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How High is the Demon/Dread Fighters Magic Growth?

luigi bros

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I'm trying to max out my teams stats, but and I've largely been successful, but I've hit a wall with Chrom and Stahl!Yarne.

My options at this point are extreme RNG abuse or hopefully the Demon Fighter.

I'm assuming Alm's DLC will be released tomorrow, which rewards the class. If so given that the class uses Tomes, I'm assuming they have at the very least a decent magic stat.

The main site has no info on this, but I'm hoping that someone with experience has some idea, even if it's just personal experience.

If this isn't a good option, does anyone have any advice to RNG abuse level ups for Magic?

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If this isn't a good option, does anyone have any advice to RNG abuse level ups for Magic?

Reclass to class with highest magic growth.

Grind grind grind.

Or alternatively. Buy Spirit Dusts.

Edited by Elieson
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Reclass to class with highest magic growth.

Grind grind grind.

Or alternatively. Buy Spirit Dusts.

That's the problem. The highest Chrom's magic growth is is 10 (in all classes).

Yarne's max growth is 26 as a Trickster (which is easy to grind with Rescue staff abuse)

I had a feeling that the growth would barely be better than physical classes. For Yarne I'll stick with Trickster grinding, and I'll have to give the class a shot with Chrom, since it's as good as any other option.

By the way, is there a way to grind for Spirit Dusts?

I'm only assuming Alm's DLC is tomorrow. The schedule seems to be every Thursday, and NoA seems much better about releasing a series one after another rather than interlacing all of the series releases.

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I may have a few possible solutions to try to find out if the Dread Fighter has anyMagic growth rates for the class.

Prince Marth (the DLCversion, not the newly announced SpotPass Version) has Aptitude as well as a*reported* Magic growth rate of 15%, with the Lodestar class not having a classgrowth rate for Magic (0%).

Now, I know that the growth rates reported on Serene's Forest aren't entirelyaccurate, but if you trust them enough to try this, you could raise Pr. Marthto level 30 as a Lodestar (keeping track of his current magic growth as aLodestar with Aptitude active), then save twice: one on your current file, andonce on an empty file slot.

On one file slot, reclass Pr. Marth to a Trickster, and on the other file slotreclass him to Dread Fighter (once the scroll becomes available).

In both cases, Pr.Marth's Magic stat will not only go up by 3 points when reclassing to bothTrickster and Dread Fighter from Lodestar, but Pr. Marth also has the samemaximum Magic stat cap as a Trickster and as a Dread Fighter, with a maximumMagic stat of 39. Trickster and Dread Fighter also share a class base Magicstat of 4.

Furthermore, since theLodestar class has a Magic growth rate of 0%, the promotion to Trickster givesPr. Marth a class growth rate for Magic of 15%, and coupled with Aptitude givesPr. Marth a guaranteed 35% growth rate for Magic.

Now, assuming that the base Magic growth rate for Pr. Marth is correct and isactually 15%, then Trickster Pr. Marth (after reclass) with Aptitude *should*have a Magic growth rate of 50%, right at the middle.

Now level him from level1 to 20, noting his Magic growth. It should be considerably higher than it wasas a Lodestar (although you might get super lucky/unlucky with RNG so it maycome out wrong, but I figured it'd be better to have a stat closer to themiddle to test this).

Then level up the DreadFighter Pr. Marth from 1 to 20, noting his Magic growth along the way. Myreasoning is that all current Promoted Classes that can use either tomes orstaves have a class Magic growth rate ranging from 15-20% (with the exceptionof Falcon Knight, which has a class Magic growth rate of 10%). Also, so far allthe obtainable special classes are unable to use either tomes or staves, so allof the currently available special classes have a class Magic growth rate of0-5%. My assumption is that, since Dread Fighter is a special class (and astronger one at that, unlike Villager or Dancer in terms of being a combatspecific unit) that can use tomes, but also use physical weapons, that it wouldhave a class Magic growth rate most likely of 15% (and if not, then I believethat the class Strength growth rate would be at least 15% or higher and theclass Magic growth rate would be 10%).

In this scenario, if theDread Fighter did indeed have a class Magic growth rate of 15%, then levelingPr. Marth from 1-20 as a Dread Fighter should yield a very similar result toleveling Trickster Pr. Marth from 1-20, since, if this is indeed the case withtheir Magic growth rates being the same, they should both have a Magic growthrate (final) of 50%. This could be tested more quickly once the Paragon DLCskill becomes available.

However, I may be wrong and it would be more advantageous to try leveling up with a class with a lower Magic growth rate in order for the *possible* class Magic growth rate of a Dread Fighter to become more apparent. Or maybe everything I just said was foolishness and makes no sense at all. xD

In the end, I think there's not much you can do but test it yourself. More than likely, I think that it will give Chrom either a +10% or +15% increase to his Magic growth rate, as it would be unusual and pointless for a class to use tomes and/or staves but not benefit from having such an option because of a lack of a decent Magic growth rate. I would just use the Dread Scroll on him when it becomes available and see for yourself, and at the very least even if it doesn't give an increase to his Magic growth rate he'll still have a chance to level up his Magic stat as well as any other stats that Chrom hasn't maxed yet. :/

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1362029821[/url]' post='2300120']

Speaking of Dread Fighters / Brides, I had a small question about them.

Once you've used a Dread Fighter Scroll on a character, can they Second Seal back to Dread Fighter any time they want, or do you need to use another Dread Fighter Scroll on them?

Need another scroll

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It's worth noting: if a character is a LV30 Dread Fighter, they can use a Second Seal to reclass back into Dread Fighter at LV1 to keep gaining levels.

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