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SpotPass is a cruel mistress...


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Day 6: Still no sign of bonus teams. I've left my 3DS in sleep mode for 24 hours straight, fighting every urge to play more FE13 and finally get myself out of Grandmaster to make working toward Gryphon knight...maybe Dark Knight. But STILL not a single team. At first I was hellbent on Hector but at this point ANYONE would be great to get! Am I doing something wrong? Im at Chapter 13 and doing the Paralogs for the kidos (which hats off to the guys that were in charge of making those maps, I've never thought so hard in my life!) and I still have yet to get a single bonus team or item. *le sigh*

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Sorry, wrong post initially but yes it is weird how it works. I updated the game once and after that I received Tyrfing and all of Fire Emblem's teams including Hector and everyone as well as one Sacred Stones team. Then the past few days I've turned the internet on without updating and I've gotten an extra Sacred Stones team each day.

Edited by Whirlpool531
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For spotpass teams you have to go to wireless click on the bonus box thing, then the spot pass teams,click the game you want, and then click on the team and summon them to the map.

Obviously you need to download the data from the same bonus box.

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Yeah I keep on getting the "Unable to obtain new data." prompt. I've been getting that since I got it. I know changing your SD card messes with spot pass but I did that BEFORE I even downloaded FE:A so I figured it shouldn't an issue. Especially since I already got the DLC maps just fine. Its on sleep mode right now so maybe I'll finally hit jackpot and get somethin.

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That's a connection problem. Your 3DS isn't getting internet.

Yes, it's most likely this. The Update thing is just used when a new set of a new FE game is released, you don't need to click there everyday...the teams automatically appear on the Bonus Box.

My 3DS was able to connect to the E-Shop and receive spoptpass gems for Kid Icarus, but i could'nt play it online and i always appeared offline on friends list.

As i saw the DLC for FE13 would have to be purchased ingame ( altough in the end you don't need ), i was worried and started looking for solutions. I spent a whole day ( yea seriously, from morning to beginning of the night ) trying to figure it out why i coudn't connect to the internet.

Turned out i needed to upgrade the firmware of my router, which was last updated on 2005 laugh.gif...

After i did that i could play Kid Icarus online and appeared online on friends list and received every day a new SpotPass team ( currently have 5 of Sacred Stones ).

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No new firmware :\ I don't get it. My swapnote stuff works just fine. I've played Mario Kart 7 online to many times to count..really starting to get depressing lol

If you can play online other games then it's a problem inside the game.

Ok, on the Wireless menu in the game there's the option of activating SpotPass, which i believe you already done.

But there's also one Spotpass activate thing on the Main Menu before you start the game i think...it's on the Extras...try activating SpotPass there.

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I'll try there and then leave my ds in sleep mode tonight and see what happens. Im really starting to think its my ISP...since its a US game but my IP address is a Japanese one :\ I know streetpass is region locked so maybe spotpass stuff is too?

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I'll try there and then leave my ds in sleep mode tonight and see what happens. Im really starting to think its my ISP...since its a US game but my IP address is a Japanese one :\ I know streetpass is region locked so maybe spotpass stuff is too?

Probably that's it, try to change it. That is curious because you said played Mario Kart 7 online.

Altough i'm not sure because i have a brazilian IP and receive everything just fine, but maybe here is also included as a region set for american data.

Edited by Lanko
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Still nada T___T Well in 6 weeks I'll be back in florida so maybe then I can get hector and go nutso on things.

Update Edit: ok so I got the notification of the spotpass stuff at the 3DS main menu but nothing in the bonus box...I'm completely lost lol

Edited by Tarvos
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If you downloaded it off eshop apparently every now and then when you download it there are some errors with spotpass.

To fix it you have to redownload it i think which also deletes some of your data. I don't remember. I saw it on gfaqs boards at some point in time.

Either that or you just aren't connected to the internet.

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Spotpass in this game has nothing to do with sleepmode, in spite of the name. Leaving it there will do no good. Like people have said, try updating through the wireless -> bonus box menu. If it doesn't work, try to approach the wireless signal or try another connection. You should at least get the complete FE (7) team at this point by doing that. Leaving the 3DS in sleep mode will do nothing.

Edited by NeonZ
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If you downloaded it off eshop apparently every now and then when you download it there are some errors with spotpass.

To fix it you have to redownload it i think which also deletes some of your data. I don't remember. I saw it on gfaqs boards at some point in time.

Either that or you just aren't connected to the internet.

I got mine from e-shop on release day and it worked perfectly from there.

I really think it's the IP thing, and from your comments it appears you are not in the US and with a japanese IP, so that's probably it... can you play Mario Kart 7 online with this japanese IP ?

Also, the shops of the teams are useful but the characters are just recolored MU's, so it's nothing thaaaat special.

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Yeah, I'm stationed at an air force base and they use japanese servers. And yeah, I naturally go to NA eShop, Xbox live, PSN, all that but connect with japanese online since the IP is such. Only issues I ever got with the IP was with MH:FO and Tera.

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I'll try there and then leave my ds in sleep mode tonight and see what happens. Im really starting to think its my ISP...since its a US game but my IP address is a Japanese one :\ I know streetpass is region locked so maybe spotpass stuff is too?

No. I had no problems downloading everything onto a Japanese game and 3DS using an American connection.

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I've been getting spotpass teams very slowly. But I've been hearing others getting them faster than I. I really wonder if its an ISP thing.

It might be. Cuz i have Spotpass activated so its always on. That way, it just sort of pops on there without having to use the update button. I do try that and i get the Unable to get new data message. (but DLC works fine...) But i do get Spotpass teams. I got Marisa today, but still no sign of Lyon or some of the newer ones, im thinking it could an ISP/Regional thing. Some of us may just get our teams a little slower. Odd since im using Xfinity.... I know Spotpass teams will be available to me eventually.

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