
HP 46/46
Str 18+2
Mag Pwr 4+2
Skill 22+2
Speed 22+2
Luck 25+2
Def 16+2
Res 6+2
Dia LV20/9 Exp2
HP 43/43
Pwr 25(Capped)
Mag Pwr 18+2
Skill 17+2
Speed 20+2
Luck 22+2
Def 25+2
Res 6+2
Lissa LV13 Exp73
HP 25/25
Pwr 4+2
Mag Pwr 10+2
Skill 11+2
Speed 10+2
Luck 12+2
Def 5+2
Res 8+2
FrederickLV7 Exp19
HP 34/34
Pwr 16+2
Mag Pwr 3+2
Skill 16+2
Speed 14+2
Luck 9+2
Def 17+2
Res 7+2
DLC Micaiah LV15 Exp16
HP 29/29
Power 2+2
Mag Pwr 15+2
Skill 14+2
Speed 14+2
Luck 16+2
Def 9+2
Res 12+2
Annnyway, I sell the gold bar and buy a Physic before beginning the next map.
Paralogue 2
Easy. Had to rest till there were no Counter foes by Anna. Not that she will stand a chance here anyhow. Don't worry, even on Classic, she won't permenently die. She will return to the Paralogue 4. She's the goddess of the RNG. Goddesses don't die. Just picked off the Counter foes first before allowingf Micaiah to get some needed EXP here as this is another good place to train weaker people. See how it pays to use less people on harder difficulties? It makes it suffice when they're well trained more quickly. At least my turn count is getting better too.
Turns 10
MVP Dia&Chrom
The Anna shop now sells a Master Seal. I buy it, then heded for the next chapter.
Chrom LV20 EXP--
HP 47/47
Pwr 18+2
Mag Pwr 4+2
Skill 23+2
Speed 22+2
Luck 26+2
Def 17+2
Res 6+2
Dia LV20/12/3 EXp96
HP 52/52 (This would be maximum for FE's 1, 2, and 3)
Pwr 29+2
Mag Pwr 20+2
Skill 22+2
Speed 27+2
Luck 24+2
Def 29+2
Res 12+2
DLC Micaiah LV17 EXP81
HP 31/31
Pwr 4+2
Mag Pwr 17+2
Skill 15+2
Speed 16+2
Luck 18+2
Def 10+2
Res 12+2
Maribelle LV4 EXP78
Pwr 0+2
M.Pwr 5+2
Skill 4+2
Speed 6+2
Luck 6+2
Def 3+2
Res 7+4
Lissa and Freddie are the same.
Maribelle is getting used for staff utility since I have no intention on using Miriel.
Chapter 6
Meant to be a semi hard chapter. It's easier if you play this on Casual. I just had Chrom hold off the left side along with Freddie doing some help. He killed Gaius with a 3% crit. I didn't care to recruit him as I wasn't planning to use him anyhow. The Counter got NPC Marth the better end, unfortunately. -.-
Next, Micaiah did exceedingly well here that she reached LV20 by this chapter. Shit...I need some Second Seals. I had her paired with MU as I had her her paired on the right side. Freddie defended the center very well although Emmeryn almost died as maribelle made a mistake with her Rescue as the mag was still in range of the Exalut. Anyway, Emmeryn survived and got her Rescued and out of the way next turn. Maribelle is still learning. -.-
Validar tried to take matters into his own hands, but failed. Even though his Luna+ didn't activate as Vengeance did instead. Only time ever that Luna+ hit didn't do a Luna attack. =P
Turns 7
MVP None
Finally getting a good turn record. I'm loving this. MU and them are indeed getting alot better. ^__^
Chrom LV20 EXP--
HP 47/47
Pwr 18+2
Mag Pwr 4+2
Skill 23+2
Speed 22+2
Luck 26+2
Def 17+2
Res 6+2
Sword A
Skills: pluq.pngDuel Attack thzu.pngCharm atxg.pngParagon jh0g.pngAll Stats+2
DLC Micaiah LV20 EXP--
HP 34/34
Str 6
Mag Pwr 19+2
Skill 16+2
Speed 17+2
Luck 19+2
Def 10+2
Res 13+2
Tome B
Skills: rwha.pngShadowgift nv71.pngRally Luck atxg.pngParagon jh0g.pngAll Stats+2
Dia LV20/12/5 Exp32
HP 53/53
Str 29
Mag Pwr 22
Skill 23
Speed 29
Luck 25
Def 30
Res 13
Sword A Axe E
Skills: pvdh.pngVeteran 0zk9.pngSolidary ulaz.pngSol al7x.pngArmsthrift atxg.pngParagon
Lissa LV16 Exp9
HP 27/27
Str 4+2
Mag Pwr 12+2
Skill 14+2
Speed 10+2
Luck 14+2
Def 5+2
Res 10+2
Staff C
Skills: 59l8.pngMiracle u5kg.pngHealtouch atxg.pngParagon jh0g.pngAll Stats+2
Miracle will get dropped later as it is useless on Casual.
Freddie LV8 Exp61
HP 35/35
Str 17+2
Mag Pwr 3+2
Skill 16+2
Speed 15+2
Luck 10+2
Def 18+2
Res 7+2
Sword D(Close to C) Spear A Axe C
Skills: u5o1.pngDiscipline ydp7.pngOutdoor Battle wlbf.pngLuna jh0g.pngAll Stats+2 atxg.pngParagon
Maribelle LV7 EXP22
Str 1+2
Mag Pwr 7+2
Skill 7+2
Speed 8+2
Luck 8+2
Def 3+2
Res 9+4
Staff D
Skills: 9iwh.pngRes+2 atxg.pngParagon jh0g.pngAll Stats+2
Gold: Broke

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I'm about to start up my first Lunatic run, and I can't decide on a good asset/flaw for my avatar. FeMU, vanilla Lunatic, casual mode because I'm a scrub, no spotpass maps, and the only dlc I have right now is the grinding and scramble maps. I'm thinking +MAG/-DEF?

+Mag/-Def is great for postgame and absolutely terrible until you reach the outrealm gate. If you want to do it anyway, good luck, though I'd at least recommend playing through Lunatic with a good asset/flaw several times before attempting that.

However, without DLC there's not much to optimize for other than ingame, so you're shooting yourself in the foot with no payoff by choosing a flaw that's bad for ingame (unless you're intending to buy more DLC soon). I'd advise +Def/-Lck or +Def/-Skl instead.

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Chapter 7

I buy a Concoction from Anna before beginning the next map.

Chapter 7

Easy. Did no resetting. Just had MU kill everything since everyone else needed Second Seals. It was exilerating that all soldiers there were at

Attk 0


Crit 0%

She got countered once, but Chrom duel attacked to take care of the other ones as the Sol healed off the damage with the others that attacked her that didn't have it. Yee hoo! Some gold is coming today. All the worthless Steel weapons along with a Bullion (M) are getting sold. MU is continuing to getting trained until Second Seals become available.

Dia LV20/12/9 EXP6

HP 56/56

Str 32

Mag Pwr 24

Skill 25

Speed 31

Luck 28

Def 32

Res 13

Sword A Axe E

I sell the stuff, buy the Master Seal from Anna and begin the next chapter. Thank you, Armsthrift for saving me lots of money.

Gold: 12,798G

Chapter 8

Easy. Just continued to pick off the 4 Counter foes in the entire chapter after one restart as I needed Freddie to stay in this fight. He got Counter Koed after I forgot to disarm him. Anyway, I had MU with a Thunder Sword pick off the sole 4 Counter foes and have trained Gregor here as I will be using him. I gave him my Goddess Icon as I needed his Armsthrift skill to work better later as he will be saving me lots of money soon. Made 2k with a Leif's Blade here with Armsthrift to further save me money from having to buy more. This is in fact a great way to make money without the Gaffe episode, or Skirmishes(Which you usually cannot do on Lunatic). I did do one skirmish after Chapter 5 as I've forgot to mention. Made 1k and got an Angel Robe which I happily gave to Maribelle right after she joined me. Gregor's hit did get Pavaised+d, so I had Freddie weaken with a orsin Hatchet then having Gregor get that kill. Got the Second Seal in the town and class changed Chrom to an Archer. He will go Sniper then Bow Knight. The boss proved to be a handful with Aegis+. Took the Glass Bow and it took two blows along with a Duel Attack from MU to kill her. She had Counter.

Turns: 21 (Due to training constraints)

MVP Dia&Chrom

Chrom LV20/2 EXP0

Str 18+2

Mag Pwr 4+2

Skill 27+2

Speed 22+2

Luck 27+2

Def 16+2

Res 6+2

Bow E

New Skill: Skill+2

Dia LV20/12/12 EXP92

HP 59/59

Str 34

Mag Pwr 26

Skill 26

Speed 32

Luck 29

Def 33

Res 13

Maribelle LV8 EXP80

Pwr 1+2

Mag Pwr 7+2

Skill 8+2

Speed 8+2

Luck 9+2

Def 3+2

Res 9+4

Freddie LV10 EXP23

HP 37/37

Pwr 18+2

Mag Pwr 3+2

Skill 18+2

Speed 17+2

Luck 12+2

Def 19+2

Res 7+2

Lissa LV19 EXP93

Pwr 5+2

Mag Pwr 15+2

Skill 17+2

Speed 12+2

Luck 15+2

Def 5+2

Res 10+2

Gregor LV11 EXP0

HP 32/32

Pwr 13

Mag Pwr 0

Skill 15

Speed 12

Luck 10(Goddess Icon)

Def 12

Res 2

Sword C

Skills: Armsthrift Patience

Gold 16,486G

More useless steel stuff except the Energy Drop got sold and now I'm going to get Gregor Paragon and All Stats+2 before beginning the next map.

Paralogue 3

A veery good place to train weaker troops. Trained Gregor here mostly getting rid of Counters by disarming and nailing them along with Chrom baiting them and sniping them to finish them off. Counter will be completely useless on them before you know it. Bows are absolutely recommeded in this mode. They are the greastest units to deal with Counter since they do not retaliate when being attacked unless if they get attacked at 2 range. Due to constraints of training Gregor here is why that the turn record is what it is.

Turns 15

MVP Dia and Chrom

Oh, and no NPC's made it out alive. Sorry. -.-

An Anna shop sells a Second Seal. FINALLY. Micaiah is getting this one right away. Uses it and makes her a Merc for the Armsthrift skill. She also had an Angel's robe and a Concoction both which I happily buy. I forge Miccy a Bronze Sword as her Str is low and along with a Str tonic shall do it. Buys it and uses the tonic on her. I also get Gregor a set of tonics again and use them. I then get some luck ones and use them on my Armsthrifters to get the skill working better. I then use a Gaius' Conflict and a Sweets on Miccy along with a Luck tonic. Your Armsthrifters should get a luck tonic in every chapter to further increase the chance of Armsthrift and Despoil to work on the Leif Blades/Skill. These are preparations to make as the next chapter is another aggro one and is pretty tough. I now begin the next chapter.

Chrom LV20/6 EXP2

Str 19+2

Mag Pwr 5+2

Skill 29+2

Speed 25+2

Luck 30+2

Def 16+2

Res 8+2

Bow E

New Skill: Skill+2

Dia LV20/12/13 EXP92

HP 60/60

Str 35

Mag Pwr 26

Skill 26

Speed 33

Luck 30

Def 33

Res 13

Maribelle LV11 EXP26

Pwr 1+2

Mag Pwr 10+2

Skill 8+2

Speed 9+2

Luck 11+2

Def 3+2

Res 9+4

Freddie LV11 EXP55

HP 39/39

Pwr 19+2

Mag Pwr 3+2

Skill 19+2

Speed 17+2

Luck 13+2

Def 19+2

Res 7+2

Lissa LV20 EXP--

HP 30/30

Pwr 5+2

Mag Pwr 16+2

Skill 18+2

Speed 12+2

Luck 16+2

Def 5+2

Res 11+2

Gregor LV15 EXP54

HP 36/36

Pwr 17+2

Mag Pwr 0+2

Skill 18+2

Speed 13+2

Luck 13+2

Def 13+2

Res 2+2

Sword C(Close to B)

Gold: 5756G (This is nothing. More will be coming soon with Leif Blades.)

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Polished off my 2nd Lunatic+ run (and first proper run ever with a Female Avatar)...just for the laughs I decided to tally up all the turns as the campaign details rolled...ended up being 666. I kid you not.

On a totally unrelated note, Avatar had something like 776 battles and 468 wins, almost double what my Male Avatar had in his Lunatic+ run...guess that's what Galeforce does to you...

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