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General Fire Emblem fanart: what is hotlink???


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Besides, Jave, I would only have a problem if ALL the art you're showing is of Lucina or some other character. If only some of it is her/other character, well, what's there to complain about? You're showing non-Lucina/other character stuff too.

But why is that such an issue to you? If a person posts nothing but art of a single character, what's the problem? It's not against forum rules, nor is it done with any mean intentions. If you want to argue variety, well, plenty of people are in this thread posting fanart, so variety is always bound to happen.

Just let people post what they want. It's what the thread is about in the end.

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I feel like [anyone] should be allowed to post "Golly gee, I feel like there's a shit ton of artwork for {Character}...I sure am getting tired of it". Ana's not insulting anyone for their opinions on Lucina, and she clearly posted a short disdain for the character and nothing more.

I think Aquakat's response was eloquently built, and Roy's response was requesting justification. Ashtar's response was borderline toxic Are you genuinely upset that Ana said she doesn't like Lucina art? and L95 I think was supporting Ana's PoV.

Nah, I just can't stand it when people whine about the fact that people do not cater to their taste. Long years of loving "barely there" characters taught me little patience with these kind of people.

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I feel like [anyone] should be allowed to post "Golly gee, I feel like there's a shit ton of artwork for {Character}...I sure am getting tired of it". Ana's not insulting anyone for their opinions on Lucina, and she clearly posted a short disdain for the character and nothing more.

I think Aquakat's response was eloquently built, and Roy's response was requesting justification. Ashtar's response was borderline toxic Are you genuinely upset that Ana said she doesn't like Lucina art? and L95 I think was supporting Ana's PoV.

Holy batman! Is that an Ike lego? That must of taken alot of time to do.

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Fine, I won't say anything more about the insane amount of Lucina art. I'll just stay out of it (for the time being, anyway).

Thank you, this is all I wanted. Let people enjoy what they want (and yes, that means that people should not complain when you enjoy fanart. In fact, if I would know of a fanart that you would like, I would post it, but alas, unfortunately I do not.)

But I can post this; a lovely compilation of different FE 7 and 8 characters


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But why is that such an issue to you? If a person posts nothing but art of a single character, what's the problem? It's not against forum rules, nor is it done with any mean intentions. If you want to argue variety, well, plenty of people are in this thread posting fanart, so variety is always bound to happen.

Because doesn't that get boring after while, seeing the same character over and over? It does for me, but I guess others don't really care.

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Meric & Marth, the original pants less one: http://www.pixiv.net/member_illust.php?mode=medium&illust_id=5347617


Medonian crew + Chiki: http://www.pixiv.net/member_illust.php?mode=medium&illust_id=9178823


Ilyana pikachu: http://www.pixiv.net/member_illust.php?mode=medium&illust_id=11717527


Posting like this cause I don't know why the first one show as broken links, though people can see them through the sources.

Edit: testing to post pics in spoilers.

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Lucina has become pretty iconic. I think that's why there is so much. Ike really irritates me, Ana. He's arrogant and overpowered in PoR. In Radiant Dawn, he looks like a steroid abuser. I am an avid weight lifter and competitive athlete, I'm well informed about anatomy and I know Ike looks ridiculous. But I'm not going to blast people for posting art of him. Can we please be respectful.

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Posting like this cause I don't know why the first one show as broken links, though people can see them through the sources.

It won't work because you're hotlinking (you could probably find somebody who could explain what that is/does better than I can... ^^;), you'd have to upload them to an image uploading site like imgur or photobucket or something for them to work.

Edited by Freohr Datia
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It won't work because you're hotlinking (you could probably find somebody who could explain what that is/does better than I can... ^^;), you'd have to upload them to an image uploading site like imgur or photobucket or something for them to work.

Well, that worked, thanks!

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Ike & Marth



Sigh, you know, I would't wan't to post anything Awakening related, but I couldn't let this one go.





One of the few good Bastian fanarts I have



And another Chiki



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The fact Ike and Mia can't support in PoR is kinda dumb. They have a unique relationship that I wish they could have fleshed out more.

She's also the only female character I could see leaving with Ike at the end of RD if they had an A-Support.

I agree, and I'm a little disappointed. :C

Oh, me too. He already throws Ragnell. Why not throw footballs too? XD



He shoots laser beams out of Ragnell. Only in FE13 do you throw it (which I am very disappointed in).

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Lucina has become pretty iconic. I think that's why there is so much. Ike really irritates me, Ana. He's arrogant and overpowered in PoR. In Radiant Dawn, he looks like a steroid abuser. I am an avid weight lifter and competitive athlete, I'm well informed about anatomy and I know Ike looks ridiculous. But I'm not going to blast people for posting art of him. Can we please be respectful.

Hey, YOU asked me what was wrong with Lucina, and I gave you an answer. I didn't ask you if you like Ike or not, so this post was not necessary. You don't see me randomly saying I dislike Roy (who I'm not fond of either, btw, although I can't say I hate him like I hate Lucina, mainly because I haven't played his game) to one of your posts. And dislike Ike all you want, but you're apparently not very informed on anatomy if you think Ike looks like he took steroids in RD. I've seen a lot of pictures of body-builder men, and plenty of them have way bigger muscles than Ike. He's borderline for me, though, so if he were the least bit more muscular, I would agree with you that he looks too muscled up.

Another thing, I never see anyone say Boyd looks like he took steroids, and he looks the same build as Ike. So why does Ike get all the flack while Boyd gets off scott-free? It's unfair. And for the record, I like both of these characters a lot.

Do you even know what the word arrogant means? It means that you hold yourself in high regard, you're very proud, etc. Ike is not like that. He doesn't hold anyone in higher regards than others. If anyone is arrogant, it's Kieran (whose arrogance is hilarious) as well as all the nobles Ike hates so much. Their arrogance is one reason he hates them, in fact, because he hates how they put everyone else beneath them.

If you dislike Ike because he's OP, you should be disliking Lucina too. She can be OP as well. Also, I'd say that RD Ike is more OP than PoR Ike.

If you don't like Ike's personality or design or whatever, fine, I really don't care. But come up with some better ways to elaborate on that. Really. I get that some people aren't into muscles or bluntness, that's perfectly fine. Ike won't appeal to everyone. But I do think that some people come up with silly reasons to dislike him all the same.

Now to go back to the topic, here's a pretty sweet pic of Jill (warning, it's really big. xP).




He shoots laser beams out of Ragnell. Only in FE13 do you throw it (which I am very disappointed in).

But Ike throws Ragnell when he does Aether too. :P

Edited by Anacybele
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Hey, YOU asked me what was wrong with Lucina, and I gave you an answer. I didn't ask you if you like Ike or not, so this post was not necessary. You don't see me randomly saying I dislike Roy (who I'm not fond of either, btw, although I can't say I hate him like I hate Lucina, mainly because I haven't played his game) to one of your posts. And dislike Ike all you want, but you're apparently not very informed on anatomy if you think Ike looks like he took steroids in RD. I've seen a lot of pictures of body-builder men, and plenty of them have way bigger muscles than Ike. He's borderline for me, though, so if he were the least bit more muscular, I would agree with you that he looks too muscled up.

Another thing, I never see anyone say Boyd looks like he took steroids, and he looks the same build as Ike. So why does Ike get all the flack while Boyd gets off scott-free? It's unfair. And for the record, I like both of these characters a lot.

Do you even know what the word arrogant means? It means that you hold yourself in high regard, you're very proud, etc. Ike is not like that. He doesn't hold anyone in higher regards than others. If anyone is arrogant, it's Kieran (whose arrogance is hilarious) as well as all the nobles Ike hates so much. Their arrogance is one reason he hates them, in fact, because he hates how they put everyone else beneath them.

If you dislike Ike because he's OP, you should be disliking Lucina too. She can be OP as well. Also, I'd say that RD Ike is more OP than PoR Ike.

I'm not going to respond to your arguments because I feel it's pointless to try to argue with you. I don't agree with Roy's way of expressing in his post, but was this reply really necessary? You took Roy's post and used it as an excuse to not only take another stab at Lucina, but at Roy too (a character you hate in such an irrational fashion considering you haven't even played his game). You're getting so defensive it's not even funny.

And on topic, here's an image I found a while back. I wish I could find the original source, but Google Reverse Search gives nothing.

[spoiler="Super Smash Bros related]zyI2sPQ.jpg

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Did I not just say that I don't hate Roy? I can't possibly hate him, I've never played his game. I know little bits about his character and about how he was in Melee. That's it. And that little bit of info is simply not appealing to me so far. Besides, from what I know, I actually like him more than Marth. But I don't hate Marth either.

As for my reply, I was simply trying to correct a few errors Roy made. He's right that Ike is OP and very muscular. I'm not arguing that and I'm aware that some people don't like these things. The other things he said I just felt were incorrect.

Anyway, lol Ike x Peach. First I've ever seen of that. I usually see Ike x Zelda, Ike x Samus, and Marth x Peach in terms of Smash Bros.

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I've only started browsing this thread recently, but if I may chime in on recent events: given the nature and point of this topic, if you don't like something, it's generally a better idea to keep it to yourself (particularly if it's not actually constructive criticism of a piece). Yeah, everyone's entitled to their own opinion, but having an opinion doesn't mean you need everyone to know about it. It's not a rule per se, but before you post, ask yourself, "Will people respond positively to this?"

I'm not going to put blame on any one person - especially since there was more than one person posting out of line - so just remember this.

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Not sure if it's just me or not, but all of those pictures appeared 'broken' to me.

I feel like [anyone] should be allowed to post "Golly gee, I feel like there's a shit ton of artwork for {Character}...I sure am getting tired of it". Ana's not insulting anyone for their opinions on Lucina, and she clearly posted a short disdain for the character and nothing more.

I think Aquakat's response was eloquently built, and Roy's response was requesting justification. Ashtar's response was borderline toxic Are you genuinely upset that Ana said she doesn't like Lucina art? and L95 I think was supporting Ana's PoV.

Wait, what response? (I haven't been here since yesterday, what all did I miss?)

http://www.pixiv.net/member_illust.php?mode=medium&illust_id=47851919ahs this been posted? It's Olivia teaching the Gen2 kids dancing.

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Nah, I just can't stand it when people whine about the fact that people do not cater to their taste. Long years of loving "barely there" characters taught me little patience with these kind of people.

Tru dat. Being a Sakura fan on Beast's Lair was difficult for a time. Almost everyone only talked about Saber (it's almost eerie how similar Saber and Lucina are as characters) and I decided I hated Saber for that. Then I got over it.

I'm writing about it in my upcoming book: Dr. Geek. Or How I Learned to Stop Being Such a Hipster and Love the Seibah.

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