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Etrian Odyssey IV


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[spoiler=Gameplay stuff]Holding my breath while dodging Greedy Lizards is nerve-wracking. Half the time, I wonder why I'm playing. The other half of the time, I'm impressed by my team's ability to do funny things.

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Shit. Do FOEs respawn Daily? I just killed two Cutters on B2, and then tooled around to get to midnight so I could re-Chop that northern point that empties out through the one-way, and all of a sudden I see FOE markers boxing me in on both sides? Thank goodness for Warp Wires.

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Shit. Do FOEs respawn Daily? I just killed two Cutters on B2, and then tooled around to get to midnight so I could re-Chop that northern point that empties out through the one-way, and all of a sudden I see FOE markers boxing me in on both sides? Thank goodness for Warp Wires.

Whoa thanks for warning me in case that happens to me

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Shit. Do FOEs respawn Daily? I just killed two Cutters on B2, and then tooled around to get to midnight so I could re-Chop that northern point that empties out through the one-way, and all of a sudden I see FOE markers boxing me in on both sides? Thank goodness for Warp Wires.

It seems random. I killed some off for giggles, and they haven't come back for a while. I also carry two Warp Wires, because I'm a horribly lazy person.

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It seems random. I killed some off for giggles, and they haven't come back for a while. I also carry two Warp Wires, because I'm a horribly lazy person.

Two Warp Wires is the magic number. No more, no less.

Two Warp Wire master race.

I blame the EO2 squirrels.

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[spoiler=Misty Ravine deep stuff]Sometimes, this game makes me crap my pants. I wound up in an inescapable battle on B3, and two of those stupid moths jumped in on me! It took all my Amritas, and just about the entire party's TP to kill everything. . .but hell, killing both FOEs made me feel like a right badass.

[spoiler=Beyond the Misty Ravine]I think my Sniper's going full bondage mode, 'cause they're just too useful against Dinogators Mk. II

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I wonder if this game has any kind of plot, differently from the later three games. I dunno, I just can't bring myself to care about games without plot.

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If by plot you mean story, I thought EO3 had enough story to pay attention to.

If by plot you mean intrigue, uh, it's a dungeon crawler.

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If you're talking about that underlying WHY you're running through everything, then yeah, it's there.

I have the weirdest combos in my party, and I'm seriously thinking of making another front row (as if my Fortress/Runemaster and Dancer/Landie didn't have enough problems squabbling over that spot). My back row is set to Sniper Binding Thing With Nightseeker Speed Boost, healer dude, and something that blasts elemental weaknesses.

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If by plot you mean story, I thought EO3 had enough story to pay attention to.

If by plot you mean intrigue, uh, it's a dungeon crawler.

There's plenty of intrigue.

Then again I've played the first two then made a timeline of sorts for all three games. quiet you

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I made it to the fifth maze.

[spoiler=For everything up to and including the fifth maze]Finding the way barred due to whatever reason? Fine with me. Throwing me back into that godawful fourth maze with those stupid roaming robot things which I took the time to utterly decimate? Well fucking played, Atlus. I simultaneously love and hate this - love it for the creativity, and hate it 'cause the fourth maze was my least favorite one.

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Spoiler Alert

right now i'm still at the 1st maze 3rd floor and reached to the Red Bear boss with 2 other Red Cutters need help or advice

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Spoiler Alert

right now i'm still at the 1st maze 3rd floor and reached to the Red Bear boss with 2 other Red Cutters need help or advice

You have two options:

1. Brute force - kick the everliving daylights out of the two roaming bears. Not recommended unless you're strong enough for it.

2. Get the bear on the right to chase you to the lower-right corner. There's some breakable branches. Follow this new path, and make sure you're thorough about mapping this portion out. You should find a nice passage that'll lead you behind the boss. Heal up, remember how you got there, and beat the boss from behind. Good luck~!


[spoiler=My Party]FRONT:

Landie/Fortress: Vanguard allows me to beat out things that my Fortress would normally not be able to guard against. When she's not using the defensive buffs/shield bashes, she's using her chases in conjunction with the enemy's elemental weakness. The only thing she can't do is slash damage (she's got a rapier).

Fortress/Runemaster: This is surprisingly effective. Runemaster's Free Energy, TP boost, and elemental null passives combine decently well with the usual Fortress set. He'll eventually get the three Runes so that my Runemaster doesn't have to waste time using them. Volt Rune works in conjunction with Bolt Smash.


Sniper/Nightseeker: The Nightseeker is used mostly for speed and stealth, with a couple of other status effects thrown in for good measure. Her job is to bind annoying things, and to rain damage indiscriminately.

Medic/Arcanist: His job is to keep my party alive, and I feel the Medic's passive does this better than the Arcanist's one. The Circles are twofold: they passively heal and they give my Sniper a chance at free chase damage. He's also got maxed Eyes, which give him something else to do, when he's not reviving people.

Runemaster/Imperial: Hitting an enemy's weak points is SO rewarding! I had her as an Arcanist before, because Dismiss Blast was funny, BUT I found that I kind of like having the passive healing, so I changed my mind.


Dancer/Landie: Because two chasers are better than one. Does not work well if I need a wall.

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I bought this game on a whim from this topic. Definitely a nice portable little RPG, having a lot of fun and I've only played it for a bit under an hour.

If your idea of fun is "screaming because the game threw yet another curveball in your general direction", then this is totally the game for you. If not, it's still the game for you. :P:

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So, due to all the good things I've heard about this game, I decided to pick it up today.

A question before I start playing, though: will I need to have played the other games in the series to understand the story, or no?

Also, did anybody else get an art booklet and 7-track CD with their game?

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So, due to all the good things I've heard about this game, I decided to pick it up today.

A question before I start playing, though: will I need to have played the other games in the series to understand the story, or no?

Also, did anybody else get an art booklet and 7-track CD with their game?

Each game is 100% standalone. I'm not even sure if it's the same Yggdrasil labyrinth each time even.

Yes. Sounds like you got the pre-order/first print bonus. Congrats.

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I am currently one stroke away from postgame stuff.

[spoiler=Do not open this unless you are where I am]Part of me wants to drop everything and train Wufan/Kibagami/Logre for giggles, with some random Runecaster and Fortress to round everything out. It would be poetic justice!

aaand done.

[spoiler=My thoughts on all of that]So it took just about all my curatives/TP refillers to beat that thing. I sped up the core killing process by using Zeus' Wrath combined with Galvanic Rune and maybe a Head Snipe. That was absolutely insane.

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So I got to the second area. I got to a very critical part of the game, in the second main dungeon. A lot of things happened. I figured "OK, let's find my way out of here, so I can report back to the town. I was flying high.

Then I got into one random battle, my entire team was put to sleep, and a War Hog basically thrashed me to death. Everything. Gone.

Welcome to Etrian Odyssey IV.

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Got my 3DS.

Played EO4.


Playing it with headphones to enjoy the music as much as I can.

[spoiler=Guild stuff]Guild Seraphim

Skyship Explorer

Guild leader - Ein

Current party:

Blonde male Landskecht Ein, older brother of Zwei. He looks after Drop due to her frailty.

Blonde twintail female Fortress Kreutz, good friend of Ein and Zwei. Messes with Ein a lot.

Older male with awesome beard Medic Soma, Drop's father. Met Ein and co when they traveled to Tharsis for a change of pace with his daughter.

Blonde female with topknot Sniper Zwei, Ein's younger sister. Gets along with Kreutz quite well to the point she joins in to mess with Ein.

Adorable blue haired Runemaster Drop, Soma's daughter with a frail body like her mother who unfortunately passed away when she was young. Fond of Ein from the moment they met.

goddamn it i'm cheesy

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  • 2 weeks later...

I'm a little late to the party but after I played through Fire Emblem three times I felt it was time to move on, and since my boyfriend hadn't finished Fire Emblem yet I decided to snag EO4 from him and play it before him.

Oh man.

This game is so much fun. So far my party is thus:

[spoiler=The guild]

Xyris: Level 49 Landsknecht/Arcanist - Was originally named Xyra but I found out blond haired dude is well... a dude. D:... Deals big damage with links, heals the party as I walk, and sometimes stops statuses on his own. Yay.

Finrod: Level 49 Fortress/Bushi - Orange haired buff (well as buff as they get...) dude. Defends the whole party, nulls damage, revives from KO automatically, heals HP in a variety of ways. Lays the smackdown with Bolt Strike too.

Juno: Level 50 Dancer/Nightseeker - Blondie dude. Pretty much always goes first. Chase Samba synergizes with Links. Cheap line healing and cures statuses. If he's not dancing he's mauling with up to 4 attacks that have a chance to stun.

Samias: Level 49 Runemaster/Medic - Adorable blue haired girl. Magic nuke. Deals the highest damage on the team bar none. Medic for res and status healing.

Wufan: Level 46 Arcanist/Runemaster - Was too good to pass up. AOE status with her killer poison circle, sets up runes on her downtime for Samias. The circles also help for healing.

On the bench:

Zalia: Level 33 Sniper/Dancer - Blue haired ponytail girl. Was essential before unlocking Arcanist because of binds, but her offense was decent.

Geomyr: Level 26 Medic/Runemaster - Putting-things-in-his-mouth guy. Sometimes I take him out for fun, but he's completely superfluous.

Kibagami: Level 38 Bushi/Medic (default)

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Dang it guys.

All this talk about Etrian Odyssey made me download the EO4 demo.

Now I have to spend even more money.

You say this like it's a bad thing. :P:

(hint: It's worth every penny)

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