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Reclassing in efficiency PT


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Not speaking solely of OCD LTC play since I don't want to make my first runthroughs of the game like that, but suppose I want to beat the game without grinding everybody to 20/20 (I will have probably done the research to know what magic numbers on which units I need to reach before then, but iirc it's just all about having a good Chrom and a good MU).

In this sort of run, how many reclasses am I likely to make without slowing down? MU into something (possibly a Dark Pegasus but there's all kinds of less efficient stuff to try out) is a must from what I've read, but how many more? 2-3, or even one for each character that doesn't join too late to make a lasting contribution? What are some good "quick reclasses" where it's a good idea for the player to reclass at an earliest convenience for immediate benefit (or not so immediate but nevertheless quicker).

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LTC pretty much revolves around Galeforce pair ups and Rescue chains, so I'd imagine efficiency probably uses both but to lesser extents.

If you aren't going Dark Flier Avatar, Griffon Rider is definitely one to try out for Deliverer. Falcon Knight and Valkyrie are also pretty great for Rescueing.

Beyond Avatar, who and what you reclass really just depends on the units. For example, Panne makes a fantastic Dracoknight, so reclass her to that pretty much ASAP. Sully is in a similar boat. Sumia's reclass options, on the other hand, are terrible, so she won't be using any second seals, aside from switching Dark Flier -> Falcon Knight. Same with Cordelia. I like reclassing Anna to Sage because it gives her more magic and durability

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For anyone you use heavily throughout the game aside from MU, you should have the chance at one unpromoted reclass and one promoted reclass. Unpromoted reclasses tend to have problems with delayed promotions and with weapon ranks; you're never going to have a good reason to do more than one of them without grinding. Promoted reclasses take a ton of Exp; MU can pull off multiple due to Veteran, but don't expect anyone else to.

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Honestly, just getting a team of MUs is probably the best thing to do for ANY streetpass team if you're looking to be a challenge for other people, story characters are the best if you're looking to beat a streetpass team with their support bonuses. Just my own oberservations.

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There's a huge string of bosskill maps in mid/lategame that can all be easily 1-2 turned for most teams. Really most maps after Anna/Libra join are 1-3 turns. Not even super hardcore optimized LTC, just casually using Rescue + Olivia + Galeforce/Deliverer. Yay buyable Rescue. In that gap, enemies go from unpromoted to promoted to promoted with forges which is a massive stat gap. There's really not that much exp to go around if Frederick dominates the earlygame and the majority of the mid/late is rescue-skipped in an efficiency run. Units can't really reclass much at all except for your main, core fighting units. Others might early promote and stay in the single digit promoted levels for small contributions. Someone who snowballs fast is good, such as Avatar and his/her children with Veteran, or Panne to Wyvern. This is for Hard, btw since I haven't tried efficient play on Lunatic.

Unless specifically going for LTC, I tend to play more casually, do more Paralogues, and with a larger team (up to 15 for later story chapters). No grinding is necessary to beat the game, even on Lunatic. I think I can typically get a single unpromoted reclass and units can then either do a promoted reclass or go for the level 15 skill and get it late. This is really good if there are enough early Second Seals from Anna shops since units get tons of stats and skills, and the unpromoted reclass levels are easy to blast through. Multiple unpromoted reclasses are pointless since at some point they'll ram the caps. Or go to level 20, then promote and do a promoted reclass sometime after 20/15, but they probably will barely get to the 2nd level 5 promoted skill. The stat curve is generous around midgame so you don't need early promo-gains that much. The difficulty does ramp up later, so I usually like promoting later. Estimating getting to around total level 40 counting internal levels is pretty fair I think.

Something like this depends a lot on team size due to the exp floor for kills being pretty high. Minimum is 8, often around 12-18 is more common even for kinda high level units.

Edited by XeKr
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Vaike reclassed from Fighter to Barbarian is about as easy as it gets and lets him boost speed rather than defense when paired up should you find that more beneficial, and Miriel reclassed to Dark Mage can be really convenient as well, both being very easily accomplished while being efficient and doing no grinding. As Miriel's around longer than either Tharja or Henry, will presumably have supports built up by the time either of them join, and will be gaining exp at a faster rate for a bit after the reclass, I consider her a particularly convenient and beneficial candidate for it.

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