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USFEAEXPert needs help being more of an expert


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I've got the basics down, and I've beaten the game once so far, but I'm wanting to try again with a more advanced approach. I'd rather take my time asking you guys about the decisions I should make, than try figuring it our on my own. Here's some of my questions:

1. Which Characters wield which Weapons the best?

2. Which Characters play as which classes the best?

3. Which pairings will I benefit most from?

4. What are some good skills I should have on my characters?; rather than just letting the skills randomly come

5. What are some good techniques for being advanced in and off the main story-line?

6. Anything else that can help me improve to being more advanced in this


I know some answers will be opinion based, but I

like opinions just as much as I like facts. Thanks for your time biggrin.gif

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Hey, you can't become an expect that way; you've gotta see what works for yourself. Only one of those questions you've asked could possibly be answered sufficiently with less than half a page of writing anyway, and fuck that.

Edited by Othin
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I'm not expecting a huge lecture of what I should and shouldn't do, I meant I

just want some basic facts/opinions. If people don't have time to help me

out, that's their problem; if they do then it's appreciated. Either way

I'll wait as long as it takes. biggrin.gif

EDIT: I also definitely don't want to read that many differeny things. I'm looking to be more of an expert, not an analytical maniac

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There aren't basic facts. The effectiveness of certain combinations you ask about are all subtle weighing of a whole bunch of variables against one another; any brief answer would be a lie.

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1.thats opinion based.

2.experiment find what works with your play style.

3.look up the pairing poles from a couple of weeks ago. Can't remember what page they are on now.

4.look at the skill tier list.

5/6. Define advanced. LTC, lots of shiny green numbers, or whatever else.

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4. What are some good skills I should have on my characters?; rather than just letting the skills randomly come

Galeforce, Rally Spectrum, Sol, and Armsthrift are probably the four best skills in the game until Limit Breaker comes out.

Attack twice, make your allies almost as overpowered as you are, and get free healing for half of the damage you do with your infinite divine weapons.

Edited by Iridium
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My opinion:

The best way to plan anything is knowing How Things Work. Read up on stats, skills, calculations, and more using the Serenes Forest guide.

Just because no one's throwing you a bone, here's one hint that I'll give that everyone should do in at least one runthrough just to be stupid beyond belief:

Create a Femme my unit and marry Chrom. Femme my unit passes down Galeforce, Chrom passes down Rightful King.

From there, both Luci and Morgan can change into any class (just like the MU) [Luci gets all classes, Morgan doesn't get lord]. From there, it doesn't matter what you do with Morgan, all skills have a +10% activation rate. Make Morgan into an uber tank with Pavise and Aegis-- give Morgan and Lucina Lethality-- give Morgan counter and Sol-- the options are endless and absolutely stupid. This is probably one of the (many) reasons why so many girls who get the game end up making a girl avatar and marry Chrom.

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This is probably one of the (many) reasons why so many girls who get the game end up making a girl avatar and marry Chrom.

I always thought they just loved Chrom. XD

Anyway, not to sound biased, but I started really liking my Avatar with Frederick more than I did originally because as a Tactician/Grandmaster and Great Knight, they have access to all human weapons except bows. And lack of bows doesn't matter since both can use other weapons that can be used from a distance. They also can pass down Ignis and Luna respectively, which my Morgan is kicking serious ass with.

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I always thought they just loved Chrom. XD

Well-- I did say one of the (many) reasons xD Still, my MU's much more appealing than the rightful king of a nation--


He's better with the ladies..?

*fails again*


*winz* \o/

Edited by Raine
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Although it results in more winning outcomes, getting exotic skillsets on your characters won't fundamentally improve your approach to the game. The best thing to remedy this is to play this (or any other Fire Emblem game) on one of the higher difficulty settings.

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1. The answer is either which ever character you spend the time training to use the type of weapon or it's 3rd generation Morgan who just breaks the game.

2. This answer is almost exactly the same as the first one, if you spend time training a character in the class they started in, 99% of the time they will turn out just fine. Or it's once again 3rd generation Morgan.

3. Whatever characters you use a lot, when paired up with characters who also see a lot of usage will end up working just fine.

4. As has been said the skill tier list deals with this.

5. In a game such as Fire Emblem the only technique that matters is not letting your units die.

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This is probably one of the (many) reasons why so many girls who get the game end up making a girl avatar and marry Chrom.

I'm two games in, and MU has never been paired with Chrom. I have other things I want to do to Morgan. SO many other things. . .ahem.

TC, don't be afraid to experiment. Haven't used that character before? Shove a couple of levels into him/her. Think that dude and that girl are gonna have the worst conversations in the history of FE? GO FOR IT. The beauty of this FE is that it's (relatively) short, story-wise, and the customization options are endless. Don't be afraid to go nuts for the sake of going nuts!

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