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Should I just start over?


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Ok, some will laugh, some will cry, some will get angry that I am wasting forum time with dumb mistakes but here it is. I am completely new to the genre much less fire emblem games, but I couldn't resist trying it out with all the great reviews. So I did some research, stole my sons ds and bought the game. I am playing through on casual which I know is a big no no but I figured it the safe route to figure out what im doing. If I had done classic everyone would be dead by now. So I'm on chapter nine, have grinded quite a bit, married panne with vaike, chom with sumia, and my avatar with Cordelia. My biggest mistake was with seals. I read somewhere to get to level 20 before using seals, so I got chrom and my avatar to level 20 and did second seals on them took them to level 1 but left them as lord and tactician respectively. Did I totally just waste a ton of time? Should I just start over and try classic now? Also any other advice would be appreciated. Especially about how and when to use seals.

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There's nothing wrong about Casual mode. ;/

I like using a Second Seal to reclass to something different around 12 for extra skills, then promoting that dude around 10 or 12. Reclassing to the same class means you won't get any new skills, but you'll get more levels of growths. It's less than optimal, but it isn't worth restarting over.

Edited by Integrity
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Second Seals should be used at LV10 since it's only a class change. Especially if you're planning to pass over skills to a character that only certain classes have.

With Master Seals, you can decide when to promote a character to their final class to your personnel preference. Use these to get them to their promoted class. Especially if they have a secondary weapon level to work out as it begins at E level usually.

As for starting over, you can promote Chrom and MU at 10 to make this work out since they gain EXP at a slower rate. As this happens whenever they class change to either a different, or promoted class. Or if you're just tired of Casual Mode altogether, then you should start over.

Edited by Katarina
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You're gonna want to use Master Seals if you intend to promote. Not worth starting over though, because you can easily promote (with a Master Seal) once you get to Level 10 again, which shouldn't take too long. You don't really need to wait to 20 unless you prefer getting stats quicker over getting new skills.

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Nothing to be ashamed about in going Casual mode. We all started somewhere, and most people will improve their skills, understanding and confidence to eventually try the harder difficulties in Classic mode. Take this opportunity to experiment.

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It's my opinion that what you'd need to do for reclassing is this:

-go through all your teir 1 skills you want to gain 1st and don't even worry about teir 2

-if you're using a 2nd seal, you always want to use it when the character's lvl 10 for teir 1, 15 for teir 2 [only if you're getting the second skill] (exp is easier to gain the lower overall lvl the unit is)

-plan your routes! think about what class you want to end your unit on and try to hit every class only once.

-when you've finally gotten all the skills and are seated comfy in the class you want the unit at, then it would be fine to use second seals to put yourself back at lvl 1 in the same class-- but this is typically only a tactic used when trying to Max an already spec'd unit.

(casual mode is awesome-- especially for me when playing a mode harder than what I can typically pull off. it allows me to use tactics I'd otherwise not for fear of losing the unit and provides a learning base that I otherwise wouldn't have and would need to start over 20 times to finally get into the flow of the difficulty setting. [is currently doing this with lunatic])

Edited by Raine
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Nothing to be ashamed about in going Casual mode. We all started somewhere, and most people will improve their skills, understanding and confidence to eventually try the harder difficulties in Classic mode. Take this opportunity to experiment.

I'm a tactical genius and a strategical veteran and I still play Casual Mode.

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My brother play games, is 20 and even play tactical stuff like Devil Survivor Overclock, but he's failing pretty bad on FE13 normal mode. He is playing on Classic and already lost like 12 or 13 characters laugh.gif. And the funny thing is that he isn't reseting unless he takes a game over or loses like 4 characters at once.

He's pretty much soloing most of the stuff with Chrom, Vaike and Panne. His Avatar is crap, but apparently he discovered the overpowereness of Avatar and Tharja Dark Mage Nosferatu Avatar.

He thought the sidequests were DLC and didn't made them, after i told him they were not he made some. Damn, he was on Walhart's chapter deploying Nowi level 4 and Troubadour Maribelle level 6 after losing Lissa on Yen'fay chapter laugh.gif and some other low level characters just to meet the quota of maximum characters allowed.

He lost Sully, Virion, Lon'qu, Gregor, Sumia, Cordelia, Lissa, Ricken, Frederick, Olivia, Miriel and Lucina.

He actually almost married Chrom to village girl because they all were dieing and Maribelle wasn't being used, but Sumia actually died after Chapter 11.

He was also forging weapons in the beginning of the game with +Hit, or +2 extra damage and lots of vulneraries...almost destroyed his funds. He thought weapons with blue names didn't had limit of uses laugh.gif

Watching him i see that he simply tries to rush the enemy without any care for the consequences. Enemy is in range ? Charge, instead of thinking, ''i may kill that guy, buthe will return damage. Then 2 mages and a fighter will gangbang me all at once''.

I tried telling him to check the range of the enemies and baiting smaller groups of enemies, letting them come to you and dealing with them with all the team instead of charging the entire enemy army. To use chokepoints, etc.

Other stuff like ''You won't double and kill that enemy, so let him attack you first. You will kill him on your phase without taking damage back. If you attack him now, you won't kill him and he will return damage. On enemy phase he will attack you again. You will kill him but almost died too.''

He did some skirmishes to level Nowi, Gaius and some other low levels, but it is still difficult for him. Seeing now, the skirmishes and it's rewards break the game for most of us, but for new people they actually help a lot.

Edited by Lanko
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In Normal Casual, there's probably nothing you can possibly do wrong that would force you to restart. Even the classic run that was just described will probably be okay, it's probably doable with almost no units. And there's nothing a few Reeking Boxes won't fix if you do have units.

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well it is depend on your way doing it i for one can not try say what you should do however master seal use to promote them to adv class and second switch like some say switch at level 10 and then promote to adv everyone play diffrent and dont start over *unless you feel like it* like me i use second seal at level 10 for MU for chrom master seal there many way *dont work just on MU and chrom trust me youll need work on other it get really hard later* and i play classic which give me fear lossing character *i only use casual when i do lunatic mode which take me week get chapt 15 do to well my mind going focouse which idk how that works in way* anyway ill say this for MU and chrom or other unit get them lvl 10 them use second or master get them lvl 15 on adv class then use second seal for base get them to level 10 *when get them lvl 20 there state are bit ahead then the chapter your on and i wish ya luck!

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Thanks for all the input. I realized I was worried about nothing and just moved on. Actually decided to go with (on others not MU or Chrom) level 15 second seal to reclass then master seal at ten. Everything is progressing nicely except not sure what to do with sumia yet. I love that my married panne and vaike at wyvern rider and barbarian are destroying anything in their way. Can't wait see where it goes, learn, and get better. Thanks for the help.

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(casual mode is awesome-- especially for me when playing a mode harder than what I can typically pull off. it allows me to use tactics I'd otherwise not for fear of losing the unit and provides a learning base that I otherwise wouldn't have and would need to start over 20 times to finally get into the flow of the difficulty setting. [is currently doing this with lunatic])

You know, I'm actually going to do a Casual run on Lunatic. As I have never done that difficulty setting in my whole life.

I'm a tactical genius and a strategical veteran and I still play Casual Mode.

Good to take advantage of the blessed growths. =)

My brother play games, is 20 and even play tactical stuff like Devil Survivor Overclock, but he's failing pretty bad on FE13 normal mode. He is playing on Classic and already lost like 12 or 13 characters laugh.gif. And the funny thing is that he isn't reseting unless he takes a game over or loses like 4 characters at once.

He's pretty much soloing most of the stuff with Chrom, Vaike and Panne. His Avatar is crap, but apparently he discovered the overpowereness of Avatar and Tharja Dark Mage Nosferatu Avatar.

He thought the sidequests were DLC and didn't made them, after i told him they were not he made some. Damn, he was on Walhart's chapter deploying Nowi level 4 and Troubadour Maribelle level 6 after losing Lissa on Yen'fay chapter laugh.gif and some other low level characters just to meet the quota of maximum characters allowed.

He lost Sully, Virion, Lon'qu, Gregor, Sumia, Cordelia, Lissa, Ricken, Frederick, Olivia, Miriel and Lucina.

He actually almost married Chrom to village girl because they all were dieing and Maribelle wasn't being used, but Sumia actually died after Chapter 11.

He was also forging weapons in the beginning of the game with +Hit, or +2 extra damage and lots of vulneraries...almost destroyed his funds. He thought weapons with blue names didn't had limit of uses laugh.gif

Watching him i see that he simply tries to rush the enemy without any care for the consequences. Enemy is in range ? Charge, instead of thinking, ''i may kill that guy, buthe will return damage. Then 2 mages and a fighter will gangbang me all at once''.

I tried telling him to check the range of the enemies and baiting smaller groups of enemies, letting them come to you and dealing with them with all the team instead of charging the entire enemy army. To use chokepoints, etc.

Other stuff like ''You won't double and kill that enemy, so let him attack you first. You will kill him on your phase without taking damage back. If you attack him now, you won't kill him and he will return damage. On enemy phase he will attack you again. You will kill him but almost died too.''

He did some skirmishes to level Nowi, Gaius and some other low levels, but it is still difficult for him. Seeing now, the skirmishes and it's rewards break the game for most of us, but for new people they actually help a lot.

You know.

I've lost around that many people on hard in my FE9 run on Hard before Chapter 8 and in Chapter 8 the boss there said "You can't stop me with your meager amount of troops and Ike says "As long as I draw breath, you cannot stop me."I've got through the rest of the run entirely while nearly half my force such as Tormod and such died. It was my first time ever playing an FE game on Hard.

I've also done a no reset run on FE3 in Book II. It was my 2nd run (also 4th FE run ever devised, Period that I did on my actual cart. Yeah, I was a terrible player back then. Yay! Some FE memories.) and only had Marth by Chapter 8 which at that point I had to entirely start the game all over again.

Also forgot to mention that a few characters out of the entire squad that I've lost were at Chapter 5's arena as I didn't know jack shit about the arenas and what right bets to make.

I've also lost a couple of characters in each arena on my FE1 (NES) cart. 5th run ever devised. As the arenas had no exit. x.x

I know that Jeorge was one of them as I've made a mistake with a bet against a Sniper as he critted and OKOed him before the match even started. Lost Radd, because he was pitted against a Social Knight and he stood no chance after he died during the third turn. This was my first time playing that wonderful game! The Japanese folks were upset at that which is why Nintendo made the future Fire Emblem titles arenas having a retreat option. Made over 100k gold in the Chapter 16' arena after losing Xane and Palla in the process. Good times!

Watching him i see that he simply tries to rush the enemy without any care for the consequences.

Okay wtf.

Running a muck. Bad vibes. D=

Edited by Katarina
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Uh, what?

Whenever you get them. =)


Palla died by a critical from a Brigand and Xane died against a Commando as he kept getting doubled. I did however revive her with the Aum Wand in Chapter 24 and promoted her, giving her alot of stat up items with the gold that I've made. As this game already gives you more than enough of it flying around including the money made from the arena giving it even more.

Gordin and Thomas were dead the moment they've entered the arena. They've stood no chance in it. The Horseman killed Gordin as he got doubled hard in it and Thomas got killed from an Chapter 11's. As I've also lost Jeorge there too. But got about 50k in the proccess as Jeorge was pretty good in it. I didn't want to start over after making that amount of money in it. Arrowspate Balliste shooter. I did lose Shiida in Chapter 4's arena, but I restarted on that die. As I didn't make any gold in it anyway. I then never pitted her in them ever again. On the actual carts, there are no savestates. If they fail in it, they are dead!

Edited by Katarina
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No, I mean what the hell do you mean by "take advantage of the blessed growths"?

That in case a character dies, you won't lose it by having to start over, or suffer any concequences from it if you decide to keep going!

Edited by Katarina
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I'm a tactical genius and a strategical veteran and I still play Casual Mode.

There's nothing wrong about Casual mode. ;/

Its so nice to see that opinion. After trying Casual mode myself, i really enjoy it.

Uh, what?

She means:

You are blazing through a chapter and yer using someone like Miriel and she gets a level up. Its a perfect level up. Its glorious. You are doing Snoopy Dances. One more like that and you might get away with promoting her early. Aww yiss. Good times.

But then you use Olivia and she accidentally wonders into the MURDER ZONE of that nasty wyvern rider. She gets one shotted and yer like "FUUUUUUUUUU MY MIRIEL LEVEL UP! NOOOOOO!" And you have to reset and lose that beautiful level up.

But in Casual Mode, you dont have to worry about that at all. Even if the unit who "died" got a glorious level up before the moment of misfortune.

Its good times.

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