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Maybe Lon'qu's colours, despite being the same as the default, are still his tagged as own personal colours, explaining how he keeps the outfit even as an enemy unit?

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Maybe Lon'qu's colours, despite being the same as the default, are still his tagged as own personal colours, explaining how he keeps the outfit even as an enemy unit?

That's one theory that I had... the other is that his body size is somehow different from the other swordmasters

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I'm with Perlia, I don't see anything unique about the color of Lon'qu's robes

Are the gloves a different color? On my screen, they look so, but it could be bad lighting where I am.

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That's one theory that I had... the other is that his body size is somehow different from the other swordmasters

He, Stahl, and Gregor have the type 3 body size, so I don't think it's that. I support the idea that blue is technically his personal color though.

Ironically, I'm guessing red is his secondary personal from his myrmidon sash and the trim on his assassin gloves. Swordmaster already has red detailing though... so Lonnie looks generic-ish.

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Okay, so I'm not being weird, thanks :). To be honest though, with how the pegasus gets in the way and the weird design of the chaps, it can be hard to see the stockings unless they're in the Barracks.

EDIT: To add, the colors of their stocking also match their undershirts, seen from the side. Just had Cordelia in the Barracks to get a look.

I checked and I think you are right. When they are on a horse it appears that their legs are bare but when you see them in the barracks they are clearly wearing stockings.

Someone may have pointed this out already, but I think Panne's thief outfit is unique. I remember having my Avatar as a thief and her outfit was a dark gray color. Panne's has a more... mauve tint to it.

I'm like 95% certain Panne's thief outfit is generic. Her pose is different, but I am almost certain the outfit is the same.

Dark Knight!Miriel adjusts her glasses on her overworld sprite...

Does that count?

Yeah it definitely counts. I added this one.

Maybe Lon'qu's colours, despite being the same as the default, are still his tagged as own personal colours, explaining how he keeps the outfit even as an enemy unit?

That's what I think. There definitely isn't a noticeable difference, and I'm not sure if this one could be definitively resolved one way or another. If someone can confirm that the colors don't change as an enemy, that would be good enough for me.

Has anyone mentioned that Yarne has Hero animations as a Dread Fighter?

Because he does.

I think I have that covered some where. It's not just for Yarne, I think it's for anyone with access to hero. I don't remember the exact details I just know I have it covered somewhere in the OP.

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I think I have that covered some where. It's not just for Yarne, I think it's for anyone with access to hero. I don't remember the exact details I just know I have it covered somewhere in the OP.

Henry also has Hero animations as a DF.

...I don't think Henry can get Hero? (Unless I am remembering wrong)

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Oh, okay.

This is probably completely irrelevant as well, but I noticed that Serra's Cleric/War Cleric outfit is red, not the standard cornflower blue color that Sumia, Cherche and a female Avatar get.

Maribelle's is pink, but I'm quite sure someone's caught that already.

I may just want to leave this sort of thing to people with decent eyesight, ha. :)

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Oh, okay.

This is probably completely irrelevant as well, but I noticed that Serra's Cleric/War Cleric outfit is red, not the standard cornflower blue color that Sumia, Cherche and a female Avatar get.

Maribelle's is pink, but I'm quite sure someone's caught that already.

I may just want to leave this sort of thing to people with decent eyesight, ha. :)

Okay, but do you have her on your team? Or did you see that on SB2 or SB3?

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Okay, but do you have her on your team? Or did you see that on SB2 or SB3?

My sister recruited her on her file. If I could get a picture I would (don't know how to work that damned camera to save my life), but it's definitely red.

... Or not. Okay. I went back just to make sure and I could have SWORN the dress was red.

Yeah, I should just leave this to you guys. -_-

Edited by Vashiane
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Pssst Walhart, you mixed up the colors for Sumia and Cordelia. Also, only Sumia's armor is gold while Cordelia's is generic.

Oops, I thought I might have mixed them up when I was typing that. Fixed. Thanks for that.

The characters that have custom win poses as foot soldiers, such as Henry and Yarne, use the Hero animations as a Dread Fighter. Any other males with custom win poses should do the same.

^Yeah, what he said. I know I put that somewhere in the OP I am just too lazy to go and check. Flyingdave, thanks for explaining that one.

... Or not. Okay. I went back just to make sure and I could have SWORN the dress was red.

Yeah, I should just leave this to you guys. -_-

Don't worry about it. It's the thought that counts anyway. At least you tried to contribute correct info. That being said, it does make me all warm and fuzzy inside when someone provides a picture verification for this kind of thing, although I realize that isn't practical for most people.

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In addition to her red colouring, Sully's Great Knight model also has black tights/pants rather than those gross battle panties all the other female great knights wear.


My webcam's quality is godawful so I circled it

Above is femu in generic FemGK model

Below is Sully in her custom

Edited by Thor Odinson
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In addition to her red colouring, Sully's Great Knight model also has black tights/pants rather than those gross battle panties all the other female great knights wear.


My webcam's quality is godawful so I circled it

Above is femu in generic FemGK model

Below is Sully in her custom

And now I am jealous.

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In addition to her red colouring, Sully's Great Knight model also has black tights/pants rather than those gross battle panties all the other female great knights wear.


My webcam's quality is godawful so I circled it

Above is femu in generic FemGK model

Below is Sully in her custom

Huh, nice catch. Added.

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Also this isn't custom model per se, but Great Knight Flavia's generic build fails to take into account her skin colour so it looks like she's wearing a leotard with white tights instead of battle panties.

Which I found kinda amusing.

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It's not so much unique persay but Basilio's size is larger than most of the rest of the playable cast (maybe the same size class as Walhart?). So his berserker model is significantly more muscular than other playable characters and retains a darker skin tone.

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Also this isn't custom model per se, but Great Knight Flavia's generic build fails to take into account her skin colour so it looks like she's wearing a leotard with white tights instead of battle panties.

Which I found kinda amusing.

That's an interesting tidbit. I'll have to take a look at that. I'll add it to miscellanea.

It's not so much unique persay but Basilio's size is larger than most of the rest of the playable cast (maybe the same size class as Walhart?). So his berserker model is significantly more muscular than other playable characters and retains a darker skin tone.

Huh, interesting. I guess skin tone is another thing to consider, although it seems somewhat straightforward. For Basilio, the larger size is almost definitely responsible for the muscle tone, but I wonder if any other characters have differing skin tones besides Basilio and Flavia. For that matter, do Basilio and Flavia have the same skin tone in the battle model or is Basilio's darker?

This also raises the question of if Vaike actually has more muscle tone as a Warrior or Berserker (as in, that is what makes it a unique model) or if it is simply a larger size than most.

So far, it seems that battlefield appearance is determined by the following distinct variables alone:

Custom head

Custom characters/class model (if applicable)

Skin tone

Build size

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Basilio's skin tone is darker than Flavia's in the models.


Blurriness aside I think it's easy enough to tell the skin colour difference here. F

Also regarding Vaike, I /think/ he's the same size class as Gregor, but he also has a slightly darker skintone than standard, and definitely more defined leg muscles. Basilio's is definitely a size above him, though, and p sure Morgan is below.

I also tested Vaike's skintone vs Flavia and it seems his model actually has a darker tone but her art's definitely darker than his. Basilio still has the darkest though.

Edit: Yarne seems to be between Vaike and Flavia's tones, since he doesn't create a big enough contrast with either of them to be a obvious difference but Vaike and Flavia's difference was pretty obvious.

Edited by Thor Odinson
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