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Earliest you can get a Second Seal?


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I was fussing around with Second Seals and thinking about how much it'd be if I could access them from an early point in the game. Reclassing my guys on subsequent playthroughs, and creating drastically different group dynamics and whatnot. So I was wondering... just how early can you get at Second Seals? And would any of the DLC allow for easy access to some?

I'm still fairly early on in my first playthrough, so no spoilers please. smile.gif

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The earliest plot second seal is on stage 8 I believe, but you can get one Second Seal for hitting 100 Renown. 7 stages + 3 paralogues is just enough to get that right before C8 if you never play a skirmish/spotpass/DLC chapter at all, but with grinding you can get it after C4.

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You also get a second seal from the village in Chapter 8. But you'll probably have gotten one from a travelling merchant by then. On subsequent playthroughs, so long as you have enough Renown, you can get a Second Seal as soon as the Wireless menu opens after chapter 3. The first freely buyable second seals are available either after Chapter 16 or after beating certain Paralogues that appear after Chapter 14.

Edit: Ninja'd

Edited by Samias
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The earliest plot second seal is on stage 8 I believe, but you can get one Second Seal for hitting 100 Renown. 7 stages + 3 paralogues is just enough to get that right before C8 if you never play a skirmish/spotpass/DLC chapter at all, but with grinding you can get it after C4.

Sounds like grinding for Renown is the way to go if I want to play as much of the game as possible with reclassed characters. Thanks! I actually didn't even know 'Renown' was a thing until I saw your post and looked it up, haha.

It'll be awhile before I do it yet, but for some reason the idea of this bizarro-army where no one is their default class sounds really fun.

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Sounds like grinding for Renown is the way to go if I want to play as much of the game as possible with reclassed characters. Thanks! I actually didn't even know 'Renown' was a thing until I saw your post and looked it up, haha.

It'll be awhile before I do it yet, but for some reason the idea of this bizarro-army where no one is their default class sounds really fun.

I believe you can only get one Second Seal through renown(or at the very least, only one quickly), it's a reward system, not a shop. Does transfer between save files though. Traveling Merchants can sell Seals before you get in them in the story, but that's pretty random.

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I had some merchants and renown at about the same time ch4 + 5ish

This. Anna sold both a Master and a Second Seal to me after ch4

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I believe you can only get one Second Seal through renown(or at the very least, only one quickly), it's a reward system, not a shop. Does transfer between save files though. Traveling Merchants can sell Seals before you get in them in the story, but that's pretty random.

Oof, maybe it won't be so simple then. I guess if I'm hell-bent on doing it early, waiting on lucky Annas is the only road to take.

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Is there a way to find any in the villages in DLC chapters or on spotpass teams? I want to have a lot before I get too far into the game for my avatar army (which involves a lot of reclassing).

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Is there a way to find any in the villages in DLC chapters or on spotpass teams? I want to have a lot before I get too far into the game for my avatar army (which involves a lot of reclassing).

I know I got a Second Seal in Champions of Yore 2, but it's a pretty big item pool and I've only ever gotten one over my dozens of runs. I'm pretty sure I read Yore 1 has them too, but you can reach both villages in turn 1 on Yore 2

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  • 1 year later...

Okay in truth I know this is way late and a whole different year but the best way to Second Seals early in the game is all about luck whether it is going through merchants that randomly pop up or reeking box grinding though from experience reeking box grinding is far more effective so long as you summon a thief boss from it though the other classes can sometimes have it the thief boss as the best chance of having it over the others

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The earliest you can get it is right after Chapter 3. Beginning of Chapter 4.

Right when you access to the renown awards. (reliable but only one)

That's also when streetpasses, Risen, and merchants start appearing. (Can get more than one, but not reliable)

The reliable shops only open until after Chapter 13...

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If you want to get lots of them, just wait on the shops to sell them. IIRC there's a 30% chance of each Merchant selling one early on in the game, that's pretty decent odds.

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If you want one and have a couple of Rift Doors... save.

Summon a merchant, and reset to see if different locations give one.

If not the RNG is fixed, and you need to burn some.

Go beat a chapter, skirmish, or kill a really easy streetpass/spotpass team.

Rinse, and repeat.

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Okay in truth I know this is way late and a whole different year but

that makes it against the rules.

Rey, Tables, you two know better, come on. The dude even said this was a necro.

Edited by Michael Hurst
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