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Custom Sprites for Custom Class Tree


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So I have this three tier class tree that I've been working on for a while. Just the way I'd try and do classes if I ever get round to making a fan game. In the meantime though I'd make it just nicer to look at because I like things that are nice to look at. One such way of making it look better would be to include sprites of the classes beside their names and weapon ranks. Which is good only not all the classes I used come from games with sprites (and I would like to use sprites in the same art style as the Game Boy Advance sprites). So I was wondering if there's anyone with some free time who could make a couple of custom sprites for me (or even better might have some on hand already) featuring the classes I'm missing.

I'm going to try and put my class tree in a spoiler here to conserve room because it's a big image but if that fails you can see it by clicking on the link on my signature.[spoiler=The Class Tree]branchingclasstree.png

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Only comment I have regarding the branching class tree is that while it's good, the immediate problem I noticed is that several classes wield both physical and magical weapons, and the GBA games don't support a str/mag split.

Looking closer at the images, what's that weapon image you have next to the axes for Corsair?

Edited by Shadow Stalker X
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If you had a choice between choosing the Phoenix knight, which uses swords and lances, and the dragon master, which uses swords and lances...and axes, what, save coolness, what be the incentive to pick the phoenix knight over the dragon master?

the GBA games don't support a str/mag split.

There's a patch for that.

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The patch for that doesn't work.

To be more specific:

There are two patches, one that simply lets a unit use both magic and weapons, sharing their single str stat as their magic stat, and one that puts the magic stat in the game. The first one works but obviously the problem would be a unit sharing the str/mag stat as one, letting it work but making them sort of broken.

The second patch has a bunch of bugs that increase stats randomly and hasn't been fixed.


Edited by seph1212
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If you had a choice between choosing the Phoenix knight, which uses swords and lances, and the dragon master, which uses swords and lances...and axes, what, save coolness, what be the incentive to pick the phoenix knight over the dragon master?

Different stat caps (better resistance and speed) and a better mastery skill, Dragon Lords would also be weak against wyrm slayer weapons (though I would maybe like to see the Clipper Sword brought back).

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This was somewhat of a let down. I am disappoint.

I thought I was going to come in here and like, see this huge list of custom classes and everything, but...nothing...


There are some custom classes in there I just don't have any sprites for them. Which is why I've made this thread, though on retrospect I probably should have named it Looking for Custom Sprites for Custom Class Tree.

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I'm agreeing with Agro. There are way too many classes for anyone to want to do anything more than try to cluster them all together into a base sprite sheet (say pegasus to cover dark/falcon/mage/knight variants). Add the extra need for gender, weapon, and crit options and it becomes a resource nightmare.

Imo placeholder graphics (inspirational photo references, sketches) should do better in terms of development until you can actually present some solid numbers / proof the system would be worth the effort.

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"Custom Sprites NEEDED for Custom Classes" would have been ideal.

Edit: The entire class tree is probably one of the worst class trees I've ever seen. Going from bottom to top or top to bottom doesn't matter, it's just so confusing and awful.

Top to bottom:

Why does a Shaman have light and dark, but if you go left or right on the tree you lose a weapon ability, then later gain two more when you promote to mage? It makes NO sense.

Bottom to top:

Why does the mage start with three weapon levels, but if it promotes to druid or monk it loses two of those levels, then randomly gains another weapon level back when promoting to shaman?

I'd recommend taking a loooooong hard look at the tree on GameFAQ's before you go making another one. This tree is illogical on a level not seen in years, it's like you pasted names next to battle sprites (Which are incorrect for the classes you listed anyway) then drew lines randomly from one to another. It doesn't even need a revamp, it need a complete redo.

Edited by Klok
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A lot of these classes have no reason to be here. They are completely redundant. Too many classes using the same weapons is like tackling a game with only swordmasters. Not nearly enough variety.

I don't see where your getting that from. The only fully promoted classes with the same weapon type combination are Paladins/Phoenix Knights and Great Knight/Dragon Master.

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It's not just weapon types. Lots of these classes seem functionally redundant. You have like 50 million flier classes when really all you need is like 2-3, because more often than not they end up filling the same role. I just don't think you need that many classes.

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It's not just weapon types. Lots of these classes seem functionally redundant. You have like 50 million flier classes when really all you need is like 2-3, because more often than not they end up filling the same role. I just don't think you need that many classes.

I wouldn't necessarily agree with that. With that kind of attitude why have multiple fliers at all? Well because they do differentiate from each other in different ways. Half of my fliers have long range weapons (each of a different type including bows), one is armored and one has full control of the weapon triangle. That doesn't necessarily mean you have to use all of them, it only means the option is there to use a different, more focused type. Just like in the Sacred Stones there are three fliers, each could fill in the same role and many players won't utilize all three different types but they're still there with their own difference letting you pick which ones you might want. There is no force use here, the idea is of a game where the player has a very large control of how how his or her army will turn out.

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