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Image replacement & text insserting problems


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Hi there,

I'm new in this forum and have some problems with editing the Fire Emblem 6 rom.

I use the translated version of the game (16mb) and everytime I try to replace some images with

the GBA Graphics Editor and want to open th ROM-file after that, it says, that I need a BIOS file to

run this ROM.

Now the second problem. If I change anything of the text data with FEditor Adv the "2002 Nintendo Presents"

into "........[japanese sign]......", although I didn't change this part of the script.

If anybody knows how to solve these problems, please send an answer.

Edited by weiserlinker
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I thougth I'm in the "Hacking Question" section and thought I would get usefull solutions.

You don't have to answer my questions if you think they are silly.

It's not that anyone thinks your questions are silly, it's just that there is almost literally no point to hacking FE6, because everything you can do in it you can do in FE7 apart from wacky stuff like having the world map in the preparations screen or having the camera pan over the map at the start of the chapter. The translation patch makes the game inherently glitchy from a hacking perspective as well, so you're better off just leaving it alone. This is the recommended solution :): If I might ask, why are you trying to hack FE6, anyhow?

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Well, all I wanted to do is to make a translation patch (german).

And there is also the problem that the game don't accept "ä", "ö", "ü" and "ß".

But if the game is that glitchy...

Besides, the problem with GBA Graphics Editor appears with every Fire Emblem game (7 and 8).

Tested it several times.

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Besides, the problem with GBA Graphics Editor appears with every Fire Emblem game (7 and 8).

Tested it several times.

Then it would appear that it's a problem on your end.

You're screwing up inserting graphics then.

The image file you're inserting, are you sure it's of the right palette and such?

It is recommended that you save the image you want to replace, then edit, and reinsert.

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Sorry, can't upload images. It fails everytime.


1. I open the original image with gimp

2. Then I open the image I want to use instead (2 planes)

3. Then I check the colors and color the new image in the originial ones colors

4. Save changes to new image (.bmp)

5. Replace original image with new one

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Sorry, can't upload images. It fails everytime.

Photobucket? Imgur?

Take a screenshot with your process via gyazo/puush? Your offsets? Is it bigger than the original image?

There's a lot of factors here.

And all the the description you're giving us simply says "You did something wrong".

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And the options you checked on GBA GE?

Take a screenshot of them?

For one thing, the background color is different. Kind of a sign that you altered something you shouldn't have.

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My guess is that you're inserting a palette at offset 0. You say you encounter BIOS errors, so you'd have to hack something that, well... was essential to the game. Non-graphics related. Inserting something at offset 0 would prooooobably cause that. Thus I'd check your settings when inserting the graphics using GBAGE. Maybe look at some tutorials to give you some guidance of what does what, or just experiment with the program.

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I solved it halfway. I need to insert it in the same palette offset number as the image offset.

But everytime the image is destroyed. The game works, but if the image has to be displayed

the screen gets buggy.

And it's not because of FE6.

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Images used by the game use compression internally. When you replace the image, even though it is the same size on screen, the compressed data may be a different length. If it's longer, then you won't be able to put it in the same spot, because it will over-run and write over whatever was the next thing in the ROM (which is probably also important).

To fix this, you need to:

1. Find a place where there is nothing important written (when in doubt, go to the end of the ROM; you can expand up to a total size of 32MB)

2. Put the image data there

3. Find out everywhere that the ROM has a pointer to the original image

4. Change those pointers to point to the new image instead.

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