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On remakes of Gaiden, Genealogy of the Holy War, and Thracia 776.


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On the subject of Eltshan/Lachesis, here's a convo between Nanna and Aless in the final chapter if they're married:


Aless, take it easy out here. You still have a monumental task awaiting you.


I haven't forgotten, believe me. I've no intention of dying in this war.

I will not rest until Agustria has attained the glory my father envisioned for it.


I know you can do it, Aless. Your father would be so proud of you...


But I can't do it alone, Nanna. I need you.


Of course, Aless. My life is yours. I'm not making the same mistake my mother did.


What... his own sister fell in love with him?


Yes... she did. But it's not all that strange, really. They had different mothers.


Hey, that reminds me. You and I are cousins, aren't we...


Yeah, that's right. Hehehe...

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I literally just started playing FE4 and my brain is melting from all the text I can't read so I'd quite frankly love for a remake to come out, and I think it'd be handled the same way Shadow Dragon was- modernized with modern FE weapons (Heal staff instead of Life or whatever, slim instead of small)

I mean obviously

But anyway i don't know if they'd nerf anything, because that would make it a little weird for people who played the original to have significantly weaker weapons that are meant to be extremely powerful, you know?

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I literally just started playing FE4 and my brain is melting from all the text I can't read so I'd quite frankly love for a remake to come out, and I think it'd be handled the same way Shadow Dragon was- modernized with modern FE weapons (Heal staff instead of Life or whatever, slim instead of small)

I mean obviously

But anyway i don't know if they'd nerf anything, because that would make it a little weird for people who played the original to have significantly weaker weapons that are meant to be extremely powerful, you know?

Wait are you playing it in Japanese? Because they have translations patches.

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I think Fire Emblem Gaiden really needs a remake because now it's the only game in the series with bad graphics in my opinion. Genealogy of the Holy War and Thracia 776 look better.

I agree with that.

A lot of idea from Gaiden were taken back from recent games, so it would be time to pay it back.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Concepts that'd work in a Thracia 776 Remake, originally posted 2/1/2013, revised 3/14/13 (revised text in bold):

-Have Leaf as a portable convoy

-Have mounted characters automatically dismount when they go into indoor terrain. If they have a captured/rescued unit they can't carry on foot, have their movement range stop before indoor terrain.

-If mounted characters wield their mounted-wieldable weapon instead of a sword when dismounted, give on-foot soldiers a statistical boost for balance (indoor fighter?)

-If Shiva is released in chapter 2x, Finn/Leif can recruit him as well as Saphy in Chapter 7

-Any house in chapter 3 will take any child. Have a pre-battle convo about the children from the villagers trapped in the Gate of Kelves to give the player a hint on what to do.

-Give overfatigued units stat penalties instead of sitting out entirely in easier modes

-Give Rogues the Pick skill

-Unit position switching in battle preparations

-Support conversations

-Remove Chapter 8x's "boss captured" requirement

-Make Lara's Dancer promotion the final promotion, make the "promotion conversation" between her and Pahn give her a "dancer promotion item". If the player doesn't see the convo in Chapter 12x, make the conversation after the chapter. Do not make her unable to class change to a Dancer if she already promoted to Rogue.

-Have Trude/Tina auto-join after 12x if Saphy/Pahn are still alive

-Give players the option to do sidequest chapters, like in FE7. Other than if you needed the experience and S Drinks there was absolutely no reason to do the pain in the ass that was chapter 14x

-Change Escape missions so that all units left behind aren't captured in easier modes, and have them captured in Normal mode

-Remove the enemy's "auto inventory steal" when they capture your units. Make them steal it on their next turn

-If there's a Geneaology remake, link it with Seisen no Keifu to have Leaf's final stats imported into any save file before Seisen's chapter 7.

-Make Healing staves unmissable. Make status effect staves able to miss

-Make status effects (except Stone, obviously) temporary in easier modes



--Multiple trading between units so that you can trade items from captured units and give them to the unit carrying them, along with possibly dropping them

--FE5's original stat/hit/dodge/critical calculations

--Leveling up movement

--Crusader scrolls

--Elite Mode


--The SNES version's soundtrack, toggle-able a la Final Fantasy IV PSP

--Thieves able to steal weapons

...and you'd pretty much have a masterpiece.

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I don't see the fatigue system from FE5 being liked at all.

This is a bit troubling since it's a pretty distinct mechanic for that game. Maybe they will remove fatigue in casual mode. Or better yet...

Refreshment Raiders

Oh no! A bunch of low-level bandits have raided Anna's tavern and are making off with her stash of Stamina Drinks!! Leif and pals must pursue the outlaws before they can escape!!

Award: Stamina Drinks

Difficulty: 1 star. Price: $2.50

10/10 would buy

there was nothing to crack down on

thank god someone else said this. I'm so sick of this incest shit everywhere. The only legit case of incest is Diadora!Arvis

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On the subject of Eltshan/Lachesis, here's a convo between Nanna and Aless in the final chapter if they're married:


Aless, take it easy out here. You still have a monumental task awaiting you.


I haven't forgotten, believe me. I've no intention of dying in this war.

I will not rest until Agustria has attained the glory my father envisioned for it.


I know you can do it, Aless. Your father would be so proud of you...


But I can't do it alone, Nanna. I need you.


Of course, Aless. My life is yours. I'm not making the same mistake my mother did.


What... his own sister fell in love with him?


Yes... she did. But it's not all that strange, really. They had different mothers.


Hey, that reminds me. You and I are cousins, aren't we...


Yeah, that's right. Hehehe...

You should probably read the thread, or at least some of the in-game text...

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-If there's a Geneaology remake, link it with Seisen no Keifu to have Leaf's final stats imported into any save file before Seisen's chapter 7.

i would have less issue with this if fe4 chapter 7 wasn't in the "middle" of fe5's plot

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You should probably read the thread, or at least some of the in-game text...

It's a possibly one sided crush, it's never implied that they actually did anything. That's not actually incest...

Sure, Sigurd says that he cares for his sister, but that's not implying a crush. Do any of you people have close siblings? I care for my sister more than almost anyone else but that doesn't mean I want to sleep with her...

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