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Imagine Yourself as a Fire Emblem character


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So the latest installments of Fire Emblem have had character creators that allow you to have a self-insert character who is amazing at everything. However, this is not the point of this thread. If you were an ORDINARY character, what kind of character would you be? What class would you be? What affinity? What level would you start at? What would your bases and weapon ranks be? How about growths? Starting items? Assuming an Awakening-style of reclassing, what would your class branches be? How would you describe your character's personality in a short paragraph? More importantly, what colour would you make your hair? How do you think you'd be recruited? Feel free to give yourself a more fitting name.

Name: Xyra

Starting class: Mage

Affinity: Ice

Gender: Female

Appearance: Short kiwi-green hair with bangs clipped up. Red Awakening mage attire with gold trim, black pants.

[spoiler=I have no life of which to speak of]


5|21|  3| 10|  5|  9|  5|  4|  6
Rank: C Tomes
Growths (%):
60| 25| 65| 50| 60| 35| 15| 30

Starting inventory: Elfire, Concoction

Reclass options: Thief, Dark Mage

Recruitment: In an early game chapter (chapter 5 or 6ish?) , fleeing from whatever danger. Would probably be recruited by dashing fellows, or maybe a childhood friend.

Personality: Absent-minded, timid, somewhat morbid and blunt, and possibly a little bit defeatist. Her spellbooks would be covered in doodles. Loves cats.

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Fuck standard classes man



More seriously tho

Name: Hjordis

Gender: Female

Appearance: Really fucking buff so buff it makes she-hulk looks like a twig, black hair with a bajillion braids, wears PANTS and some kind of top i guess i'm really not descriptive it'd be better if i drew pictures but then I'd spend forever and get no homework done

Affinity: Fire

Reclass tree: BUNNYRIDER Barbarian(gender restrictions do not apply i'm a programmer and spriter I'll just hack it in:B)/Mercenary/Dracoknight

Probably something like 40-55 HP (hell maybe even lower i don't think i have any stamina to speak of 55 is probably 'cuz of barbarian bases lol)/55-60 STR/45-50 MAG/30-40 SKL/40-50 SPD/25 LUK/35-45 DEF/15-20 RES depending on class i guess

Bases are i honestly don't know

Personality: Fist-to-face type of personality (think some hybrid of Thor and Hulk) who prefers to smash things, though capable of logical thinking.

Recruitment: Money/getting a job is probably involved. Bunnies can be involved too in a less serious situation.

Starts with Iron Blade or Hammer or something i like big weapons

Okay I really should do my homework now

Edit: Shit i forgot the -30 hit at range part

My accuracy's decent at melee and then suddenly ranged happens and I can't hit a thing

Edit Edit: what the fuck have this bad prototype sketch i'll remodel it later aw hell defense going up


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Hah, fine.

Name: (my real name, which is a bloody secret)

Gender: Female

Class: Archer, because I do best when I'm shooting things

Affinity: Fire

Appearance: Y'know those skinny anime high school girls that people dislike? That's what I'd look like, because. . .uh, that's what I look like. Oh, and Miriel-style glasses, and sensible clothes for my job (in other words, pants and boots over a bloody miniskirt and heels, AND my top is for protecting my chest, not flaunting my lack of cleavage).

Stats: I'm relatively fast and accurate, but don't expect me to gib armors in one hit. Oh, and I suck at taking physical hits.

Personality: Fast-talking and generally chill until I have to fight; then, I shoot until it dies or I do.

Recruitment: Bad guys would have to threaten something I care about, because I don't fight unless I have a good reason to.

Starting stuff: Whatever I can afford.

Reclass options: Anything magical or an infantry lance unit.

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my character would be an amazing myrmidon/merc with flashy critical animations and with awesome bases/growths

HP: 90%

Str: 60%

Skill: 50

Spd: 60%

Luck: 20%

Def: 45%

Res: 15%

That's what your typical FE fan self-imports themself into. That, or some Mage/Shaman.

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If I were an FE character, I'd be a mid game joining character with decent stats, or, at least, that's what I'd like to think.


Class: Myrmidon

Level 13

Affinity Wind










Appearance: Kalas in my signature, I guess.

Reclass tree: Mercenary, Thief

Recruitment: Defend a village in chapter 14, and make sure I survive.

Personality: Snarker guy who is bad with people, but will eventually open up.

Equipment: Steel Sword, Goddess Icon

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Name: Kay

Starting class: Troubadour (FE4 style)

Affinity: Anima

Gender: Female

Appearence: Shoulder-length red hair with side-parted bangs. White sleeveless tunic with riding pants and a fabulous red scarf. Likes wearing a flower in her hair.

10|25|  8| 13|  8| 12|  7|  5|  9
Rank: D Swords C Staves
Growths (%):
50| 35| 55| 50| 60| 30| 15| 30

Reclass tree: Mage, Archer

Recruitment: The lovely Kay is so kind and wonderful that she recruits herself to any noble cause~ (meaning she joins at the beginning of whatever chapter she appears in)

Personality: Tries to make up for her lack of social skills by being what she thinks is clever and snarky, but comes off as an annoyingly egotistical brat. Has a strong desire to help people despite finding it hard to approach people normally. Hates being useless.

Starting equipment: Rapier, Physic, Elixer, Energy Drop

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Okay, I'll play.


Class: Sword Armour (with resemblance to FE11 Knights)

Level 8

Affinity: Fire (both my last and first names have a meaning to do with flame, my chinese zodiac is a fire animal, and I use fire commonly as a theme in my stories, so why not?)

Base stats/growths

HP: 26/85%

Str: 12/55%

Skl: 7/30%

Spd:7/35% But the RNG likes this stat

Lck: 8/30%

Def: 14/45%

Res: 2/10%

Con: 10

Mov: 5, yes, I am an armour with infantry move

Sword: C

Recruitment: Probably chapter 5 or 6 of a game as an other unit, fending off some soldiers in my home castle in a patriotic manor. I'd tank fo a while, but I won't last forever, as there are some mages who are journeying there way to my space. The lord or one of my own countryman would have to talk to me in order to be recruited.

Reclass Tree (assuming it is one of the games features): Myrmidon, Wyvern Knight (GBA version)

Personality: A funny, charismatic, chivalrous man, though not quite perverted as Sain. My happy face hides an inner tragedy that had befell upon me earlier in life, perhaps revealed in supports.

Supports: If the main character is of my own country, than he will do fine, other countrymen would also be on my support list. Possible romantic supports with either the Lena or Minerva Archetype of the game, unless of course the supports are like in Awakening and I can marry almost anyone.

Equipment: Longsword/Zanbatou

Appearance: Loose brown hair, brown eyes, fairly tall.

If we were to make a game based on everyone's characters, that'd be something. I suspect a lot of myrmidons to join the group.

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AFFN| Fire

CLASS| Dark Mage / Shaman

RECLASS| Mage, Thief, Archer


Recruit from visiting village.

Probably joins because she has nothing better to do.


Self-taught mage who likes fooling around with magic.

Whimsical, eccentric, and cheerfully negative.

Likes cats, pretty things, and cute girls.

Extremely lazy and foul-mouthed.

Has no idea what she's doing.

Somewhat impassive.

OCP perfectionist.

 7| 25|  7| 13| 10|  8|  7|  8|  9|  7
65| 20| 60| 50| 30| 20| 35| 40
WPN RNK| Tomes {C}
INVENTORY| Nosferatu, Elfire, Vulnerary
 - [derp]

*Full of shit.

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Name: Dan

Starting Class: Priest (I would say Troubadour, but I'm terrified of horses... ^_^;)

Affinity: Thunder (Going by FE7 Birth months)

Level 5

Base Stats/Growths

HP: 20/40%

Str: 4/35%

Mag: 9/40%

Skl: 7/45%

Spd: 8/40%

Lck: 12/60%

Def: 3/20%

Res: 7/40%

Staff Rank: D

Starting Inventory: Heal, Vulnerary, Goddess Icon

Reclass Options: Thief or Archer

Recruitment: Um... probably really early, like chapter 2 or 3.... I'd either join up because of the storyline, or need to be rescued. I'd want someone cool to talk to! ^_^

Personality: Happy-go lucky kind of guy. Really smiley around everyone, except there would be one character who just gets on his nerves (but he would still like them) Very caring towards friends.

Appearance: Brown medium length hair (Messy). Wearing something similar to Artur's outfit. Blue eyes. Average height. Very smiley.

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Name: Kaz (hurrdurr)

Class: Mage

Affinity: Wind

Reclasses: Merc, Pirate

Appearance: Thin, defined face, short messy brown hair

Level 10











I dunno, like standard mage growths.





Generally antisocial until I know someone well, then I won't shut up. I act really confident about my abilities, especially in front of others, but am actually a bit insecure. Secretly attracted to half the females in the party, but too shy to say or do anything, though I'd love to get some. Cynical towards outsiders, but stupidly trusting of friends. Smart, but fairly lazy. I have a brother who's my best friend ever and I would go to any lengths to defend, though he's off in hiding somewhere because he's a wanted thief. We grew up as orphans and I began studying magic in an attempt to find good pay, though I don't really give a shit about money and am not a frugal man at all.


I wander onto the battlefield, and unsure what to do, start tossing magic at both sides (for shits and giggles). I can be persuaded to join (at no cost) by anybody with boobs.

Y'know, what if someone just took this thread and made it into a game? 50 million mages and mercs

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Name: David(I can't think of anything better)

Class: Paladin

Affinity: Fire

Weapon Ranks:(gba FE) Lance: A, Sword: A, Axe: C

(Awakening) Lance: B, Sword: B

Inventory: Spear, Silver Sword

(base stats and stat growths based on gba FE, would be higher in Awakening)

Base Stats:

Level 5

HP: 40

Str: 19

Mag: 9

Skill: 21

Spd: 17

Lck: 15

Def: 20

Res: 16

Stat Growths:

HP: 75

Str: 35

Mag: 15

Skill: 45

Spd: 35

Lck: 20

Def: 30

Res: 30

Reclass Options: Cavalier, Knight, Mercenary

Appearance: Something like this


Personality: Stubborn, rigid, and blunt. He is very opinionated and critical of things(perhaps a bit too much). He feels that if something is going to be done, it must be for a good reason. Because of this, he is constantly questioning his orders and the motivations of others(although he is very loyal to the few people he does trust and respect). He is quite cynical, and often goes on long rants when a subject he feels strongly about is brought up.

Recruitment: He would join around the end of the mid-game.

He fights for the enemy country and would be seen throughout the game until he can no longer tolerate the evil deeds of his country/king and joins the party

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Fire Affinity





Probobly as an NPC with stupid reckless A.I. vs a mob of Soldiers. Recruit me with Shin/Darros/Boron.


Cons:Low Skill, Low Axe Rank, Low Con for an axeman.

Reclass Options:Any thing with Axes.


Reckless, somewhat insensitive, extremely lucky, dense, idiotic, and still has a heart.

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Sounds fun, lemme try.

Name: Connie, or Emerald

Class: Knight

Affinity: Ice

Reclass: Mercenary, Mage

Appearance: Glasses, or a monocle. Afro, average height

Personality: Calm, easy going, uncaring yet passionate

Recruitment: Village/House

Level 9

Growths: Standard Knight growths. Defense > HP > Strength > Skill > Resistance > Luck > Speed > Magic. I don't feel like giving actual percentages.

Bases: 33 HP, 9 Strength, 0 Magic, 9 Skill, 3 Luck, 4 Speed, 6 Resistance, 15 Defense, Movement: 4-5 iunno

Iron Lance, Steel Lance, Vulernary

Lance rank: C

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Name: Quincy

Starting Class: Sniper

Affinity: Lightning

Gender: Male

Appearance: Short, curly brown hair and chin scruff. Wears FE13 Sniper attire, but without the stupid hat / headgear abomination. Instead, a simple eyepiece attached from the ear that enhances vision. (I'm assuming this is what the normal headgear for the sniper generics is for.)

5|43|  23| 8|  28|  28|  18|  18|  8
Rank: B Bows
Growths (%):
70| 45| 30| 70| 70| 50| 30| 30

Starting inventory: Silver Bow, Quincy's Bow, Concoction

Reclass options: Knight, Cavalier, Mage

Recruitment: I can only be recruited by Chuchito.

Personality: Sassy and aloof about most things, but gets huge brain-boners when science, explosions and/or bows are mentioned. He can get a little too into his research-- mostly about magic and future advancements in technology. Knowledge he hopes to use in perfecting a completely functioning mechanical bow.

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Name: Albert

Class: Mage or Shaman/Dark Mage

Reclass options: Cavalier and Mercenary

Affinity: Earth or Water

Appearance: Kinda gangly, blue eyes, short light brown hair that may look a bit like David Tennant's, mage outfit with Laurent-type glasses.

Personality: Somewhat of a perfectionist with an active imagination. He gets too caught up in even the smallest of details. Can be blunt at times. Comes across as a bit aloof, but can be a Chatty Cathy once a conversation gets going sometimes. Generally friendly at times, but can get distressed regarding personal problems especially those regarding funds and family. Has a bit of a weird sense of humor. Hopes to be successful in life. Likes to eat a lot. Is the army's most frequent sneezer.


HP: 40, Str: 30, Mag: 40, Skl: 35, Spd: 45, Lck: 45, Def: 25, Res: 30


Level: 01, HP: 16, Str: 3, Mag: 5, Skl, 2, Spd, 6, Lck, 6, Def, 3, Res, 2

I might need some work on this.

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Name: ZM

Class: Archer/Sniper

Affinity: Water (Thank you Boron's thread)

Gender: Male

Starting Rank: C Bows

Recruitment: Right off the bat. I ain't a bad guy. :P

Appearance: Like me.

Personality: Like mine.

Base stats:

Level 10

HP: 27

STR: 10

MAG: 0


SPD: 11


DEF: 7

RES: 3


HP: 80%

STR: 55%

MAG: 5%

SKILL: 45%

SPD: 50%

LUCK: 40%

DEF: 25%

RES: 20%

0/10 would not use free killers

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I think being the Cain/Abel of a generation is a tough task. That said last night I had to come up with something for my boyfriend too wub.gif

Name: Finrod

Starting class: Fighter

Affinity: Ice

Gender: Male

Appearance: Short blond hair, wide face, big boned but not uber toned like Basilio or Vaike, but still pretty tough. He might just have a hint of gut that hangs over his belt like a true wrestler.

[spoiler=Ahaha what am I doing get back to work Samias ;-;]


6|28| 12|  2|  4|  6|  4|  8|  0
Rank: D Axes
Growths (%):
105| 60| 25| 35| 40| 25| 45| 15

Starting Inventory: Hammer, Hand Axe

Reclass Options: Cavalier, Priest

Recruitment: Auto-join before chapter, forced, right before recruiting Xyra~

Personality: Patience of a saint. He's charming and helpful but has the edge of ego that makes him want to handle everything, or at least try, but he's not very good at delicate work. An excellent cook. You don't really want to mess with him if he's mad, and harming Xyra makes him very, very mad~ Obviously he would have the best paired ending of all time with her.

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I'll be a Dark Mage. Also a Est

I in fact would be similar to Cannas, but less cool...

Name : Arthur

Affinity : Ice

Reclass tree : Mage and Thief

Recruitement : Late game. My village will be attacked by Brigands.

When you come to the village, I'll join the team because I think I'll have more chance to survive.

Appearance : Glasses, long messed up hairs, stubbles

Personnality : Pretty gloomy and cynical. Seems strange at first, but a nice guy onnce you now him

Stats and growth (Higher than usual since he's an Est)

Equipment : Waste, Talisman, Vulnerary

LV 7

HP : 17 45%

STR : 0 35%

MAG : 13 95%

SKL : 7 50%

SPD : 4 70%

LCK : 4 155%

DEF : 2 5%

RES : 11 120%

Now,what I'll want to be

Name : Ikkar

Affinity : Dark

Appearance :


Class : He's the Tactician. He doesn't fight. Appears as a Merchant in it's first appearance

Stats : First appearance : LV 1 HP : 14 STR : 0 MAG : 5 SKL : 2 SPD : 11 LCK : 7 DEF : 0 RES : 4.

Personnality : Trickster and Know-it-all. Noone really know when he's serious or not.

Can sometimes breaks the fourth wall. Absolutely loves shades and pretend to be a famous shades seller

Serves as an annoying version of Anna.

Recruitement : Appears as an ennemy villager, alone in the map. A group of allied units,

lead by a General comes from the other side of the map and try to kill him, because they think he's

a spy. If they kill him, Game Over.

If you talk to him, he'll become allied and the allid unit will become ennemy. You have to either killed them all, knowing that they are really strong, or talk

to the Boss General 3 times, while protecting Ikkar.

Besides, He'll taunt you evey turn, making sure

you totally hate him at the end.

Yeah, he really is a jerk !

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