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Need Avatar build advice


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I want to try a slightly different build for Lunatic+. I went with Mag asset Str flaw for Lunatic. Avatar herself did fine, but her marriage options were a bit too limited since the majority of the fathers were str/spd/def based, and the mag ones were all taken.

I want to try Spd asset this time for a better hybrid build so she can marry Chrom without hurting Lucina's inheritance. What would be the best flaw in this case? Def? Luck? Those seem like the best flaws to choose from, but even then I'm not sure. I need Lck for Armsthrift, and being even more fragile with less Def on Lunatic+ sounds like a bad idea as well. What do I do?

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I want to try a slightly different build for Lunatic+. I went with Mag asset Str flaw for Lunatic. Avatar herself did fine, but her marriage options were a bit too limited since the majority of the fathers were str/spd/def based, and the mag ones were all taken.

I want to try Spd asset this time for a better hybrid build so she can marry Chrom without hurting Lucina's inheritance. What would be the best flaw in this case? Def? Luck? Those seem like the best flaws to choose from, but even then I'm not sure. I need Lck for Armsthrift, and being even more fragile with less Def on Lunatic+ sounds like a bad idea as well. What do I do?

I like to -skill, since it doesn't hurt to many of your growths.

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I usually go +Magic or Speed. -Res. I did do a -HP on my first run and Avatar didnt suffer TOO much cuz Normal mode, but i did attempt a -Luck and that didnt work well at all and that Avatar got scrapped.

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No, resistance doesn't hurt magic--it only makes you more vulnerable to magic attacks. Only lowering magic will hurt magic.



Doesn't this outright say that I get -1 to max Mag and Spd if I choose Res flaw?


Even the growths show that picking Res flaw hurts Mag, though this is less important because of Veteran and Second Seal leveling.

Edited by Algernon
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Doesn't this outright say that I get -1 to max Mag and Spd if I choose Res flaw?


Even the growths show that picking Res flaw hurts Mag, though this is less important because of Veteran and Second Seal leveling.

oh, sorry. I didn't realize the flaws affect other areas in addition to the chosen area (I chose res flaw, and I didn't notice much of a difference).

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