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If you were to recommend this game to someone....

Gold Vanguard

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There's casual mode so you don't need to worry about permadeath. I find the majority of non-fans are actually scared of/hate the idea of permadeath. Unfathomable, I know, but anyone who hasn't played a Fire Emblem game before doesn't really seem to be enthused by the thought of their units dying forever.

THEN I would go into gameplay modes. Generally, I'd tell them about all the accessibility for someone new to get into the series as opposed to the minutia that existing fans are already aware of.

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I would recommend the game to a friend of mine but he finds the game slow paced and hes not a RPG guy even with Casual mode and everything

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One of my friends did say that the series is something would would get in to. But for some reason, didn't. I don't know if she will either. Even with this one as a gateway title. Dunno if she managed to play the demo yet though.

There's another who was introduced via the Tellius games. I might recommend this one to him if he's interested. Though he's not usually an RPG fan.

Edited by Little Al
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Depends on the person. One guy I sold it to as great plot and character development, another basically was convinced when I told him it was kinda like if you took LoL, gave you control over all the heroes and made it turn-based.

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Two words: production values.

This game comes in a limited edition bundle for good reason: it's the kind of game people buy systems for (I did). The gameplay is refined, taking in the best elements of several previous attempts in the series, while still being more than approachable for new players. The story is incredibly dense and emotionally impacting, lovingly told in cutscenes that are interspersed with breathtaking CG sequences. The music is amazing; several of the series standard themes are woven subtly into a full orchestral score that blends seamlessly from the battle map into individual combats (a new idea) and continually sets the mood perfectly. Immersed in the 3D display, it can be easy to forget that such sound is coming from a tiny handheld device. Even the localization is top-notch; character personalities are consistent, the typical hallmarks of lazy translation of older Japanese RPGs are avoided, and the jokes all work (and many of them... just have to be experienced for yourself).

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I've already got two people to start looking into the game simply because they played the 'first few' on GBA and they hated restarting when characters died/losing critical characters and getting stuck in future maps. I mentioned casual mode and that was pretty much all it took.

I know it's a frightening prospect to a lot of people, but casual/classic options are exactly what this series needed to be successful.

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"It's one of the Killer Apps for the 3DS for sure. Get it, you wont be sorry. If you like strategy/RISK type stuff, you might really dig this. Pairing system exists so if you like shipping characters and all the funzies that go with it, you might like this."

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Not sure what I would tell anyone I really know since apparently everyone with a 3DS at my college has the game. o.o Did not expect this game to be this popular. XD

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I know it's a frightening prospect to a lot of people, but casual/classic options are exactly what this series needed to be successful.

Agreed wholeheartedly. Personally, I could never think of touching Casual mode because I was trained that way, but for the newbie players or people who just hate seeing their characters die due to RNG gods smiting you even though you totally should've dodged that attack, Casual mode was the best thing that ever graced the series.

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friend:Hey I was thinking about getting into the Fire Emblem sires I am asking you cause I know you like it should I get the new game?


friend:but what if i don't like it?

me:you will like it~

friend:what if i don't like it?


friend:and if not


friend:ok ok ok I will like I will like.

Edited by Arch Sage
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