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Gangrel's endings?


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Since his Paralogue is out, does anybody know what Gangrel's endings are?

(Unpaired, and paired)

I'd like to know if he actually keeps his word and goes back to make Plegia a better place.

I'd really appreciate if marrying him ushered in a new era of peace, especially for such a crappy country.

I'm curious, anybody know?

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Well the recruitment convo isn't much better. And I have no idea what happens if he's married cause he can only marry MU and I'm not gonna do a play through just for that.

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Along the lines of, "If your going to try and kill yourself, do it fighting a god."


I actually wouldn't mind too much.

I had a lot of respect for Gangrel before I played the game, because I was under the assumption that he was a "redeemed" villain and not so bad in the end, but it seems like he's still a rotten douche either way. :-/

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I actually wouldn't mind too much.

I had a lot of respect for Gangrel before I played the game, because I was under the assumption that he was a "redeemed" villain and not so bad in the end, but it seems like he's still a rotten douche either way. :-/

I'd hardly say that.

The thing about the paralogue chapter for him is basically that he actually survived, but everyone figured he was dead and his own citizenry didn't want to deal with him and so he basically lost everything. He's now barely surviving as pretty much a janitor to a bunch of pirates, treated like trash, but too afraid to just die. When Chrom shows up, he basically wants Chrom to just kill him and get it over with, end things in battle like it was supposed to happen, but Chrom refuses. It takes three(!) separate chats where Chrom tries to convince him that no, Chrom's not going to unnecessarily kill him, and if he wants to die fine, but he can still at least do SOMETHING before that point (help try to slay Grima).

He's really not that bad in the end. He's suicidally depressed, and only goes along because frankly it's easier to just give into Chrom's demands in the end than have someone keep trying to convince him he's worth something.

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I kinda like Gangrel. I dunno why, exactly. I do intend to pair him with Avatar...eventually. I already got paired this playthrough. XD I like his lines in the Golden Gaffe, though. Asking if the Risen stole his gold, commending them for doing so, but chastising them because they stole from scum even lower than them. Harsh burn on himself, really.

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That's the third convo the first one is completely useless. And the second one has him begging chrom to kill him.

This explains why he insists on melee ranging chrom, and I can't seem to recruit him. I wonder if it's programmed into the game that he does that..

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Melee he only ever preformed ranged attacks against me. I was on hard. What were you doing. Did you have a 1-2 weapon equipped. Or if you try to get at the choke point the archers will make it impossible for him to attack ranged. Weird.

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Melee he only ever preformed ranged attacks against me. I was on hard. What were you doing. Did you have a 1-2 weapon equipped. Or if you try to get at the choke point the archers will make it impossible for him to attack ranged. Weird.

Normal.. I think I'm at the choke point between the mountains, but he doesn't seem to move unless I go to his attack range. I might just unequip weapons and pair up with Morgan/Kellam and just tank my way through this :P

Back on topic, he isn't that bad of a character, and I kinda feel sorry for him in the endings.

Edited by Melonhead
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What you can do is move chrom to just outside of gangrels range clear out the right half of the map. Move chrom one space left with a one range weapon equipped. Gangrel will attack the rest of the army ( with the exception of the wyverns and the boss) will move. Move back just outside of his range the army will follow. Kill everyone else then recruit him. Remember DO NOT use 1-2 weapons even with the pesky snipers.

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If your Chrom's defense is high enough, you could also strip him of all weapons and just send him in, paired with Lucina just in case. OAo That's how I got Gangrel without accidentally killing him...

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I had to rush Chrom in to talk and thankfully I had put him on a horse. Every time I would scurry my army backwards and use the rescue staff. For whatever reason Gangrel kept wanting to suicide on my swords at 1-range.

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I'd hardly say that.

The thing about the paralogue chapter for him is basically that he actually survived, but everyone figured he was dead and his own citizenry didn't want to deal with him and so he basically lost everything. He's now barely surviving as pretty much a janitor to a bunch of pirates, treated like trash, but too afraid to just die. When Chrom shows up, he basically wants Chrom to just kill him and get it over with, end things in battle like it was supposed to happen, but Chrom refuses. It takes three(!) separate chats where Chrom tries to convince him that no, Chrom's not going to unnecessarily kill him, and if he wants to die fine, but he can still at least do SOMETHING before that point (help try to slay Grima).

He's really not that bad in the end. He's suicidally depressed, and only goes along because frankly it's easier to just give into Chrom's demands in the end than have someone keep trying to convince him he's worth something.

Oh, interesting. His ending + his convos with Avatar makes sense to me now: He has basically lost all sense of self-worth due to what he did as Plegia's king and what it cost him (and others) in the end, for intentions that he believed would justify the means (he's probably not so sure about them now), and thinks he's just going to screw up if he takes charge of something (or just go back to being "Mad King Gangrel" if he takes an authorative position). And given his conversation with Emmeryn, he probably think's he's exhausted any sort of goodwill from people, ever, even if they're as forgiving as she is. He probably didn't expect Emmeryn, even in her... handicapped state, to just up and comfort him after everything he did to her.

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If he's unmarried he wanders off and nobody knows what became of him but all agree he was dead again within years.

This just strengthens the fact there is really no reason to marry anyone else. Every other guy's not half the husband he is.

Sorry, hopeless Gangrel fangirl.

Honestly, I was going to play a male file, too, but I don't even think I can. I don't want that to happen to him.

He also has my favorite lines on the sparkling tiles if he's paired with (his wife) My Unit.

The best has got to be his answer to the "Gift" line.

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He also has my favorite lines on the sparkling tiles if he's paired with (his wife) My Unit.

The best has got to be his answer to the "Gift" line.

Stop taunting me with your already being married to him!

...I might not be able to play a male file anymore, either...

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Probably not marrying him again... he's TOO AMAZING of a dad.

Morgan(M) to Father - Fetch

Father, tell me what I can get for you. Anything! It's the least I could do.


You think I need some trinket bought with a child's pocket change? Spare me.

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