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Weapon Saver & Despoil Build?


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LuckMU(Male)+ Cordelia

Severa!Dark Flyer: Equipped with Finn's Lance.




All Stats+2 (replace with limit breaker when it is out)


Use boots

You can easily cap stats.

You pass down Despoil.

Cordelia Passes down Galeforce.

Level up through: Tactician>10 (To get veteran to speed up the prep process)

then go to mercenary(20>Hero(15) to get armsthrift and sol and axebreaker just because its only 5 levels anyways.

Next go to Griffon Rider(15) for deliverer.

Now to to dark flyer because tomes+movement. Pair up with great knight Chrom or Lucina for another +3 luck and +1 move

Final Character:

Severa!Dark Flyer

80HP 49Str 54Mag 51Skl 55Spd 59Luck 42Def 51Res 10Move

With bonuses

80HP 55Str 56Mag 54Skl 58Spd 62Luck 48Def 54Res 13Move

Finn's Lance [Forged for max STR and higher hit] +2 Luck, +2 Def (64 luck and 50Def now)




Limit Break


Edited by someonewhodied
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Weapon Saver (Armsthrift)? - Runs on Luck * 2

Despoil - Also runs on Luck

If I remember my chain of events right from another thread. . .

- Marry Chrom and Maribelle (bonus points if you have the patience to pass on Galeforce)

- Retrieve Brady.

- Marry Brady to Avatar (female, of course), and pass Rightful King down (bonus points if you have the patience for her to pass down Galeforce, again)

- This'll give Morgan quite the Luck cap, Rightful King (10% off all percentage activation costs), and hopefully some decent stats.

- Once Limit Break comes out, slap that onto him, along with All Stats +2 (bummer there's no Luck +4, but Inigo ain't a lucky dude)

- Your Luck stat should more than cover Armsthrift, and Despoil should go off at a decent clip

Don't forget to pair your lucky Morgan with someone who gives good amounts of Luck (*coughLucinacough*) and feel free to use stuff like Rally Luck/Love.

Alternately, run through Golden Gaffe a couple of times

Edited by eclipse
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well shit, eclipse's method works better. I just didn't have the patience for that.

You can reclass that morgan to Wyvern Lord and give him a finn's lance for even more luck ;P

or go bow knight and use nidhogg for +10 more luck.

Edited by someonewhodied
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Eh. Weapon Saver still has a purpose, as things like Cellica's Gale and Inverse's Darkness are still hard to get hold of.

Despoil is... sort of unneeded, even without the Golden Gaffe. The main plot and paralogues give you plenty of money.

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