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What happens in paris...

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almost literally here this time....

im sure most of you who frequent chat know that im love sick and know that im searching for.....someone...

well its kinda cool...i sadly found her.

Why sadly? well...she lives in paris!!!!!! and i dont....

i met her at a cafe....(btw did you know you can drink in paris at age 14??????????????....at least thats what i heard...)

and well...shes beautiful...

her hair has a crimson red color and has black highlights. (the lack of freckels make me believe that she is not a natural red-head)

and has a tall skinny body....and....well...i could go on and on about her body but i wont...lol

and shes just 16 (yay around my age!!!!)

so being the gentleman that i am....i bought her a drink...(sounds familiar...hmmm...)

and so we started "seeing eachother" every day since....

and what do you know what happened yesterday???

i decided to meet her at the eifel tower. (i pretty much have free reign here)

well it was late and me and her were just lookin at the lights in the cafe at the top at the tower...and she said something in french and i was like....um...what????///????/??

i told her i only spoke english and german. she said sorry and then started speaking in german.

i was like OH MY FUCKING GOOD GOLLY GOSH "ICH LIEBE DICHE!!!! (which means i love you in german)

and well...we talked for a while in german and...then...i couldnt take it anymore....

i quickly re-wrote the poem i wrote for cym in my head and told it to her.

and then....


oh it was incredible....i kissed one of the most BEAUTIFUL girls in FRANCE on the EIFEL TOWER!!! B O O O Y A ! ! 1 !

it was incredible...i plan on being with her again tonight....

in fact i type this from the cafe in which i met her in.

and to be more specific....she is watching me type right now.

i love my life.

oh my god i fucking love my life.

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Congrats let me go get my plunger, I just clogged the toilet vomitting

Dude, you're hilarious. I may just add you as one of my friends

(considering I don't have many on here yet, which is weird because people seem to gravitate towards me for some reason)

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You were on the Eifel Tower in a cafe with your girl at 5.42am?

How do you feel about the possibility of not seeing her again once you leave Paris?

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