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Imagine Yourself as a Fire Emblem character


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Name: Andrew

Gender: Male

Starting Class: Lance General

Affinity: Fire (according to Boron, anyway)

Appearence: Like me (in armour)

Personality: Like me

Starting weapon ranks: Lance A, Axe B (Sword B on promotion to Marshall)

Starting equipment: Silver Lance, Steel Axe, Concoction

Skills: Shove, Nihil (gains FE10!Luna upon promotion)

Recruitment: Talk to him with Lord

Base stats:

Level 10 (2nd tier)

HP 43

Str 24

Mag 4

Skl 17

Spd 20

Lck 13

Def 26

Res 9

Mov 6


HP 55%

Str 60%

Mag 5%

Skl 45%

Spd 55%

Lck 40%

Def 55%

Res 30%

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Oh gosh, coming up with FE Characters is so fun.

I can't really think of an authentic name at all. So I just went with my real one

Name: Jeremy

Gender: Male

Starting Class: Priest

Affinity: Dark

Appearance: Short black hair, tanned skin but with a skinny physique. His seemingly bulky priest habit emphasizes his short stature. Much frailer than he looks.

[spoiler=I took liberties with the Awakening Priest outfit, for I do not like long robes.]fire_emblem__a_priest_by_chidokyo-d5w9czx.png

1| 15|  0| 7|  5|  3|  6|  1|  3
Rank: D Staves
Growths (As a Priest):
35| 15| 70| 45| 40| 60| 10| 50

Class Set:
Priest  -> Bishop (FE8 version with Slayer) & War Monk
Wind Mage -> Wind Sage (+ Thunder & Staves) & Dark Knight (+ Fire, Thunder & Swords)
Archer -> Sniper & Bow Knight

Inventory: Heal (or Mend he's not the first healing unit), Vulnenary

Skill: Miracle

Recruitment: Early Game as a Green Unit. Must talk to with the Lord before killed by brigands. (Obligatory brigand chapter ohoho)

Personality: He has a very polite and dignified exterior, but get to know him a little and you'll find that he's very bashful and is a bit of a coward. Likes to keep to himself and is a bit of a loner. He has a secret attraction to burly men. Therefore, he can only S support with males, but even then he will probably fail to admit his true feelings towards said male. In truth, he doesn't know very much about the practical side of life, so physical labor is not his strong suit. He is, however, good at what he does as a Priest, and will use all of his effort in helping his allies.

He'll grow to hit like a truck with magic, but don't expect him to take any hits, because he'll likely just drop dead if anyone manages to catch him.

Glass cannon 5ever (dat meens moar den 4evr)

Edited by Chidokyo
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Name: RC

Gender: Male

Class: PupilMage

Reclass options: Cavalier, Archer

Affinity: Dark

Appearance: Short adult male with distastefully centre parted black hair and oversized glasses.

Inventory: Fire, Angelic Robe, Warp Staff(The only one in the entire game and also character locked tongue.gif )

Skill: Paragon/Elite/whateveritsequivalentforsaidgame, Miracle

Recruitment: Red unit you encounter barring your way to the chapter boss whom you must attack three times with a General you get a few chapters ago and both must survive. Likely in a chapter three quarters into the game. Also, before the 'Est' if any.

Starting stats(absolute base): Level: 1|HP: 0|Str: 0|Mag: 2|Ski: 1|Spd: 5|Luk: 13|Def: 0|Res: -1|Mov:+1| E Tomes

Growths (mage): HP: 55|Str: 25|Mag: 65|Ski: 70|Spd: 75|Luk: 85|Def: 35|Res: 50|

Personality: Will eat double his share of rations and work half as hard as everyone. Has courage as substantial as ethane when exposed to high temperatures.

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I would definitely be the weak Lucius type Monk at first who then grows into a powerful Bishop. Not because I am kind hearted and gentle.. just because I always had an affinity for Holy Magic/Element in most of the RPGs I have played.

There aren't enough Holy Attack spells in RPGs in general... it usually just means Cure magic but I love Holy Attack spells.

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Just like in real life, I'd sneak around stealing things and breaking into places just the hell of it; while having no combat usefulness whatsoever. As for stats, i'd have decent def, speed and hp with a shit ton of luck.

Class: Thief

Affinity: Wind

Gender: Bro

Skill: Lucky Bastard

Recruitment: At the local pub

Avalibilty: Whenever, it aint like i got shit to do

Starting inventory: Only a lockpick, cause i steal, i dont kill

Personality: Chilled out

Edited by redturtle806
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Name: Frost

Starting Class: Dark Mage

Affinity: Ice

Gender: Male

Appearance: Black hair, short height, fair-skinned and with amber-colored irises, wears standard Dark Mage attire except it's all Blue. Usual facial expression is either empty, angry or often frowned.

Base Stats:

LV01 Dark Mage l HP: 15 l STR: 1 l MAG: 14 l SKL: 7 l SPD: 13 l LCK: 0 l DEF: 0% l RES: 10


HP: 35% l STR: 25% l MAG: 125% l SKL: 50% l SPD: 95% l LCK: 5% l DEF: 15% l RES: 135%

Starting inventory: Flux / Concoction (Joins with D-rank in Tomes)

Reclass options: Mage, Cavalier

Recruitment: Automatically joins in a chapter littered with Ballista and enemies with Killer weapons, underleveled with awful bases. Lategame, by the way....

Personality: Despite of having a good-natured personality. He is unusually cold, aloof and a complete perfectionist who bashes himself with negative thoughts when troubled.

Enjoy your worst character in the game!

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Name: (insert real name here)

Class: Mage fighter => Master Knight

Affinity: Anima.

Personal skills: Wrath, Elite.

Inventory: Iron Sword, Vulnenary.

Personality: Quiet and reserved also very devoted to his liege.

Base Stats: Lv 1 Hp:20 | Str:6 | Mag:4 | Skl:8 | Spd:7 | Lck:4 | Def:10 | Res:3

Growths: Hp:130% | Str:35% | Mag:30% | Skl:80% | Spd:40% | Lck:20% | Def:30% | Res:30%

Lv 20 Averages: Hp:44,7 | Str:12 | Mag:10 | Skl:24 | Spd:15 | Lck:8 | Def:16 | Res:9

Promotion Bonus: Str:+5 | Spd:+6 | Def:+4 | Res+4

Lv 20/20 Averages: Hp:70 | Str:24 | Mag:16 | Skl:30 | Spd:29 | Lck:12 | Def:26 | Res:18

Edited by Viyut
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3 variations here: guy In wish I was, guy I am, and...... the other one.

1. Name: Leon

Class: mercenary

affinity: ice

personality: hard-eyed, experienced, wise, intelligent, reserved, genuine, with a scarred past.

Reclass options: myrmidon, wyvern rider

Stats: an even spread all across the board (Ogma)

Recruitment: early game (Ogma) hired by villagers to fend off bandits, joins protagonists after being spoken to (other)

Appearance: well-toned, but not overly buff, some scar on his face, slightly taller than normal, with mercenary-garb

2. Name: undisclosed

Class: Mage

Affinity: fire

personality: dry humor, logical and intelligent, easy to get involved in an argument, religious

reclass options: Priest, Fighter

Recruitment: low level, early game, visit a village

appearance: not as frail as a mage would normally appear, not particularly big or small, short hair, casual clothes

Stats: high magic, pathetic luck, decent defense, passable strength (assuming awakening rules), lowish speed, skill, and HP, but not horrible, solid resistance.

3. Name: Ja'da'quan

affinity: all of them

Class: superman

stats: capped with limit breaker

recrutiment: prologue

appearance: as tall as Andre the Giant and as ripped as the body builder from the Geico commercial

personality: all-knowing, ever-present, all-powerful

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Appearance and personality are taken from myself, stats and skills are what would make more sense with my personality and how my life is.

Name: Mélanie (or Mel)

Gender: Female

Class: Mage/Sage

Affinity: Light

Appearance: Kinda chubby but also with nice curves. Brown with copper higlights hair in a pixie cut. Dark brown (almost black) eyes. Light skin but blush easily. Rectangular glasses. Awakening-style Mage outfit in purple and silver-grey, with maybe a bit of black

Stats: Good Magic, Defense and Luck, average Hp, Resistance and Skill, bad Speed and Strength

Personality: The typical nice girl. I'm friendly, fun to be around and I never "judge a book by it's cover". I'm always ready to help others, though I hate asking for help if I need help myself. While I'm not usually shy, I will become shy if I'm alone with someone I like. I also believe in giving people second chances, so I'll probably be the first one to accept ex-bad guys and to try and befriend them. I'm quite smart and a bookworm. I'm usually laid-back, calm and extremely hard to anger but if somehow you do manage to anger me, you will wish to be dead... Though that if you say that you are sorry, I'll probably forgive you and go back to my usual friendly self.

Recruitment: The usual "Trying to protect my village from bandits" as a green unit. No one would be able to recruit me, as I would think they are bandit, but if someone attack a bandit in my range, I will go talk to them and join them.

Starting Inventory: Vulnerary, Elthunder

Skills: Solidarity, Miracle, Tomefaire, Renewal and Vengence (Solidarity as a personal skill, the others after some reclasses but that the ones that would make more sense personality-wise)

Reclass options: Cleric, Troubadour, Dark Mage, Pegasus Knight

And now, just for fun!

If I were in PoR or RD

Support with: Nolan, Iilyana, Meg, Volug, Zihark, Nailah, Elincia, Haar, Nepheenee, Mordecai, Lethe, Oscar, Gatrie, Shinon, Rhys, Ranulf, Kyza, Ulki, Naesala, Stefan, Bastian, Oliver

Special ending (romantic relationship) with: Mordecai (since they only have one in these games, and Haar already have one with Jill, so I'm going with my second fav)

And in Awakening:

Friendship supports (with girls): Female!Robin (duh!), Miriel, Sully, Lissa, Maribelle, Panne, Nowi, Tharja, Cherche Flavia, Aversa, Noire

Romantic supports (with guys): Male!Robin (again, duh!), Kellam, Lon'qu, Gregor, Libra, Henry, Basilio, Gangrel, Walhart, Brady, Yarne, Laurent


Start of a fight:

-Do we really have to fight?

-Let's be friend instead

-This is a waste of time.

Ennemy defeated:

- Defeat mean friendship, join us now?

-Ooops, sorry!

-I hope you've learned your lesson.

Dual Support:

- Let's do this together!

-I'm always there for my friends!

- You need help?

Dual strike:

-Let me assist!

-Me too!

-My turn!

Support Block:

-Watch out!

- How dare you?


- You... deserve this...

-You are beyond redemption...

Partner defeated ennemy:

- Good job!


- You're the best!

Event tiles:

-Hey! I found something! (Item)

- Maybe pratice would be better with a friend? (Exp)

- Let's train with that weapon! (Weapon Exp)

Level up:

-Wow! I feel so strong!

- Great, I'm getting better!

- I can't believe I keep ameliorating!

- Hm.. Not so bad, I guess...

-Maybe It's time to try something new?

Class change:

-Time to learn something new!


-Sorry... I'm hurt... I can't help more...

Death: Ugghh... Why.?.. I only... wanted... to be... friend... with you...


-I'm so lucky, I've not only found a best friend, but also a love!

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Since a user above posted quotes for their character, I decided to put up my own quotes for my SELF-INSERT.

Start of a fight:

-Time to test my bow on you!

-Heh... a new dummy for my experiments.

-Don't worry! This'll only hurt a lot.

Enemy defeated:

-I still require more tests.

-Yet another battle gone swimmingly.

-Hm? Done already?

Dual Support:

-Let's perform a little research together.

-Allow me to assist you.

-Having a partner is always useful,

Dual strike:

-I've got you!



Support Block:

-Don't fret.

-Not this time.



-Watch this-- right between the eyes!

Partner defeated ennemy:

-Excellence in prime.

-Good job.

-I'm impressed.

Event tiles:

-Oh! Is... is this my lost bolt? (Item)

-I didn't lose any important pieces today. (Exp)

-Fifty perfect shots. That's a new record. (Weapon Exp)

Level up:


-My knowledge has expanded exponentially.


-I can do better than that.

-Not every trial is successful..

Class change:

-M-May I keep my bow?!


-I'm sorry... but my bow is much too precious to leave behind.


-A man's dream is crushed, yet the world will go on. Urgh...


-Besides my contraption, you are my biggest love!

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Why not.

Name : Kalle

Gender : Male

Class : Dark Mage-Dark Knight

Affinity : Darkness

Appearance : Somewhat tall, bit buff, medium messy dark red hair and small brown eyes. Black armor with forest green clothes underneath.

Stat cap modification : +1 Strength, +2 Magic, -1 Skill, +2 Defense, -1 Resistance

Personality : Fairly eccentric and always willing for new adventures and experiences, even willing to learn more about forbidden subjects. Always enjoys a good book but doesn't neglect physical training. A man who sees everyone as equals and should use their potential to succeed. A bit of a hedonist.

Recruitment : Visit a tavern, happening to read a book while drinking some mead. Would join after sharing a pint and having a discussion on the conflict at hand and how to solve it.

Inventory : Steel Sword, Arcwind, Nosferatu, Concoction

Skills : Swordfaire, Tomefaire, Gamble, Shadowgift, Ignis

Reclass : Thief, Barbarian

Generic support list, though non-romantic with Henry and Gaius.

Quotes :

Start of a fight :

-Let's gauge your skills

-Fleeing won't get you far

-Might or magic, take your pick

Defeating an enemy :

-This may get in the records of history

-What chapter was I now?

-I've seen schoolgirls scarier than you

Dual support :

-Fun for two!

-Care for a helping hand?

-To teamwork!

Dual strike :


-How generous of you.

-You don't need to ask.

Support block :

-Not today.

-Eyes on the prey!

Critical :

-Time to get messy.

-An opening, eh?

Partner defeated the enemy :


-Let's get a pint after this.

-Impressive display.

Event tiles :

-Perhaps this curiosity could help our cause.

-Even this conflict is a great source of knowledge.

-The hilt of a blade or the back of a book? Why not both?

Level up :

-This feels like a revolutionary discovery.

-Life is wealthy in experience.

-A small step in the right direction.

-I may have had too much mead today.

-I suppose my potential has its limits.

Promotion :

-Let's explore further into the subject.

Class change :

-A step back and two steps forward.

-Finishing blow quote :

-Is this...the end?

Retreat :

-I'll be of little use in this condition. I must return to the base.

Death quote :

-May the afterlife bring... new knowledge...

Confession :

-A toast to our love!

Edited by Doga Blockovich
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I never done any thing like this before but this looks fun, so here's my try at this....

Name : Viviana (or Vivi)

Gender : Female

Class : Dancer

Affinity : Dark

Appearance - Has long black hair in the style of a hime cut (or how Say'ri's hair looks) that's tied up in a ponytail. Her eyes look like Tharja's but green. Has pale white skin and is slightly taller then most woman, is kinda skinny and busty (I know my wording is weird but what I mean to say is, think of Olivia's body). Her outfit looks like Laylea's (http://images.wikia.com/fireemblem/images/c/cd/P034_-_Laylea.jpg) with the top looking like one of Olivia's concept art (http://images.wikia.com/fireemblem/images/5/5a/Olivia1.jpg) and her outfit is colored iris, amethyst, and black.

Personality - Seems cold but is rather nice and is bit shy, bit of a deadpan snarker, has a strong desire to help people despite being shy, very loyal to her friends and loved ones, always calm but can get very passionate about some things (like dancing), loves cute things and will try to hug them, and has a weird sense of humor.

Recruitment - Joins at the start of a chapter (like chapter 7 or something).

Starting Stats - Level 3, HP 22, STR 9, MAG 0, SKL 7, SPD 11, LCK 4, DEF 9, RES 3, MOVE 5

Growth Rates (As a dancer anyways) - HP 55, STR 49, MAG 20, SKL 40, SPD 49, LCK 40, DEF 39, RES 20

Starting Inventory - Concoction, Steel Sword

Skills - Special Dance, Lucky Seven, Demoiselle, Ingis

Reclass Options - Pegasus Knight, Mercenary, and Myrmidon

Supports - Generic support list, though non-romantic would be with Tharja, Nowi, and Olivia.

Quotes :

Start of a fight -

- How lovely....

- I'm sorry it must end this way.

- Why are you wasting my time?

- *Sigh* Idiot.

Enemy defeated -

- Now there's one less idiot in the world.

- Farewell.

- Good bye.

- You deserved it.

Dual Support -

- You can do it.

- I'll keep you safe.

- Don't worry, you'll win!

- I've got your back!

- You're not alone.

Dual Strike -

- Wrong move!

- Allow me!

- Watch this!

- Don't forget me!

Support Block -

- Are you all right?

- Back off!

- Don't even...

- Stay alive!

Critical -

- Come, let us end this!

- Let's do this quickly, shall we?

- It's either you or me, and it isn't going to be me!

Partner defeated enemy -

- Nicely done.

- You were great!

- Excellent!

- Thank you.

Leveling Up -

- Wow, that was surprising! (6-7 stats up)

- I didn't know I had it in me! (5-4 stats up)

- Pretty good. (2-3 stats up)

- I have to try harder... (0-1 stats up)

- Hmm, maybe I should learn a bit more... (0-1/maxed stats up)

Class Change -

- D-do I look weird in this?

Retreat/ Death Quotes :

(Voiced Part - No...)

Retreat - I'm so sorry.... but I can't handle this.... again I'm sorry....

Death - No! Not like this! Everyone... I'm so sorry.... I should of tried harder...

Confession -

- *Giggle* I love you with all of my heart! I didn't think this would happen but I'm so glad that did!

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It took me a while to compile a list of quotes for my character, but here they are.

Quotes for my character, Jeremy:

Start of a fight:

-S-stay back!

-Get away from me!

-Don't you dare...!

-They spotted me...!

Enemy defeated:

-Hah, what did I tell you?

-My knees are still shaking...

-I've got to calm down.

-That wasn't so bad. Maybe.

Dual Support:

-I believe in you.

-Please, don't let them reach me.

-I'll help you as best as I can.

-I'll juuuust stick by you.

Dual strike:

-An opening!

-I'm here to help!

-Hope you don't mind.

-May I?

Support Block:

-Thank goodness..!

-I won't let them hurt you!

-Are you okay?

-I can't have you die and leave me defenseless!


-You should have listened to me!

-I will not fall here...!

-You won't be missed.

-I'm not that friable!

Partner defeated enemy:

-O-oh, thank you!

-*Sigh* You saved me.

-Less effort on my part.

-You're much stronger than I am.

Event tiles:

-Eh? ... Hello? Did someone drop this? (Item)

-Many of the men here are so virile... *Sigh* (Exp)

-Hey, I just realized that I didn't tire out during drills as quickly as I usually do. (Weapon Exp)

Level up:

-Anyone would regret messing with me now!

-I could get used to being on the battlefield.

-One step at a time.

-Oh, uhm, I hope no one saw that.

-I suppose this is all of what I'm capable of.

Class change:

-Time to make history.

Defeat (voiced):

-Nngh... Why...


-I can barely see anymore... I'm sorry, but I can't continue on like this...


-To die utterly alone like this... Perhaps I deserved such a pitiful fate...


-I didn't think I would ever find the man who would love me for who I am. I wish for us the purest love that knows no boundaries.

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Name: Mathias

Class: Archer

Base Stats

Lv 1


Str 5

Mag 0

Skl 9

Spd 6

Lck 6

Def 3

Res 0

HP 50%

Str 40%

Mag 5%

Skl 45%

Spd 40%

Lck 60%

Def 30%

Res 35%

Skills (RD version)


I'll be the guy shooting from the back lines behind everyone else. Personality is that I do what I can to have fun with others. And I say crazy and over the top stuff when I'm hyper. Sometimes I joke that I am insane, but in reality I am clearly mentally sound.

Battle quotes

When I'm the secondary unit in a doubled pair:

"I've got you buddy!"

"You got this!"

"Just fight!"

"Let's stick together!"

"He's got nothing on you man!"

Critical hit sayings:

"Taste my arrow!"

"Target practice!"

"It's away!"

"Fly arrow! Be free!"

"Don't even try to run!"

Kill quotes:


"Owned son!"

"Wasn't even looking"

"Did you see that?!"

"Ah sweet victory!"

When the unit I'm paired with gets the kill

"You stole my kill!"

"Getting so many assists!"

"Holy crap you saved me!"

"This guy knows what's up!"

"Wow that was impressive!"

Death quotes: Vocal: That, is so, unfair!

Text: I will miss you, my friends....

Event tile talks:

"What the sack of nuts is this?!"

"Little do they know, I train in my sleep sometimes!"

"Fancy seeing you on the battlefield!"

Level up:



"You know what? I'm ok with this."

"Gotta get back in the game."

"Ok why? Why? WHYYY?"

Class change:

"About time baby!"

Confession: Picture of me with a small smile, head barely tilted to one side. A loosely clenched fist is next to my chin.

"You truly are the most ballstastic person I have ever known. I thank you for accepting this, considering my lack of sanity."

Edited by DomesticHausCat
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Oh gosh, coming up with FE Characters is so fun.

I can't really think of an authentic name at all. So I just went with my real one

Name: Jeremy

Gender: Male

Starting Class: Priest

Affinity: Dark

Appearance: Short black hair, tanned skin but with a skinny physique. His seemingly bulky priest habit emphasizes his short stature. Much frailer than he looks.

[spoiler=I took liberties with the Awakening Priest outfit, for I do not like long robes.]fire_emblem__a_priest_by_chidokyo-d5w9czx.png

1| 15|  0| 7|  5|  3|  6|  1|  3
Rank: D Staves
Growths (As a Priest):
35| 15| 70| 45| 40| 60| 10| 50

Class Set:
Priest  -> Bishop (FE8 version with Slayer) & War Monk
Wind Mage -> Wind Sage (+ Thunder & Staves) & Dark Knight (+ Fire, Thunder & Swords)
Archer -> Sniper & Bow Knight

Inventory: Heal (or Mend he's not the first healing unit), Vulnenary

Skill: Miracle

Recruitment: Early Game as a Green Unit. Must talk to with the Lord before killed by brigands. (Obligatory brigand chapter ohoho)

Personality: He has a very polite and dignified exterior, but get to know him a little and you'll find that he's very bashful and is a bit of a coward. Likes to keep to himself and is a bit of a loner. He has a secret attraction to burly men. Therefore, he can only S support with males, but even then he will probably fail to admit his true feelings towards said male. In truth, he doesn't know very much about the practical side of life, so physical labor is not his strong suit. He is, however, good at what he does as a Priest, and will use all of his effort in helping his allies.

He'll grow to hit like a truck with magic, but don't expect him to take any hits, because he'll likely just drop dead if anyone manages to catch him.

Glass cannon 5ever (dat meens moar den 4evr)

Bitch stole my name and my class Thanks to weight lifting/ muscle building I could see myself as an archer or any type of foot soldier recruit. Not quite comfortable on horses enough to be a bow night or anything like that.

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Villager, name "Villager," half the speed but 1 or 2 HP more than your average child NPC (not Zephiel), serve no purpose other than to die from a 100% hit on the enemy's first phase in a "stop or at least mitigate the slaughter" mission, just so you know they're not fucking around. Hair brown for extra FE-redshirt flavor

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Name: Simon

Sex: Male

Gender: Male

Class: Sage. I can't ride horses and would not belong to an occult or priestly class, but I definitely would be a magic user. Promoted because I'm an adult and it's hard to conceptualize precisely how 'promotion' would be reflected in contemporary society.

Affinity: Fire

Appearance: Long-ish brown hair (well down the nape of my neck, but the sides and bangs aren't all that long), blue eyes, standard Caucasian skin tone. Especially given the class choices, I'd anticipate having some kind of cloak, as I do rather like long coats.


Level: 1

HP: 34 (70%)

Mag: 19 (55%)

Skl: 17 (40%)

Spd: 18 (45%)

Lck: 10 (20%)

Def: 8 (20%)

Res: 16 (30%)

Con: 8

Weapon Ranks:

Anima - A

Staves - B


E - Elfire (Combat stats: 34 HP, 8 Def, 16 Res, 42 Avd; 29 Atk, 124 Hit, 8 Crt, 16 AS)

Thunder (46 Avd; 27 Atk, 119 Hit, 13 Crt, 18 AS)

Heal (29 HP)

Physic (29 HP, 9 range)

Recruitment: NPC unit. Lord can recruit on the spot for a large sum of money; certain female-looking characters can talk, and by matching intellectual wits via dialogue options, will recruit for free. (Soft spot for attractive smart women, what can be said?)

Personality: Internally pretty consistent; logical, level-headed and easy-going. Exterior is fundamentally the same but subject to bouts of brash arrogance, loud emotional expression and/or spontaneous joking (all of which is fundamentally rooted in something true and possibly serious but often expressed playfully and lightheartedly). Hard to inspire anger, sadness or serious negative emotions in; erratic in easiness to frustrate with stupidity. Will tend to be outgoing if other conversant(s) won't, but happy to allow naturally outgoing people to take the mantle. Potentially strong in a leadership capacity due to strong logical skills, accurate assessments of strategic picture, emotional levelness and sufficiently likeable personality, but inconsistent personality and difficulty identifying with others emotionally (or conveying that identification credibly) often goes a long way toward ensuring leadership positions don't materialize. Enjoys conflict solely as a test of intellectual prowess; abhors actual bloodshed and fights aggressively to minimize it.

Combat AI/Strategic Use: Unit is incredibly gifted offensively, with strong bases and growths in key stats. Likely to be among the hardest-hitting magic users available, if not definitely the best. Unit's defenses are solid for a magic user and suffice for frontline combat and even solo combat; wide array of staff utility (and range to use it) rounds out the package. AI is extremely aggressive with unit; in this particular case, AI's play is optimal. Unit is designed to be used aggressively.

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Name: *would probably use my real one but it's already been taken by a fat bishop*

Sex: Male

Class: Sniper

Joins at Level 4, I do lots of archery IRL and the best FITA 18 I've shot is 499 (I don't shoot FITAs very often)

Recruitment: needs rescuing as enemies bear down on him out in the open ('cos of archers' infamous enemy phase). Probably got ambushed by bandits/enemy army or got caught up in the game's fighting and doesn't have much actual combat experience.

Starting inventory: silver bow, steel bow, concoction

HP: medium

Str: good (37-41lbs draw force. Yes, I actually shoot that)

Mag: mediocre (for a physical unit)

Skill: good (archers tend to have good skill)

Speed: mediocre

Luck: poor (my archery can be inconsistent, mostly because of my rough mental game)

Def: poor (how do you defend while holding a bow? I don't know)

Res: mediocre (for a physical unit)

Reclass options: Mage, Myrmidon

Character: cool, level-headed and slow to judge, good for major decisions and encouraging to those with less experience. Over the course of supports he shows himself as being open and honest when he relaxes around people, and desperately seeks companionship.

Combat role: given the stat spread above, hard-hitting but fragile, probably like a physical 2-range only mage (or a precision magic-cannon if reclased to an actual mage). Definitely a support unit, not a front-liner

N.B. I've not played FE13 yet (see my 'location'). You'd better believe I'm gonna fix this when the 19th April rolls around.

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I will be a male dancer who can reclass to Pegasus Rider.

Give me that and I don't care if speed's my worst stat and I'm recruited in the last chapter.

So, your class is Michael Jackson?


Name: Critine

Affinity: Light

Gender: Female (yes, I am a guy IRL, but I don't identify with a lot of the 'male' culture beyond loving women. I just love them in more ways than for sex.)

Class: Mage -> Sage -> Archsage

Appearance: A strong-looking mage girl, book in hand, staff in other. Most likely I'd opt for the PoR/RD appearance.

Stats: Not likely to be anything really unique. Maybe 5% higher DEF or HP than a 'normal' mage, but otherwise mage stock. High MAG though.

Starting inventory: Elthunder, Mend Staff.

Reclass Options: Erm. I'm not familiar with reclass, but probably into a cleric/troubadour.

Personality: Abstract and typically critical of others, but more than willing to try and serve as an emotional support or help others when given the chance. Tends to run mouth off though and result in people ignoring or looking elsewhere.

Death quote voice: Forgive... Me...

Death quote text: So this is the end. Heh. I look forwards to seeing the rest of you in Heaven!

Level up:

Still not good enough.

Come on, I can do better!

Yay! Wait... Where is everyone?

You care about this? Right?

Edited by Snowy_One
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This is your meatshield. You probably already have a better one by now. Taking damage for you is the only thing he will be good at mostly, given his low offensive capabilities. He entered the battlefield you find him in on a suicidal whim. He is no longer sure that he wants to die but he's too gutless to leave the group, even though he suspects that no one would notice anyway. If someone does want to find him, try looking in a cool, shaded area, away from other people. He doesn't like the noise they make. This antisocial nature combined with an inability to initiate a conversation, even when he wants to talk to someone, makes his support pool somewhat small. Do not approach if you cannot handle heavy amounts of sarcasm, pessimism or cynicism. He is the most frequent napper in the army and carries a pillow everywhere he goes, in case of emergencies.

Name: Blaise

Class: Knight

Reclass: Thief and Dark mage

Gender: Male

Affinity: Light

Lvl: 12

HP: 32 (75%)

STR: 12 (35%)

MAG: 6 (30%)

SKL: 14 (70%)

SPD: 10 (40%)

LUK: 4 (15%)

DEF: 17 (65%)

RES: 8 (40%)

Lance rank: B

Join Equipment: Killer lance, Short spear, Pure water

Join time: A bit too late

Death quote voice: "Not... now...

Death quote text: "And I was almost... thinking I'd survive..."

Level up (bad to great):

0-1: "That was pointless."

2-3: "At least I'm getting somewhere."

4-5: "So effort DOES pay off. Sometimes."

6+: "I'm almost proud of myself. That's new."

0-1 (Most capped): "I don't even know what I was expecting."

Promotion: Great. Now people are going to have expectations of me.

Reclass: All right, let's review the basics.

Battle assist:

"I'm awake, I'm awake."

"*Sigh* Not again."

"Settle down..."

Dual strike:

"Let's finish already."

"If I have to."

"You forgot about me."

Support block:


"Not going to happen."

"Stop trying."


"Sit down and shut up!"

"Die you bastard!"

"Get out of my way!"

Enemy killed:

"And stay down."

"Are we done now?"

"*Sigh* I need a nap."

Enemy killed by ally:

"You could've asked."

"Oh. Uh, thanks."

"That was underwhelming."

Edited by Blasied
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Name: Leon

Starting Class: Mercenary

Affinity: Wind

Gender: Male

Appearance: Short hair, some scar, scratch shoulder armor, light blue hair

(without )

Base: Growth:

Lv 10

HP 30 50%

Str 14 60%

Skill 12 55%

Spd 14 65%

Luck 7 30%

Def 9 30%

Res 4 20%

Rank B in sword


Iron Blade


Reclassing: Thief, Cavalier

Personality: Protective and distant at the same time with others, could have some marcus fe7 dark side when teaching to new recruits.

Old soldier who have been deceived by his superior, he still believe in his chivalry principle and is looking for a cause to defend. Would probably sacrifice himself in order to let another live.

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Here's my OC:

Name: Elise

Gender: Female

Starting Class: Pegasus Knight

Affinity: Heaven

Appearance: Long black hair tied in a ponytail, average stature. Wears a silver armor and dark blue turtleneck dress inside the armor with dark blue boots.

7| 21|  10| 3|  12|  12|  8|  9|  8
Rank: D Lance
85| 65| 15| 55| 65| 40| 50| 35

Starting Inventory: Iron Lance, Vulnerary

Reclass Options: Mercenary, Mymridon

Recruitment: Appears at Chapter 8 as a green unit. Talk to her with Chrom, Sumia or Cordelia.

Personality: Friendly, humble, and determined girl who wishes to be a member of the Pegasus Knight Squad. She volunteered to fight with the Shepherds after she heard that the Pegasus Knight Squad was defeated during an assault. She's a best friend of Sumia and Cordelia, and greatly admires Cordelia and sees her as her superior. Likes to read books during her spare time. Eavesdrops the most in the army.


- Male: Every 1st-gen characters except the MU-exclusives(Gangrel, Walhart, Yen'fay, Priam),

- Female: Sumia, Cordelia, Tiki, Cherche, Lissa, Miriel


Start of a fight:

-Time to test my might.

-Let's make this quick.

-This is going to be interesting.

Ennemy defeated:

-All right!

-One down!

-Still a long way to go!

Dual Support:

-Let's fight together!

-I got your back!

-No hard feelings!

Dual Strike:

- It's my turn!

- Let's do this!

- Watch this!

Support Block:

-Look out!

-I'll protect you!


-Die for me!

-Say your prayers!

Partner defeated enemy:

-Good job!

-Well done!


Event tiles:

-Hmm...I wonder who owns this?(Item)

-I just finished reading some books. Guess I got more general knowledge here...(Exp)

-I took some time training. It went better than expected!(Weapon Exp)

Level up:

-All my efforts are paid for this! (6-7 stats up)

-That was better than expected! (5-4 stats up)

-A neat progress. (2-3 stats up)

-Well, that was underwhelming... (0-1 stats up)

-I guess I've reached my limits. (0-1 stats up/most stats capped)

Class change:

-Now it's time for some new experience!


-Whew...I guess I can't take it anymore. Sorry, but I have to leave.


-Is this truly the end...?


-I can't believe it. Of all the girls around here, you picked me! I'm so happy right now!

Also, the ending:

Elise - Determined Aide

Elise returns to Ylisse and become Cordelia's second-in-command. She was well-known for her determination, and she always happily receives new recruits and trains them.

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I'd be the War Cleric Jeigan that's stealing all of you growth units' EXP because we're going Lunatic+ Classic.


If that's so, then I'll be a redundant late-joining unit. Though a better comparison to myself in FE universe would be Wendy.

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